When allow duplicates, BST nodes typically has the following property:
left <= parent < right, or: left < parent <= right.
What is wrong with left <= parent <= right?
Your premise is incorrect. In a BST that allows duplicates, it's always left <= parent <= right. The code that picks the place to insert a new node will just pick one side or the other, but that is not a rule about how nodes must be linked and it is not an invariant that will be maintained.
That's because, for trees with duplicate values, the condition that the left or right branches contain only strictly larger elements is not compatible with balancing operations. Try this: link 20 copies of the same value into a tree. If you can only link equal values on the left or the right, then you have to make a singly-linked list. Your tree will be 20 levels deep and completely unbalanced.
The way to think about duplicate values in the tree is that there really aren't any duplicate values in the tree :-) A BST defines a total ordering, and valid rebalancing operations like rotations preserve this total ordering.
When you insert a duplicate into the tree, you'll put it either to the left or right of the existing match. If you put it on the left, then it will be smaller according to the ordering of the tree, and it will always be smaller after any rebalancing. If you put it on the right, then it will be larger, and will stay larger according to the tree's ordering.
If you think about it, it has to be this way because the balancing operations and in-order traversals don't even look at the values in the nodes. The way they're linked together determines the ordering, the ordering doesn't change as the tree is rebalanced, and the ordering is total -- every node is either before or after every other node in an inorder traversal.
Because you need to maintain the O(log n) complexity for search. Consider you are searching for a Node, then you will have to check it in both the Left and Right subtree to check for its existence. However, the correct condition enforces the constraint that the Node will exist in only one of the subtrees.
Consider a scenario where the BST Node contains an Integer and a String, and the key for building the BST is the Integer.
If you need all the Strings for an integer a, you will need to check for both the subtrees, which will lead to a worse time-complexity of O(n) rather than the O(log n) if you implement it according to the correct condition.
If left <= parent <= right then in case of equality where would you go? Left or right? You need to be deterministic, not choose randomly. So let's say you decide to always use left, then there you go: left <= parent < right
I'm trying to figure out this data structure, but I don't understand how can we
tell there are O(log(n)) subtrees that represents the answer to a query?
Here is a picture for illustration:
If we make the assumption that the above is a purely functional binary tree [wiki], so where the nodes are immutable, then we can make a "copy" of this tree such that only elements with a value larger than x1 and lower than x2 are in the tree.
Let us start with a very simple case to illustrate the point. Imagine that we simply do not have any bounds, than we can simply return the entire tree. So instead of constructing a new tree, we return a reference to the root of the tree. So we can, without any bounds return a tree in O(1), given that tree is not edited (at least not as long as we use the subtree).
The above case is of course quite simple. We simply make a "copy" (not really a copy since the data is immutable, we can just return the tree) of the entire tree. So let us aim to solve a more complex problem: we want to construct a tree that contains all elements larger than a threshold x1. Basically we can define a recursive algorithm for that:
the cutted version of None (or whatever represents a null reference, or a reference to an empty tree) is None;
if the node has a value is smaller than the threshold, we return a "cutted" version of the right subtree; and
if the node has a value greater than the threshold, we return an inode that has the same right subtree, and as left subchild the cutted version of the left subchild.
So in pseudo-code it looks like:
def treelarger(some_node, min):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value > min:
return Node(treelarger(some_node.left, min), some_node.value, some_node.right)
return treelarger(some_node.right, min)
This algorithm thus runs in O(h) with h the height of the tree, since for each case (except the first one), we recurse to one (not both) of the children, and it ends in case we have a node without children (or at least does not has a subtree in the direction we need to cut the subtree).
We thus do not make a complete copy of the tree. We reuse a lot of nodes in the old tree. We only construct a new "surface" but most of the "volume" is part of the old binary tree. Although the tree itself contains O(n) nodes, we construct, at most, O(h) new nodes. We can optimize the above such that, given the cutted version of one of the subtrees is the same, we do not create a new node. But that does not even matter much in terms of time complexity: we generate at most O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes is either less than the original number, or the same.
In case of a complete tree, the height of the tree h scales with O(log n), and thus this algorithm will run in O(log n).
Then how can we generate a tree with elements between two thresholds? We can easily rewrite the above into an algorithm treesmaller that generates a subtree that contains all elements that are smaller:
def treesmaller(some_node, max):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value < min:
return Node(some_node.left, some_node.value, treesmaller(some_node.right, max))
return treesmaller(some_node.left, max)
so roughly speaking there are two differences:
we change the condition from some_node.value > min to some_node.value < max; and
we recurse on the right subchild in case the condition holds, and on the left if it does not hold.
Now the conclusions we draw from the previous algorithm are also conclusions that can be applied to this algorithm, since again it only introduces O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes can only decrease.
Although we can construct an algorithm that takes the two thresholds concurrently into account, we can simply reuse the above algorithms to construct a subtree containing only elements within range: we first pass the tree to the treelarger function, and then that result through a treesmaller (or vice versa).
Since in both algorithms, we introduce O(h) new nodes, and the height of the tree can not increase, we thus construct at most O(2 h) and thus O(h) new nodes.
Given the original tree was a complete tree, then it thus holds that we create O(log n) new nodes.
Consider the search for the two endpoints of the range. This search will continue until finding the lowest common ancestor of the two leaf nodes that span your interval. At that point, the search branches with one part zigging left and one part zagging right. For now, let's just focus on the part of the query that branches to the left, since the logic is the same but reversed for the right branch.
In this search, it helps to think of each node as not representing a single point, but rather a range of points. The general procedure, then, is the following:
If the query range fully subsumes the range represented by this node, stop searching in x and begin searching the y-subtree of this node.
If the query range is purely in range represented by the right subtree of this node, continue the x search to the right and don't investigate the y-subtree.
If the query range overlaps the left subtree's range, then it must fully subsume the right subtree's range. So process the right subtree's y-subtree, then recursively explore the x-subtree to the left.
In all cases, we add at most one y-subtree in for consideration and then recursively continue exploring the x-subtree in only one direction. This means that we essentially trace out a path down the x-tree, adding in at most one y-subtree per step. Since the tree has height O(log n), the overall number of y-subtrees visited this way is O(log n). And then, including the number of y-subtrees visited in the case where we branched right at the top, we get another O(log n) subtrees for a total of O(log n) total subtrees to search.
Hope this helps!
Build a Data structure that has functions:
set(arr,n) - initialize the structure with array arr of length n. Time O(n)
fetch(i) - fetch arr[i]. Time O(log(n))
invert(k,j) - (when 0 <= k <= j <= n) inverts the sub-array [k,j]. meaning [4,7,2,8,5,4] with invert(2,5) becomes [4,7,4,5,8,2]. Time O(log(n))
How about saving the indices in binary search tree and using a flag saying the index is inverted? But if I do more than 1 invert, it mess it up.
Here is how we can approach designing such a data structure.
Indeed, using a balanced binary search tree is a good idea to start.
First, let us store array elements as pairs (index, value).
Naturally, the elements are sorted by index, so that the in-order traversal of a tree will yield the array in its original order.
Now, if we maintain a balanced binary search tree, and store the size of the subtree in each node, we can already do fetch in O(log n).
Next, let us only pretend we store the index.
Instead, we still arrange elements as we did with (index, value) pairs, but store only the value.
The index is now stored implicitly and can be calculated as follows.
Start from the root and go down to the target node.
Whenever we move to a left subtree, the index does not change.
When moving to a right subtree, add the size of the left subtree plus one (the size of the current vertex) to the index.
What we got at this point is a fixed-length array stored in a balanced binary search tree. It takes O(log n) to access (read or write) any element, as opposed to O(1) for a plain fixed-length array, so it is about time to get some benefit for all the trouble.
The next step is to devise a way to split our array into left and right parts in O(log n) given the required size of the left part, and merge two arrays by concatenation.
This step introduces dependency on our choice of the balanced binary search tree.
Treap is the obvious candidate since it is built on top of the split and merge primitives, so this improvement comes for free.
Perhaps it is also possible to split a Red-black tree or a Splay tree in O(log n) (though I admit I didn't try to figure out the details myself).
Right now, the structure is already more powerful than an array: it allows splitting and concatenation of "arrays" in O(log n), although element access is as slow as O(log n) too.
Note that this would not be possible if we still stored index explicitly at this point, since indices would be broken in the right part of a split or merge operation.
Finally, it is time to introduce the invert operation.
Let us store a flag in each node to signal whether the whole subtree of this node has to be inverted.
This flag will be lazily propagating: whenever we access a node, before doing anything, check if the flag is true.
If this is the case, swap the left and right subtrees, toggle (true <-> false) the flag in the root nodes of both subtrees, and set the flag in the current node to false.
Now, when we want to invert a subarray:
split the array into three parts (before the subarray, the subarray itself, and after the subarray) by two split operations,
toggle (true <-> false) the flag in the root of the middle (subarray) part,
then merge the three parts back in their original order by two merge operations.
I'm looking for some help on a specific augmented Red Black Binary Tree. My goal is to make every single operation run in O(log(n)) in the worst case. The nodes of the tree will have an integer as there key. This integer can not be negative, and the tree should be sorted by a simple compare function off of this integer. Additionally, each node will also store another value: its power. (Note that this has nothing to do with mathematical exponents). Power is a floating point value. Both power and key are always non-negative. The tree must be able to provide these operations in O(log(n)) runtime.:
insert(key, power): Insert into the tree. The node in the tree should also store the power, and any other variables needed to augment the tree in such a way that all other operations are also O(log(n)). You can assume that there is no node in the tree which already has the same key.
get(key): Return the power of the node identified by the key.
delete(key): Delete the node with key (assume that the key does exist in the tree prior to the delete.
update(key,power): Update the power at the node given by key.
Here is where it gets interesting:
highestPower(key1, key2): Return the maximum power of all nodes with key k in the range key1 <= k <= key2. That is, all keys from key1 to key2, inclusive on both ends.
powerSum(key1, key2): Return the sum of the powers of all nodes with key k in the ragne key1 <= k <= key2. That is, all keys from key1 to key2, inclusive on both ends.
The main thing I would like to know is what extra variables should I store at each node. Then I need to work out how to use each one of these in each of the above functions so that the tree stays balanced and all operations can run in O(log(n)) My original thought was to store the following:
highestPowerLeft: The highest power of all child nodes to the right of this node.
highestPowerRight: The highest power of all child nodes to the right of this node.
powerSumLeft: The sum of the powers of all child nodes to the left of this node.
powerSumRight: The sum of the powers of all child nodes to the right of this node.
Would just this extra information work? If so, I'm not sure how to deal with it in the functions that are required. Frankly my knowledge of Red Black Tree's isn't great because I feel like every explanation of them gets convoluted really fast, and all the rotations and things confuse the hell out of me. Thanks to anyone willing to attempt helping here, I know what I'm asking is far from simple.
A very interesting problem! For the sum, your proposed method should work (it should be enough to only store the sum of the powers to the left of the current node, though; this technique is called prefix sum). For the max, it doesn't work, since if both max values are equal, that value is outside of your interval, so you have no idea what the max value in your interval is. My only idea is to use a segment tree (in which the leaves are the nodes of your red-black tree), which lets you answer the question "what is the maximal value within the given range?" in logarithmic time, and also lets you update individual values in logarithmic time. However, since you need to insert new values into it, you need to keep it balanced as well.
I am trying to design a data structure that stores elements according to some prescribed ordering, each element with its own value, and that supports each of the following
four operations in logarithmic time (amortized or worst-case, your choice):
add a new element of value v in the kth position
delete the kth element
returns the sum of the values of elements i through j
increase by x the values of elements i through j
Any Idea will be appreciated,
I suspect you could do it with a red-black tree. Over the classic red-black tree, each node would need the following additional fields:
The size field would track the total number of child nodes, allowing for log(n) time insertion and deletion.
The sum field would track the sum of its child nodes, allowing for log(n) time summing.
The increment field would be used to track an increment to each of its child nodes which would be added on when calculating sums. So, when calculating the final sum, we would return sum + size*increment. This is the trickiest one. The increment field would be added on when calculating sums. I think by adding positive and negative increments at the appropriate nodes, it would be possible to alter the returned sum correctly in all cases by altering only log(n) nodes.
Needless to say, implementation would be very tricky. Sum and increment fields would have to be updated after each insertion and deletion, and each would have at least five cases to deal with.
Update: I'm not going to try to solve this completely, but I would note that incrementing i through j by n is equivalent to incrementing the whole tree by n, then decrementing 0 through i by n and decrementing j through to the end by n. A global increment can be done in constant time, with the other two operations being a 'left side decrement' and a 'right side decrement', which are symmetrical. Doing a left side decrement to i would be something like, 'take the count of the left subtree of the root node. If it the count is less than i, decrement the increment field on the left child of root by n. Then apply a left decrement of n to to right sub-tree of the root node up to i - count(left subtree) elements. Alternatively, if the count is greater than i, decrement the increment field of the left-left grandchild of the root by n, then apply a left decrement of n to the left-right subtree of the root up to count (left-left subtree) '. As the tree is balanced, I think the left decrement operation need only be recursively applied ln(n) times. The right decrement would be similar, but reversed.
What you're asking for isn't feasible.
Requirement #3 might be possible, but #4 just can't be done in logarithmic time. You have to edit at most every node. Imagine i is 0 and j is n-1. You'd have to edit every node. Even with constant access that's linear time.
Upon further consideration, if you kept track of "mass increases" you could potentially control access to a node, decorating it on the way out with whatever mass increases it required. I still think it would entirely unweildly, but I suppose it's possible.
Requirement 1, 2 and 3 can be satisfied by Binary Indexed Tree (BIT, Fenwick Tree):
I am thinking of a way to modify BIT to work with #4 in logarithm complexity.
I'm trying to find the definition of a binary search tree and I keep finding different definitions everywhere.
Some say that for any given subtree the left child key is less than or equal to the root.
Some say that for any given subtree the right child key is greater than or equal to the root.
And my old college data structures book says "every element has a key and no two elements have the same key."
Is there a universal definition of a bst? Particularly in regards to what to do with trees with multiple instances of the same key.
EDIT: Maybe I was unclear, the definitions I'm seeing are
1) left <= root < right
2) left < root <= right
3) left < root < right, such that no duplicate keys exist.
Many algorithms will specify that duplicates are excluded. For example, the example algorithms in the MIT Algorithms book usually present examples without duplicates. It is fairly trivial to implement duplicates (either as a list at the node, or in one particular direction.)
Most (that I've seen) specify left children as <= and right children as >. Practically speaking, a BST which allows either of the right or left children to be equal to the root node, will require extra computational steps to finish a search where duplicate nodes are allowed.
It is best to utilize a list at the node to store duplicates, as inserting an '=' value to one side of a node requires rewriting the tree on that side to place the node as the child, or the node is placed as a grand-child, at some point below, which eliminates some of the search efficiency.
You have to remember, most of the classroom examples are simplified to portray and deliver the concept. They aren't worth squat in many real-world situations. But the statement, "every element has a key and no two elements have the same key", is not violated by the use of a list at the element node.
So go with what your data structures book said!
Universal Definition of a Binary Search Tree involves storing and search for a key based on traversing a data structure in one of two directions. In the pragmatic sense, that means if the value is <>, you traverse the data structure in one of two 'directions'. So, in that sense, duplicate values don't make any sense at all.
This is different from BSP, or binary search partition, but not all that different. The algorithm to search has one of two directions for 'travel', or it is done (successfully or not.) So I apologize that my original answer didn't address the concept of a 'universal definition', as duplicates are really a distinct topic (something you deal with after a successful search, not as part of the binary search.)
If your binary search tree is a red black tree, or you intend to any kind of "tree rotation" operations, duplicate nodes will cause problems. Imagine your tree rule is this:
left < root <= right
Now imagine a simple tree whose root is 5, left child is nil, and right child is 5. If you do a left rotation on the root you end up with a 5 in the left child and a 5 in the root with the right child being nil. Now something in the left tree is equal to the root, but your rule above assumed left < root.
I spent hours trying to figure out why my red/black trees would occasionally traverse out of order, the problem was what I described above. Hopefully somebody reads this and saves themselves hours of debugging in the future!
All three definitions are acceptable and correct. They define different variations of a BST.
Your college data structure's book failed to clarify that its definition was not the only possible.
Certainly, allowing duplicates adds complexity. If you use the definition "left <= root < right" and you have a tree like:
/ \
2 4
then adding a "3" duplicate key to this tree will result in:
/ \
2 4
Note that the duplicates are not in contiguous levels.
This is a big issue when allowing duplicates in a BST representation as the one above: duplicates may be separated by any number of levels, so checking for duplicate's existence is not that simple as just checking for immediate childs of a node.
An option to avoid this issue is to not represent duplicates structurally (as separate nodes) but instead use a counter that counts the number of occurrences of the key. The previous example would then have a tree like:
/ \
2(1) 4(1)
and after insertion of the duplicate "3" key it will become:
/ \
2(1) 4(1)
This simplifies lookup, removal and insertion operations, at the expense of some extra bytes and counter operations.
In a BST, all values descending on the left side of a node are less than (or equal to, see later) the node itself. Similarly, all values descending on the right side of a node are greater than (or equal to) that node value(a).
Some BSTs may choose to allow duplicate values, hence the "or equal to" qualifiers above. The following example may clarify:
/ \
13 22
/ / \
1 16 29
/ \
28 29
This shows a BST that allows duplicates(b) - you can see that to find a value, you start at the root node and go down the left or right subtree depending on whether your search value is less than or greater than the node value.
This can be done recursively with something like:
def hasVal (node, srchval):
if node == NULL:
return false
if node.val == srchval:
return true
if node.val > srchval:
return hasVal (node.left, srchval)
return hasVal (node.right, srchval)
and calling it with:
foundIt = hasVal (rootNode, valToLookFor)
Duplicates add a little complexity since you may need to keep searching once you've found your value, for other nodes of the same value. Obviously that doesn't matter for hasVal since it doesn't matter how many there are, just whether at least one exists. It will however matter for things like countVal, since it needs to know how many there are.
(a) You could actually sort them in the opposite direction should you so wish provided you adjust how you search for a specific key. A BST need only maintain some sorted order, whether that's ascending or descending (or even some weird multi-layer-sort method like all odd numbers ascending, then all even numbers descending) is not relevant.
(b) Interestingly, if your sorting key uses the entire value stored at a node (so that nodes containing the same key have no other extra information to distinguish them), there can be performance gains from adding a count to each node, rather than allowing duplicate nodes.
The main benefit is that adding or removing a duplicate will simply modify the count rather than inserting or deleting a new node (an action that may require re-balancing the tree).
So, to add an item, you first check if it already exists. If so, just increment the count and exit. If not, you need to insert a new node with a count of one then rebalance.
To remove an item, you find it then decrement the count - only if the resultant count is zero do you then remove the actual node from the tree and rebalance.
Searches are also quicker given there are fewer nodes but that may not be a large impact.
For example, the following two trees (non-counting on the left, and counting on the right) would be equivalent (in the counting tree, i.c means c copies of item i):
__14__ ___22.2___
/ \ / \
14 22 7.1 29.1
/ \ / \ / \ / \
1 14 22 29 1.1 14.3 28.1 30.1
\ / \
7 28 30
Removing the leaf-node 22 from the left tree would involve rebalancing (since it now has a height differential of two) the resulting 22-29-28-30 subtree such as below (this is one option, there are others that also satisfy the "height differential must be zero or one" rule):
\ \
22 29
\ / \
29 --> 28 30
/ \ /
28 30 22
Doing the same operation on the right tree is a simple modification of the root node from 22.2 to 22.1 (with no rebalancing required).
In the book "Introduction to algorithms", third edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein, a binary search tree (BST) is explicitly defined as allowing duplicates. This can be seen in figure 12.1 and the following (page 287):
"The keys in a binary search tree are always stored in such a way as to satisfy the binary-search-tree property: Let x be a node in a binary search tree. If y is a node in the left subtree of x, then y:key <= x:key. If y is a node in the right subtree of x, then y:key >= x:key."
In addition, a red-black tree is then defined on page 308 as:
"A red-black tree is a binary search tree with one extra bit of storage per node: its color"
Therefore, red-black trees defined in this book support duplicates.
Any definition is valid. As long as you are consistent in your implementation (always put equal nodes to the right, always put them to the left, or never allow them) then you're fine. I think it is most common to not allow them, but it is still a BST if they are allowed and place either left or right.
I just want to add some more information to what #Robert Paulson answered.
Let's assume that node contains key & data. So nodes with the same key might contain different data.
(So the search must find all nodes with the same key)
left <= cur < right
left < cur <= right
left <= cur <= right
left < cur < right && cur contain sibling nodes with the same key.
left < cur < right, such that no duplicate keys exist.
1 & 2. works fine if the tree does not have any rotation-related functions to prevent skewness.
But this form doesn't work with AVL tree or Red-Black tree, because rotation will break the principal.
And even if search() finds the node with the key, it must traverse down to the leaf node for the nodes with duplicate key.
Making time complexity for search = theta(logN)
3. will work well with any form of BST with rotation-related functions.
But the search will take O(n), ruining the purpose of using BST.
Say we have the tree as below, with 3) principal.
/ \
10 20
/ \ /
9 11 12
/ \
10 12
If we do search(12) on this tree, even tho we found 12 at the root, we must keep search both left & right child to seek for the duplicate key.
This takes O(n) time as I've told.
4. is my personal favorite. Let's say sibling means the node with the same key.
We can change above tree into below.
12 - 12 - 12
/ \
10 - 10 20
/ \
9 11
Now any search will take O(logN) because we don't have to traverse children for the duplicate key.
And this principal also works well with AVL or RB tree.
Working on a red-black tree implementation I was getting problems validating the tree with multiple keys until I realized that with the red-black insert rotation, you have to loosen the constraint to
left <= root <= right
Since none of the documentation I was looking at allowed for duplicate keys and I didn't want to rewrite the rotation methods to account for it, I just decided to modify my nodes to allow for multiple values within the node, and no duplicate keys in the tree.
Those three things you said are all true.
Keys are unique
To the left are keys less than this one
To the right are keys greater than this one
I suppose you could reverse your tree and put the smaller keys on the right, but really the "left" and "right" concept is just that: a visual concept to help us think about a data structure which doesn't really have a left or right, so it doesn't really matter.
1.) left <= root < right
2.) left < root <= right
3.) left < root < right, such that no duplicate keys exist.
I might have to go and dig out my algorithm books, but off the top of my head (3) is the canonical form.
(1) or (2) only come about when you start to allow duplicates nodes and you put duplicate nodes in the tree itself (rather than the node containing a list).
Duplicate Keys
• What happens if there's more than one data item with
the same key?
– This presents a slight problem in red-black trees.
– It's important that nodes with the same key are distributed on
both sides of other nodes with the same key.
– That is, if keys arrive in the order 50, 50, 50,
• you want the second 50 to go to the right of the first one, and the
third 50 to go to the left of the first one.
• Otherwise, the tree becomes unbalanced.
• This could be handled by some kind of randomizing
process in the insertion algorithm.
– However, the search process then becomes more complicated if
all items with the same key must be found.
• It's simpler to outlaw items with the same key.
– In this discussion we'll assume duplicates aren't allowed
One can create a linked list for each node of the tree that contains duplicate keys and store data in the list.
The elements ordering relation <= is a total order so the relation must be reflexive but commonly a binary search tree (aka BST) is a tree without duplicates.
Otherwise if there are duplicates you need run twice or more the same function of deletion!