Hadoop job submission using Apache Ignite Hadoop Accelerators - hadoop

Disclaimer: I am new to both Hadoop and Apache Ignite. sorry for the lengthy background info.
I have installed and configured Apache Ignite Hadoop Accelerator. Start-All.sh brings up the below services. I can submit Hadoop jobs. They complete and I can see results as expected. The start all uses traditional core-site, hdfs-site, mapred-site, and yarn-site configuration files.
28336 NodeManager
28035 ResourceManager
27780 SecondaryNameNode
27429 NameNode
28552 Jps
27547 DataNode
I also have installed Apache Ignite 2.6.0. I am able to start ignite nodes, connect to it using web console. I was able to load the cache from MySQL and run SQL queries and java programs against this cache.
For running Hadoop jobs using ignited Hadoop, I created a separate ignite-config directory, in which I have customized core-site and mapred-site configurations as per the instructions in the Apache ignite web site.
When I run a Hadoop job using the command:
hadoop --config ~/ignite-conf jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.1.0.jar wordcount input output1
I get the below error (Note, the same job ran successfully against the Hadoop/without ignite):
java.io.IOException: Failed to get new job ID.
Caused by: class org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientDisconnectedException: Latest topology update failed.
Caused by: class org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridServerUnreachableException: Failed to connect to any of the servers in list: [/:13500]
It looks like, there was attempt made to lookup the jobtracker (13500) and it was not able to find. From the service list above, it's obvious that job tracker is not running. However, the job ran just fine on non-ignited hadoop over YARN.
Can you help please?

This is resolved in my case.
The job tracker here meant the Apache Ignite memory cache services listening on port 11211.
After making this change in mapred-site.xml, the job ran!


Get list of executed job on Hadoop cluster after cluster reboot

I have a hadoop cluster 2.7.4 version. Due to some reason, I have to restart my cluster. I need job IDs of those jobs that were executed on cluster before cluster reboot. Command mapred -list provide currently running of waiting jobs details only
You can see a list of all jobs on the Yarn Resource Manager Web UI.
In your browser go to http://ResourceManagerIPAdress:8088/
This is how the history looks on the Yarn cluster I am currently testing on (and I restarted the services several times):
See more info here

unable to see Task tracker and Jobtracker after Hadoop single node installation 2.5.1

Iam new to Hadoop 2.5.1. As i have already installed Hadoop 1.0.4 previously, i thought installation process would be same so followed following tutorial.
Every thing was fine, even i have given these settings in core-site.xml
But i have seen in several sites this value as 9000.
And also changes in yarn.xml.
Still everything works fine when i run a mapreduce job. But my question is
when i run command jps it gives me this output..
hduser#secondmaster:~$ jps
5178 ResourceManager
5038 SecondaryNameNode
4863 DataNode
5301 NodeManager
4719 NameNode
6683 Jps
I dont see task tracker and job tracker in jps. Where are these demons running.
And without these deamons how am i able to run Mapreduce job.
Sreelatha K.
From hadoop version hadoop 2.0 onwards, default processing framework has been changed to YARN from Classic Mapreduce. You are using YARN, where you cannot see Jobtracker, Tasker in YARN. Jobtracker and Tasktracker is replaced by Resource manager and Nodemanager respectively in YARN.
But still you have an option to use Classic Mapreduce framework instead of YARN.
In Hadoop 2 there is an alternative method to run MapReduce jobs, called YARN. Since you have made changes in yarn.xml, MapReduce processing happens using YARN, not using the traditional MapReduce framework. That's probably be the reason why you don't see TaskTracker and JobTracker listed after executing the jps command. Note that ResourceManager and NodeManager are the daemons for YARN.
YARN is next generation of Resource Manager who can able to integrate with Apache spark, storm and many more tools you can use to write map-reduce jobs

Spark Standalone Mode: Worker not starting properly in cloudera

I am new to the spark, After installing the spark using parcels available in the cloudera manager.
I have configured the files as shown in the below link from cloudera enterprise:
After this setup, I have started all the nodes in the spark by running /opt/cloudera/parcels/SPARK/lib/spark/sbin/start-all.sh. But I couldn't run the worker nodes as I got the specified error below.
[root#localhost sbin]# sh start-all.sh
org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master running as process 32405. Stop it first.
root#localhost.localdomain's password:
localhost.localdomain: starting org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker, logging to /var/log/spark/spark-root-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost.localdomain: failed to launch org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker:
localhost.localdomain: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.10)
localhost.localdomain: at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.10)
localhost.localdomain: full log in /var/log/spark/spark-root-org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker-1-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost.localdomain:starting org.apac
When I run jps command, I got:
23367 Jps
28053 QuorumPeerMain
28218 SecondaryNameNode
32405 Master
28148 DataNode
7852 Main
28159 NameNode
I couldn't run the worker node properly. Actually I thought to install a standalone spark where the master and worker work on a single machine. In slaves file of spark directory, I given the address as "localhost.localdomin" which is my host name. I am not aware of this settings file. Please any one cloud help me out with this installation process. Actually I couldn't run the worker nodes. But I can start the master node.
Thanks & Regards,
Please notice error info below:
localhost.localdomain: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.10)
I met the same error when I installed and started Spark master/workers on CentOS 6.2 x86_64 after making sure that libgcj.x86_64 and libgcj.i686 had been installed on my server, finally I solved it. Below is my solution, wish it can help you.
It seem as if your JAVA_HOME environment parameter didn't set correctly.
Maybe, your JAVA_HOME links to system embedded java, e.g. java version "1.5.0".
Spark needs java version >= 1.6.0. If you are using java 1.5.0 to start Spark, you will see this error info.
Try to export JAVA_HOME="your java home path", then start Spark again.

submit hadoop job on cloudera

I am wondering if we can setup a cloudera cluster on amazon and kick off a hadoop job from my local linux without ssh into amazon's node.
Is there anything like a client to do this communication?
The tips from the following tutorial really work. You should be able to put a working Hadoop Cluster in under 20 minutes, from cold iron to production ready, using just his guidance:
Hadoop Quickstart: Build a Cluster In The Cloud In 20 Minutes
Really worth checking it.
You can install an Hadoop client in your local linux and use the "hadoop jar" command with your own jar. Specify the option mapred.job.tracker in the command line and the client will push your jar to the jobtracker and duplicate it in all the tasktrackers that will be used for this job.

where is the hadoop task manager UI

I installed the hadoop 2.2 system on my ubuntu box using this tutorial
Everything worked fine for me and now when I do
I can see the management UI for HDFS. Very good!!
But the I am going through another tutorial which tells me that there must be a task manager UI running at http://mymachine.com:50030 and http://mymachine.com:50060
on my machine I cannot open these ports.
I have already done
is something wrong? why can't I see the task manager UI?
You have installed YARN (MRv2) which runs the ResourceManager. The URL http://mymachine.com:50030 is the web address for the JobTracker daemon that comes with MRv1 and hence you are not able to see it.
To see the ResourceManager UI, check your yarn-site.xml file for the following property:
By default, it should point to : resource_manager_hostname:8088
Assuming your ResourceManager runs on mymachine, you should see the ResourceManager UI at http://mymachine.com:8088/
Make sure all your deamons are up and running before you visit the URL for the ResourceManager.
For Hadoop 2[aka YARN/MRV2] - Any hadoop installation version-ed 2.x or higher its at port number 8088. eg. localhost:8088
For Hadoop 1 - Any hadoop installation version-ed lower than 2.x[eg 1.x or 0.x] its at port number 50030. eg localhost:50030
By default HadoopUI location is as below
