Apollo client useQuery not updating data after useMutation - graphql

Using this mutation:
import produce from 'immer
const [createItem] = useMutation(CREATE_ITEM, {
update (client, { data: { createItem } }) {
const queryResults = client.readQuery({
variables: { orderDepth: 1 }
variables: { orderDepth: 1 },
data: produce(queryResults, draft => {
I am unable to get
const { loading, data, refetch } = useQuery(GET_LATEST_ORDER, {
variables: { orderDepth: 1 }
to show updated data after the mutation.
The apollo cache is updated correctly. But data on the useQuery does not change.

The issue ended up being the returned object from the mutation was not exactly the same. It was missing an #client field.
While obvious in hindsight no where I searched described this as a reason except for a comment I saw mentioning perhaps missing the __typename.
This would have been obvious had apollo thrown an error. However, no error was thrown, nor existed on the useQuery.


Invariant Violation: Expecting a parsed GraphQL document

I'm getting the following error despite the mutation being wrapped in the gql tag:
Invariant Violation: Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a "gql" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql
This issue is only caused by the mutation code below, I have a query that works.
import gql from 'graphql-tag'
export default {
apollo: {
createTask: {
mutation: gql`
mutation Task(
$taskName: String!
$taskDesc: String!
) {
taskName: $taskName
taskDesc: $taskDesc
) {
variables() {
return {
taskName: this.res.data.task_name,
taskDesc: this.res.data.task_description,
data() {
return {
createTask: '',
Smart queries are declared using the apollo object and are ran when the component mounts. If you have queries that you'd like to run this way, then your code would look something like this:
export default {
apollo: {
someQuery: gql`...`,
However, when working with mutations, you generally don't want to run them on mount. Instead, you want to execute the mutation in response to some user action, like a button click. So the above syntax won't work for mutations. Instead, you need to call this.$apollo.mutate directly inside one of your methods:
export default {
methods: {
createTask() {
mutation: gql`...`,
variables: {...},
// other options
}).then(result => {
// do something with the result
I had this problem recently and it was because of an issue with an async import
I am using vue-apollo
async account () {
return {
query: (await import('src/modules/accounts/graphql/accounts.list.query.gql')),
I just had to replace that import with a require and it was happy again.
async account () {
return {
query: require('src/modules/accounts/graphql/accounts.list.query.gql'),

How can I use Apollo's cacheRedirect with a nested query

I've got a query that looks like this:
export const GET_PROJECT = gql`
query GetProject($id: String!) {
homework {
getProject(id: $id) {
My InMemoryCache looks like this:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
dataIdFromObject: ({ id }) => id,
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
getProject: (_, args, obj) => {
console.log('Hello world');
The above cache redirect is never hit. However, if I modify it to look like:
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
dataIdFromObject: ({ id }) => id,
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
homework: (_, args, obj) => {
console.log('Hello world');
It does get hit, however I don't have any of the arguments that are passed in the nested getProject query. What's also confusing is that this cache redirect function is hit for queries that it seemingly shouldn't get hit for, like:
export const SESSION = gql`
query Session {
session {
user {
organizations {
So what is going on? I've resorted to just using readFragment in the places where I want the cache to redirect, but I'd like for that logic to become centralized.
It's hard to say for sure with these kinds of issues, but I'm betting that, since you say
What's also confusing is that this cache redirect function is hit for queries that it seemingly shouldn't get hit for
the issue might be with your dataIdFromObject function.
This function is ultimately what decides if data is read from the cache or not. You should only override this if you have a very specific reason to. For example:
import { InMemoryCache, defaultDataIdFromObject } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
// ...
export default new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache({
dataIdFromObject(object) {
switch (object.__typename) {
case 'ModifierScale':
case 'ModifierGroup':
return [
.map((defaultModifier) => defaultModifier.id)
return defaultDataIdFromObject(object); // fall back to default handling
The point of this setting is to allow you to customize the key that gets put into the cache when you are loading the data.
If this doesn't solve your issue, I would definitely go into the Apollo tab in the chrome dev tools (you need the Apollo dev tools chrome extension to do this) and look at the cache section. It should show you the data in the cache and the key that the data is stored in.

Apollo useQuery() - "refetch" is ignored if the response is the same

I am trying to use Apollo-client to pull my users info and stuck with this problem:
I have this Container component responsible for pulling the user's data (not authentication) once it is rendered. User may be logged in or not, the query returns either viewer = null or viewer = {...usersProps}.
Container makes the request const { data, refetch } = useQuery<Viewer>(VIEWER);, successfully receives the response and saves it in the data property that I use to read .viewer from and set it as my current user.
Then the user can log-out, once they do that I clear the Container's user property setUser(undefined) (not showed in the code below, not important).
The problem occurred when I try to re-login: Call of refetch triggers the graphql http request but since it returns the same data that was returned during the previous initial login - useQuery() ignores it and does not update data. Well, technically there could not be an update, the data is the same. So my code setUser(viewer); does not getting executed for second time and user stucks on the login page.
const { data, refetch } = useQuery<Viewer>(VIEWER);
const viewer = data && data.viewer;
useEffect(() => {
if (viewer) {
}, [ viewer ]);
That query with the same response ignore almost makes sense, so I tried different approach, with callbacks:
const { refetch } = useQuery<Viewer>(VIEWER, {
onCompleted: data => {
if (data.viewer) {
Here I would totally expect Apollo to call the onCompleted callback, with the same data or not... but it does not do that. So I am kinda stuck with this - how do I make Apollo to react on my query's refetch so I could re-populate user in my Container's state?
This is a scenario where apollo's caches come handy.
import { resolvers, typeDefs } from './resolvers';
let cache = new InMemoryCache()
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: new HttpLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
headers: {
authorization: localStorage.getItem('token'),
data: {
isLoggedIn: !!localStorage.getItem('token'),
cartItems: [],
const IS_LOGGED_IN = gql`
query IsUserLoggedIn {
isLoggedIn #client
function IsLoggedIn() {
const { data } = useQuery(IS_LOGGED_IN);
return data.isLoggedIn ? <Pages /> : <Login />;
function Login() {
const { data, refetch } = useQuery(LOGIN_QUERY);
let viewer = data && data.viewer
if (viewer){
// rest of the stuff
onLogout={() => {
client.writeData({ data: { isLoggedIn: false } });
For more information regarding management of local state. Check this out.
Hope this helps!

Using graphql-tools to mock a GraphQL server seems broken

I've followed the documentation about using graphql-tools to mock a GraphQL server, however this throws an error for custom types, such as:
Expected a value of type "JSON" but received: [object Object]
The graphql-tools documentation about mocking explicitly states that they support custom types, and even provide an example of using the GraphQLJSON custom type from the graphql-type-json project.
I've provided a demo of a solution on github which uses graphql-tools to successfully mock a GraphQL server, but this relies on monkey-patching the built schema:
// Here we Monkey-patch the schema, as otherwise it will fall back
// to the default serialize which simply returns null.
schema._typeMap.JSON._scalarConfig.serialize = () => {
return { result: 'mocking JSON monkey-patched' }
schema._typeMap.MyCustomScalar._scalarConfig.serialize = () => {
return mocks.MyCustomScalar()
Possibly I'm doing something wrong in my demo, but without the monkey-patched code above I get the error regarding custom types mentioned above.
Does anyone have a better solution than my demo, or any clues as to what I might be doing wrong, and how I can change the code so that the demo works without monkey-patching the schema?
The relevant code in the demo index.js is as follows:
** As per:
** http://dev.apollodata.com/tools/graphql-tools/mocking.html
** Note that there are references on the web to graphql-tools.mockServer,
** but these seem to be out of date.
const { graphql, GraphQLScalarType } = require('graphql');
const { makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema } = require('graphql-tools');
const GraphQLJSON = require('graphql-type-json');
const myCustomScalarType = new GraphQLScalarType({
name: 'MyCustomScalar',
description: 'Description of my custom scalar type',
serialize(value) {
let result;
// Implement your own behavior here by setting the 'result' variable
result = value || "I am the results of myCustomScalarType.serialize";
return result;
parseValue(value) {
let result;
// Implement your own behavior here by setting the 'result' variable
result = value || "I am the results of myCustomScalarType.parseValue";
return result;
parseLiteral(ast) {
switch (ast.kind) {
// Implement your own behavior here by returning what suits your needs
// depending on ast.kind
const schemaString = `
scalar MyCustomScalar
scalar JSON
type Foo {
aField: MyCustomScalar
bField: JSON
cField: String
type Query {
foo: Foo
const resolverFunctions = {
Query: {
foo: {
aField: () => {
return 'I am the result of resolverFunctions.Query.foo.aField'
bField: () => ({ result: 'of resolverFunctions.Query.foo.bField' }),
cField: () => {
return 'I am the result of resolverFunctions.Query.foo.cField'
const mocks = {
Foo: () => ({
// aField: () => mocks.MyCustomScalar(),
// bField: () => ({ result: 'of mocks.foo.bField' }),
cField: () => {
return 'I am the result of mocks.foo.cField'
cField: () => {
return 'mocking cField'
MyCustomScalar: () => {
return 'mocking MyCustomScalar'
JSON: () => {
return { result: 'mocking JSON'}
const query = `
foo {
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: schemaString,
resolvers: resolverFunctions
// Here we Monkey-patch the schema, as otherwise it will fall back
// to the default serialize which simply returns null.
schema._typeMap.JSON._scalarConfig.serialize = () => {
return { result: 'mocking JSON monkey-patched' }
schema._typeMap.MyCustomScalar._scalarConfig.serialize = () => {
return mocks.MyCustomScalar()
graphql(schema, query).then((result) => console.log('Got result', JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)));
I and a few others are seeing a similar issue with live data sources (in my case MongoDB/Mongoose). I suspect it is something internal to the graphql-tools makeExecutableSchema and the way it ingests text-based schemas with custom types.
Here's another post on the issue: How to use graphql-type-json package with GraphQl
I haven't tried the suggestion to build the schema in code, so can't confirm whether it works or not.
My current workaround is to stringify the JSON fields (in the connector) when serving them to the client (and parsing on the client side) and vice-versa. A little clunky but I'm not really using GraphQL to query and/or selectively extract the properties within the JSON object. This wouldn't be optimal for large JSON objects I suspect.
If anyone else comes here from Google results, the solution for me was to add the JSON resolver as parameter to the makeExecutableSchema call. It's described here:
That made the mocking work for me.

Apollo GraphQL: Lazy loading data after SSR

I have the following code:
const HomeWithApollo = withApollo(compose(
graphql(HOME_QUERY, {
data: { loading, page, fetchMore }
}) {
return {
fetchLocations: () => {
return fetchMore({
updateQuery: (prev, {fetchMoreResult}) => {
if (!fetchMoreResult.data) { return prev; }
return {
data: [...prev, ...fetchMoreResult.data]
Before migrating to Apollo I loaded the ALL_LOCATIONS_QUERY as an isomorphic fetch client-side (basically an AJAX request). But I'm looking for the Apollo way and I'm not sure if I have it yet. I have a few questions.
Using graphql(QUERY_NAME, { options }), since I'm loading Home data and Locations data completely separately, should they be placed in separate, multiple graphql functions within the withApollo(compose([...here]) Higher Order Component?
Currently to get data from the fetchMore function I am doing the following, but something tells me that it should be done within state so Apollo is aware of it for caching. Any thoughts on this? Am I moving in the right direction?
async componentDidMount(){
const { data } = await this.props.fetchLocations();
this.setState({ locations: data.allLocations });
Thank you very much in advance!
