Why it is possible to show a base64 encoded PNG with an "image/jpeg" data URL? - image

Here's as an example of a base64 encoded PNG data URL (using "image/png" data type, of course):
I noticed that (in Firefox and Chrome) things work even if data type is set to "image/jpeg" (and leaving all the rest untouched) like this:
But... Why?

They're both using the image handling subsystem, which ignores the mime type and just goes with the actual format of the image.
Specifically, most browsers will translate the viewing of an image into the viewing of an HTML webpage with an <img> tag in them. Since servers lie and browsers are supposed to be able to show even badly-configured websites, the part of the browser that deals with images will in most cases completely ignore any extensions or MIME types. There was no point programming in an exception for data: URIs.


Part of Image Missing From Data URL

Backstory to the below issue:
I'm using the jQuery plugin Cropit to produce an image which I get in data URL form (the user uploads an image and Cropit allows them to manipulate it, when the user is happy, Cropit exports the final image).
This data URL is attached to the product (this is a Shopify website) via Shopify properties (in a similar way you would attach text for an engraved product) and then when the order is created, I have an app listening for new orders and I pull the data URL from the order.
From testing, I can confirm that the data URL is wrong / corrupted / broken at the time the order is placed and not being broken in transit.
Original Question
I have a bit of a weird situation and I can't find any similar situations online.
I'm being sent an image in data URL format (from Shopify if it's relevant, I have written a private app and their webhook is sending me an image)
The image is in a data URL format that starts with, as an example,
The problem I am having is sometimes (and it's maybe less than 10% of the time) when I get the image and try to print it, it's missing the bottom chunk of the image. In a PDF, it considers the image corrupt, and in a web browser, it just sees the bottom of the image as transparent, however much is missing.
This is what it looks like in Inspect Element on Google Chrome when you hover over the image URL (image has been purpled out for anonymity)
My question is, does anyone know why?
We can't find a correlation with browser or device type. And I'm not sure if it's because part of the data URL is somehow missing (maybe a character limit, because it's a really long string!) or if it's the type of image. Might possibly be something going wrong in the upload process?
Is anyone able to shed any light? It's such a weird issue I'm not even sure what to google!
And just to confirm, the image absolutely has to be sent in this format for a whole series of reasons, mainly Shopify restrictions so I can't send the image in file format.

Liquid Pixels check source image mime type

unfortunately, I cannot tag this post with the correct "technology" because it does not exist and i dont have 1500 reputation to create it.
We are using a cloud service called "Liquid Pixels" to render some stuff on our images.
Lets say we have an image chain that is currently rendering a ribbon on the given JPEG image. This chain is working fine.
Then I adapted the chain to work with animated gif images, therefore I changed the sink format to gif (sink=format[gif]). That was working fine as well.
Now I want to combine the two cases in one chain, because the only difference is the sink command. The plan is to check the MIME type of the source image and then either render a gif or a jpg image.
I rendered the image as xml to view the metadata map.
I thought i can do it like this.
sink=format[gif],if[('testImage.format' eq 'GIF')]
sink=format[jpg],if[('testImage.format' ne 'GIF’)]
But for some reason I cannot access the format attribute. I am used to grab some parameters like “testImage.width” or “testImage.height”, but for some reason i cannot access the format=“GIF” property. I guess that has happens because the width and height are on a different hierarchy level in the metadata map.
I hope you guys can help me.
The image does not actually have a "format" during the render. Only a file has a format. During processing the image is simply on memory as either raster or vector data; it is only when you sink that it becomes a file in whatever format. Also, LiquiFire OS uses the image data to determine the original format when acquiring an image from a source, never the image name itself.
If you need operations in your LiquiFire Image Chain to react to the source image URL, you can test the last part of the image name by applying a regular expression to see if it is either .GIF or .gif. An example of how that can be done:
sink=format[gif],if[('global.isGif' eq 'yes')]
sink=format[jpg],if[('global.isGif' eq 'no’)]

Why would I need image placeholder service or library?

Yesterday, I saw a tweet saying about holderJS library. When I read the usage, it says it will generate the image placeholder completely on client side. So I am wondering why in the life would I need a placeholder library?
What is the scenario in which rather than placing div of some size I would use image placeholder?
Image placeholders are generally meant for a page that is either in the process of dynamically loading a real image or the page is only partially designed and the placeholder image shows how the design will be laid out and how big the image should be even though the real image is not yet available. In this way, the HTML design can be nearly completed even though the final images are not yet available or done.
Wikipedia uses image placeholders when they know they want a particular image in a page, but are in search of an image they can use with the appropriate license.
Image placeholders are traditionally served up by a service on the web that automatically creates the placeholder images based on query parameters in a URL, but the holder.js library creates placeholder images entirely on the client (so no outside services are needed).
You can certainly achieve the same look as a placeholder with just a div with a background color and perhaps even some text in the div. But, when someone wanted to plug the final images into place, they would have the change the div tags to img tags. When using a placeholder image, all the HTML tags can be final and left as they are, only the .src values need to be plugged in to finish the design. So, placeholder images allow you to have a closer to complete version of the HTML even though the images are not yet done. It's a minor different, but one that is appreciated by some designers.

Convert binary data from URL to an image file

I read several articles on StackOverflow, but none of them seems to work in my case so here is the situation.
I have a webpage that is not under my control. It contains an image that is referenced in the markup as something like <img src="getimage.asp?pic=4c54aae0ea..." />. Given the URL of that image, I would like to download it, save it to disk and do something with it.
When I enter the URL directly in my browser I get a binary stream. This is the first load of characters.
ÿØÿàJFIFHHÿþLEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01ÿÛ„ÿÄ¢ }!1AQa"q2‘¡#B±ÁRÑð$3br‚ %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚáâãäåæçèéêñòóôõö÷øùúw!1AQaq"2B‘¡±Á #
How do I convert that data to an image using e.g. C# or any other language. Since I do not control the page I have no idea of how the data is encoded - so can I still decode it?
As can be seen from the first couple of characters, the string "LEAD Technologies Inc." is included in the data so I guess its not all image data. But at least, Chrome obviously knows how to decode it. A quick Google check reveals that "LEAD technologies" is an imaging SDK, but their website doesn't seem to offer much information about it's use and Im also not proficient in image manipulation. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The first couple of characters indicate that the response is probably an jpeg file interpreted as ASCII text. I guess the Content-Type header in the HTTP response has the wrong value, probably something like text/plain or text/html instead of image\jpeg. This makes Chrome display the image as plain text.
I don't think you have to convert the data. Just save the response stream to a file and you will have a proper jpeg file:
string url = "http://my-domain/getimage.asp?pic=4c54aae0ea...";
string fileLocation = #"C:\MyImage.jpg";
var client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadFile(url, fileLocation);
The reason I think that the response is probably jpeg, is that a jpeg file begins with 0xFFD8FFE0 which looks like ÿØÿà when displayed as ISO 8859-1 encoded text.

what does this mean ? image/png;base64? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Should I embed images as data/base64 in CSS or HTML
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I don't know what we call this. but i found a image at google 404
url("%2BH%2F%2F%2F%2Bex%2B3U5vd7s%2Bfq8%2Fs0itq72PMLUPvtAAASvklEQVR4AbXBC0JqCQxEwT5Jd7L%2FHc8FdR4g%2BEGtEr8u%2FBHxu7otdzd%2FQPyqlmRp1Pw%2B8aukDfRa1fw28ZtWy4sa89vEb7LCi0zx28RvqgkvouW3id%2FU8pbtWmv5beJXRWNrRmp%2BnfhlHXZm%2BQPi95Vk%2FoD4fZbMHxC%2FryTzB8Tva435A%2BL3rcb8AfH7VjJ%2FQPy%2BHYk%2FIH5facwfEL8iaZcrnKyn%2BAPi57K2VL2WF1hJ%2FAHxQ2tJrg6HteXVjPkD4ge6V3J1%2BF97zhx%2BnXhWb8nacKXlnYPErxNPyfqw4ZYKVuUZdfhd4hmxunY73NICgfWMOvwm8ZQ1pMvlDZdaCic98kjV4beIp8ScpLvsSvhflzqQmqVLB281v0E8pc2bdNne8EayNTPNSbt02PBj4intcKltb%2FNibY%2BLf9aSO%2FyMeMo6XMva3g0vwrWsxvyMeEoc3knZ2g53ZaXa8DzxlHa4J23Jae5aycXTxFPa4WRdXAtdsivckZXG4TniKWtOSlre6y7LG651Wxq5OzxDPGUVIKNwX6ekCv%2B0ddglVPMM8ZQ10FJ4LGVvOEuXRl7OqnmGeEor4Ck%2BtnI1ZEvjDa%2FcPEM8ZQVY4RO9VqUlN%2F84PEM8JQ50cUgXH2mrKlyq5RniOQ4vVjPLHdu86OKGi2eIr%2BgNV6JwljmYO6zlbJsbWp4hPtVrjYpLLV7UHIp7rOVkixtaniE%2BU5I2Nc2FKJytZhTuiac5rLnh4hniEzUbDjXhn3g5W0nNA1aAKm7YPEN8bMecrZYLWl70hkcyBay5YfMM8aHI4aR7xAUVHyirOdhAmRsqniE%2BtOKsRjIXtDzmmRGHVmDFDRfPEB%2BJzMmO01xScdYnVRs6vPHMFG9W4ZrMM8RHouWw43DNhlDWiSVZY3nDoWYc3qzDNZlniPe6w4uoOFjcKhPXuJNWyG6VqjSuhm7%2BiZorUfEM8U5J8nKyMw0tcZLwPxdRtTlUcUgVdGlml0uZ4pqKZ4hr5VUnpSXdUgVa4hA5vHERV1Tp9XhdJTWHksYd%2Ftdarql4hrjQiaPiYLclNSeebVYz5o0W7Ghsa9blmlFtx01rxP8yy5XIPEP8L1W7bjWHlbzhRTwjzXrCK1f3qqSEyBysLVtayKp40yqurcITxJtUgavVHNob%2FinZTWt5VVvWVKvJSttQCkRjb%2FA4vLK5thOeIN6sm9ai5cTFhYRDy%2FyTGpdU0hxkaZvWUrZluTmLims14QniVbywClqgeouT9IZXNWoupGzNqHa3y5LGVYBnipbCSVxcq1meIN54oRXsbEk26S3NmBcZ807K3gon2ZLcxF5tPMVJprlWE54g3nihtbRHm7WjkbxTHSCWwj1r2U4HSMmdQEmWwonNtah4gnhjA9ZSaohmpnpDjWRptDwS25LcQGsc2Bla5sTFtZV4gnixpWmIVWpgRuVwsiV5q7kv0JJcNVIFapydUrHTQKa5IfMEcRKrurSQ0qhsmVR4kea%2B7pIr9NqSrRltWlaxomUgVVyLxBPEYeUGygtszew2KfOBclVpVN2ctCXNidZaaKWmONhc6rKaJwi6xuGkRmWpAkRa7outF9XN%2F7LlmbJmpiCyvBxk%2FtnSqHmGWGk5i2ZcaWBLau5KKHt3Ce%2FsaLMz46VG4cTFm%2FaMOzxFUYWztjzhkNI43JPyYvPAegPxzFRpOYmWF1WywrPUag5xjRapqqxxubijvYFVaC%2Fv7YSDpzxjzlbhpKXxhqcpWshqtECk0Yys6m5utZdD1LCuCifhfyVOapqsxhyiQMmSm58QNdZheZGV5FqwueXiZBUga28DvRte1NQCpQVSUkFqPbIr%2FIxg7arwJqqEg6e5Vuas1Zytyw1ka5uT9ajKI87WbksaLT8mbkXFyWqaa2rOVuFVStUNpGrDoSTPmDfWdlby8kPiHQtoa0vLpXU4WzX%2FS5W2gWxtOHQ24U3CSUmu8BPinR2XVSFyuNAOZ9Fyae1qDu2qcF8suRKeJt7pcW1zaE9xwcVZq7nWtpeTrQ0PrEeq8CTxnsWrlbThELra5ixqbsXWNoeq6nBft6TlOeK9VnG2lfb4TKOOlpOouKPsWg4pb3Nf1uMGusP3iDtKDaTcgMuWvL1FmZOouCtlbwJs1Yb7SuN2Nd8k7mgvXV4OKWALiGkVJ14eyPqQQG9Vc0dWGnn5LnFPTW1z1gW0OdSyag5aHsvaroVs1YZL2dKMt1nzXeKulas52QLanGy3xq4a87Eu2yHZ2uZNWzPjDbDmu8R9a8m7iQNscbKyy%2BWS%2BUzWtqp7qzpA1jPj8KKK7xIPZG2NVWTTSbpKbs5cfEF6y64qV6ctqcKbdvgm8VhSlnWwJbuaV3LzRb11onFt%2BKcVvkl8one7u3bD%2FzJuXnRt%2BFTXVHOWqubQ4rvEEyI1L1Z2h8%2B0eRHLKiBqvkk8IePmxZq1lk%2B0w0nJUHKIlm8ST8ioeVEFtFwbPhA3h8gcdpZV803iCRkVL7Y42bK2w0NlDqXlpJRV803iGZYrnFRxlqwO3eEuN4dSOGlVme8Sz7C37QZqeZPekl0b3nMBreKsp1bNN4lnWIEtF1Vc6i1bVZtwxQX0NC9UrfBN4hk7zaHLNrey1kgVLljATnO2rmj5JvEMqzlrF%2B%2BFXitcsAArnFkdLd8knrFqPmFzyQq0xUm0tJZvEs8oAR0eix0u1ARSqg70NNHyTeIZUqgZ85gdLlgcMjOSRlBqvkk8wwOSp3moJlyoCYfeKkmBVvgm8YyaUJJ5zOJSTXMWSgus%2BC7xjJpA%2BMiquVATXiUcSuGbxDNqmk%2BUxtW82WmurMI3iWd4wifaHo1rNxx2miul8E3iGTXhc4nH0lQ1O80VK3yTeEYNX5SspbEnXFmFbxLPqGm%2BrsvWFFdK4ZvEM2rCt6RmzCWL7xLP2Anfs2M3Fyy%2BSzyjpvmqDoed5YrFd4ln7DRftHI19BRXSuGbxDN6wtdEqjF4lisS3yWeEYUvWlkDNeZKTfgm8ZFu7mqFr%2FKMYae4lFH4JvGBVLgraghf09uQMZdabr5JfKC2q1zV3IgarOLLPMWllptvEo%2B1e7dkq5ZrLkip%2BKqa4lLk5ZvEY15INay9XIqXVGS%2BqsdcirzclYVa7hAPbQFVnJSaC9HCapavqjGXIjXvbNmSxi7eE4%2BsA21OumwuSQUJX1ZjLsVabqR6t7tUlrThhnjEC%2FFy6AKbCy45zdftmEutKm5UcSgHspY7XBEPVAFVHLoCUXPFkr3hi2wutba44QDr5iyeqQ3%2FiAccqOLQDhAV17pG0jZfUuZS5OJaGYiWF%2B2ypOV%2F4q5UQZtDu4G2xK10aeTlC1bhUslciQpYh7PSQtau8ErcVYZ4gXYDcUXLe1lrvBU%2B0VoutFRcWQWo4qwdTlYSr8Q9caDMwc3BDgl3xZpRb%2FORnuVCJHNlla2oOYmLQ8q7Ll6Ie6pgDaQKSCl8IF3WqAgPrbgU2VxpV1kje2EdoOWGlsOJuKMd1g14OdjNp1YjNY%2B0m0s15kYgJVlaFxBVOETuAOK9eEELrDmUli%2Fo8oy94S4Xl2LzQGukEFU46RptQLy3BWWgHSBTvEp32eGRtjTjSriQBKLlShUPrSRcnK2qtIB4Zw3tQNRAbF5FB0vhoS57JFXzZmUtuLiy5gNlTTixlkgB8Y4byhAX0HJ4Y%2FcmWkjz0NrSaMNJ5EiNi3%2FSpPlIayqA3UBcIG5tQTuwBcQOJx3AsrSzxHJ4bKs9U5xoqWnK4U17%2BUzPFLQ4iQ3iRtxQC3gBK5xZJjOutcaSpeYjsUZqKFmGOLxIaflU1jI2ZzuLuLGuLe2yBlrLC1tdWg7ZmWal8KHeGtXG0gLLSdZyha%2BoKYdDl7WIGxpbI7lSicyLqFkH2rVZF%2BwUnymNXNu8WUkVLqSaB6IpIGWXF3Ft1UC6rRq3mhc7TRXgLS2lrKb5VEoz6nCSrtE2V6p4aMeQ8tJaxLU4nGU9o%2BXVTrMF%2BLBgjYqvSNkjL%2BDxhmut5tDb3CF1uwJoEdday6vMTHjVs7GA3g3QU8tXxZJc6Q23yhxWckPCtZW1nLgQ12KFF5Ed3pQ0U7yKp%2Fi6YM%2FI4dZOA3FRRdvhSmaWMxtxI3JzVlP8k9qsVFWdbVvTfENCjcytUoBW46XscE3DizLi1o6KQ4%2FDlZRsWSfBCt%2BSdHGrzGHFOtjFtUgNNJQR78Qjr%2BVwzV4I65SazPJzrQbKq6bl5kapU7bbRryXLo3c3LATYIfMEs3yc1bA44bScqumvJ21jLgrhHdSktNWkONR%2BLmULMnbpQm3pOWkZxHf0R7NKKykDr9iq3ptuexOuJQRZ5lCfE96K5Ct5iNpe118WQKxVeGCxnYDmUL8iUjb2%2BXmexIu9Di9XtgpxJ9wcehuOzwt1gJx4ynEM9K9tS5X7fLempP2dmnDczwjTlLYi%2FiCnHXSe9LWic9k3qvlRTltLU%2Bp2lE1sKUG8bm2DiNpNBpJu5vwwuEdLa%2FWy6p4JL27Dg%2B0pUBsQHxu67C1Vb2dpLlU5h3bG87aS0vNXWtJtip0bbjDhqgB8TkvH1g115qttnfDoW0oNe%2B1Rs0hlqVRc8cSmYP4XBUfUXHNlQ5tqzkpNaXmHVV4lVpq1NxjhYP43JqP2FwracOh7OZQDuXmRmu5sjMO75SWE%2FE5F4%2F09s5wI5abQ0rFoVxZNTes7e7wvy053NpwJj7n4kVCDt29teWypJHFOy0VJ6sN0CrK4dpakmv5pxQeEZ8rQ%2B9alnU2knyo2k64Ix4vh5I5sVNarqW3u8z%2F4mkeEZ8LrCxXtbfWu9t8qqQK0DKHVtEubrWm%2BZ9VPCS%2BJN1828oB4gqwalrFtUjNP3bzkPg7sdXAyhyssF4upWb5Z8c8Jv5QWmpgVRxUsGoulMw%2FPQqPiZ%2Fp8JGVOLQWKAW6%2BCcyF2qGD4gfibe2ead5lXEDpQAu0rv8r2WgtZxl1Twm%2Ftls1HxHK7HDjZV51VIgWmBlSeMKr%2BxseZYXq%2BUx8aY0MxrvVnUC4XNxgYtrJY15taMmNlAztd0lhxfW6MChC1rFY%2BLVjlwzKutVdfhE7xjKXEiX3CuHFzWG0lLycogUXnTtxuaws6DiMfFK09kZQ9K1VSvJ3oRHslIFWuGftdzQUoWzlYONinBILRdaC8TTYPO%2F3nBFnKxLG2um%2BKfXOrg6vBdLrvJSCm9SJpy0RtucrMRq1Zy1woUy0B4HbN60ex0uiEN0KLk1xZXs2paKW9FIqrJrzP%2Fs5k17tJz0GE%2FxohwulGElOUTmTRWl5oI4lKRRsTPhVpIdc6sl10IsFW9WXNpROPH0TkGAVnFpx5a63WSKN5HVXBKwc1btEffsNO8kvBObS5lZTnaUMXFYqbnUltwg75h%2FusMVATXleWW7qk1Xb8KLVfiKlsIlj9Sc1FhFtjITboSTlSp8QMCO5JU11bb1ZlQdIHL4iprmktWROclqGlaWmvsSPiRAIy3lcAhk05vsWgfbU3xFVFyRWTUvSqqa2S7zHEFmRikt7yS18kxxFj6yY67UbNu86U6qIApPEUSasZb7Ek0DqXh5LHa4lDFWc6kd4uUpgsiaKR6pKQ61uHmsZrmyk1ZxpQ1oeYoAzaG4ry1zsuXisVJxpeQdc60N2DxFgGckc1ePixdpHkjVjrnS0kpc6u5SwMtTBKxkybUJN3bUfCaulsMVTVvNP%2BmyNQVe7tjlE%2BJFb1mSLVfV9jaHHS2fiao15sqOd4pL29ArbxXvldV8TPwv6XVV6YXtGTefiiqaMRei2TFXKpzUONxKFWo%2BJt5J0ltlzQxfsCqimSpv86KmrHApBbXA2s2NuKPwMfFQvOELWgvsnEjVQMYtc2UXqjm0xI0yq%2FAx8T0JtyJz8DiekWpjxWoupRqqOamp5VJPsXJt9256wz3iW8oOt1xNaWah3NZJZK7UAg6HLo%2B5tFPgke2SreUe8R1rO9xayTpALFaa2Z3mUhyo4qQ6I67MbLlsyyfFPeI71m7ey0orw2pL256WuFILVHOI41mu1IyK3u0q28094nvCXQHLtqyF9Gq5tA7E4bAViRsrNW%2FCXeK3lDTVVoBI4ZIDVHFYpbTcyIbPiF%2FTSbPT3SUtl6qAuDl4W8UzxC%2Fz6CRciALUcijT4inil%2FV2p4pLtUDcwCol8xTxF8KlKg5VQGtb4jniz7UbWAcox%2BJJ4s%2B5OLiAVnuKJ4m%2FtuawBURbszxL%2FLF4OXgh9s7yNPHHqjisgVLLPE%2F8rXYD7UCrVsXzxN%2Bq4uAGrFj8gPhTXRzKwGprmh8Qf2rlot2AvSp%2BQvyl1nikAlprh58Qf0lqolGBarX8iPhLZWBVqnVsfkb8pTaHcru61PyM%2BEtrDq2UW8sPib%2FUChBvbIcfEn%2FKxWGrpeWnxJ9qVYDyVPgp8bfa2qRmmh8Tf21lq5qfE38uveE3%2FAdr385%2FSVd%2FMAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D") no-repeat scroll 100% 5px transparent
Does anyone know what does this mean ? what ? how? and why they serve image like that ?
It's an inlined image (png), encoded in base64. It can make a page faster: the browser doesn't have to query the server for the image data separately, saving a round trip.
(It can also make it slower if abused: these resources are not cached, so the bytes are included in each page load.)
That data:image/png;base64 URL is cool, I’ve never run into it before. The long string of characters is the base64 encoding of the actual image, i.e. no image call to the server. See RFC 2397 for details.
Side note: I have had trouble getting larger base64 images to render on IE8. I believe IE8 has a 32K limit that can be problematic for larger files. See this other StackOverflow thread for details.
That is, you are referencing an image, but instead of providing an external url, the png image data is in the url itself, embedded in the style sheet. data:image/png;base64 tells the browser that the data is inline, is a png image and is in this case base64 encoded. The encoding is needed because png images can contain bytes that are invalid inside a HTML document (or within the HTTP protocol even).
They serve the actual image inside CSS so there will be less HTTP requests per page.
