Using Gmail API to Send Attachments Larger than 10mb - ruby

I'm struggling to find a good example of the full set of requests necessary to send an email through the Gmail API containing an attachment larger than 10mb.
I've seen and, but there's nothing that ties it all together.
We're using the ruby client, but we're unable to complete this flow. With the following code, we get the following error trying to make the second request: Google::APIClient::ClientError: Recipient address required
The full body of the response is the following:
{"error"=>{"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"invalidArgument", "message"=>"Recipient address required"}], "code"=>400, "message"=>"Recipient address required"}}
Here's the code used to generate the request:
raw = Base64.urlsafe_encode64 message_string
result1 = api_client.execute!(
:api_method => gmail_api.users.messages.to_h['gmail.users.messages.send'],
:parameters => {
:uploadType => 'resumable',
:userId => 'me'
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'X-Upload-Content-Type' => 'message/rfc822',
'X-Upload-Content-Length' => raw.bytesize.to_s
upload_id = result1.headers['x-guploader-uploadid']
result2 = api_client.execute!(
:api_method => gmail_api.users.messages.to_h[''],
:body_object => {
:raw => raw
:parameters => {
:uploadType => 'resumable',
:upload_id => upload_id,
:userId => 'me'
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => message.content_type,
'Content-Length' => raw.bytesize.to_s

So the issue (thank you to #tholle) was that when sending attachments greater than 5mb and less than 35mb (but also works on messages without attachments), you do NOT base64 encode the body of the request, and use multipart as the uploadType. Unfortunately the docs don't mention this at all, and the error messages don't indicate that either.
Here's a working example that was able to send a 20mb attachment. Hopefully this will help anyone else who has wasted countless hours trying to figure this one out!
result = api_client.execute!(
:api_method => gmail_api.users.messages.to_h['gmail.users.messages.send'],
:body => rfc822_message_string,
:parameters => {
:uploadType => 'multipart',
:userId => 'me'
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'message/rfc822',

I am working on a JavaScript client and I finally found a way to send email using resumable method. (Thank you #Tholle and #jwg2s). Although this is in JavaScript client it should work about the same in other client too.
This is what I did:
// MIME Mail Message data. Copied form above #Tholle 's message.
let mail = [
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="foo_bar_baz"\r\n',
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n",
"subject: i am subject\r\n\r\n",
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"\r\n',
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n",
"The actual message text goes here\r\n",
"Content-Type: application/json; name=package.json\r\n",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n",
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=package.json\r\n\r\n",
"<base64 file data. data according to content type>",
// get resumable upload link.
let resumableURL = "";
path: "/upload/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send?uploadType=resumable",
headers: {
"X-Upload-Content-Type": "message/rfc822",
method: "post",
(res) => {
resumableURL = res.headers.location;
(err) => console.log(err)
// send email
path: resumableURL,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "message/rfc822",
method: "post",
body: mail,
(res) => {
(err) => console.log(err)
To convert gapi.client.request to Fetch API call you just need to add Authorization: Bearer <access_token> to header field. I have tried using Fetch API but response were blocked due to cors error so api client like Postman should be used.
To do more with resumable upload method check documentation: Upload Attachment


Users_not_found in HTTParty request to SlackAPI when curl works

I'm trying to use GET request using httparty gem to have info about specific user from SlackAPI. From curl it works well
curl --data "token=SLACK_TOKEN&"
But my code below seems to be broken because I received an error {"ok":false,"error":"users_not_found"}
module Slack
class GetUserId
def call
response = HTTParty.get("", payload: payload, headers: headers)
def headers
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer SLACK_TOKEN'
def payload
email: ""
If you check their documentation, it seems that API do not accept JSON-form but rather "application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
So something like:
headers: {
'Authorization' => 'Bearer SLACK_TOKEN,
"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body: {

Uploading to Google Drive API using Ruby RestClient

I'm trying to upload a small image file to Google Drive using RestClient. I already have an access token (being requested in earlier code) but I am not sure how to form the payload.
The API docs state the request should look like this:
POST /upload/drive/v3/files?uploadType=media HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: number_of_bytes_in_file
Authorization: Bearer your_auth_token
JPEG data
I have tried the following but it results in an error:
require 'rest-client'
file ="./uploaded-by-api.jpg")
response = RestClient::Request.execute(method: :post, url: '', payload: { uploadType: "media", file: file, }, headers: { Authorization: "Bearer #{access_token}", "Content-Type" => "image/jpeg", "Content-Length" => "1000" })
I'm pretty sure there is a mistake in the way I'm including the actual file data but I can't find any examples of this with RestClient.
Ok solved it with the following:
response =
{ 'uploadType' => "media", 'upload' => file },
"Authorization" => "Bearer #{access_token}",
"Content-Type" => "image/jpeg",
"Content-Length" => "1000"

Can't add email to Campaign Monitor API?

I am trying to create some simple Ruby code to add emails using the Campaign Monitor API. Below is my code.
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
def request
url = ''
auth = {:username => 'MYAPIKEY', :password => 'x'}
response =,
:basic_auth => auth, :body => {
'EmailAddress' => '',
'Name' => 'Test',
'Resubscribe' => true,
'RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders' => true
puts response
puts response.code
I can connect with the API. However, when I try to add the email I am getting the following response.
{"Code"=>400, "Message"=>"Failed to deserialize your request.
Please check the documentation and try again.
Fields in error: subscriber"}
When I change the request to get instead of put
my response is:
{"Code"=>1, "Message"=>"Invalid Email Address"}
I can't understand what I am doing wrong as I have followed the documentation on the Campaign Monitor API
It looks like you have everything setup correctly, you just need to turn the body of the post into a json string.
response =,
:basic_auth => auth, :body => {
'EmailAddress' => '',
'Name' => 'Test',
'Resubscribe' => true,
'RestartSubscriptionBasedAutoresponders' => true
I'd like to point out that a Campaign Monitor API gem also exists that will do all of that work for you.
Campaign Monitor API Gem

Webmock not registering my request stubs correctly

I am registering a request stub as follows:
url = ""
stub_request(:get, url).
with(body: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<project>\n <id>1</id>\n</project>\n",
headers: {
'Accept' => 'application/xml',
'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' => 'Ruby',
'X-Trackertoken' => '12345'
to_return(status: 200, body: '', headers: {})
for some reason when I run bundle exec rspec spec, my specs fails saying that the request isn't registered yet. The registered stub is this,
stub_request(:get, "").
with(body: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<project>\n <id>1</id>\n</project>\n",
headers: {
'Accept' => 'application/xml',
'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' => 'Ruby',
'X-Trackertoken' => '12345'
note that the to_return part is missing
I tried replacing the body header with an empty string, the request stub is registered correctly but then my specs will still fail because they are expecting some value from the body other than the empty string. Thus, it is really important that I assign a value to body.
In my spec I am calling this method:
def find(id)
require 'net/http'
http ='')
headers = {
"X-TrackerToken" => "12345",
"Accept" => "application/xml",
"Content-type" => "application/xml",
"User-Agent" => "Ruby"
parse(http.request("/#{id}", headers)).body)
Any ideas on why this is happening?
The problem is that your stub is matching a GET request with a non-empty body of <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<project>\n <id>1</id>\n</project>\n, but when you make the request you're not including any body, so it doesn't find the stub.
I think you're confused about what body is what here. The body in the with method arguments is the body of the request you are making, not the body of the response. What you probably want is a stub like this:
url = ""
stub_request(:get, url).
with(headers: {
'Accept' => 'application/xml',
'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' => 'Ruby',
'X-Trackertoken' => '12345'
to_return(status: 200,
body: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<project>\n <id>1</id>\n</project>\n",
headers: {})

Can I use rest-client to POST a binary file to HTTP without multipart?

I have tried to do the following, but the web-service is NOT REST and does not take multi-part. What do I do in order to POST the image?
#response ='',
{:upload => {
:file =>"#{#postalcard.postalimage.path}",'rb')
{"Content-Type" => #postalcard.postalimage.content_type,
"Content-Length" => #postalcard.postalimage.size,
"Authorization" => 'Basic xxxxxx'
} # end headers
) #close arguments to
Got the answer: use I/O to stream as a string instead of using
:file =>"#{#postalcard.postalimage.path}")
