Spring boot REST API best way to choose in client side which field to load - spring-boot

Hi I have implemented a mock solution to my problem and I'm pretty sure something better already exist.
Here's that I want to achieve :
I have created a point to load categories with or without subCategories
My entities
class Category{
private String id;
private String name;
private Set<SubCategory> subCategories;
class SubCategory{
private String id;
private String name;
I have removed services since this is not the point.
I've created CategoryDTO and SubCategoryDTO classes with the same fields as Category and SubCategory
The converter
class CategoryDTOConverter{
CategoryDTO convert(Category category,String fields){
CategoryDTO dto=new CategoryDTO();
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(fields) && fields.contains("subCategories"){
I used com.cosium.spring.data.jpa.entity.graph.repository to create an EntityGraph from a list of attribute path
interface CategoryRepository extends EntityGraphJpaRepository<Category, String>{
Optional<T> findById(String id,EntityGraph entityGraph);
public class CategoryController {
#GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<CategoryDTO> get(#PathVariable("id") String id, #RequestParam(value="fields",required=false) String fields ) throws Exception {
Optional<Category> categOpt=repository.findById(id,fields!=null?EntityGraphUtils.fromAttributePaths(fields):null);
throws new NotFoundException();
return ResponseEntity.ok(categoryDTOConverter.convert(categOpt.get(),fields);
This is a simple example to illustrate what I need to do
I don't want to load fields that clients doesn't want to use
How could I do this in a better way ?

Take a look at GraphQL since it is a perfect match for your use case. With GraphQL it is the client that decides which attributes it wants to receive by providing in the POST request body exactly which attributes are needed to be included in the response. This is way more manageable than trying to handle all this on your own.
Spring Boot recently added its own Spring GraphQL library, so it is quite simple to integrate it in your Spring Boot app.


Best approach to create different JSON response from same Entity

I have an entity class User with 20 fields, some of them being confidential fields. I have a controller class, which has a method getUser to fetch all the user from DB and send the JSON respone. Below is the sample code for the same:
public UserDT getUsers( Model theModel) {
List<User> userList;
userList = userService.findAll();
return userList;
When I run the above code, it returns all the fields from User table/User Entity Class. Instead of sending all the fields, I would like to send selected fields say Field1 to Field5 only.
Ultimate goal is to have multiple views for the same Entity Class. For URL1 I would like to show only field1 to field5 of User table, But for URL2 I would like to show Field9 , Filed15, Field20.
Do I need to create multiple Entity Class for each URL? Please guide me with the best practice to be followed in such scenario.
Assuming you are using Spring Data JPA, use projections.
So create different projections for your different URLs write a method that returns the projection (or a dynamic one as in the documentation).
public interface NamesOnlyProjection {
String getFirstName();
String getLastName();
public interface UserinfoProjection {
String getUsername();
String getPassword();
String getDepartment();
Then in your repository do something like this
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> {
<T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> type);
Then you can do something like this in your controller/service
public class PersonController {
private final PersonRepository persons;
public List<NamesOnlyProjection> allNames() {
return persons.findAll(NamesOnlyProjection.class);
public List<UserinfoProjection> allNames() {
return persons.findAll(UserinfoProjection.class);

Spring data mongo - unique random generated field

I'm using spring data mongo. I have a collection within a document that when I add an item to it I would like to assign a new automatically generated unique identifier to it e.g. (someGeneratedId)
#Document(collection = "questionnaire")
public class Questionnaire {
private String id;
private List<Answer> answers;
public class Answer {
private String someGeneratedId;
private String text;
I am aware I could use UUID.randomUUID() (wrapped in some kind of service) and set the value, I was just wondering if there was anything out of the box that can handle this? From here #Id seems to be specific to _id field in mongo:
The #Id annotation tells the mapper which property you want to use for
the MongoDB _id property
No there is no out of the box solution for generating ids for properties on embedded documents.
If you want to keep this away from your business-logic you could implement a BeforeConvertCallback which generates the id's for your embedded objects.
class BeforeConvertQuestionnaireCallback implements BeforeConvertCallback<Questionnaire> {
public Questionnaire onBeforeConvert(#NonNull Questionnaire entity, #NonNull String collection) {
for (var answer : entity.getAnswers()) {
if (answer.getId() == null) {
answer.setId(new ObjectId().toString());
return entity;
You could also implement this in a more generic manner:
Create a new annotation: #AutogeneratedId.
Then listen to all BeforeConvertCallback's of all entities and iterate through the properties with reflection. Each property annotated with the new annotation gets a unique id if null.

Why I receive 404 error use Spring MVC framework?

When I send request http://localhost:8080/pets My server response 404!
The code on github: https://github.com/Teemitze/petstore
I build war file. Version spring 2.2.6.RELEASE
public class PetsController {
PetRepository petRepository;
public void addPet(Pet pet) {
public String pets(Model model) {
List<Pet> petList = new ArrayList<>();
model.addAttribute("pets", petList);
return "allPets";
public Pet getPet() {
Pet pet = new Pet();
return pet;
I checked out your code and found a few issues.
1) Package structure
Move controller, dto, repo packages to the main package (com.petstore)
Since the main application is inside the (com.petstore) package and the controller is outside the package, so it fails to scan the class.
2) Use annotation #Entity for the Pet entity class with #Id for the id property
3) Remove #ModelAttribute from pets() method since you are not binding any method parameter.
After this, I see the /pets
SpringBoot project requires define some configuration conventions that need to be follow in order to start a minimum application.
Some points you have to consider when you want to start a spring boot application.
For example:
Your SpringBootApplication(PetstoreApplication) class should be in the directory level above your other packages so that it can scan all classes.
If you want to use SpringData JPA you have to manage your model class
public class Pet {
private long id;
private String name;
private String sex;
private Date birthday;
private byte[] photo;
private int price;
because it is handled by respository
public interface PetRepository extends CrudRepository<Pet, Long>
Need minimum configuration for Thymeleaf https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/3.0/thymeleafspring.html
You are making a GET request for a resource "/pets" so no need #ModelAttribute in get mapping method
public String allPets(Model model) {
Make sure your html files is under resources/templates directory.
Check out the reference docs
spring mvc
spring data jpa

Spring Data Jpa custom repository no property found

I'm trying to create a repository that has a method which doesn't fit the usual JpaRepository with #Query annotations.
I've created a custom repository interface:
public interface CustomVoteRepository {
List<VoteCountResult> countVotesForSession();
And the implementation:
public class CustomVoteRepositoryImp implements CustomVoteRepository {
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public CustomVoteRepositoryImp(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
public List<VoteCountResult> countVotesForSession() {
return jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT video_id, COUNT(votes.id) FROM votes WHERE session_id=2 GROUP BY video_id",
new CustomRowMapper());
However, this gives me this error:
No property countVotesForSession found for type Vote!
I don't understand why it's trying to map a property on the Vote class. I understand it does this for the "auto-generated" method names, but this is supposed to be a custom one.
I've come across this article: https://www.mkyong.com/spring-data/spring-data-add-custom-method-to-repository/ which explains what I'm doing, and yet it's trying to map a property of the model for a custom repository.
I'm sure I missed something stupid.
Here's the VoteCountResult dto:
public class VoteCountResult {
private String count;
private String title;
private String url;
What if you change your custom method name to votesForSessionCount ? I think this way you won't face with method name conflict.

Customize endpoints with Spring Data REST

I've a project with Spring Boot 1.5.7, Spring Data REST, Hibernate, Spring JPA, Swagger2.
I've two beans like these:
public class TicketBundle extends AbstractEntity {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 404514926837058071L;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<>();
public class Note extends AbstractEntity {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5062313842902549565L;
private String text;
I'm exposing my methods via Repository:
#RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = TicketBundleProjection.class)
public interface TicketBundleRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<TicketBundle, Long> {
so in swagger I see the endpoint in which I'm interested that is needed to load the collection of notes from a specific ticket bundle:
Now, I want to override the default GET /api/v1/ticketBundles/{id}/notes and replace that with my custom method I put in TicketBundleRepository:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
#RestResource(rel = "ticketBundleNotes", path = "/ticketBundles/{id}/notes")
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/ticketBundles/{id}/notes")
#Query("SELECT n FROM TicketBundle tb JOIN tb.notes n WHERE tb.id=:id ORDER BY n.createdDate DESC,n.id DESC")
public Page<Note> getNotes(#Param("id") long id, Pageable pageable);
It's very convenient create the query in this way because I need to use Pageable and return a Page. Unfortunately I've two problems at this point.
First problem
The method is mapped on the endpoint /api/v1/ticketBundles/search/ticketBundles/{id}/notes instad of /api/v1/ticketBundles/ticketBundles/{id}/notes
Second problem
When I call the method from swagger I receive an HTTP 404:
The request seems wrong. Seems the path variable is not understood:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/ticketBundles/search/ticketBundles/{id}/notes?id=1'
This is the response from the server:
"timestamp": "2017-10-05T14:00:35.563+0000",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "No message available",
"path": "/api/v1/ticketBundles/search/ticketBundles/%7Bid%7D/notes"
without any error on the server side.
Is there a way to override the endpoint GET/api/v1/ticketBundles/{id}/notes exposing it through Repository without using a custom controller (using that I would loose the facilities to manage the Pageable)?
Furthermore, what am I doing wrong to get a HTTP 404 in the call I shown above?
I believe you are using incorrect annotations. You would need to annotate your class with #RestController and use #PathVariable on your method instead of #Param. Here is a working sample, you may want to tailor it according to your needs.
public interface PersonRepository extends org.springframework.data.repository.PagingAndSortingRepository<Person, Long> {
#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping(path = "/people/{id}")
Person findById(#org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable("id") Long id);
