RxJs Observable: Execute function if empty/filtered - filter

I've got an Observable that listens to some user input from a text box. If the observed string's length is >=3 (filter), it executes some HTTP call (switchMap).
Now I'd like to detect somehow if the user input has been filtered. Reason:
If the HTTP call has been done, it should show the results.
If the user input got filtered (== is invalid), it should clear the results.
Here's the code I'd like to have (see: ifFiltered):
.filter(val => val && val.length >= 3)
.ifFiltered(() => this.results = [])
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.subscribe(val => this.results = val);
I know, I could place that logic within the filter function for this simple example. But what if I have 10 different filters?
Did I miss any method that satisfies my needs?
Thanks in advance!

Either use partition like here RxJS modeling if else control structures with Observables operators
Or instead of filter use map and pipe the object if the former filter condition is true or null otherwise. so you can catch the null where ever you want in your chain with a filter.
Last option call some function in the else part of the filter function

We've had a similar case and tried it with partition as mentioned above but found it much handier to use throw here. So for your code
.do(val => {
if (!val || val.length < 3) {
throw new ValueTooShortError();
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.do(val => this.results = val)
.catch(() => this.results = [])

I suggest having a common event stream, creating two filtered streams, and merging the two before subscription:
var o = this.userInput.valueChanges;
var empty= o.filter(t=> t.length < 3)
var nonempty = o.filter(t=> t.length >= 3)
.switchMap(t=> getDataViaHTTP());
empty.merge(nonempty).subscribe(val => this.results = val);

I found another nice solution for my use case using Validators:
(I know that this is no solution using Observables as the question stated. Instead it's using Angular2 features to workaround the problem nicely.)
this.userInput.validator = Validators.compose([
.filter(val => this.userInput.valid)
.switchMap(val => getDataViaHTTP())
.subscribe(val => this.results = val);
Now I can use the userInput.valid property and/or the userInput.statusChanges Observable to keep track of the input value.

May be it's late, but wanted to post for the members still seeking a more cleaner approach to validate IF EMPTY inside .map:
(val) =>
Foo: (val.Bar
? val.Foo.map((e) => ({
title: e.Title,
link: e.Link,
: []) as fooModal[],
This code returns a empty array if val.bar is missing, but it's just an example you can use any validation & expression instead.


Cancel repeated subscription in mergeMap

How to combine the distinct, switchMap and mergeMap operators, so that when the source emits repeated values (detected by distinct.keySelector), the previous subscription is canceled (as in the switchMap), but if the value is not repeated follow the behavior of mergeMap?
source = from(1, 2, 1, 2, 3) // 'abcde'
result = source.pipe(delay(), combination() // '--cde'
I'm currently doing something like:
const activeSubscriptions = new Map();
mergeMap((value) => {
const pendingSubscription = activeSubscriptions.get(value);
if (pendingSubscription) {
const request$ = new Subject();
const subscription = this.service.get(value).subscribe({
complete: () => request$.complete(),
error: (err) => request$.error(err),
next: (value) => request$.next(value),
activeSubscriptions.set(value, subscription);
return request$;
But looking for a better way to do that.
Thank you in advance
I think you can use the windowToggle operator for this:
src$ = src$.pipe(shareReplay(1));
windowToggle(src$.pipe(observeOn(asyncScheduler)), openValue => src$.pipe(skip(1), filter(v => v === openValue))),
window => window.pipe(
map(([, windowVal]) => windowVal),
A replacement for observeOn(asyncScheduler) could also be delay(0), the important thing is to make sure the order in which the src$'s subscribers receive the value is correct. In this case, we want to make sure that when src$ emits, the clean-up takes place first, so that's why we're using src$.pipe(observeOn(asyncScheduler)).
ignoreElements() is used because each window is paired to only one value, the one which has created the window. The first argument(s) passed to windowToggle will describe the observable(s) which can create the windows. So, we only need those, since we're able to get the last value with the help of
window => window.pipe(
map(([, windowVal]) => windowVal),
By the way, a window is nothing but a Subject.
Lastly, if you want to perform async operations inside the window's pipe, you'll have to make sure that everything is unsubscribed when the window is completed(closed). To do that, you could try this:
window => window.pipe(
map(([, windowVal]) => windowVal),
switchMap(val => /* some async action which uses `val` */),
where isEmpty will emit either true or false when the source(in this case, the window) completes. false means that the source had emitted at least one value before emitting a complete notification, and true otherwise. In this case, I'd say it's irrelevant whether it's true or false, since the window will not emit any values by itself(because we have used ignoreElements, which ignores everything except error and complete notifications).

How to write marble test for this custom RxJS operator used in redux-observalbe Epic

I need to write marble test for my custom operator used in this loadEpic epic - this helps me to avoid problems that action INITIALiZE sometimes is dispatched to late and i getting LOAD_FAILURE:
loadEpic: Epic<ExamManagementAction, ExamManagementAction, RootState> = (
) =>
switchMap(() =>
catchError(error => of(loadFailure({ error })))
and this is how i wrote my waitFor operator which works fine:
const waitFor = <T>(
state$: Observable<RootState>
): OperatorFunction<T, T> => source$ =>
switchMap(value =>
filter(state => state.navigation.initialized),
can you help me to write this test with rxjs-marbles/jest or any similar approach? many thanks!
You describe three streams of events:
states (mock them with simple objects)
actions (again, you may use any JS value as a mock)
filtered actions (the same object as in 2)
Then you expect your operator to transform 2 to 3 with toBeObservable matcher. That's it.
it('should reject given values until navigation is initialized', () => {
const state$ = hot(' -i--u--u-i-- ', {u: {navigation: {initialized: false}}, i: {navigation: {initialized: true}}});
const action$ = hot(' v----v--v--- ', {v: load});
const expect$ = cold(' -v-------v-- ', {v: load});
Note how I've formatted my code so one stream is described under another. It really helps with long sequences of events.
You might also write separate specs for edge cases. It depends on what behavior you want to test.

Initialize observable with the result of other observable

I have 2 requests.
getCurrentBook(): Observable<Book>
getDetailedInfo(bookId): Observable <BookDetailed>
They both return observables with information, however to use second request I have to make sure that I received the information from the first one since bookId is in the response.
I understand that I could subscribe inside other subscribe, however this solution doesn't seem appealing to me. There must be a much more elegant way.
The existing solution
getCurrentBook().subscribe(res => {
I get that it should look something like:
booksSubs = getCurrentBook().pipe(
map(res =>
{this.currentBook = res}
detailedSubs = getDetailedInfo(this.currentBook.id).pipe(
map(res =>
{this.detailed = res}
this.subscriptions.push(SOME OPERATOR(booksSubs, detailedSubs).subscribe();
But the option higher won't work since I need result of first observable to initialize second.
You can achieve it using some of "flattening" operators, for example mergeMap:
const currentBookDetails$ = getCurrentBook().pipe(
mergeMap(book => getDetailedInfo(book.id))

Conditionally producing multiple values based on item value and merging it into the original stream

I have a scenario where I need to make a request to an endpoint, and then based on the return I need to either produce multiple items or just pass an item through (specifically I am using redux-observable and trying to produce multiple actions based on an api return if it matters).
I have a simplified example below but it doesn't feel like idiomatic rx and just feels weird. In the example if the value is even I want to produce two items, but if odd, just pass the value through. What is the "right" way to achieve this?
test('url and response can be flatMap-ed into multiple objects based on array response and their values', async () => {
const fakeUrl = 'url';
axios.request.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [0, 1, 2] }));
const operation$ = of(fakeUrl).pipe(
mergeMap(url => request(url)),
mergeMap(resp => resp.data),
mergeMap(i =>
of(i).pipe(map(num => `number was ${num}`)),
filter(num => num % 2 === 0),
map(() => `number was even`)
const result = await operation$.pipe(toArray()).toPromise();
Personally I'd do it in a very similar way. You just don't need to be using the inner merge for both cases:
mergeMap(i => {
const source = of(`number was ${i}`);
return i % 2 === 0 ? merge(source, of(`number was even`)) : source;
I'm using concat to append a value after source Observable completes. Btw, in future RxJS versions there'll be endWith operator that will make it more obvious. https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/pull/3679
Try to use such combo - partition + merge.
Here is an example (just a scratch)
const target$ = Observable.of('single value');
const [streamOne$, streamTwo$] = target$.partition((v) => v === 'single value');
// some actions with your streams - mapping/filtering etc.
const result$ = Observable.merge(streamOne$, streamTwo$)';

Filter an observable by an observable

Let's consider the following simplified situation:
We have an Observable apples of type Observable < Apple >
Every Apple object has a method isRotten() which returns an observable of type Observable < Boolean > which is guaranteed to emit at least one boolean value.
I want to filter the apples observable such that the rotten apples don't pass the filter. More precisely, an apple A passes the filter if and only if the first item emitted by A.isRotten() is false. What is the best way to implement this filter?
After some thinking I could come up with this:
.concatMap(apple =>
.filter(bool => bool)
.map(bool => apple))
Which is written in javascript. ( ... => ... is a function). This works, but I think it is rather lengthy and difficult to understand. Is there a better way to do this kind of thing?
What you've got is fine and, tbh, I can't think of a more concise way of doing it. I'd probably use flatMap rather than concatMap if out-of-order apples aren't an issue.
If readibility is an issue for you, just move the implementation into it's one function (eg. filterObservable that accepts a function that takes a value and returns an IObservable<bool>)
One way to achieve that is like this, sorry I didn't get to adapt this to fruit filtering:
const orders$: Observable<Order[]> = searchOrders(...);
const filteredOrders$ = orders$.pipe(switchMap((orders) => {
// take all orders and determine visibility based on an observable
const visibilityRules = orders.map(o => {
return {
order: o,
visible$: o.isPaidFor$ // this is an observable on an Order object
const filtered = visibilityRules.map(o => o.visible$.pipe(map(visible => visible ? o.order : undefined )));
return (filtered.length == 0) ? of([]) : combineLatest(filtered).pipe(map(combined => combined.filter(x => x != undefined)));
This filters 'paidFor' orders and emits a new array every time an order becomes paid or unpaid.
Note: If the isPaidFor$ observable can't change between searches then this whole exercise is pointless because there would be no reason to provide a 'live view' like this. This only makes sense if the observable can actually change between search results.
This could be extended to much more complicated rules if needed (such as adding filtering checkboxes) - that's why I created the intermediate visibilityRules array - which strictly speaking is just for readability.
You can do something like this:
var seq = Rx.Observable.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
.filter(x => {
let isRotten = true;
Rx.Observable.just(x % 2 === 0)
.subscribe(val => isRotten = val);
if (isRotten) {
return x;
seq.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
