How to configure Spring Boot with multiple RabbitMQ? - spring

I have 3 RabbitMQ clustings for different functionality.Now I want to consume these RabbitMQ clustings message in my spring boot project,What can I do?


How to see kafka producer metrics using spring boot

I want to see Kafka producer JMX metrics using Spring boot actuator. How can I see those metrics using spring boot? AN example will be much appriciated
You can use Spring Boot Admin.
You'll create a Spring Boot Admin application and have your producer register itself with it. Here's a nice tutorial.

Baggage Propagation in Jms using Spring Cloud Sleuth

I'm trying to use the baggage propagation offered by Spring Cloud Sleuth. In the calls that use the Feign client I don't have any kind of problem, I can propagate custom fields, while while using JmsTemplate of Spring JMS I can't propagate the same fields.
My application is a Spring Boot application, version 2.1.5, with Spring Cloud version Greenwich.SR1.
In order to put the custom fields, I use
ExtraFieldPropagation.set("communicationId", "123456");
while, inside my, I put
spring.sleuth.baggage-keys= communicationId
I expect that the same functionality present for the Feign client, is also present for the producer JMS. Where am I wrong?

how can i integrate Spring Boot WebSocket with Kafka

I want to integrate kafka with Spring Boot WebSocket project, the official documentation of it uses STOMP protocol by default which don't support kafka like a brocker messages. So my question is, how can I integrate kafka with Spring Boot WebSocket ? and thank you so much.

Spring cloud contract - integrating with non - spring endpoint

I have a spring webapp that communicates with external service over kafka. IS it possible to somehow test contract between those services?
Yes you can. Spring Cloud Contract supports CDC with messaging. If you're using Spring Cloud Stream - the work to be done is trivial. If not then you'll have to implement your own as presented in this issue - Spring Cloud Contract and plain Spring AMQP . Summing it up it's enough for both consumer and producer to implement a custom bean that will be responsible for receiving and sending of messages via Kafka

How to use hornetq-configuration.xml in Spring Boot?

We have a Spring Boot application that needs to send messages to a queue available on a remote HornetQ message broker.
I saw that Spring Boot supports HornetQ in embedded mode. However, there's only a minimal set of spring.hornetq.* properties that I can set up on of my Boot application.
The application must use a core bridge (store and forward), which is configured in a hornetq-configuration.xml file.
Question: what do I need to do to make the HornetQ embedded instance provided by Spring Boot use a hornetq-configuration.xml file that I created?
