Building binutils-2.31.1: No linker produced - gcc

As part of trying to build a gcc 8.2 cross-compiler (targeting ia64-hp-hpux11.31), I'm running into problems building binutils 2.31.1. The build actually seems to complete just fine. I end with a bunch of binaries (ar, objdump, strings, etc.), but some important ones like as and ld are missing. I think I configured binutils properly, explicitely enabling ld and disabling gold: ../binutils-2.31.1/configure --target=ia64-hp-hpux11.31 --enable-ld=yes --enable-gold=no.
I scanned through the stdout + stderr output of the entire build process, but didn't find any hints. The only suspicous thing is that configure outputs: checking whether we are cross compiling... no. Shouldn't that say yes, since I'm building for cross compilation? If my understanding of how --build, --host and --target work is correct, shouldn't that imply cross compilation?
I should note this is my first time trying to build a cross-compiler. I should also note that my Linux "machine" is Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS under the Windows Subsystem for Linux, perhaps this has something to do with it.
My config.log

See the configure script at line 3744:
# No ld support yet.
noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb libgui itcl ld"
That causes the ld directory to be skipped during the build.
You should have an assembler though, built as gas/as-new (after make install that will get installed as ia64-hp-hpux11.31-as).


Cross compiled binary not running on RPI, did I compile it correctly?

I am trying to cross compile a small rust application for the RPI. I am cross compiling because compiling directly on the PI takes way too long and it hits 75C.
I followed various instructions, but what I ended up doing is this:
Install "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" target with rustup
Download rpi tools from here:
Add the "tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/" folder to PATH
Add ".cargo/config" file with:
linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
run "cargo build --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --release"
scp the file to the RPI
chmod +x the_file
do "./the_file"
I get bash: ./the_file: No such file or directory
Yes, I am indeed in the right directory.
So this is the output from "file":
ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically
linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
with debug_info, not stripped
I'm not experienced enough with this sort of stuff to determine if the binary that I produced is suitable to be run on an RPI3 B.
Did I produce the correct "type" of binary?
P.S. I am running DietPi distro on the PI. It is based on debian if that's of any relevance.
So I solved this by cheating. I found which took about 30 seconds to get going and now I can cross compile to pretty much anything. I highly recommend it!
The error message "No such file or directory" is not about the your executable but about the dynamic libraries linked to it which are missing from the target system.
To find out which libraries your executable needs you have to run the following command.
ldd /usr/bin/lsmem
This will output something like this (0x00007fffc87f1000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fe82fe71000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fe82fc7f000)
/lib64/ (0x00007fe82fedd000)
Now you have to check that all this libraries are available on your system. rust-cross probably uses the correct linker for your target so that is probably the reason this works with it. To modify the linker see

Gcc address sanitizer offline

I'm using GCC 4.8.1 with address sanitizer option turned on, i.e. I'm compiling and linking using -fsanitize=address. With this old version GCC doesn't provide a worth output. It needs a symbolizer. No need for extra applications on newer versions. I can't install LLVM packages on target machine, so my question is: is it possible to perform the analysis offline? I mean: can I get the output from the target machine and then analyze the result using symbolizer on the development machine?
You can pipe unsymbolized output of sanitized executable to asan_symbolize script, either on target or on development machine.
Note that by default asan_symbolize tries to locate symbols in executables on machine it's run on. When if target and development executables do not match you'll need to use -s flag to specify target sysroot.

Cross-compiling baremetal Rust for Raspberry Pi 3 B from Windows

I'm trying to follow this blog but on Windows and with the latest Rust. It seems to me that the correct way of doing things like this is changing very frequently with Rust, so I'm hoping for an up-to-date Windows adaptation.
What I've tried so far:
I installed gcc-arm-embedded.
I had unverified partial success manually cross-compiling libcore, but then I switched to use the recommended xargo, the functionality of which (I read) is on its way to being included in Cargo eventually. While I don't understand any of it very well, I'm hoping to get to the part where I can write/run the code and then maybe I can back into understanding the compilation better.
With japaric's awesome help, I was able to get the "aarch64" targeted build working to generate the .o file (as of this particular commit).
And this part seems to verify:
$ file target/aarch64-raspi3-none-elf/release/deps/rust_rasp-ed0c2377e0a7df81.o
target/aarch64-raspi3-none-elf/release/deps/rust_rasp-ed0c2377e0a7df81.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
When I try to use the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain linker, I get:
$ arm-none-eabi-gcc -O0 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -nostartfiles target/aarch64-raspi3-none-elf/release/deps/rust_rasp-ed0c2377e0a7df81.o -o kernel.elf target/aarch64-raspi3-none-elf/release/deps/rust_rasp-ed0c2377e0a7df81.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
And #rust IRC chatroom helpfuls told me that rpi3 is aarch64, not arm, so I need to find an aarch64 linker ...
I think it's working! Things I learned:
xargo is good
rpi3 is different enough from rpi2 to cause my problems in tool selection
xargo doesn't care what toolchain rustup defaults to because I'm not asking it to link for me and it does its own toolchain selection
I needed to target aarch64, not arm. For this I used the linaro aarch64 mingw32 download, unpacked, added its bin folder to my PATH. Then the aarch64 tools were easy to adapt from the blog.
For people who want to do this themselves, see . Not so complicated!
I aim to blink the onboard activity led as confirmation that we do really have control, but looks like that will be kinda complicated on the rpi3 (see my readme, if still applicable)

GCC built from source in different location is incorrectly using same shared libs as native GCC

I'm a student doing research involving extending the TM capabilities of gcc. My goal is to make changes to gcc source, build gcc from the modified source, and, use the new executable the same way I'd use my distro's vanilla gcc.
I built and installed gcc in a different location (not /usr/bin/gcc), specifically because the modified gcc will be unstable, and because our project goal is to compare transactional programs compiled with the two different versions.
Our changes to gcc source impact both /gcc and /libitm. This means we are making a change to, one of the shared libraries that get built.
My expectation:
when compiling myprogram.cpp with /usr/bin/g++, the version of that will get linked should be the one that came with my distro;
when compiling it with ~/project/install-dir/bin/g++, the version of that will get linked should be the one that just got built when I built my modified gcc.
But in reality it seems both native gcc and mine are using the same libitm, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
I only have a rough grasp of gcc internals as they apply to our project, but this is my understanding:
Our changes tell one compiler pass to conditionally insert our own "function builtin" instead of one it would normally use, and this is / becomes a "symbol" which needs to link to libitm.
When I use the new gcc to compile my program, that pass detects those conditions and successfully inserts the symbol, but then at runtime my program gives a "relocation error" indicating the symbol is not defined in the file it is searching in: ./test: relocation error: ./test: symbol _ITM_S1RU4, version LIBITM_1.0 not defined in file with link time reference
readelf shows me that /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ does not contain our new symbols while ~/project/install-dir/lib64/ does; if I re-run my program after simply copying the latter libitm over the former (backing it up first, of course), it does not produce the relocation error anymore. But naturally this is not a permanent solution.
So I want the gcc I built to use the shared libs that were built along with it when linking. And I don't want to have to tell it where they are every time - my feeling is that it should know where to look for them since I deliberately built it somewhere else to behave differently.
This sounds like the kind of problem any amateur gcc developer would have when trying to make a dev environment and still be able to use both versions of gcc, but I had difficulty finding similar questions. I am thinking this is a matter of lacking certain config options when I configure gcc before building it. What is the right configuration to do this?
My small understanding of the instructions for building and installing gcc led me to do the following:
cd ~/project/
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
../source-dir/configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --prefix=/home/myusername/project/install-dir
make -j2
make install
I only have those config options because they seemed like the ones closest related to "only building the parts I need" and "not overwriting native gcc", but I could be wrong. After the initial config step I just re-run make -j2 and make install every time I change the code. All these steps do complete without errors, and they produce the ~/project/install-dir/bin/ folder, containing the gcc and g++ which behave as described.
I use ~/project/install-dir/bin/g++ -fgnu-tm -o myprogram myprogram.cpp to compile a transactional program, possibly with other options for programs with threads.
(I am using Xubuntu 16.04.3 (64 bit), within VirtualBox on Windows. The installed /usr/bin/gcc is version 5.4.0. Our source at ~/project/source-dir/ is a modified version of 5.3.0.)
You’re running into build- versus run-time linking differences. When you build with -fgnu-tm, the compiler knows where the library it needs is found, and it tells the linker where to find it; you can see this by adding -v to your g++ command. However when you run the resulting program, the dynamic linker doesn’t know it should look somewhere special for the ITM library, so it uses the default library in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
Things get even more confusing with ITM on Ubuntu because the library is installed system-wide, but the link script is installed in a GCC-private directory. This doesn’t happen with the default GCC build, so your own GCC build doesn’t do this, and you’ll see in ~/project/install-dir/lib64.
To fix this at run-time, you need to tell the dynamic linker where to find the right library. You can do this either by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH (to /home/.../project/install-dir/lib64), or by storing the path in the binary using -Wl,-rpath=/home/.../project/install-dir/lib64 when you build it.

How to build binutils for a specific target

I'm trying to configure binutils for an ARM processor, specifically the ARMv5TE. The processor is the Marvell 88F5281. Presently the device is running NetBSD, so I want to make sure I configure binutils for the right target arch / OS.
Is there a way to list a combination of targets / OSes when configuring binutils?
So far I found, arm-*-netbsdelf from the following page,
But I am still wondering if there is a list of targets / OSes when I run the configure script from the command line.
A good place to start might be the NetBSD, which is designed to build a complete cross compiler toolset for a NetBSD target on a POSIX host.
Download and extract the source tree for the NetBSD version your target is running
Run './ -m evbarm tools'
When completed it should tell you where to find built binutils and cross compiler
Note - if the target is bigendian you will need to use evbarm-eb in the command.
