I go in and add items to a category for a bundled item. It seems it does it, and then opening again the category is empty.
How to trace this error?
Steps to reproduce:
Edit item - Bundle tab - Add Selected Product(s) to Option
Click on "Save and Continue Edit" button
I see a call to /index.php/admin/catalog_product/validate/id/481/back/edit/tab/product_info_tabs_bundle_items/key/8bee606f1ce09f1f0e2b4128v379e52e/?isAjax=true and am able to trace the Response (using Chrome's "Network" tab) with output {"error":false}
I see a call to /index.php/admin/catalog_product/save/back/edit/tab/product_info_tabs_bundle_items/id/481/key/371758eb16ca00ac50c8ca42e90d7559/ which has no response
Page redirects with "The product has been saved message.".
The edits are not there
I am using Magento 1.6.2.
Solved by editing the Suhosin variables suhosin.post.max_vars suhosin.request.max_vars file: /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/suhosin.ini or you could add it to your site php.ini
I have setup Magento 1.9.3 on my server and uploaded all products and categories from admin panel, but when i go to front-end category page and filter products by category/size/color.
But in the result the selected filter shows twice in layered navigation. I have checked layout xml and html but I didn't get why this is happening.
See the attached screenshot:
In my case layer_view block was called twice insidecatalog_category_layered block in catalog.xml layout. I removed one and problem had been resolved.
I have a website which is running on Magento. There i'd like to add a code inside the body tag of each page. Where can i find this on my website? Is this a single file or do i have to do this on every page.
Anything would be helpful.
You can add it in Magento backend:
Log into Magento backend;
Navigate to System→Configuration, under ‘General’ open ‘Design’,
scroll down and click to extend the Html Head section;
Paste the GTM Code into the field next to Miscellaneous Scripts;
I am using the external link type menu items within Joomla - the reason is I need to link direct to an anchor on another page from the menu.
I have around 10-15 links, all work as expected except 2.
in my external URL box I have something like this:
id - is the article id
Itemid - is the menu item I want to be active
hashtag - is my anchor link
On the 2 that are not working it seems to go to url with this "http://www.website.com/component/content/?Itemid=207#SystemIntegration" instead of "http://www.website.com/services/digital-solutions/SystemIntegration#SystemIntegration" as expected
has anyone else had this issue? I have a feeling its connected to the SEF urls being on.
Joomla 3.5.0 version
Step1. Create a Hidden Menu from Joomla admin==>Menus==>Manage==>add
new menu
Step2. Select a Hidden Menu ==> add a new menu item==>Menu Item
Type==>Article==>single article==>your article id==>save
Step3. Site load this url(take copy)
Step4. Create a new menu from external url Pate the previous url
(include #)
Nothing I tried worked reliably - so I got round it by making each item go to the single article, then using a spare field to store the name of anchor. Then within some custom JS code I checked if the field was set and automatically scrolled the page to it if it was - works better than the joomla standard anyway and is more reliable
I updated my Magento to the version
After the successful message, without any errors on Magento Connect, the product widgets carrousel at frontend don't show the products anymore.
Any idea to fix this?
My project URL is:
try reindexing and cache clear. It worked for me
I just got the answer.
Since the update, Magento updated it's security on the Widget Blocks. All you need to do is add this permissions at System > Permissions > Blocks.
After the new page loads, you'll see the widget blocks who have Magento permissions to load. To setup a new widget permission, just click on 'Add New Block'.
On next page, add your block type, like 'ultimo/product_list_featured' (you can get the block type at CMS > Pages). Select 'Allow' and click on save.
Refresh your cache and it's finished.
Thanks for the help.
I applied a rails_admin gem in my Rails app. I want to remove some unnecessary buttons in a specific model edit form, and add my own custom button instead. Please see the screenshot for what I'd like to remove.
#montells Copy https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/blob/master/app/views/rails_admin/main/_submit_buttons.html.haml this page in your repo at "views/rails_admin/main/_submit_buttons.html.haml"
Now in this file, you can put the condition in which page you want to remove button
- if params[:model_name]
- if params[:model_name] != "model_name_in_which_you_want_hide_button"
"Paste above url view"