Running rspec tests for specific contexts - ruby

I have an rspec test defined like below. I know that I can run rspec -e "guessing" to run the full block of tests, but I want to run only specific contexts at a time. This way I can code the "correctly" tests first, and then later the "incorrectly" portion. Is there a command line way run the specified tests without naming them individually?
describe 'guessing' do
context 'correctly' do
it 'changes correct guess list' do
it 'returns true' do
context 'incorrectly' do
it 'changes wrong guess list' do
it 'returns true' do

You can use -e to match any part of the description, so rspec -e incorrectly will run those two tests. (I don't know of a way to only match "correctly", as it's also a substring of "incorrectly".)
You can also use a line number reference to match a context block: rspec your_spec.rb:2 (given the above content exactly, with context 'correctly' do on line 2) will run that set of specs.


RSpec - How to compound matchers raise_error and output.to_stdout?

I've got a Thor based ruby CLI project to which I'm trying to add unit testing. It started as a pet project and is now rather large and important internally. Anyway, I have never really started unit testing, only grafted onto existing examples, and so I'm very much a noob when it comes to rspec.
I'm starting with a rather basic example, making sure that if I give it a file that doesn't exist, that it replies with an explanatory error and exits.
Here's the ways I have tried to compound them:
context 'with incorrect filename' do
it 'should fail cleanly' do
expect do
subject.format('bad_file_name') output(' ERROR Unable to load file bad_file_name, exiting...').to_stdout.and raise_error(SystemExit)
which works but doesn't capture the stdout properly output here.. also tried:
context 'with incorrect filename' do
it 'should fail cleanly' do
expect do
expect do
subject.format('fixtures/invalid.yaml') output(' ERROR Unable to load file bad_file_name, exiting...').to_stdout raise_error(SystemExit)
Which looks like it works, except (as this example shows) it's not actually testing the output because that output wouldn't match.
So what's the right way to check both an error that was raised and the output to stdout at the same time?
this works for me
expect { whatever }.to output('stderr message').to_stderr
.and output('stdout message')).to_stdout
.and raise_error('Error message')

Capybara Around Hook to test several envinroments

I'm writing some tests for a webpage that I'd like to run in several environments. The idea is that the test will run in one, then repeat in the next. The two environments are preview and uat.
I've written an Around hook to set the environment variables. Below:
Around do |scenario, block|
def test_envs
chosen_env = ENV['test_env'] || 'preview'
test_envs.each do |test_env|
$base_url = "https://#{test_env}"
I have then written a method to execute the navigation step:
def navigate_to(path)
visit $base_url + path
My Scenario step_definition is:
navigate_to '/login'
The tests will work in either environment, Preview by default or UAT if I set test_env=uat
However, I was aiming to set test_env=preview,uat and have them run consecutively in both environments.
Is there something obvious that I've missed here?
If I'm understanding you correctly, it's the 'parallel' aspect that you're asking about.
Rspec can be used with parallel tests (the parallel_tests gem) but I wouldn't be so sure that calling something like 3.times { } in an around hook will run each block in parallel.
An alternative may be do so some metaprogramming with your example definitions, i.e.
test_envs.each do |env_name|
it "does something in #{env_name}" do
# do something with the specific environment
Now, I haven't actually used this gem and I don't know for sure it would work. I think the simplest solution may be to just write a wrapper script to call the tests
# run_tests.rb
environments = ENV["TEST_ENV"]&.split(",") || []\
filename = ENV["filename"]
environments.each do |env_name| do
system <<-SH
env TEST_ENV=#{env_name} bundle exec rspec #{filename}
Running it like env TEST_ENV=foo,bar ruby run_tests.rb would call the following commands in their own threads:
env TEST_ENV=foo bundle exec rspec
env TEST_ENV=bar bundle exec rspec
I like this approach because it means you don't have to touch your existing test code.

Access `expected` line from metadata

I want output line, which was failed during rspec comparasion inside example, but I don't know how to do it best.
For example I have test like this:
require 'rspec'
describe 'My behaviour' do
it 'should do something' do
test_string = 'test'
expect(test_string).to eq('failed_test')
after :each do |example|
puts example.metadata[:expect_line]
And I want to outputed line in after :each be
"expect(test_string).to eq('failed_test')"
I know, I have acces to example.metadata[:location] which return something like "./spec/test_spec.rb:4" and I can parse it and extract line, but is there already something like I need hided in whole example structure?
I just understand. that example.metadata[:location] return not failed line, but actually line in whitch it started, so it have no use for me :(
So question still exist - how to get failed line?
This information isn't hidden anywhere in the example structure that I'm aware of. RSpec's default output shows the line that failed:
1) My Description should fail
Failure/Error: expect(1).to eq(2)
expected: 2
got: 1
If we look at how rspec itself gets this in rspec/core/formatters/exception_presenter.rb and rspec/core/formatters/snippet_extractor.rb, it appears that they go through the backtrace of the example exception to find the spec file and extract the line (similar to what you mentioned). If there was an easier way to pull that out of the example, I would think RSpec itself would use that :)

Ruby Rspec. Get list of all Test

I have some test on Rspec, which looks like this:
describe "description" do
before :each do
it "something_1" do
it "something_2" do
I know that I can get name of current test ("something_1") by using
Is there any way to get array of all descriptions in before :each area?
rspec -f d --color --dry-run filename
Works for me in rspec 3.5.2, lists all tests without running them
There used to be a way to do this using the tag --dry-run, but that has been removed and no longer works.
You can use the -fd which is for format = documentation. This will show you a long list of all the specs that you've done and what they look like. It does, however, still run the test and show you any errors you have in the process. That said it's still a great way to list of all of your tests.

How do you run a specific test with test/spec (not a specific file, but a spec within a given file)?

With Test::Unit, I can run:
ruby path/to/test.rb --name=test_name_that_i_want_to_run
Thus far, I have not been able to figure out how to do this with test/spec specifications. I am wondering if the way that specifications are automatically named does not allow me to do something like this.
Take the following spec for example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
describe 'tests' do
it 'should be true' do
1.should == 1
it 'should be false' do
1.should_not == 2
You can execute a single spec by using the -e flag and providing the portion specified by the it block. e.g. ruby my_spec.rb -e 'should be false'
After contacting the gem maintainer, Christian Neukirchen, I found out how to do this, so I am documenting it here for future reference.
specrb path/to/test.rb --name ".*should behave this way.*"
I needed to use the specrb test runner, an extended version Test::Unit's test runner, rather than just the ruby command.
You can also do this with the ruby command:
ruby path/to/test.rb -n "/should behave this way/"
