How are sparse Ax = b systems solved in practice? - algorithm

Let A be an n x n sparse matrix, represented by a sequence of m tuples of the form (i,j,a) --- with indices i,j (between 0 and n-1) and a being a value a in the underlying field F.
What algorithms are used, in practice, to solve linear systems of equations of the form Ax = b? Please describe them, don't just link somewhere.
I'm interested both in exact solutions for finite fields, and in exact and bounded-error solutions for reals or complex numbers using floating-point representation. I suppose exact or bounded-solutions for rational numbers are also interesting.
I'm particularly interested in parallelizable solutions.
A is not fixed, i.e. you don't just get different b's for the same A.

The main two algorithms that I have used and parallelised are the Wiedemann algorithm and the Lanczos algorithm (and their block variants for GF(2) computations), both of which are better than structured gaussian elimination.
The LaMacchia-Odlyzo paper (the one for the Lanczos algorithm) will tell you what you need to know. The algorithms involve repeatedly multiplying your sparse matrix by a sequence of vectors. To do this efficiently, you need to use the right data structure (linked list) to make the matrix-vector multiply time proportional to the number of non-zero values in the matrix (i.e. the sparsity).
Paralellisation of these algorithms is trivial, but optimisation will depend upon the architecture of your system. The parallelisation of the matrix-vector multiply is done by splitting the matrix into blocks of rows (each processor gets one block), each block of rows multiplies by the vector separately. Then you combine the results to get the new vector.
I've done these types of computations extensively. The original authors that broke the RSA-129 factorisation took 6 weeks using structured gaussian elimination on a 16,384 processor MasPar. On the same machine, I worked with Arjen Lenstra (one of the authors) to solve the matrix in 4 days with block Wiedemann and 1 day with block Lanczos. Unfortunately, I never published the result!


paralleling sequence of matrix multiplication for speed up

In my function, there is a lot of element wise matrix multiplication which are independent. Is there a way to calculate them in parallel ?
All of them are very simple operations, but 70% of my run time is for these parts of code because this function is invoked millions of times.
function [r1,r2,r3]=backward(A,B,C,D,E,F,r1,r2,r3)
for i=1:300
EDIT: After writing the answer, I observed that you are not multiplying all the input matrices by means of matrix multiplication. Some of them are elementwise multiplications. If this is what you intended, the following answer won't apply.
You are looking for an optimal algorithm for computing product of multiple matrices. People have studied this problem long ago and they have come up with a dynamic programming algorithm to decide the optimal order.
For example, if A is of size 10000 x 1, B is of size 1 x 10000 and C is of size 10000 x 1, it would be a lot more efficient if we computed A*B*C as A*(B*C), instead of (A*B)*C. The proof of correctness of this technique lies in the fact that matrix multiplication is associative. You can read more about this on Wikipedia.
If you want a good quality MATLAB implementation of this, you can find it here. It takes the matrices as input and gives out the product. It seems like this implementation does a decent job of finding the optimal way of computing "upto" 10 matrices.
First thing to note: the last 3 variables that you provide as input are not beeing used. I don't think this will matter much, but it would be better to clean it up.
Now the actual answer:
MATLAB is all about matrix operations, and this has been highly optimized. Even using C++ you will not expect a significant speedup (and be wary of a slowdown). As such, with the information that is provided in the question, the conclusion would be that you cannot do anything to speed up independent matrix calculations.
That being said: If you could reduce the number of sequential function calls, there may be something to gain.
It is hard to say how to do this in general, but two ideas:
If you call the fuction in a for loop, use a parfor loop instead (assuming you have the parallel processing toolbox, otherwise manually break up the loop and open 4 matlab instances to paralellize the loop (can be automated if needed).
See whether you really need this many function calls to small matrix operations. If you could improve your algorithm, that could offer a huge improvement, but otherwise you may still be able to combine multiple matrices (multiple versions of A with multiple versions of B for instance) and do 1 big multiplication, rather than a 100 tiny ones).

Evolving a matrix using a genetic algorithm

I recently discovered genetic algothims and after doing a little research I can't find any example on how to evolve structures more complex than a vector or a string.
Let's say that I'm using a covariance matrix for a certain computation (to compute a mahalanobis distance for example) and I want to look for a better matrix to do the job and linimize a certain criteria, are there any classic examples on how to evolve the matrix and which crossover operators to use ?
Thanks !
Any structure of fixed size and shape that is made of numbers (or any other elements) can be rewritten to a 1-D vector and back. You can then use any operator you like which works on vectors.
If you wanted to work with matrices (or any other structures) directly you can always design your own operators, but a matrix basically is a vector, just written in a different way. For the matrix case there are a number of possibilites of operators (crossover):
Swap rows/columns (between the parents)
Swap submatrices (generalization of the above)
Continuous-space crossover methos like BLX-alpha, PCX, arithmetic crossover... These all are designed for vectors but you will just treat the matrix as a vector (it's really not that different).
Mutation is probably going to be more or less identical to the vector-like - you just mutate the elements (or some of them).

How to compute Discrete Fourier Transform?

I've been trying to find some places to help me better understand DFT and how to compute it but to no avail. So I need help understanding DFT and it's computation of complex numbers.
Basically, I'm just looking for examples on how to compute DFT with an explanation on how it was computed because in the end, I'm looking to create an algorithm to compute it.
I assume 1D DFT/IDFT ...
All DFT's use this formula:
X(k) is transformed sample value (complex domain)
x(n) is input data sample value (real or complex domain)
N is number of samples/values in your dataset
This whole thing is usually multiplied by normalization constant c. As you can see for single value you need N computations so for all samples it is O(N^2) which is slow.
Here mine Real<->Complex domain DFT/IDFT in C++ you can find also hints on how to compute 2D transform with 1D transforms and how to compute N-point DCT,IDCT by N-point DFT,IDFT there.
Fast algorithms
There are fast algorithms out there based on splitting this equation to odd and even parts of the sum separately (which gives 2x N/2 sums) which is also O(N) per single value, but the 2 halves are the same equations +/- some constant tweak. So one half can be computed from the first one directly. This leads to O(N/2) per single value. if you apply this recursively then you get O(log(N)) per single value. So the whole thing became O(N.log(N)) which is awesome but also adds this restrictions:
All DFFT's need the input dataset is of size equal to power of two !!!
So it can be recursively split. Zero padding to nearest bigger power of 2 is used for invalid dataset sizes (in audio tech sometimes even phase shift). Look here:
mine Complex->Complex domain DFT,DFFT in C++
some hints on constructing FFT like algorithms
Complex numbers
c = a + i*b
c is complex number
a is its real part (Re)
b is its imaginary part (Im)
i*i=-1 is imaginary unit
so the computation is like this
polar form
a = r.cos(θ)
b = r.sin(θ)
r = sqrt(a.a + b.b)
θ = atan2(b,a)
a+i.b = r|θ
sqrt(r|θ) = (+/-)sqrt(r)|(θ/2)
sqrt(r.(cos(θ)+i.sin(θ))) = (+/-)sqrt(r).(cos(θ/2)+i.sin(θ/2))
real -> complex conversion:
complex = real+i.0
do not forget that you need to convert data to different array (not in place)
normalization constant on FFT recursion is tricky (usually something like /=log2(N) depends also on the recursion stopping condition)
do not forget to stop the recursion if N=1 or 2 ...
beware FPU can overflow on big datasets (N is big)
here some insights to DFT/DFFT
here 2D FFT and wrapping example
usually Euler's formula is used to compute e^(i.x)=cos(x)+i.sin(x)
here How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
you find how to obtain the Niquist frequencies
[edit1] Also I strongly recommend to see this amazing video (I just found):
But what is the Fourier Transform A visual introduction
It describes the (D)FT in geometric representation. I would change some minor stuff in it but still its amazingly simple to understand.

Why Gauss Siedel uses less memory than Gauss Elimination

I am studying numerical methods from Steven C. Charpa's book. The book says "Gauss-Siedel uses less memory than Gauss-Elimination because it does not stores "0" values in matrix", however the algorithm, written in the book, handle same matrix as Gauss Elimination. I didn't understand how Gauss-Siedel uses less memory. I searched this issue on internet people say same thing but nobody explain how.
Note: I can share algorithm in book, if won't be problem about Copyrights.
The Gauss-Elimination method has to store zeros while computing. This is because in the course of elimination of lower triangular matrix, the zeros can become non-zero values. On the other hand the Gauss-Siedel method, if written to handle sparse matrices, can only operate on non-zero values.
In simple way you can say that Gauss-Siedel method works on one equation at a time, solving for i^{th} variable with non-zero coefficient, therefore it can easily skip the terms with zero coefficient.
Gauss-Elimination works on complete matrix making all the coefficients below the i^{th} coefficient zero, but in the process the coefficients in the upper triangular matrix are changed. I think that there is no easy way of writing Gauss-Elimination method for sparse matrices.

"Covering" the space of all possible histogram shapes

There is a very expensive computation I must make frequently.
The computation takes a small array of numbers (with about 20 entries) that sums to 1 (i.e. the histogram) and outputs something that I can store pretty easily.
I have 2 things going for me:
I can accept approximate answers
The "answers" change slowly. For example: [.1 .1 .8 0] and [.1
.1 .75 .05] will yield similar results.
Consequently, I want to build a look-up table of answers off-line. Then, when the system is running, I can look-up an approximate answer based on the "shape" of the input histogram.
To be precise, I plan to look-up the precomputed answer that corresponds to the histogram with the minimum Earth-Mover-Distance to the actual input histogram.
I can only afford to store about 80 to 100 precomputed (histogram , computation result) pairs in my look up table.
So, how do I "spread out" my precomputed histograms so that, no matter what the input histogram is, I'll always have a precomputed result that is "close"?
Finding N points in M-space that are a best spread-out set is more-or-less equivalent to hypersphere packing (1,2) and in general answers are not known for M>10. While a fair amount of research has been done to develop faster methods for hypersphere packings or approximations, it is still regarded as a hard problem.
It probably would be better to apply a technique like principal component analysis or factor analysis to as large a set of histograms as you can conveniently generate. The results of either analysis will be a set of M numbers such that linear combinations of histogram data elements weighted by those numbers will predict some objective function. That function could be the “something that you can store pretty easily” numbers, or could be case numbers. Also consider developing and training a neural net or using other predictive modeling techniques to predict the objective function.
Building on #jwpat7's answer, I would apply k-means clustering to a huge set of randomly generated (and hopefully representative) histograms. This would ensure that your space was spanned with whatever number of exemplars (precomputed results) you can support, with roughly equal weighting for each cluster.
The trick, of course, will be generating representative data to cluster in the first place. If you can recompute from time to time, you can recluster based on the actual data in the system so that your clusters might get better over time.
I second jwpat7's answer, but my very naive approach was to consider the count of items in each histogram bin as a y value, to consider the x values as just 0..1 in 20 steps, and then to obtain parameters a,b,c that describe x vs y as a cubic function.
To get a "covering" of the histograms I just iterated through "possible" values for each parameter.
e.g. to get 27 histograms to cover the "shape space" of my cubic histogram model I iterated the parameters through -1 .. 1, choosing 3 values linearly spaced.
Now, you could change the histogram model to be quartic if you think your data will often be represented that way, or whatever model you think is most descriptive, as well as generate however many histograms to cover. I used 27 because three partitions per parameter for three parameters is 3*3*3=27.
For a more comprehensive covering, like 100, you would have to more carefully choose your ranges for each parameter. 100**.3 isn't an integer, so the simple num_covers**(1/num_params) solution wouldn't work, but for 3 parameters 4*5*5 would.
Since the actual values of the parameters could vary greatly and still achieve the same shape it would probably be best to store ratios of them for comparison instead, e.g. for my 3 parmeters b/a and b/c.
Here is an 81 histogram "covering" using a quartic model, again with parameters chosen from linspace(-1,1,3):
edit: Since you said your histograms were described by arrays that were ~20 elements, I figured fitting parameters would be very fast.
edit2 on second thought I think using a constant in the model is pointless, all that matters is the shape.
