Spring hateoas with complete Restful service spec - hateoas

Along with link in hateoas, How can we pass the request spec like whether attribute is required, format, possible domain values?

I found an article about enabling Swagger. #EnableSwagger2. That is the way for documenting the Restful services.


How will swagger work with spring boot if there is no rest controller, no request mapping annotation?

In my service there are only POJOs present but I don't need any controller to send them from any API, I just want to make a swagger documentation but they say there is no way to make swagger without the rest controller. Is there any way?
Generally swagger is used for documenting REST api but still you tweak it. Hope you are looking to generate schema/ dtos

Custom Spring Actuator Endpoint which has subsystem and can be added dynamically

I'm looking for a way to implement custom endpoints for a reactive application using Spring Boot 2.2.
The endpoints have some subsystems and perform specific resource operations on the subsystems. The URL paths look like:
Furthermore, system1 and system2 are not both always deployed, so I'd like to add dynamically the endpoints of the deployed system only.
I know I can use ReactiveHealthContributorRegistry to add custom health check endpoints dynamically. Is there a similar way for a fully custom endpoint?
Thanks in advance.
It seems there is no way to construct such complex endpoints like what I asked in Spring Boot Actuator.
I finally decided to use RouterFunction and HandlerFunction referring to the following websites.

how to make spring mvc functions available for rest calls

I have a spring mvc application which runs correctly,now another colleague wants to call the same functions from another application but he needs REST URL of my functions.
how is it possible to provide the same functionality through spring REST?
is it just with new annotations .please provide some resource to show me how to do it.
when server has a service, only legal clients which had any contracts with server can access it. And clients can use service by the way such as: use RestTemplate to get/post request to URL of service, and clients can get data as JSON, or XML type if you have an equivalent object as this image:
Also, a service can be support as a interface, ex: google search is a service supported by google, but it's not rest service.
If you know each other URL address you can consume each other REST API from java code by using RestTemplate object.
I would advise you to go over the Spring starter guide which deals with that issue, here is the link (Consuming a RESTful Web Service):

Can spring boot generate rest api document as the error page?

Is there a way that make Spring generate documents of all my rest APIs automatically and set it as the error page?
Spring REST Docs is the tool to help you to produce documentation for your RESTful services that is accurate and readable.
An alternative is swagger, with the swagger annotion, it is eaiser to integrate with existing RESTful services and generated the swagger UI page.
Then customize the spring boot error page

Tool to report rest interfaces

We have a web application using Jersey and Spring's rest template. Does anyone know of a tool that can scan a code base and produce a report that lists all exposed endpoints and also internal references to those endpoints?
You may also take a look at Swagger, a framework for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.
Swagger supports multiple REST frameworks and also JAX-RS based on Jersey.
From their GitHub Wiki:
The Swagger framework simultaneously addresses server, client, and documentation/sandbox needs for REST APIs. As a specification, it is language-agnostic. It also provides a long runway into new technologies and protocols beyond HTTP.
With Swagger's declarative resource specification, clients can understand and consume services without knowledge of server implementation or access to the server code. The Swagger UI framework allows both developers and non-developers to interact with the API in a sandbox UI that gives clear insight into how the API responds to parameters and options. Swagger happily speaks both JSON and XML, with additional formats in the works.
Jersey can provide a WADL report at the /application.wadl URI. It doesn't document complex types but at least gives you a list of endpoints.
See https://wikis.oracle.com/display/Jersey/WADL
