How do you run a specific test with test/spec (not a specific file, but a spec within a given file)? - ruby

With Test::Unit, I can run:
ruby path/to/test.rb --name=test_name_that_i_want_to_run
Thus far, I have not been able to figure out how to do this with test/spec specifications. I am wondering if the way that specifications are automatically named does not allow me to do something like this.

Take the following spec for example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
describe 'tests' do
it 'should be true' do
1.should == 1
it 'should be false' do
1.should_not == 2
You can execute a single spec by using the -e flag and providing the portion specified by the it block. e.g. ruby my_spec.rb -e 'should be false'

After contacting the gem maintainer, Christian Neukirchen, I found out how to do this, so I am documenting it here for future reference.
specrb path/to/test.rb --name ".*should behave this way.*"
I needed to use the specrb test runner, an extended version Test::Unit's test runner, rather than just the ruby command.

You can also do this with the ruby command:
ruby path/to/test.rb -n "/should behave this way/"


pass command-line arguments to RSpec RakeTask dynamically

The rspec command comes with several options you can use to customize
RSpec's behavior, including output formats, filtering examples, etc.
For example:
$ rspec path/to/spec_file.rb
$ rspec --example 'first example'
$ rspec --tag type:special
$ rspec -P "**/*_test.rb"
How can I do the same thing with rake spec (with full Rspec options).
My Rakefile:
require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
task default: :spec
I have been google but didn't find any complete answer for that. Thanks.
Command line arguments can be passed automatically to the ENV hash.
For example:
From command line: FOO=BAR rspec spec/*spec.rb
Inside RSpec: puts ENV["FOO"] # => "BAR"
In your Rakefile, you can use backticks to call the shell command.
You can do it but it requires some changes.
First of all you need to undefine already defined spec task if its present, then define it again.
Or use other name, like spec_with_opts. Though I went through renaming.
in Rakefile
Rake::Task["spec"].clear do |task, args|
task.rspec_opts = ENV['RSPEC_OPTS'] if ENV['RSPEC_OPTS'].present?
task.pattern = ENV['RSPEC_PATTERN'] if ENV['RSPEC_PATTERN'].present?
task.exclude_pattern = ENV['RSPEC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN'] if ENV['RSPEC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN'].present?
task default: :spec
So it now can be run this way:
rake spec RSPEC_PATTERN=path/to/spec_file.rb
rake spec RSPEC_OPTS="--example 'first example'"
rake spec RSPEC_OPTS="--tag type:special"
This one wont work, you would need to use RSPEC_PATTERN
rake spec RSPEC_OPTS="-P '**/*_test.rb'"
You can find other options that can be defined in source file:

Ruby + Cucumber: How to execute cucumber in code?

I'd like to execute Cucumber features from within Ruby code.
Typically the cucumber binary installed with the gem is executed on the command line with one or more features specified.
However, I'd like to define logic that creates a dynamic feature execution flow. In other words, the program can work out which features should be executed.
Is it possible to instantiate Cucumber with specified feature files from Ruby code as opposed to the command line?
I discovered how from the mailing list and some API reading.
features="path/to/first.feature path/to/second.feature"
runtime =
If you want all features within your gem's features/ directory to be executed, pass an empty array to instead.
To convert this example command, with features and options specified:
cucumber features/first.feature features/second.feature -d -f Cucumber::Formatter::Custom
into Ruby code, it boils down to passing Cucumber an args array:
require 'cucumber'
# Method 1 - hardcoded features
args = %w(features/first.feature features/second.feature -d -f Cucumber::Formatter::Custom)
# Method 2 - dynamic features
features = 'features/first.feature features/second.feature'
args = features.split.concat %w(-d -f Cucumber::Formatter::Custom)
# Run cucumber
rescue SystemExit
puts "Cucumber calls #kernel.exit(), killing your script unless you rescue"
Tested using Ruby 2.0.0p598 and Cucumber 1.3.17

Ruby Rspec. Get list of all Test

I have some test on Rspec, which looks like this:
describe "description" do
before :each do
it "something_1" do
it "something_2" do
I know that I can get name of current test ("something_1") by using
Is there any way to get array of all descriptions in before :each area?
rspec -f d --color --dry-run filename
Works for me in rspec 3.5.2, lists all tests without running them
There used to be a way to do this using the tag --dry-run, but that has been removed and no longer works.
You can use the -fd which is for format = documentation. This will show you a long list of all the specs that you've done and what they look like. It does, however, still run the test and show you any errors you have in the process. That said it's still a great way to list of all of your tests.

Is it possible to run a single test in MiniTest?

I can run all tests in a single file with:
rake test TEST=path/to/test_file.rb
However, if I want to run just one test in that file, how would I do it?
I'm looking for similar functionality to:
rspec path/to/test_file.rb -l 25
The command should be:
% rake test TEST=test/test_foobar.rb TESTOPTS="--name=test_foobar1 -v"
Have you tried:
ruby path/to/test_file.rb --name test_method_name
No gem required:
ruby -Itest test/lib/test.rb --name /some_test/
This is one of the things that bother me about the string name definition in tests.
When you have:
def test_my_test
you always know how your test is named so you can execute it like this:
ruby my_test -n test_my_test
But when you have something like:
it "my test" do
you are never sure how this test is really named internally so you can not use the -n option just directly.
To know how this test is named internally you only have an option: execute the whole file to try to figure out looking in the logs.
My workaround is (temporally) add something to the test name very unique like:
it "my test xxx" do
and then use the RegEx version of the '-n' parameter like:
ruby my_test.rb -n /xxx/
I'm looking for similar functionality to rspec path/to/file.rb -l 25
With Nick Quaranto's "m" gem, you can say:
m spec/my_spec.rb:25
If you are using MiniTest with Rails 5+ the best way to run all tests in a single file is:
bin/rails test path/to/test_file.rb
And for a single test (e.g. on line 25):
bin/rails test path/to/test_file.rb:25
You can use this to run a single file:
rake test TEST=test/path/to/file.rb
I also used
ruby -I"lib:test" test/path/to/file.rb
for better display.
There are 2 ways to do it:
Run tests 'manually' (see Andrew Grimm's answer).
Hack Rake::TestTask target to use a different tests loader.
Rake::TestTask (from rake 0.8.7) theoretically is able to pass additional options to MiniTest::Unit with a "TESTOPTS=blah-blah" command line option, for example:
% rake test TEST=test/test_foobar.rb TESTOPTS="--name test_foobar1 -v"
In practice, the option --name (a filter for test names) won't work, due to rake internals. To fix that you'll need to write a small monkey patch in your Rakefile:
# overriding the default rake tests loader
class Rake::TestTask
def rake_loader
# our usual test terget {|i|
i.test_files = FileList['test/test_*.rb']
i.verbose = true
This patch requires you to create a file test/my-minitest-loader.rb:
ARGV.each { |f|
break if f =~ /^-/
load f
To print all possible options for Minitest, type
% ruby -r minitest/autorun -e '' -- --help
You can pass --name to run a test by its name or a number within its name:
-n, --name PATTERN Filter run on /regexp/ or string.
$ ruby spec/stories/foo_spec.rb --name 3
FAIL (0:00:00.022) test_0003_has foo
Expected: "foo"
Actual: nil
This flag is documented in Minitest’s README.
I am in Rails Version and Ruby Version 2.4.7p357
Below one worked for me.
ruby -Itest <relative_minitest_file_path> --name /<test_name>/
If you are using Turn gem with minitest, just make sure to use Turn.config.pattern option since Turn Minitest runner doesn't respect --name option in ARGs.
I'm looking for similar functionality to:
rspec path/to/test_file.rb -l 25
There is a gem that does exactly that: minitest-line.
gem install minitest-line
ruby test/my_file -l 5
I use ruby /path/to/test -n /distinguishable word/
-n is a shorthand for --name. distinguishable word can be any string you put in the test description, I usually use some random word that I know won't be present in other tests' descriptions.
Following will work
def test_abc
test "hello world"
This can run by
bundle exec ruby -I test path/to/test -n test_abc
bundle exec ruby -I test path/to/test -n test_hello_word
Install gem minitest-focus and use the keyword focus on test/spec like below to run only the specific test.
def test
it "test" do
This would not need any command line argument to be passed.

How do you run a single test/spec file in RSpec?

I want to be able to run a single spec file's tests — for the one file I'm editing, for example. rake spec executes all the specs. My project is not a Rails project, so rake spec:doc doesn't work.
Don't know if this matters, but here is my directory structure.
Or you can skip rake and use the 'rspec' command:
bundle exec rspec path/to/spec/file.rb
In your case I think as long as your ./spec/db_spec.rb file includes the appropriate helpers, it should work fine.
If you're using an older version of rspec it is:
bundle exec spec path/to/spec/file.rb
The raw invocation:
rake spec SPEC=spec/controllers/sessions_controller_spec.rb \
SPEC_OPTS="-e \"should log in with cookie\""
Now figure out how to embed this into your editor.
This question is an old one, but it shows up at the top of Google when searching for how to run a single test. I don't know if it's a recent addition, but to run a single test out of a spec you can do the following:
rspec path/to/spec:<line number>
where -line number- is a line number that contains part of your test. For example, if you had a spec like:
2: it "should be awesome" do
3: foo = 3
4: foo.should eq(3)
5: end
Let's say it's saved in spec/models/foo_spec.rb. Then you would run:
rspec spec/models/foo_spec.rb:2
and it would just run that one spec. In fact, that number could be anything from 2 to 5.
You can also use the actual text of the *e*xample test case with -e !
So for:
it "shows the plane arrival time"
you can use
rspec path/to/spec/file.rb -e 'shows the plane arrival time'
./scripts/spec path/to/spec/file.rb -e 'shows the plane arrival time'
no need for rake here.
from help (spec -h):
-l, --line LINE_NUMBER Execute example group or example at given line.
(does not work for dynamically generated examples)
Example: spec spec/runner_spec.rb -l 162
To run all of your rspec files: rspec
note: you must be in the root of your project
To run one rspec file: rspec 'path_to/spec.rb'
note: replace 'path_to/spec.rb' with your path. Quotation marks optional.
To run one rspec test from one file: rspec 'path_to/spec.rb:7'
note: :7 is the line number where the test starts
If you installed rspec as a plugin rather than as a gem, then you won't have the spec executable.
At any rate, All you need to do is run the file using ruby. The rspec code is clever enough to run the tests for you.
ruby myclass_spec.rb lets you do stuff like..
rake spec:user #run spec/model/user_spec.rb (searches for user*_spec.rb)
rake test:users_c #run test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
rake spec:user:token #run the first spec in user_spec.rb that matches /token/
rake test:user:token #run all tests in user_test.rb that match /token/
rake test:last
rake spec:last
Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3 have an easy way to run one spec file:
ruby -I spec spec/models/user_spec.rb
ruby command tends to be faster than the rake command
-I spec means "include the 'spec' directory when looking for files"
spec/models/user_spec.rb is the file we want to run.
Although many great answers were written to this question, none of them uses the Rspec tags approach.
I use tags to run one or more specs in different files -- only those related to my current development task.
For example, I add the tag "dev" with the value "current":
it "creates an user", dev: :current do
user = create(:user)
expect(user.persisted?).to be_truthy
then I run
bundle exec rspec . --tag dev:current
Different tags/values can be set in individual specs or groups.
I was having trouble getting any of these examples to work, maybe because the post is old and the commands have changed?
After some poking around I found this works:
rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb
That will run just the single file and provides useful output in the terminal.
Alternatively, have a look at autotest.
Running autotest in a command window will mean that the spec file will be executed whenever you save it. Also, it will be run whenever the file you are speccing is run.
For instance, if you have a model spec file called person_spec.rb, and a model file that it is speccing called person.rb, then whenever you save either of these files from your editor, the spec file will be executed.
Lets say, you're running test for creating todo. You can always run that specific todo spec code using the file crete_spec.rb file as below.
Creating rspec spec/features/todos/create_spec.rb
Editing rspec spec/features/todos/edit_spec.rb
Deleting rspec spec/features/todos/destroy_spec.rb
If you want to run all the specs in one single short.
If you want to run all the specs in a specific controller user this.
Example: rspec/spec/features/todos
Hope it gives you more understanding!
And you can run specific line into your test file
rspec spec/models/model_spec.rb:47
