Spring WebSocket and RabbitMQ Web STOMP example - spring

I have done Spring Webscoket + RabbitMQ STOMP.
I need to do the same with RabbitMQ Web STOMP
Any links or examples for RabbitMQ WEB STOMP?


How to test stomp application using postman?

I am making a chat application backend using spring WebSockets.
The protocol for communication is STOMP and I am using rabbitmq as a message broker.
I want to test my application using postman but I can't find any helpful tutorial/video.

STOMP Client for Quarkus Websockets

Has anyone found a STOMP client implementation that works with Quarkus Native via web sockets?
I am using Quarkus 2.7.5.Final including io.quarkus:quarkus-websockets-client

Does vert.x support websocket using stomp over sockjs like Spring4?

Does vert.x support websocket using stomp over sockjs like Spring4?
Spring4 websocket support stomp over sockjs, but I don't found in Vert.x document about stomp over sockjs, only stomp with websocket:
As of Vert.x 3.5.1 it is not supported. Can you please file a feature request in the vertx-stomp project? Thanks

how can i integrate Spring Boot WebSocket with Kafka

I want to integrate kafka with Spring Boot WebSocket project, the official documentation of it uses STOMP protocol by default which don't support kafka like a brocker messages. So my question is, how can I integrate kafka with Spring Boot WebSocket ? and thank you so much.

How to configure Spring Boot with multiple RabbitMQ?

I have 3 RabbitMQ clustings for different functionality.Now I want to consume these RabbitMQ clustings message in my spring boot project,What can I do?
