Data structure for inverting a subarray in log(n) - algorithm

Build a Data structure that has functions:
set(arr,n) - initialize the structure with array arr of length n. Time O(n)
fetch(i) - fetch arr[i]. Time O(log(n))
invert(k,j) - (when 0 <= k <= j <= n) inverts the sub-array [k,j]. meaning [4,7,2,8,5,4] with invert(2,5) becomes [4,7,4,5,8,2]. Time O(log(n))
How about saving the indices in binary search tree and using a flag saying the index is inverted? But if I do more than 1 invert, it mess it up.

Here is how we can approach designing such a data structure.
Indeed, using a balanced binary search tree is a good idea to start.
First, let us store array elements as pairs (index, value).
Naturally, the elements are sorted by index, so that the in-order traversal of a tree will yield the array in its original order.
Now, if we maintain a balanced binary search tree, and store the size of the subtree in each node, we can already do fetch in O(log n).
Next, let us only pretend we store the index.
Instead, we still arrange elements as we did with (index, value) pairs, but store only the value.
The index is now stored implicitly and can be calculated as follows.
Start from the root and go down to the target node.
Whenever we move to a left subtree, the index does not change.
When moving to a right subtree, add the size of the left subtree plus one (the size of the current vertex) to the index.
What we got at this point is a fixed-length array stored in a balanced binary search tree. It takes O(log n) to access (read or write) any element, as opposed to O(1) for a plain fixed-length array, so it is about time to get some benefit for all the trouble.
The next step is to devise a way to split our array into left and right parts in O(log n) given the required size of the left part, and merge two arrays by concatenation.
This step introduces dependency on our choice of the balanced binary search tree.
Treap is the obvious candidate since it is built on top of the split and merge primitives, so this improvement comes for free.
Perhaps it is also possible to split a Red-black tree or a Splay tree in O(log n) (though I admit I didn't try to figure out the details myself).
Right now, the structure is already more powerful than an array: it allows splitting and concatenation of "arrays" in O(log n), although element access is as slow as O(log n) too.
Note that this would not be possible if we still stored index explicitly at this point, since indices would be broken in the right part of a split or merge operation.
Finally, it is time to introduce the invert operation.
Let us store a flag in each node to signal whether the whole subtree of this node has to be inverted.
This flag will be lazily propagating: whenever we access a node, before doing anything, check if the flag is true.
If this is the case, swap the left and right subtrees, toggle (true <-> false) the flag in the root nodes of both subtrees, and set the flag in the current node to false.
Now, when we want to invert a subarray:
split the array into three parts (before the subarray, the subarray itself, and after the subarray) by two split operations,
toggle (true <-> false) the flag in the root of the middle (subarray) part,
then merge the three parts back in their original order by two merge operations.


Best sorting algorithm - Partially sorted linked list

Problem- Given a sorted doubly link list and two numbers C and K. You need to decrease the info of node with data K by C and insert the new node formed at its correct position such that the list remains sorted.
I would think of insertion sort for such problem, because, insertion sort at any instance looks like, shown bunch of cards,
that are partially sorted. For insertion sort, number of swaps is equivalent to number of inversions. Number of compares is equivalent to number of exchanges + (N-1).
So, in the given problem(above), if node with data K is decreased by C, then the sorted linked list became partially sorted. Insertion sort is the best fit.
Another point is, amidst selection of sorting algorithm, if sorting logic applied for array representation of data holds best fit, then same sorting logic should holds best fit for linked list representation of same data.
For this problem, Is my thought process correct in choosing insertion sort?
Maybe you mean something else, but insertion sort is not the best algorithm, because you actually don't need to sort anything. If there is only one element with value K then it doesn't make a big difference, but otherwise it does.
So I would suggest the following algorithm O(n), ignoring edge cases for simplicity:
Go forward in the list until the value of the current node is > K - C.
Save this node, all the reduced nodes will be inserted before this one.
Continue to go forward while the value of the current node is < K
While the value of the current node is K, remove node, set value to K - C and insert it before the saved node. This could be optimized further, so that you only do one remove and insert operation of the whole sublist of nodes which had value K.
If these decrease operations can be batched up before the sorted list must be available, then you can simply remove all the decremented nodes from the list. Then, sort them, and perform a two-way merge into the list.
If the list must be maintained in order after each node decrement, then there is little choice but to remove the decremented node and re-insert in order.
Doing this with a linear search for a deck of cards is probably acceptable, unless you're running some monstrous Monte Carlo simulation involving cards, that runs for hours or day, so that optimization counts.
Otherwise the way we would deal with the need to maintain order would be to use an ordered sequence data structure: balanced binary tree (red-black, splay) or a skip list. Take the node out of the structure, adjust value, re-insert: O(log N).

How can this be done in O(nlogn) time complexity

I had a question on my exams for which I had to come up with an efficient algorithm. The problem was like this:
We have some objects which have two properties:
H = <1,1000000>
R = <1,1000000>
we can insert one object into another if H1>H2 and R1>R2. The input contains pairs of H and R, one pair per line. if the current object can be inserted in any previous objects, we choose such with the least H and then we destroy both of them. print the number of left objects in the output.
I wonder how can this problem be solved in O(n.log(n)) time complexity using binary search trees or segment tree, or with fenwick tree.
Thanks in advance.
A solution with fenwick tree, as follows;
Let's sort the whole array by R at first (right now, we are not caring about H), and assign each item a token (which is equal to it's position in the sorted array).
Let's get back to our original array. We are going to run a sweep on the given array. Say, we have a fenwick tree, which will, instead of cumulative sum, store maximum (from beginning to that position) only for H.
For an item, say, we couldn't fit it into another item. Then we'll insert it into the tree. We'll insert in such position that is equal to it's token.
So, right now, we've a fenwick tree, which contains only the items we've dealt with till now. Other values are 0. The items in the tree are positioned in R sorted order.
Now, how to find out if we can fit current item to another object? We can actually run a binary search (upper bound) on fenwick tree for current item's H. And, as the items are already sorted in R order, instead of whole tree, we need to search in the effective range.
Binary search in fenwick tree can be done in O(log(n)). Check out the Find index with given cumulative frequency part of this article.

IOI Qualifier INOI task 2

I can't figure out how to solve question 2 in the following link in an efficient manner:
You can do this in On log n) time. (Or linear if you really care to.) First, pad the input array out to the next power of two using some really big negative number. Now, build an interval tree-like data structure; recursively partition your array by dividing it in half. Each node in the tree represents a subarray whose length is a power of two and which begins at a position that is a multiple of its length, and each nonleaf node has a "left half" child and a "right half" child.
Compute, for each node in your tree, what happens when you add 0,1,2,3,... to that subarray and take the maximum element. Notice that this is trivial for the leaves, which represent subarrays of length 1. For internal nodes, this is simply the maximum of the left child with length/2 + right child. So you can build this tree in linear time.
Now we want to run a sequence of n queries on this tree and print out the answers. The queries are of the form "what happens if I add k,k+1,k+2,...n,1,...,k-1 to the array and report the maximum?"
Notice that, when we add that sequence to the whole array, the break between n and 1 either occurs at the beginning/end, or smack in the middle, or somewhere in the left half, or somewhere in the right half. So, partition the array into the k,k+1,k+2,...,n part and the 1,2,...,k-1 part. If you identify all of the nodes in the tree that represent subarrays lying completely inside one of the two sequences but whose parents either don't exist or straddle the break-point, you will have O(log n) nodes. You need to look at their values, add various constants, and take the maximum. So each query takes O(log n) time.

Data Structure for fast position lookup

Looking for a datastructure that logically represents a sequence of elements keyed by unique ids (for the purpose of simplicity let's consider them to be strings, or at least hashable objects). Each element can appear only once, there are no gaps, and the first position is 0.
The following operations should be supported (demonstrated with single-letter strings):
insert(id, position) - add the element keyed by id into the sequence at offset position. Naturally, the position of each element later in the sequence is now incremented by one. Example: [S E L F].insert(H, 1) -> [S H E L F]
remove(position) - remove the element at offset position. Decrements the position of each element later in the sequence by one. Example: [S H E L F].remove(2) -> [S H L F]
lookup(id) - find the position of element keyed by id. [S H L F].lookup(H) -> 1
The naïve implementation would be either a linked list or an array. Both would give O(n) lookup, remove, and insert.
In practice, lookup is likely to be used the most, with insert and remove happening frequently enough that it would be nice not to be linear (which a simple combination of hashmap + array/list would get you).
In a perfect world it would be O(1) lookup, O(log n) insert/remove, but I actually suspect that wouldn't work from a purely information-theoretic perspective (though I haven't tried it), so O(log n) lookup would still be nice.
A combination of trie and hash map allows O(log n) lookup/insert/remove.
Each node of trie contains id as well as counter of valid elements, rooted by this node and up to two child pointers. A bit string, determined by left (0) or right (1) turns while traversing the trie from its root to given node, is part of the value, stored in the hash map for corresponding id.
Remove operation marks trie node as invalid and updates all counters of valid elements on the path from deleted node to the root. Also it deletes corresponding hash map entry.
Insert operation should use the position parameter and counters of valid elements in each trie node to search for new node's predecessor and successor nodes. If in-order traversal from predecessor to successor contains any deleted nodes, choose one with lowest rank and reuse it. Otherwise choose either predecessor or successor, and add a new child node to it (right child for predecessor or left one for successor). Then update all counters of valid elements on the path from this node to the root and add corresponding hash map entry.
Lookup operation gets a bit string from the hash map and uses it to go from trie root to corresponding node while summing all the counters of valid elements to the left of this path.
All this allow O(log n) expected time for each operation if the sequence of inserts/removes is random enough. If not, the worst case complexity of each operation is O(n). To get it back to O(log n) amortized complexity, watch for sparsity and balancing factors of the tree and if there are too many deleted nodes, re-create a new perfectly balanced and dense tree; if the tree is too imbalanced, rebuild the most imbalanced subtree.
Instead of hash map it is possible to use some binary search tree or any dictionary data structure. Instead of bit string, used to identify path in the trie, hash map may store pointer to corresponding node in trie.
Other alternative to using trie in this data structure is Indexable skiplist.
O(log N) time for each operation is acceptable, but not perfect. It is possible, as explained by Kevin, to use an algorithm with O(1) lookup complexity in exchange for larger complexity of other operations: O(sqrt(N)). But this can be improved.
If you choose some number of memory accesses (M) for each lookup operation, other operations may be done in O(M*N1/M) time. The idea of such algorithm is presented in this answer to related question. Trie structure, described there, allows easily converting the position to the array index and back. Each non-empty element of this array contains id and each element of hash map maps this id back to the array index.
To make it possible to insert element to this data structure, each block of contiguous array elements should be interleaved with some empty space. When one of the blocks exhausts all available empty space, we should rebuild the smallest group of blocks, related to some element of the trie, that has more than 50% empty space. When total number of empty space is less than 50% or more than 75%, we should rebuild the whole structure.
This rebalancing scheme gives O(MN1/M) amortized complexity only for random and evenly distributed insertions/removals. Worst case complexity (for example, if we always insert at leftmost position) is much larger for M > 2. To guarantee O(MN1/M) worst case we need to reserve more memory and to change rebalancing scheme so that it maintains invariant like this: keep empty space reserved for whole structure at least 50%, keep empty space reserved for all data related to the top trie nodes at least 75%, for next level trie nodes - 87.5%, etc.
With M=2, we have O(1) time for lookup and O(sqrt(N)) time for other operations.
With M=log(N), we have O(log(N)) time for every operation.
But in practice small values of M (like 2 .. 5) are preferable. This may be treated as O(1) lookup time and allows this structure (while performing typical insert/remove operation) to work with up to 5 relatively small contiguous blocks of memory in a cache-friendly way with good vectorization possibilities. Also this limits memory requirements if we require good worst case complexity.
You can achieve everything in O(sqrt(n)) time, but I'll warn you that it's going to take some work.
Start by having a look at a blog post I wrote on ThriftyList. ThriftyList is my implementation of the data structure described in Resizable Arrays in Optimal Time and Space along with some customizations to maintain O(sqrt(n)) circular sublists, each of size O(sqrt(n)). With circular sublists, one can achieve O(sqrt(n)) time insertion/removal by the standard insert/remove-then-shift in the containing sublist followed by a series of push/pop operations across the circular sublists themselves.
Now, to get the index at which a query value falls, you'll need to maintain a map from value to sublist/absolute-index. That is to say, a given value maps to the sublist containing the value, plus the absolute index at which the value falls (the index at which the item would fall were the list non-circular). From these data, you can compute the relative index of the value by taking the offset from the head of the circular sublist and summing with the number of elements which fall behind the containing sublist. To maintain this map requires O(sqrt(n)) operations per insert/delete.
Sounds roughly like Clojure's persistent vectors - they provide O(log32 n) cost for lookup and update. For smallish values of n O(log32 n) is as good as constant....
Basically they are array mapped tries.
Not quite sure on the time complexity for remove and insert - but I'm pretty sure that you could get a variant of this data structure with O(log n) removes and inserts as well.
See this presentation/video:
Source code (Java):

Data structure supporting Add and Partial-Sum

Let A[1..n] be an array of real numbers. Design an algorithm to perform any sequence of the following operations:
Add(i,y) -- Add the value y to the ith number.
Partial-sum(i) -- Return the sum of the first i numbers, i.e.
There are no insertions or deletions; the only change is to the values of the numbers. Each operation should take O(logn) steps. You may use one additional array of size n as a work space.
How to design a data structure for above algorithm?
Construct a balanced binary tree with n leaves; stick the elements along the bottom of the tree in their original order.
Augment each node in the tree with "sum of leaves of subtree"; a tree has #leaves-1 nodes so this takes O(n) setup time (which we have).
Querying a partial-sum goes like this: Descend the tree towards the query (leaf) node, but whenever you descend right, add the subtree-sum on the left plus the element you just visited, since those elements are in the sum.
Modifying a value goes like this: Find the query (left) node. Calculate the difference you added. Travel to the root of the tree; as you travel to the root, update each node you visit by adding in the difference (you may need to visit adjacent nodes, depending if you're storing "sum of leaves of subtree" or "sum of left-subtree plus myself" or some variant); the main idea is that you appropriately update all the augmented branch data that needs updating, and that data will be on the root path or adjacent to it.
The two operations take O(log(n)) time (that's the height of a tree), and you do O(1) work at each node.
You can probably use any search tree (e.g. a self-balancing binary search tree might allow for insertions, others for quicker access) but I haven't thought that one through.
You may use Fenwick Tree
See this question
