Application was working in Firefox 52 but in Firefox 61 it gets freeze showing error - firefox

Whenever I am running my application in the latest Firefox Quantum 61 browser it gets frozen and I am receiving this message on a yellow line:
The same application is working fine in Firefox 51, Chrome and IE. Is there any solution for this ?


Google form not appearing in webpage with FIrefox 62

We are using a google form which is in inside of a frame command. It works in IE, and Chrome. But, in Firefox 62 the frame command is not working.

How to run Chrome/Firefox with disabled pdf plugin from watir script?

In the new chrome versions are there any desired capabilities?
For disabling the pdfDocuments in the chrome 59 i was facing this issue

Exe is not downloaded from chrome web store for chrome browser version: 55

In chrome web store for “M-Files for Chrome” on clicking "Add to chrome", it has got successfully added in "chrome://extensions".
But see the difference it is creating, on clicking “Add to chrome” from chrome web store in chrome browser version: 54 and 55 (in the attached image).
In the image you could find all the files are downloaded from chrome web store except the application "M-Files-for-Chrome-1.0". This is the issue we are facing.
Refer in the following path
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\lapmgejioldofnecdomcdgblbiffefhb\1.6.10_0
If it is chrome browser version: 54 you could find the application "M-Files-for-Chrome-1.0" downloaded in the above path.
If it is chrome browser version:55 the application will not exist. This is the issue.
I would like to know why this application (M-Files-for-Chrome-1.0) alone got skipped in chrome browser version:55 alone. And got successfully downloaded for chrome browser version:54.
Due to this the end user is facing “File Not Found” issue if they are using chrome browser version: 55.
Kindly guide me. And reply as soon as possible.
Chrome browser version 54
Chrome browser version 55

selenium firefox webdriver triggers uninstaller helper.exe to open

OS: Windows 7
Firefox: 37
Selenium-java: 2.45.0
I am able to control firefox with code using selenium library. However, for some reason, besides opening the firefox browser, it always opens firefox unsinstaller (helper.exe) as well, with the message "Installer corrupted: invalid opcode".
Does any one know why firefox uninstaller is even triggered in the first place?

Website loading slow in Safari (sometimes doesn't even load) and background images not showing up

I have a website which displays fine in IE, Chrome, FF and even on Chrome on Mac but it doesn't work on Safari on Mac.
Here's what happens.
When I open the home page, most of the page loads but not full. It keeps loading. So if I refresh the page, it opens instantly
No background image is being displayed
If I go to new page, it sometimes load very quickly but sometimes it doesn't load like point 1 above and I had to refresh it (sometimes even refreshing doesn't work so it is all random)
Safari version is 7.0.1 and OS is Max OS 10.9.1
This is one of the shitiest browser I have seen.
In my case, i solved this issue adding google dns in the System Preferences > Network > Advanced > DNS.
I also tried empty the Safari cache, but it's not help.
