Apollo Query with Variable - graphql

Just a basic apollo query request
query: gql`
User(okta: $okta){
}).then(result => {
this.setState({userid: result.data.User});
}).catch(error => {
this.setState({error: <Alert color="danger">Error</Alert>});
The question is, how/where to set the $okta variable.
Didn't find a solution on Stackoverflow or Google - would be great if someone could help me:)

It should be something like this:
const query = gql`
query User($okta: String) {
User(okta: $okta){
query: query,
variables: {
okta: 'some string'
The documentation for Apollo client with all the details can be found here: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/apollo-client.html#ApolloClient.query


How to read GrqphQL resolver

While I try to learn GraphQL-Tools.I found this article.In this article,example resolvers are described as follows.
const resolvers = {
Query: {
posts: () => posts,
author: (_, { id }) => find(authors, { id })
Mutation: {
upvotePost: (_, { postId }) => {
const post = find(posts, { id: postId })
if (!post) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find post with id ${postId}`)
post.votes += 1
return post
Author: {
posts: author => filter(posts, { authorId: author.id })
Post: {
author: post => find(authors, { id: post.authorId })
I understood that Queryand MutationandSubscriptionis main function of Graphql resolvers.
My question is what is Author,Post in this resolver ?
I can understand QueryandMutationsection of this resolver. but how to think about Authorand Post?
It seems that it defined functions.
That is Trival Resolver
Until Graphql has a completely understandable return value.
Graphql goes on to the next search with the returned type.
Those functions [Author, Post] tell to Graphql how to find the object's value.
For exameple if "PostFindById" reoslver promised to graphql that will return "author" field But instead it return "Post" Graphql will excute Trival Rsolver to find value of author field with given "Post".
So it will execute this resolver with given 'post'
Post: {
author: post => find(authors, { id: post.authorId })

How do I query my API for a single entity by its "slug" with GraphQL?

I am creating a Next.js blog that uses an API created with KeystoneJS. I am extremely confused by how I can get an individual post on a dynamic route from the post's slug.
The Query
This is how I thought the query should be:
query Post($slug: String) {
Post(where: { slug: $slug }) {
And this was queried like so in a file called post.service.js:
export async function getBySlug(slug) {
return apolloClient
query: gql`
query Post($slug: String) {
Post(where: { slug: $slug }) {
.then((result) => {
return result.data.Post;
Unsurprisingly, that causes an ApolloError because how would the query know what slug to query the API for when accessing posts/[slug].js?
It's also worth noting that KeystoneJS say on their guides that:
The single entity query accepts a where parameter which must provide an id.
How would I pass the post's ID to the query depending on what slug was accessed at [slug].js and does this mean I can't query by the slug at all?
On [slug].js I am using getStaticPaths() and getStaticProps() like this:
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const posts = await getAll();
const paths = posts.map((post) => ({
params: { slug: post.slug },
return { paths, fallback: false };
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const term = await getBySlug(params.slug);
return { props: { post } };
How can I do this?
If you're using a where clause rather than matching on id, you have to query allPosts rather than Post.
A tested example, matching a user by their email address:
query($email: String!) {
allUsers(where : {email: $email}){
"email": "user#email.com"
So I think you want:
query($slug: String!) {
allPosts(where: {slug: $slug}) {

Apollo client useQuery not updating data after useMutation

Using this mutation:
import produce from 'immer
const [createItem] = useMutation(CREATE_ITEM, {
update (client, { data: { createItem } }) {
const queryResults = client.readQuery({
variables: { orderDepth: 1 }
variables: { orderDepth: 1 },
data: produce(queryResults, draft => {
I am unable to get
const { loading, data, refetch } = useQuery(GET_LATEST_ORDER, {
variables: { orderDepth: 1 }
to show updated data after the mutation.
The apollo cache is updated correctly. But data on the useQuery does not change.
The issue ended up being the returned object from the mutation was not exactly the same. It was missing an #client field.
While obvious in hindsight no where I searched described this as a reason except for a comment I saw mentioning perhaps missing the __typename.
This would have been obvious had apollo thrown an error. However, no error was thrown, nor existed on the useQuery.

Query variables not being passed down from vue component in apollo

I have a simple query which takes in an ID parameter, but it is not working. It says "TypeError: Cannot read property 'taskId' of undefined" . So I think it does not recognize the 'this' keyword for some reason.
Please take a look:
Apollo query from frontend component:
getCommentsByTask: {
variables: {
taskId: this.taskId
result({ data }) {
this.getComments = data;
console.log("data", data);
Defined the query in frontend:
query GET_COMMENTS_BY_TASK($taskId: ID!) {
getCommentsByTask(taskId: $taskId) {
Resolver in server:
async getCommentsByTask (_, {taskId}, context) {
const userId = getUserId(context)
const user = await User.findById(userId)
if (!user) return
const comments = await Comment.findById(taskId)
return comments
type Query {
getCommentsByTask(taskId: ID!): [Comment]
Assuming that's a smart query, variables should be a (regular, non-arrow) function if you need access to this.

Error writing result to store for query. Cannot read property 'query' of undefined

I'm getting an error when writing a query to store after a mutation. The mutation works and i'm able to read the query post mutation. When i write the same query to the store cache i get the following Error:
index.js:2178 Error: Error writing result to store for query:
query ($applicationId: Int) {
vApplicationApprovalChainList(ApplicationId: $applicationId) {
Cannot read property 'vApplicationApprovalChainList' of undefined
at writeToStore.js:101
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at writeSelectionSetToStore (writeToStore.js:97)
at writeResultToStore (writeToStore.js:75)
at InMemoryCache../node_modules/apollo-cache-inmemory/lib/inMemoryCache.js.InMemoryCache.write (inMemoryCache.js:99)
Here is my code.. the mutation and store.readQuery works but the store.writeQuery gives above error. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
query ($applicationId:Int){
handleClick() {
const { row, mutate} = this.props;
variables: {
id: row.id
update: (store, { data: { deleteApprover } }) => {
const newdata = store.readQuery({
variables: { applicationId: row.applicationId }
newdata.vApplicationApprovalChainList = newdata.vApplicationApprovalChainList.filter(approver => approver.id !== deleteApprover.id);
query: APPROVERSLIST_QUERY, newdata });
You're not passing in the new data to writeQuery. The object passed to writeQuery must have a property named data containing the new data. Additionally, since your query contains variables, you will need to include that information as well.
data: newdata,
variables: {
applicationId: row.applicationId,
Please see the official docs for more examples and a more thorough explanation of the two methods.
