I'm editing field value in content manager, then i click save. After refresh page i see old value of field. I tried increase version and clear cache manually:
var context = new SitecoreContext();
Item dda = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/Serwisy/test");
daa item has old value. If i open page in incognito page i see correct value. How can i resolve it? The best resolve this problem will be clearing after click save but how can i do it?
Remove Sitecore caching after login.
http://[hostname]/sitecore/admin/cache.aspx and click on clear all button.
I'm still using TYPO3 7.6 and my editor upload a new PDF-file via filelist weekly. I told him, that he has to overwrite his current file with the same filename - f.e. fileadmin/user_upload/editor/1.pdf
We've insert a Content element file links and reference the 1.pdf from FAL.
He clear the page cache (flash) every week after uploading. I've set
config.cache_period = 604800
config.cache_clearAtMidnight = 0
in my setup.typoscript and at page properties, I've also checked: Cache deactivate:
But the website users still see the old PDF-file from last week. They have to click F5 manually, to see the current content. That's not good.
How can I linked my FAL-file without cache?
Maybe I should use config.cache_clearAtMidnight = 1?
Or a direct link via TypoScript and COA_INT (don't know how exactly? ;) )?
is there a solution with FLUID?
Can some one help and give me a hint? Thanks.
I am using the external link type menu items within Joomla - the reason is I need to link direct to an anchor on another page from the menu.
I have around 10-15 links, all work as expected except 2.
in my external URL box I have something like this:
id - is the article id
Itemid - is the menu item I want to be active
hashtag - is my anchor link
On the 2 that are not working it seems to go to url with this "http://www.website.com/component/content/?Itemid=207#SystemIntegration" instead of "http://www.website.com/services/digital-solutions/SystemIntegration#SystemIntegration" as expected
has anyone else had this issue? I have a feeling its connected to the SEF urls being on.
Joomla 3.5.0 version
Step1. Create a Hidden Menu from Joomla admin==>Menus==>Manage==>add
new menu
Step2. Select a Hidden Menu ==> add a new menu item==>Menu Item
Type==>Article==>single article==>your article id==>save
Step3. Site load this url(take copy)
Step4. Create a new menu from external url Pate the previous url
(include #)
Nothing I tried worked reliably - so I got round it by making each item go to the single article, then using a spare field to store the name of anchor. Then within some custom JS code I checked if the field was set and automatically scrolled the page to it if it was - works better than the joomla standard anyway and is more reliable
I updated my Magento to the version
After the successful message, without any errors on Magento Connect, the product widgets carrousel at frontend don't show the products anymore.
Any idea to fix this?
My project URL is:
try reindexing and cache clear. It worked for me
I just got the answer.
Since the update, Magento updated it's security on the Widget Blocks. All you need to do is add this permissions at System > Permissions > Blocks.
After the new page loads, you'll see the widget blocks who have Magento permissions to load. To setup a new widget permission, just click on 'Add New Block'.
On next page, add your block type, like 'ultimo/product_list_featured' (you can get the block type at CMS > Pages). Select 'Allow' and click on save.
Refresh your cache and it's finished.
Thanks for the help.
I have some 4.5.6 installation of TYPO3 and a quite old, modified tt_news extension running.
My client noticed that the indexed search is not working for the news pages anymore.
So i checked, and as I thought the cache entries for the detail pages are not created anymore.
Actually only one cache entry is created, containing the html of the first detail page I requested (through the frontend).
I enabled the adminPanel and it also shows me that no_cache = 1. Why is that? My URL looks like this:
Anyone can help me with that?
There are several places to disable the TYPO3 page cache.
a) It can be set by TypoScript using
config.no_cache = 1
page.config.no_cache =1
Check in the TypoScript Object Browser if it is set on this page and check how it is set.
b) It can be set in the page properties.
c) It can be set in an extension. If e.g. your customized version of tt_news contains this code
the cache for all pages containing the plugin is disabled.
Furthermore the plugin can be made running as a USER_INT like this
$this->pi_USER_INT_obj = 1;
If this is set, then the content of this plugin is not checked. E.g. on the page you opened the admin panel, you have three USER_INT objects. But this is not the problem since you have set "no_cache" which means that the cache for the whole page is disabled.
The problem was related to realUrl. We updated to a new version, and then caching worked again. Looks like realUrl generated invalid cHashes...
I go in and add items to a category for a bundled item. It seems it does it, and then opening again the category is empty.
How to trace this error?
Steps to reproduce:
Edit item - Bundle tab - Add Selected Product(s) to Option
Click on "Save and Continue Edit" button
I see a call to /index.php/admin/catalog_product/validate/id/481/back/edit/tab/product_info_tabs_bundle_items/key/8bee606f1ce09f1f0e2b4128v379e52e/?isAjax=true and am able to trace the Response (using Chrome's "Network" tab) with output {"error":false}
I see a call to /index.php/admin/catalog_product/save/back/edit/tab/product_info_tabs_bundle_items/id/481/key/371758eb16ca00ac50c8ca42e90d7559/ which has no response
Page redirects with "The product has been saved message.".
The edits are not there
I am using Magento 1.6.2.
Solved by editing the Suhosin variables suhosin.post.max_vars suhosin.request.max_vars file: /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/suhosin.ini or you could add it to your site php.ini