Placing a matrix in echelon form with the Eigen library - eigen

This post concerns very short, wide arrays (# columns can be several orders of magnitude larger than the number of rows).
Due to the disparity in row/column number and the large size of the matrices I work with, it's usually infeasible to hold the U part of an LU decomposition in memory. Does Eigen have functionality to compute just the L? Equivalently, to place the input matrix in echelon form using row operations?
General notes
(1) I saw a related question here
The answer suggested looking at the image() method under FullPivLU, but I wasn't able to find the necessary information in the docs. In particular, it's often important to obtain the matrix L, in practice. An arbitrary basis for the column space of the matrix does not suffice.
(2) There was another question here
but it did not seem to get a response.
(3) Issues of stability are of less concern in the (fairly specialized) application domain that motivates this question, since we usually work over finite fields.


How are sparse Ax = b systems solved in practice?

Let A be an n x n sparse matrix, represented by a sequence of m tuples of the form (i,j,a) --- with indices i,j (between 0 and n-1) and a being a value a in the underlying field F.
What algorithms are used, in practice, to solve linear systems of equations of the form Ax = b? Please describe them, don't just link somewhere.
I'm interested both in exact solutions for finite fields, and in exact and bounded-error solutions for reals or complex numbers using floating-point representation. I suppose exact or bounded-solutions for rational numbers are also interesting.
I'm particularly interested in parallelizable solutions.
A is not fixed, i.e. you don't just get different b's for the same A.
The main two algorithms that I have used and parallelised are the Wiedemann algorithm and the Lanczos algorithm (and their block variants for GF(2) computations), both of which are better than structured gaussian elimination.
The LaMacchia-Odlyzo paper (the one for the Lanczos algorithm) will tell you what you need to know. The algorithms involve repeatedly multiplying your sparse matrix by a sequence of vectors. To do this efficiently, you need to use the right data structure (linked list) to make the matrix-vector multiply time proportional to the number of non-zero values in the matrix (i.e. the sparsity).
Paralellisation of these algorithms is trivial, but optimisation will depend upon the architecture of your system. The parallelisation of the matrix-vector multiply is done by splitting the matrix into blocks of rows (each processor gets one block), each block of rows multiplies by the vector separately. Then you combine the results to get the new vector.
I've done these types of computations extensively. The original authors that broke the RSA-129 factorisation took 6 weeks using structured gaussian elimination on a 16,384 processor MasPar. On the same machine, I worked with Arjen Lenstra (one of the authors) to solve the matrix in 4 days with block Wiedemann and 1 day with block Lanczos. Unfortunately, I never published the result!

LAPACK: Triangular system of equations with multiple right hand side

I have my beuatiful triangular n x n matrix, say L (for lower triangular), and I want to solve a system like
Where B and X are n x k matrices (that is: I want to solve a triangular linear system with multiple right hand side). Additionally, I have my triangular matrix stored in PACKED FORMAT; i.e. I only store the lower triangular part. I am using BLAS and LAPACK, but I have realised that there is no specific way of solving my problem. Although there are many functions that solve similar problems:
stpsv(): Takes a triangular matrix in packed format and solves for a single right hand side.
strsm(): Takes a triangular matrix in dense format and solves for multiple right hand side.
What I really need is a combination of both. I would like to have a function accepting packed triangular format, as in stpsv(), and also accepting multiple right hand side, as in strsm(). But it seems as if there is not such a function readily available.
So my questions are:
Is there any function that can accept a packed triangular matrix and solve for multiple right hand side?
If the answer is NO, what would be more efficient? Either I call stpsv() in a for loop for every column in B, or I create a dense matrix from L, so that I have all those useless zeros in there and then I call strsm(). What would be better? Moreover, maybe I am missing a more clever way of doing all this.
Packed storage implies BLAS2 routines. Otherwise BLAS3 functions are more efficient in solving linear systems but they work in optimal blocked algorithms. If you call BLAS2 functions then you basically go back to vectored version hence it won't make too much sense.
Note that BLAS2 versions also do not perform conditioning checks. So they are directly optimized for BLAS2 performance since a triangular matrix with single RHS is a direct backward substitution.
For multiple RHS you can convert your matrix via, say stpttr and then use strtrs.
Yes, there is a function to solve Ax=B, for packed triangular matrix A and multiple right hand size B. It is stptrs() from LAPACK. In addition, there are other routines for triangular packed matrices, all featuring tp in their name according to the naming conventions of LAPACK.
However, looking at the source unveils that this function calls stpsv() from BLAS in a loop, once for each right hand side. It's exactly what you suggested!

Two algorithms to find nearest neighbor with Locality-sensitive hashing, which one?

Currently I'm studying how to find a nearest neighbor using Locality-sensitive hashing. However while I'm reading papers and searching the web I found two algorithms for doing this:
1- Use L number of hash tables with L number of random LSH functions, thus increasing the chance that two documents that are similar to get the same signature. For example if two documents are 80% similar, then there's an 80% chance that they will get the same signature from one LSH function. However if we use multiple LSH functions, then there's a higher chance to get the same signature for the documents from one of the LSH functions. This method is explained in wikipedia and I hope my understanding is correct:
2- The other algorithm uses a method from a paper (section 5) called: Similarity Estimation Techniques from Rounding Algorithms by Moses S. Charikar. It's based on using one LSH function to generate the signature and then apply P permutations on it and then sort the list. Actually I don't understand the method very well and I hope if someone could clarify it.
My main question is: why would anyone use the second method rather than the first method? As I find it's easier and faster.
I really hope someone can help!!!
Actually I'm not sure if #Raff.Edward were mixing between the "first" and the "second". Because only the second method uses a radius and the first just uses a new hash family g composed of the hash family F. Please check the wikipedia link. They just used many g functions to generate different signatures and then for each g function it has a corresponding hash table. In order to find the nearest neighbor of a point you just let the point go through the g functions and check the corresponding hash tables for collisions. Thus how I understood it as more function ... more chance for collisions.
I didn't find any mentioning about radius for the first method.
For the second method they generate only one signature for each feature vector and then apply P permutations on them. Now we have P lists of permutations where each contains n signatures. Now they then sort each list from P. After that given a query point q, they generate the signature for it and then apply the P permutations on it and then use binary search on each permuted and sorted P list to find the most similar signature to the query q. I concluded this after reading many papers about it, but I still don't understand why would anyone use such a method because it doesn't seem fast in finding the hamming distance!!!!
For me I would simply do the following to find the nearest neighbor for a query point q. Given a list of signatures N, I would generate the signature for the query point q and then scan the list N and compute the hamming distance between each element in N and the signature of q. Thus I would end up with the nearest neighbor for q. And it takes O(N)!!!
Your understanding of the first one is a little off. The probability of a collision occurring is not proportional to the similarity, but whether or not it is less than the pre-defined radius. The goal is that anything within the radius will have a high chance of colliding, and anything outside the radius * (1+eps) will have a low chance of colliding (and the area in-between is a little murky).
The first algorithm is actually fairly difficult to implement well, but can get good results. In particular, the first algorithm is for the L1 and L2 (and technically a few more) metrics.
The second algorithm is very simple to implement, though a naive implementation may use up too much memory to be useful depending on your problem size. In this case, the probability of collision is proportional to the similarity of the inputs. However, it only works for the Cosine Similarity (or distance metrics based on a transform of the similarity.)
So which one you would use is based primarily on which distance metric you are using for Nearest Neighbor (or whatever other application).
The second one is actually much easier to understand and implement than the first one, the paper is just very wordy.
The short version: Take a random vector V and give each index a independent random unit normal value. Create as many vectors as you want the signature length to be. The signature is the signs of each index when you do a Matrix Vector product. Now the hamming distance between any two signatures is related to the cosine similarity between the respective data points.
Because you can encode the signature into an int array and use an XOR with a bit count instruction to get the hamming distance very quickly, you can get approximate cosine similarity scores very quickly.
LSH algorithms doesn't have a lot of standardization, and the two papers (and others) use different definitions, so its all a bit confusing at times. I only recently implemented both of these algorithms in JSAT, and am still working on fully understanding them both.
EDIT: Replying to your edit. The wikipedia article is not great for LSH. If you read the original paper, the first method you are talking about only works for a fixed radius. The hash functions are then created based on that radius, and concatenated to increase the probability of getting near by points in a collision. They then construct a system for doing k-NN on-top of this by determine the maximum value of k they wan, and then finding the largest reasonable distance they would find the k'th nearest neighbor in. In this way, a radius search will very likely return the set of k-NNs. To speed this up, they also create a few extra small radius since the density is often not uniform, and the smaller radius you use, the faster the results.
The wikipedia section you linked is taken from the paper description for the "Stable Distribution" section, which presents the hash function for a search of radius r=1.
For the second paper, the "sorting" you describe is not part of the hashing, but part of one-scheme for searching the hamming space more quickly. I as I mentioned, I recently implemented this, and you can see a quick benchmark I did using a brute force search is still much faster than the naive method of NN. Again, you would also pick this method if you need the cosine similarity over the L2 or L1 distance. You will find many other papers proposing different schemes for searching the hamming space created by the signatures.
If you need help convincing yourself fit can be faster even if you were still doing brute force - just look at it this way: Lets say that the average sparse document has 40 common words with another document (a very conservative number in my experience). You have n documents to compare against. Brute force cosine similarity would then involve about 40*n floating point multiplications (and some extra work). If you have a 1024 bit signature, thats only 32 integers. That means we could do a brute force LSH search in 32*n integer operations, which are considerably faster then floating point operations.
There are also other factors at play here as well. For a sparse data set we have to keep both the doubles and integer indices to represent the non zero indexes, so the sparse dot product is doing a lot of additional integer operations to see which indices they have in common. LSH also allows us to save memory, because we don't need to store all of these integers and doubles for each vector, instead we can just keep its hash around - which is only a few bytes.
Reduced memory use can help us better exploit the CPU cache.
Your O(n) is the naive way I have used in my blog post. And it is fast. However, if you sort the bits before hand, you can do the binary search in O(log(n)). Even if you have L of these lists, L << n, and so it should be faster. The only issue is it gets you approximate hamming NN which are already approximating the cosine similarity, so the results can become a bit worse. It depends on what you need.

Sparse Matrix Editing

I'm new here so I'm not sure if it's asked before, but I did look out to see if it's there.
I'm interested if anyone has encountered similar problem. I have sparse matrix that is being LU decomposed and than those L and U factors are than inverted. Now the problem I encounter is following. The original sparse matrix requires editing because of input data, and in some cases (I know why) it becomes singular. The solution for that is simple, I will remove row and column for those elements that made it singular, and continue with my code, but is there a way to edit LU factors that are inverted or I have to create new ones every time? It consumes a lot of time, since number of nonzero elements is like 10K or more.

Why permutation matrices are used to swap rows of an array?

What are the advantages of using a permutation matrix to swap rows? Why one would create a permutation matrix and then apply a matrix multiplication, is it easier and more efficient than just swapping rows with a for loop?
Permutation matrices are a useful mathematical abstraction, because they allow analysis using the normal rules of matrix algebra, without having to introduce another type of operation.
In software, good implementations do not store a permutation matrix as a full matrix, they store a permutation array and they apply it directly (without a full matrix multiplication).
Depending on the sizes of the matrices and the operations and access patterns involved, it may be cheaper not to apply the permutation to the data in memory at all, but just to use it as an extra indirection. So, when you request (P * M)(i,j), where P is a permutation matrix and M is some other matrix that you are permuting, the data need not be re-arranged at all, but rather the element access operation will look up the permuted row when you access the element.
The first thing that comes into my mind is the issue called "spatial locality". Caching technologies assume that if a memory location is accessed, it is probable to access the nearby locations of the memory. In some programming languages, elements in rows are neighbors whereas elements in columns are neighbors in others. It depends on the implementation. I guess permutation matrices are designed to solve this problem, since optimization of matrix multiplication is one of the problems that algorithms academia mostly works on improving. Simple loop structure will not be able to make use of cache technologies to improve performance.
