Value generated from range have same pointer value [duplicate] - go

This question already has an answer here:
golang pointer in range doesn't work
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
For these two struct
type A struct {
Number *int
type B struct {
Number int
If I want to loop on slice of B and assign the value of B.Number to new A.Number
func main() {
aSlice := []A{}
bSlice := []B{B{1}, B{2}, B{3}}
for _, v := range bSlice {
a := A{}
a.Number = &v.Number
aSlice = append(aSlice, a)
I will found that all aSlice a.Number is the same value and same pointer.
for _, v := range aSlice {
fmt.Printf("aSlice Value %v Pointer %v\n", *v.Number,v.Number)
Will print
aSlice Value 3 Pointer 0x10414020
aSlice Value 3 Pointer 0x10414020
aSlice Value 3 Pointer 0x10414020
So does range only update the value of _,v in for loop and doesn't change the pointer ?
Full Code :

It occurred because variable v is created at the beginning of the loop and doesn't change. So, every element in aSlice has a pointer to the same variable. You should write this:
for _, v := range bSlice {
a := A{}
v := v
a.Number = &v.Number
aSlice = append(aSlice, a)
Here you create at every iteration new variable with its own pointer.

As #Adrian stated This has nothing to do with memory. The A struct is actually contains a pointer to integer value.
type A struct {
Number *int
So when you are assigning the value from bSlice to A struct and then appending the A struct in aSlice which is of A struct type. It will append the values as it is supposed to do inside Golang.
But you are changing the value at address pointed by A struct. And initialed with a new value in each iteration which changes the value at that address.
a.Number = &v.Number // here a.Number points to the same address
Hence the aSlice contains the value of last updated integer which is 3. Since aSlice is a slice of A struct it contains the value inside A struct which is 3.
But if you do not create a pointer to int inside A struct
type A struct {
Number int
you will get the output as expected with different address now as.
package main
import (
type A struct {
Number int
type B struct {
Number int
func main() {
aSlice := []A{}
bSlice := []B{B{1}, B{2}, B{3}}
fmt.Println("----Assignment Loop----")
for _, v := range bSlice {
a := A{}
a.Number = v.Number
aSlice = append(aSlice, a)
fmt.Printf("bSlice Value %v Pointer %v\n", v.Number, &v.Number)
fmt.Printf(" a Value %v Pointer %v\n", a.Number, &a.Number)
fmt.Println("\n----After Assignment----")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", aSlice)
for i, _ := range aSlice {
Working Code on Go playground
In Golang spec It is defined for composite Literals as :
Taking the address of a composite literal generates a pointer to a
unique variable initialized with the literal's value.
type Point3D struct { x, y, z float64 }
var pointer *Point3D = &Point3D{y: 1000}


Go: How to convert a float32 pointer to float64 pointer

How do you convert a float32 pointer *float32 to a float64 pointer *float64.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var value *float32
v := float64(*value)
vp := &v
The following code returns
runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
The reason your code is failing is simply that you are trying to dereference a pointer that has not been initialised:
var value *float32
declares a pointer to a float32, but does not initialise it, resulting in a nil pointer.
v := float64(*value)
Then tries to dereference value but as we just identified, value is nil - it doesn't point to anything so asking for what it points to is bound to result in an error.
However, your code is actually fine, as long as you have a *float32 that actually points to a float32, which we can see if we add an actual float32 variable and initialise value to point to that:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var vv float32 = 3.14159
var value *float32 = &vv
v := float64(*value)
vp := &v
Which will output the address of the float64 value.
However, be aware that a float64 is not just a float32 that takes up twice as many bytes. The precision and the internal representation are different, as can be seen with a further modification to the code:
func main() {
var vv float32 = 3.14159
var value *float32 = &vv
v := float64(*value)
you should see output similar to:
This is not a bug, this is the result of the different internal representation of a float64 vs float32.
There is no way to guarantee the exact same value in these different types - each has characteristics that make some values literally impossible to represent, from which it follows that it is impossible to guarantee that float32(v) == float64(v) for every v.
This is also why you cannot simply type-cast the pointer:
vp := *float64(value)
This is illegal because a pointer to a float64 is pointing to something fundamentally different than a pointer to a float32.
By contrast you can simply typecast a *int32 as a *int64.
One method is to write a function to safely convert the float32 pointer to a float64 pointer.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var value *float32
v := float32ToFloat64(value)
val := float32(1.2)
p := float32ToFloat64(&val)
func float32ToFloat64(value *float32) *float64 {
if value == nil {
return nil
v := float64(*value)
return &v

golang check length of a slice if it is a slice map[string]interface{}

I want to see if the type of v is a slice. If so, I wish to check the length of it.
var a = make(map[string]interface{})
a["a"] = 1
a["b"] = []string{"abc", "def"}
a["c"] = []int{1,2,3}
for k, v := range a {
if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
t.Log("Length of map", k, len(v)) // invalid argument v (type interface {}) for len
How do I check the length of my slice, now that I know it is a slice?
Expected output:
Length of map b 2
Length of map c 3
v is still a interface{}, which you cannot apply len() to. You can use reflection to get the length with reflect.ValueOf(v).Len().

Can a function argument in Go be a type that satisfies each of the types in which it is embedded? [duplicate]

I'm curious why Go does't implicitly convert []T to []interface{} when it will implicitly convert T to interface{}. Is there something non-trivial about this conversion that I'm missing?
func foo([]interface{}) { /* do something */ }
func main() {
var a []string = []string{"hello", "world"}
go build complains
cannot use a (type []string) as type []interface {} in function argument
And if I try to do it explicitly, same thing: b := []interface{}(a) complains
cannot convert a (type []string) to type []interface {}
So every time I need to do this conversion (which seems to come up a lot), I've been doing something like this:
b = make([]interface{}, len(a), len(a))
for i := range a {
b[i] = a[i]
Is there a better way to do this, or standard library functions to help with these conversions? It seems kind of silly to write 4 extra lines of code every time I want to call a function that can take a list of e.g. ints or strings.
In Go, there is a general rule that syntax should not hide complex/costly operations.
Converting a string to an interface{} is done in O(1) time. Converting a []string to an interface{} is also done in O(1) time since a slice is still one value. However, converting a []string to an []interface{} is O(n) time because each element of the slice must be converted to an interface{}.
The one exception to this rule is converting strings. When converting a string to and from a []byte or a []rune, Go does O(n) work even though conversions are "syntax".
There is no standard library function that will do this conversion for you. Your best option though is just to use the lines of code you gave in your question:
b := make([]interface{}, len(a))
for i := range a {
b[i] = a[i]
Otherwise, you could make one with reflect, but it would be slower than the three line option. Example with reflection:
func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []interface{} {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if s.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("InterfaceSlice() given a non-slice type")
// Keep the distinction between nil and empty slice input
if s.IsNil() {
return nil
ret := make([]interface{}, s.Len())
for i:=0; i<s.Len(); i++ {
ret[i] = s.Index(i).Interface()
return ret
The thing you are missing is that T and interface{} which holds a value of T have different representations in memory so can't be trivially converted.
A variable of type T is just its value in memory. There is no associated type information (in Go every variable has a single type known at compile time not at run time). It is represented in memory like this:
An interface{} holding a variable of type T is represented in memory like this
pointer to type T
So coming back to your original question: why go does't implicitly convert []T to []interface{}?
Converting []T to []interface{} would involve creating a new slice of interface {} values which is a non-trivial operation since the in-memory layout is completely different.
Here is the official explanation:
var dataSlice []int = foo()
var interfaceSlice []interface{} = make([]interface{}, len(dataSlice))
for i, d := range dataSlice {
interfaceSlice[i] = d
In Go 1.18 or later, use the following function to convert an arbitrary slice type to []interface{} or its alias any:
func ToSliceOfAny[T any](s []T) []any {
result := make([]any, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
result[i] = v
return result
The Go 1.18 generics feature does not eliminate the need to convert an arbitrary slice to []any. Here's an example of where the conversion is required: The application wants to query a database using the elements of a []string as the variadic query arguments declared as args ...any. The function in this answer allows the application to query the database in a convenient one-liner:
rows, err := db.Query(qs, ToSliceOfAny(stringArgs)...)
Try interface{} instead. To cast back as slice, try
func foo(bar interface{}) {
s := bar.([]string)
// ...
In case you need more shorting your code, you can creating new type for helper
type Strings []string
func (ss Strings) ToInterfaceSlice() []interface{} {
iface := make([]interface{}, len(ss))
for i := range ss {
iface[i] = ss[i]
return iface
a := []strings{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
sliceIFace := Strings(a).ToInterfaceSlice()
I was curious how much slower it is convert interface arrays via reflection vs. doing it inside a loop, as described in Stephen's answer. Here's a benchmark comparison of the two approaches:
benchmark iter time/iter bytes alloc allocs
--------- ---- --------- ----------- ------
BenchmarkLoopConversion-12 2285820 522.30 ns/op 400 B/op 11 allocs/op
BenchmarkReflectionConversion-12 1780002 669.00 ns/op 584 B/op 13 allocs/op
So using a loop is ~20% faster than doing it via reflection.
Here's my test code in case you'd like to verify if I did things correctly:
import (
func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []interface{} {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if s.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("InterfaceSlice() given a non-slice type")
// Keep the distinction between nil and empty slice input
if s.IsNil() {
return nil
ret := make([]interface{}, s.Len())
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
ret[i] = s.Index(i).Interface()
return ret
type TestStruct struct {
name string
age int
var letters = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
func randSeq(n int) string {
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]
return string(b)
func randTestStruct(lenArray int, lenMap int) map[int][]TestStruct {
randomStructMap := make(map[int][]TestStruct, lenMap)
for i := 0; i < lenMap; i++ {
var testStructs = make([]TestStruct, 0)
for k := 0; k < lenArray; k++ {
randomString := randSeq(10)
randomInt := rand.Intn(100)
testStructs = append(testStructs, TestStruct{name: randomString, age: randomInt})
randomStructMap[i] = testStructs
return randomStructMap
func BenchmarkLoopConversion(b *testing.B) {
var testStructMap = randTestStruct(10, 100)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
obj := make([]interface{}, len(testStructMap[i%100]))
for k := range testStructMap[i%100] {
obj[k] = testStructMap[i%100][k]
func BenchmarkReflectionConversion(b *testing.B) {
var testStructMap = randTestStruct(10, 100)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
obj := make([]interface{}, len(testStructMap[i%100]))
obj = InterfaceSlice(testStructMap[i%100])
_ = obj
Though you can use a generic function to convert a slice to a slice of interface{}, it may be most appropriate and cheapest in terms of execution time to change foo to a generic function if possible.
For example:
func foo[T any](slice []T) { /* do something */ }
func main() {
var a []string = []string{"hello", "world"}
Now there is no conversion necessary at all.
Convert interface{} into any type.
result := interface.(datatype)
var employee interface{} = []string{"Jhon", "Arya"}
result := employee.([]string) //result type is []string.

Type converting slices of interfaces

I'm curious why Go does't implicitly convert []T to []interface{} when it will implicitly convert T to interface{}. Is there something non-trivial about this conversion that I'm missing?
func foo([]interface{}) { /* do something */ }
func main() {
var a []string = []string{"hello", "world"}
go build complains
cannot use a (type []string) as type []interface {} in function argument
And if I try to do it explicitly, same thing: b := []interface{}(a) complains
cannot convert a (type []string) to type []interface {}
So every time I need to do this conversion (which seems to come up a lot), I've been doing something like this:
b = make([]interface{}, len(a), len(a))
for i := range a {
b[i] = a[i]
Is there a better way to do this, or standard library functions to help with these conversions? It seems kind of silly to write 4 extra lines of code every time I want to call a function that can take a list of e.g. ints or strings.
In Go, there is a general rule that syntax should not hide complex/costly operations.
Converting a string to an interface{} is done in O(1) time. Converting a []string to an interface{} is also done in O(1) time since a slice is still one value. However, converting a []string to an []interface{} is O(n) time because each element of the slice must be converted to an interface{}.
The one exception to this rule is converting strings. When converting a string to and from a []byte or a []rune, Go does O(n) work even though conversions are "syntax".
There is no standard library function that will do this conversion for you. Your best option though is just to use the lines of code you gave in your question:
b := make([]interface{}, len(a))
for i := range a {
b[i] = a[i]
Otherwise, you could make one with reflect, but it would be slower than the three line option. Example with reflection:
func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []interface{} {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if s.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("InterfaceSlice() given a non-slice type")
// Keep the distinction between nil and empty slice input
if s.IsNil() {
return nil
ret := make([]interface{}, s.Len())
for i:=0; i<s.Len(); i++ {
ret[i] = s.Index(i).Interface()
return ret
The thing you are missing is that T and interface{} which holds a value of T have different representations in memory so can't be trivially converted.
A variable of type T is just its value in memory. There is no associated type information (in Go every variable has a single type known at compile time not at run time). It is represented in memory like this:
An interface{} holding a variable of type T is represented in memory like this
pointer to type T
So coming back to your original question: why go does't implicitly convert []T to []interface{}?
Converting []T to []interface{} would involve creating a new slice of interface {} values which is a non-trivial operation since the in-memory layout is completely different.
Here is the official explanation:
var dataSlice []int = foo()
var interfaceSlice []interface{} = make([]interface{}, len(dataSlice))
for i, d := range dataSlice {
interfaceSlice[i] = d
In Go 1.18 or later, use the following function to convert an arbitrary slice type to []interface{} or its alias any:
func ToSliceOfAny[T any](s []T) []any {
result := make([]any, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
result[i] = v
return result
The Go 1.18 generics feature does not eliminate the need to convert an arbitrary slice to []any. Here's an example of where the conversion is required: The application wants to query a database using the elements of a []string as the variadic query arguments declared as args ...any. The function in this answer allows the application to query the database in a convenient one-liner:
rows, err := db.Query(qs, ToSliceOfAny(stringArgs)...)
Try interface{} instead. To cast back as slice, try
func foo(bar interface{}) {
s := bar.([]string)
// ...
In case you need more shorting your code, you can creating new type for helper
type Strings []string
func (ss Strings) ToInterfaceSlice() []interface{} {
iface := make([]interface{}, len(ss))
for i := range ss {
iface[i] = ss[i]
return iface
a := []strings{"a", "b", "c", "d"}
sliceIFace := Strings(a).ToInterfaceSlice()
I was curious how much slower it is convert interface arrays via reflection vs. doing it inside a loop, as described in Stephen's answer. Here's a benchmark comparison of the two approaches:
benchmark iter time/iter bytes alloc allocs
--------- ---- --------- ----------- ------
BenchmarkLoopConversion-12 2285820 522.30 ns/op 400 B/op 11 allocs/op
BenchmarkReflectionConversion-12 1780002 669.00 ns/op 584 B/op 13 allocs/op
So using a loop is ~20% faster than doing it via reflection.
Here's my test code in case you'd like to verify if I did things correctly:
import (
func InterfaceSlice(slice interface{}) []interface{} {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
if s.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("InterfaceSlice() given a non-slice type")
// Keep the distinction between nil and empty slice input
if s.IsNil() {
return nil
ret := make([]interface{}, s.Len())
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
ret[i] = s.Index(i).Interface()
return ret
type TestStruct struct {
name string
age int
var letters = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
func randSeq(n int) string {
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]
return string(b)
func randTestStruct(lenArray int, lenMap int) map[int][]TestStruct {
randomStructMap := make(map[int][]TestStruct, lenMap)
for i := 0; i < lenMap; i++ {
var testStructs = make([]TestStruct, 0)
for k := 0; k < lenArray; k++ {
randomString := randSeq(10)
randomInt := rand.Intn(100)
testStructs = append(testStructs, TestStruct{name: randomString, age: randomInt})
randomStructMap[i] = testStructs
return randomStructMap
func BenchmarkLoopConversion(b *testing.B) {
var testStructMap = randTestStruct(10, 100)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
obj := make([]interface{}, len(testStructMap[i%100]))
for k := range testStructMap[i%100] {
obj[k] = testStructMap[i%100][k]
func BenchmarkReflectionConversion(b *testing.B) {
var testStructMap = randTestStruct(10, 100)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
obj := make([]interface{}, len(testStructMap[i%100]))
obj = InterfaceSlice(testStructMap[i%100])
_ = obj
Though you can use a generic function to convert a slice to a slice of interface{}, it may be most appropriate and cheapest in terms of execution time to change foo to a generic function if possible.
For example:
func foo[T any](slice []T) { /* do something */ }
func main() {
var a []string = []string{"hello", "world"}
Now there is no conversion necessary at all.
Convert interface{} into any type.
result := interface.(datatype)
var employee interface{} = []string{"Jhon", "Arya"}
result := employee.([]string) //result type is []string.

How do I print the pointer value of a Go object? What does the pointer value mean?

I am just playing around with Go and do not yet have a good mental model of when structs are passed by value or by reference.
This may be a very dumb question but I just want to experiment a bit and see if I am still working on the same object or I have made a copy of it (passed it by value).
Is there a way to print the pointer (or internal id if pointer value is changed by gc) of an object?
package main
import ( "runtime" )
type Something struct {
number int
queue chan int
func gotest( s *Something, done chan bool ) {
println( "from gotest:")
println( &s )
for num := range s.queue {
println( num )
s.number = num
done <- true
func main() {
s := new(Something)
s.queue = make(chan int)
done := make(chan bool)
go gotest(s, done)
s.queue <- 42
<- done
gives on my windows (8g compiled version):
from gotest:
Why does the pointer value from within the go routine show a different value? The quantity on the original object did get changed so it was working with the same object. Is there a way to see an object id that is persistent?
Go function arguments are passed by value.
First, let's discard the irrelevant parts of your example, so that we can easily see that you are merely passing an argument by value. For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func byval(q *int) {
fmt.Printf("3. byval -- q %T: &q=%p q=&i=%p *q=i=%v\n", q, &q, q, *q)
*q = 4143
fmt.Printf("4. byval -- q %T: &q=%p q=&i=%p *q=i=%v\n", q, &q, q, *q)
q = nil
func main() {
i := int(42)
fmt.Printf("1. main -- i %T: &i=%p i=%v\n", i, &i, i)
p := &i
fmt.Printf("2. main -- p %T: &p=%p p=&i=%p *p=i=%v\n", p, &p, p, *p)
fmt.Printf("5. main -- p %T: &p=%p p=&i=%p *p=i=%v\n", p, &p, p, *p)
fmt.Printf("6. main -- i %T: &i=%p i=%v\n", i, &i, i)
1. main -- i int: &i=0xf840000040 i=42
2. main -- p *int: &p=0xf8400000f0 p=&i=0xf840000040 *p=i=42
3. byval -- q *int: &q=0xf8400000d8 q=&i=0xf840000040 *q=i=42
4. byval -- q *int: &q=0xf8400000d8 q=&i=0xf840000040 *q=i=4143
5. main -- p *int: &p=0xf8400000f0 p=&i=0xf840000040 *p=i=4143
6. main -- i int: &i=0xf840000040 i=4143
In function main, i is an int variable at memory location (&i) 0xf800000040 with an initial value (i) 42.
In function main, p is a pointer to an int variable at memory location (&p) 0xf8000000f0 with a value (p=&i) 0xf800000040 which points to an int value (*p=i) 42.
In function main, byval(p) is a function call which assigns the value (p=&i) 0xf800000040 of the argument at memory location (&p) 0xf8000000f0 to the function byval parameter q at memory location (&q) 0xf8000000d8. In other words, memory is allocated for the byval parameter q and the value of the main byval argument p is assigned to it; the values of p and q are initially the same, but the variables p and q are distinct.
In function byval, using pointer q (*int), which is a copy of pointer p (*int), integer *q (i) is set to a new int value 4143. At the end before returning. the pointer q is set to nil (zero value), which has no effect on p since q is a copy.
In function main, p is a pointer to an int variable at memory location (&p) 0xf8000000f0 with a value (p=&i) 0xf800000040 which points to a new int value (*p=i) 4143.
In function main, i is an int variable at memory location (&i) 0xf800000040 with a final value (i) 4143.
In your example, the function main variable s used as an argument to the function gotest call is not the same as the function gotest parameter s. They have the same name, but are different variables with different scopes and memory locations. The function parameter s hides the function call argument s. That's why in my example, I named the argument and parameter variables p and q respectively to emphasize the difference.
In your example, (&s) 0x4930d4 is the address of the memory location for the variable s in function main that is used as an argument to the function call gotest(s, done), and 0x4974d8 is the address of the memory location for the function gotest parameter s. If you set parameter s = nil at the end of function gotest, it has no effect on variable s in main; s in main and s in gotest are distinct memory locations. In terms of types, &s is **Something, s is *Something, and *s is Something. &s is a pointer to (address of memory location) s, which is a pointer to (address of memory location) an anonymous variable of type Something. In terms of values, main.&s != gotest.&s, main.s == gotest.s, main.*s == gotest.*s, and main.s.number == gotest.s.number.
You should take mkb's sage advice and stop using println(&s). Use the fmt package, for example,
fmt.Printf("%v %p %v\n", &s, s, *s)
Pointers have the same value when they point to the same memory location; pointers have different values when they point to different memory locations.
In Go, arguments are passed by value.
package main
import "fmt"
type SomeStruct struct {
e int
// struct passed by value
func v(v SomeStruct) {
fmt.Printf("v: %p %v\n", &v, v)
v.e = 2
fmt.Printf("v: %p %v\n", &v, v)
// pointer to struct passed by value
func p(p *SomeStruct) {
fmt.Printf("p: %p %v\n", p, *p)
p.e = 2
fmt.Printf("p: %p %v\n", p, *p)
func main() {
var s SomeStruct
s.e = 1
fmt.Printf("s: %p %v\n", &s, s)
fmt.Printf("s: %p %v\n", &s, s)
fmt.Printf("s: %p %v\n", &s, s)
s: 0xf800000040 {1}
v: 0xf8000000e0 {1}
v: 0xf8000000e0 {2}
s: 0xf800000040 {1}
p: 0xf800000040 {1}
p: 0xf800000040 {2}
s: 0xf800000040 {2}
type sometype struct { }
a := sometype {}
b := int(2)
println("Ptr to a", &a)
println("Ptr to b", &b)
How do I print the pointer value of a Go object?
package main
import (
func main() {
a := 42
results in:
What does the pointer value mean?
According to Wikipedia:
A pointer references a location in memory
package main
import "fmt"
func zeroval(ival int) {
ival = 0
func zeroptr(iptr *int) {
*iptr = 0
func main() {
i := 1
fmt.Println("initial:", i)
fmt.Println("zeroval:", i)
//The &i syntax gives the memory address of i, i.e. a pointer to i.
fmt.Println("zeroptr:", i)
//Pointers can be printed too.
fmt.Println("pointer:", &i)
$ go run pointers.go
initial: 1
zeroval: 1
zeroptr: 0
pointer: 0x42131100
