How to represent node weight in Gephi input? - graphviz

When importing following GraphViz/DOT file in Gephi, the weight attribute is processed as a string value. As a consequence it can be selected in the partition tab, but not in the ranking tab.
digraph demo {
x [label="x", weight=10];
y [label="y", weight=1];
x -> y;
I want to select the weight attribute in the ranking tab, so that I can set the node size based on the weight value.
I also tried to supply the weight values as string ("10") and float (10.0), but this gives the same result.

"… the weight attribute is processed as a string value."
Possible workaround:
Data Laboratory > Data Table > Add Column.
Enter Title and select desired Type.
Select all records (Ctrl + A).
Click Copy data to other column, then select column to copy data from.
Select newly created column to copy data to.


Conditional formatting in matrix cells

I have the following matrix loaded:
I need to change the font color of the BB column values ​​when the value is below the value contained in the MIN column cell.
Being grouped columns, the MIN column will not always be in fourth place. How can I do to compare values ​​taking into account the name of the columns?
Thank you!!
I share the output of the dataset:
I have found a solution based on our discussion in the comments:
Create a calculated field in your dataset Ref = ELEMENT + COMPONENT (concatenate the 2 colums, this will be used later)
In the Row Group properties, add a variable MinVar =lookup("MIN" & Fields!Component.Value ,Fields!Ref.Value,Fields!Value.Value,"DataSet1") (replace DataSet1 with your dataset name)
In the font expression of the value field add an expression =if(Fields!Element.Value ="BB",if(Me.Value< Variables!MinVar.value,"Red","Black") ,"Black")
I have tested this and it is working on my end.

Spotfire to transform text value before loading

I've column [A] with various texts and need to transform that text (i.e., replace with abbreviations) before loading.
So, a table has values: J1, J2, J3, PLAB, CIVIL, ENGG etc.
I need to transform it to "J1" to "Java", "J2" to "Stack", while keeping the PLAB, CIVIL & ENGG as they are.
Hope I am clear.
PS: I don't need a calculated column, as column [A] has other text that does not need transformed.
This can be done when you add the data table to the analytic.
File > Add Data Table > (Select your data)
At the bottom of the window, you will see Transformations... select Calculate and replace column
Add the expression below, and give it the same column name as the original column
Select OK
Custom Expression:
when [yourColumn] = 'J1' then 'Java'
when [yourColumn] = 'J2' then 'Stack'
else [yourColumn]

Adding different row values for Birt

I got this selection of data from my sql:
I would like to add Cancelled, Disputed and Resolved together and then divide the result with the total shipped. All of this should be done with an Expression.
So x / 303 where x is the sum of the desired values.
Goal would be to get a % where I can tell how good my shipping is.
I would then like to display the result in a text label next to a graph.
How do I do that?
You should use computed columns in your data set:
Add a SUM on the column Total and a filter only matching the rows based on the column Status you want to select. The expression should look like:
if (row["Status"] == "Cancelled" || row["Status"] == "Disputed"
|| row["Status"] == "Resolved")
create a second computed column only containing the "Total" value where the Status is Shipped.
if (row["Status"] == "Shipped")
Then create a third computed column where you divide both computed values and you are done.
row["sum"] / row["shipped"]
create a new parameter and refer the image
create new static values and allow multiple values to be selected.
So, accordingly edit your SQL queries

Show Different category name in tooltip in spotfire bar chart

We have a requirement for showing ID in category axis and description of same ID in tooltip.
I have multiple columns in my data like value 1 ,value2,value 3 etc. value 1, value 2 are columns.
I am putting this on value axis as an expression like Sum([value 1]) as [AC 6076 ], Sum([Value 2]) as [AC 6078 ], etc. that is this will hardcoded as IDs in category axis
So my category axis is column names. that is <[Axis.Default.Names]> .
please see the attached picture. It's the description against a column not a row.
It would be an expression in tooltip which may be something like
First(Case when '${Axis.Y.DisplayName}'='AC 6076' then "description 1" when '${Axis.Y.DisplayName}'='AC 6078 ' then "description 2" else " Description 3" end )
This expression is not showing correct value. it wil always show "Descrition 3"
i want to show this IDs(column names in category axis) and a description for each of these column names in tooltip. please have a look at the picture attached.
Atatched picture
WHEN '${Axis.Y.DisplayName}'='AC 6076' THEN "description 1"
WHEN '${Axis.Y.DisplayName}'='AC 6078 ' THEN "description 2"
ELSE " Description 3"
this always evaluates to your ELSE condition because ${Axis.Y.DisplayName} will always be the full display name for the axis, not the individual columns (i.e., "AC 6076, AC 6078").
you will need to add your description text to your data somehow. this is a little convoluted and will require some tweaking on your end, but the principle is the same.
this is assuming your table is something like this:
key val1 val2
a 1 4
b 2 5
c 3 6
from the menu, select File..Add Data Tables...
click Add then select the data table powering your visualization from the From Current Analysis heading
expand the Transformations pane at the bottom of this dialog
choose a Pivot transform and click **Add...*
leave everything default except for Transfer columns..., where you should add only the columns you wish to sum (e.g., [value 1] and [value 2])
OPTIONALLY change the naming scheme to just %T
click OK
your table now looks like (ignoring optional steps):
Sum(val1) Sum(val2)
6 15
choose another transform, this time Unpivot, and click **Add...*
add all columns to Columns to transform
click OK
now you have:
Category Value
Sum(val1) 6
Sum(val2) 15
choose one last transform: Calculate new column and click **Add...*
enter your case statement that will determine the description and name the column "Description" or something
click OK
click OK
your final table will resemble:
Category Value Description
Sum(val1) 6 This is the sum of value 1
Sum(val2) 15 This is the sum of value 2
on your bar chart, the category axis expression should be Category and value should be Sum(Value) (assuming you didn't change the column names in step 9)
add a new line to the tooltip with an expression First([Description]), or whatever you named the new column in step 12
whew. it's a lot of steps but it works. the goal is to get the description data into it's own column so you can put it in the tooltip. since your data is aggregated and doesn't exist in its own column, this is the only way I can think of doing it.

Spotfire Expression Value for Max(Row Count)

I'm trying to make a Calculated Value Control expression on the below columns:
Row Count | Date | Value
What I want to get is the Value for the 'newest' date, which will also be the highest row count. How can I write an expression to get this, it seems like it ought to be simple. I'm having trouble writing it in only expression language, without SQL.
Using the expression below you can limit the records in your table to those with the highest (aka most recent) date which should have your Value of interest.
[Date] = Max([Date])
You can do the same with row count since you mentioned the record of interest being the highest row count:
[Row Count] = Max([Row Count])
If you're looking to create a calculated column you can use a case statement to spit out the value:
case when [Date] = Max([Date]) then [Value] end
Lastly, should you want to display this value in a Text Area to show off your value you can utilize the calculated column above:
1) Create a new Text Area
2) Type some text about what it is: "Value for newest Date: " (optional)
3) Click "Insert Dynamic Item" -> "Calculated Value"
4) Under "Data" ensure the appropriate data table is selected. Note: You can uncheck the "Use Current Filtering..." box here if you do not want your value to update as you filter.
5) Under Values, utilize our calculated column with "Max" wrapped around it to avoid Summing duplicate values:
Here is a screenshot of my work with random filler dates and values:
The larger text is to show the calculated value dynamic items. I used Max([Date]) for the date value.
