Rxjs6 - filter array of objects - rxjs

I would filter array of objects using RXJS operator filter
I've array of objects like this single one:
id: string,
count: number
I would get objects which count > 20
I tried:
getVotes2(): Observable<Vote> {
return this._http.get<Vote>(url)
map( results => results ),
filter( result => result.count>20 )
next, without map and I always get all records.
Any ideas?
---------CORRECT CODE------------
getVotes2(): Observable<Vote[]> {
return this._http.get<Vote[]>(url)
map( results => results.filter( r => r.count < 20) )

You're confused on the use of the rx filter operator.
The filter rx operator is NOT the same as the array filter operator. The rx filter operates on a stream and excludes things from THE STREAM that meet a condition, the array filter operator operates on an array and removes items from an array based on a condition.
What you're currently doing is filtering the stream on some undefined "count" property of the array itself, so you're saying "if undefined > 20, then don't let the item through the stream", and one of the quirks of javascript, undefined is not greater than 20 despite being an invalid comparison.
What you need to do is this:
getVotes2(): Observable<Vote[]> {
return this._http.get<Vote[]>(url)
map( results => results.filter(r => r.count > 20) )
This way, you use rx Map to perform an operation on the item IN the stream and use the array filter on the item to filter the array.
Edit: as pointed out, the typing also needs to be correct to let typescript know that you're expecting an array of vote objects rather than a single vote object.

If http response you are getting is something like
data: {
results: [ {id: 'dd5144s', count: 14}, {id: 'dd51s4s', count: 22}, {id: 'dd5sa44s', count: 8} ]
Then try this:
return this._http.get<Vote>(url)
switchMap( results => results ),
filter( result => result.count>20 )
Hope this helps.


Using RxJS to manipulate a stream of items to obtain an array of streamed items

i'm kinda new to rxjs and can't get my head around this problem:
I have two streams:
one with incoming objects
one with the selected object from a list
From the incoming objects stream make a stream of the list of objects (with scan operator)
incoming: ----a--------b-------c----------d----------------\>
list: -------[a]----[a,b]----[a,b,c]----[a,b,c,d]---------\>
When a list object is selected (n), start a new stream
the first value of the new stream is the last value of the list sliced ( list.slice(n))
incoming: ----a--------b-------c----------d--------------------e-------->
list: -------[a]----[a,b]----[a,b,c]----[a,b,c,d]--------->
selected object: ---------------------------------c------->
new stream of list: ------[c,d]-----[c,d,e]--->
i can't get the last value of the list stream when the object is selected,,,
made a marble diagram for better understanding,
selectedObject$ = new BehaviorSubject(0);
incomingObjects$ = new Subject();
list$ = incomingObjects$.pipe(
scan((acc, val) => {
return acc;
}, [])
newList$ = selectedObject$.pipe(
switchMap(([index,list])=> incomingObjects$.pipe(
scan((acc, val) => {
return acc;
}, list.slice(index))
A common pattern I use along with the scan operator is passing reducer functions instead of values to scan so that the current value can be used in the update operation. In this case you can link the two observables with a merge operator and map their values to functions that are appropriate - either adding to a list, or slicing the list after a selection.
// these are just timers for demonstration, any observable should be fine.
const incoming$ = timer(1000, 1000).pipe(map(x => String.fromCharCode(x + 65)), take(10));
const selected$ = timer(3000, 3000).pipe(map(x => String.fromCharCode(x * 2 + 66)), take(2));
incoming$.pipe(map(x => (s) => [...s, x])), // append to list
selected$.pipe(map(x => (s) => { // slice list starting from selection
const index = s.indexOf(x);
return (index !== -1) ? s.slice(index) : s;
scan((list, reducer) => reducer(list), []) // run reducer
).subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // display list state as demonstration.
If I understand the problem right, you could follow the following approach.
The key point is to recognize that the list Observable (i.e. the Observable obtained with the use of scan) should be an hot Observable, i.e. an Observable that notifies independent on whether or not it is subscribed. The reason is that each new stream you want to create should have always the same source Observable as its upstream.
Then, as you already hint, the act of selecting a value should be modeled with a BehaviorSubject.
As soon as the select BehaviorSubject notifies a value selected, the previous stream has to complete and a new one has to be subscribed. This is the job of switchMap.
The rest is to slice the arrays of numbers in the right way.
This is the complete code of this approach
const selectedObject$ = new BehaviorSubject(1);
const incomingObjects$ = interval(1000).pipe(take(10));
const incomingObjectsHot$ = new ReplaySubject<number[]>(1);
scan((acc, val) => {
return acc;
}, [])
switchMap((selected) =>
map((nums) => {
const selIndex = nums.indexOf(selected);
if (selIndex > 0) {
return nums.slice(selIndex);
filter(v => !!v)
An example can be seen in this stackblitz.

Should we avoid nested rxjs operators? One case which I cannot test

I have written the following effect in my Angular app which uses rxjs. On MyActions.myAction, I receive an object containing a property ids - an array of ids - and for each id I want to send an HTTP request via this.myApiService.getResource, which returns an Observable<Resource>. I want then to collect all results in an array, and dispatch another action passing the array.
public loadResources$: Observable<MyAction> = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(({ ids }) => from(ids).pipe(
mergeMap(id => this.myApiService.getResource(id)),
map(resources) => MyActions.resourcesLoaded({ resources } )),
The code above does the job, but I wonder whether I should avoid nesting two flows of reactive operators, and whether there is a better way to write that.
The reason I wonder that is that I am having problems writing a test for it. I wrote the test below but I cannot make it pass.
it('should dispatch an resourcesLoaded action with the resources', () => {
const ids = ['5f7c723832758b859bd8f866'];
const resources = [{} as Resource];
const values = {
l: MyActions.loadResources({ ids }),
t: ids[0],
o: MyActions.resourcesLoaded({ resources })
actions = hot('--l------------', values);
const get$ = cold(' -------t-----', values);
const expected = cold('---------o-----', values);
The error I get is:
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 1.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 50, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: { ....
Error: Expected $.length = 0 to equal 1.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 50, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: { ....
at <Jasmine>
at compare (http://localhost:9876/Users/jacopolanzoni/Documents/Development/myProject/node_modules/jasmine-marbles/index.js:91:1)
at <Jasmine>
but I wonder whether I should avoid nesting two flows of reactive operators, and whether there is a better way to write that
I'd say it depends on what you want to achieve, at least in this case.
of([1,2,3]).pipe(mergeAll(), switchMap(value => http.get(...)))
differs from
of([1,2,3]).pipe(switchMap(ids => from(ids).pipe(mergeMap(...))))
In the first scenario, each inner observable will be discarded by the next value(except for the last value), so only 3 will resolve.
In the second scenario, it will process all of them, because you explode the array in the inner observable(which is managed by swtichMap, so the only way its inner observable will be discarded is if a new outer value(e.g another array of ids) is emitted by the source).
A case where nesting is not necessary is:
// whenever you want to explode an array,
// it does not matter which higher order operator you use
// since the operation is **synchronous**
// so, `mergeAll`, `concatAll`, `switchAll` should work the same
mergeAll(id => this.apiService.useId(id))
// same as
mergeMap(ids => from(ids).pipe(mergeMap(id => this.apiService.useId(id))))
As you can see, in this case, switchMap has been replaced with mergeMap.
I have found out my test was failing because toArray was waiting for the observable returned by getResource (i.e., httpClient.get) to complete. Replacing t with (t|) fixes the test:
it('should dispatch an resourcesLoaded action with the resources', () => {
const ids = ['5f7c723832758b859bd8f866'];
const resources = [{} as Resource];
const values = {
l: MyActions.loadResources({ ids }),
t: ids[0],
o: MyActions.resourcesLoaded({ resources })
actions = hot('--l------------', values);
const get$ = cold(' -------(t|)-----', values);
const expected = cold('---------o-----', values);
Yet, the first part of my question, i.e. whether it's good practice or not to nest operators like that, still stands.

Conditionally producing multiple values based on item value and merging it into the original stream

I have a scenario where I need to make a request to an endpoint, and then based on the return I need to either produce multiple items or just pass an item through (specifically I am using redux-observable and trying to produce multiple actions based on an api return if it matters).
I have a simplified example below but it doesn't feel like idiomatic rx and just feels weird. In the example if the value is even I want to produce two items, but if odd, just pass the value through. What is the "right" way to achieve this?
test('url and response can be flatMap-ed into multiple objects based on array response and their values', async () => {
const fakeUrl = 'url';
axios.request.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [0, 1, 2] }));
const operation$ = of(fakeUrl).pipe(
mergeMap(url => request(url)),
mergeMap(resp => resp.data),
mergeMap(i =>
of(i).pipe(map(num => `number was ${num}`)),
filter(num => num % 2 === 0),
map(() => `number was even`)
const result = await operation$.pipe(toArray()).toPromise();
Personally I'd do it in a very similar way. You just don't need to be using the inner merge for both cases:
mergeMap(i => {
const source = of(`number was ${i}`);
return i % 2 === 0 ? merge(source, of(`number was even`)) : source;
I'm using concat to append a value after source Observable completes. Btw, in future RxJS versions there'll be endWith operator that will make it more obvious. https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/pull/3679
Try to use such combo - partition + merge.
Here is an example (just a scratch)
const target$ = Observable.of('single value');
const [streamOne$, streamTwo$] = target$.partition((v) => v === 'single value');
// some actions with your streams - mapping/filtering etc.
const result$ = Observable.merge(streamOne$, streamTwo$)';

RxJs Observable: Execute function if empty/filtered

I've got an Observable that listens to some user input from a text box. If the observed string's length is >=3 (filter), it executes some HTTP call (switchMap).
Now I'd like to detect somehow if the user input has been filtered. Reason:
If the HTTP call has been done, it should show the results.
If the user input got filtered (== is invalid), it should clear the results.
Here's the code I'd like to have (see: ifFiltered):
.filter(val => val && val.length >= 3)
.ifFiltered(() => this.results = [])
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.subscribe(val => this.results = val);
I know, I could place that logic within the filter function for this simple example. But what if I have 10 different filters?
Did I miss any method that satisfies my needs?
Thanks in advance!
Either use partition like here RxJS modeling if else control structures with Observables operators
Or instead of filter use map and pipe the object if the former filter condition is true or null otherwise. so you can catch the null where ever you want in your chain with a filter.
Last option call some function in the else part of the filter function
We've had a similar case and tried it with partition as mentioned above but found it much handier to use throw here. So for your code
.do(val => {
if (!val || val.length < 3) {
throw new ValueTooShortError();
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.do(val => this.results = val)
.catch(() => this.results = [])
I suggest having a common event stream, creating two filtered streams, and merging the two before subscription:
var o = this.userInput.valueChanges;
var empty= o.filter(t=> t.length < 3)
var nonempty = o.filter(t=> t.length >= 3)
.switchMap(t=> getDataViaHTTP());
empty.merge(nonempty).subscribe(val => this.results = val);
I found another nice solution for my use case using Validators:
(I know that this is no solution using Observables as the question stated. Instead it's using Angular2 features to workaround the problem nicely.)
this.userInput.validator = Validators.compose([
.filter(val => this.userInput.valid)
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.subscribe(val => this.results = val);
Now I can use the userInput.valid property and/or the userInput.statusChanges Observable to keep track of the input value.
May be it's late, but wanted to post for the members still seeking a more cleaner approach to validate IF EMPTY inside .map:
(val) =>
Foo: (val.Bar
? val.Foo.map((e) => ({
title: e.Title,
link: e.Link,
: []) as fooModal[],
This code returns a empty array if val.bar is missing, but it's just an example you can use any validation & expression instead.

MongoDB and MongoRuby: Sorting on mapreduce

I am currently trying to do a simple mapreduce over some documents stored in MongoDB. I use
map = BSON::Code.new "function() { emit(this.userid, 1); }"
for the mapping and
reduce = BSON::Code.new "function(key, values) {
var sum = 0;
values.forEach(function(value) {
sum += value;
return sum;
for the reduction. This works fine when I call map_reduce the following way:
output = col.map_reduce(map, reduce, # col is the collection in mongodb, e.g. db.users
:out => {:inline => true},
:raw => true
Now to the real question: How can I use the upper call to map_reduce to enable sorting? The manual says, that I must use sort and an array of [key, direction] pairs. I guessed the following should work, but it doesn't:
output = col.map_reduce(map, reduce,
:sort => [["value", Mongo::ASCENDING]],
:out => {:inline => true},
:raw => true
Do I have to choose another datatype? The option also doesn't work (same error), when using an empty [], although the manual says that is the default for the option. Unfortunately the error message from MongoDB doesn't help too much:
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mongo-1.3.1/lib/mongo/db.rb:506:in `command': Database command 'mapreduce' failed: {"assertion"=>"sort has to be blank or an Object", "assertionCode"=>13609, "errmsg"=>"db assertion failure", "ok"=>0.0} (Mongo::OperationFailure)
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mongo-1.3.1/lib/mongo/collection.rb:576:in `map_reduce'
from ./mapreduce.rb:26:in `<main>'
If you need the full runnable code, please say so in the comments. I exclude it for now as it only contains the initialization of a connection to mongodb and initialization of the collection col by querying a database.
Use a BSON::OrderedHash and it will work.
output = col.map_reduce(map, reduce,
:sort => BSON::OrderedHash.new[{"value", Mongo::ASCENDING}],
:out => {:inline => true},
:raw => true
