Spring Boot Application cannot run test cases involving Two Databases correctly - either get detached entities or no inserts - spring

I am trying to write a Spring Boot app that talks to two databases - primary which is read-write, and secondary which is read only.
This is also using spring-data-jpa for the repositories.
Roughly speaking this giude describes what I am doing: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-multiple-databases
And this documentation from spring:
I am having trouble understanding some things - I think about the transaction managers - which is making my program error out either during normal operation, or during unit tests.
I am running into two issues, with two different TransactionManagers that I do not understand well
When I use JPATransactionManager, my secondary entities become detached between function calls. This happens in my application running in full Spring boot Tomcat, and when running the JUnit test as SpringRunner.
When I use DataSourceTransactionManager which was given in some tutorial my application works correctly, but when I try to run a test case with SpringRunner, without running the full server, spring/hibernate will not perform any inserts or updates on the primaryDataSource.
Here is a snippet of code for (1) form a service class.
public List<PrimaryGroup> synchronizeAllGroups(){
Iterable<SecondarySite> secondarySiteList = secondarySiteRepo.findAll();
List<PrimaryGroup> allUserGroups = new ArrayList<PrimaryGroup>(0);
for( SecondarySite secondarySite: secondarySiteList){
allUserGroups.addAll(synchronizeSiteGroups( secondarySite.getName(), secondarySite));
return allUserGroups;
public List<PrimaryGroup> synchronizeSiteGroups(String sitename, SecondarySite secondarySite){
// GET all secondary groups
if( secondarySite == null){
secondarySite = secondarySiteRepo.getSiteByName(sitename);
logger.debug("synchronizeGroups started - siteId:{}", secondarySite.getLuid().toString());
List<SecondaryGroup> secondaryGroups = secondarySite.getGroups();// This shows the error because secondarySite passed in is detached
List<PrimaryGroup> primaryUserGroups = primaryGroupRepository.findAllByAppName(sitename);
// modify existingUserGroups to have new data from secondary
primaryGroupRepository.save(primaryUserGroups );
logger.debug("synchronizeGroups complete");
return existingUserGroups;
I am pretty sure I understand what is going on with the detached entities with JPATransactionManager -- When populateAllUsers calls populateSiteUser, it is only carrying over the primaryTransactionManager and the secondary one gets left out, so the entities become detached. I can probably work around that, but I'd like to see if there is any way to have this work, without putting all calls to secondary* into a seperate service layer, that returns non-managed entities.
Here is a snippet of code for (2) from a controller class
public String synchronizesecondary() throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
synchronizeAllGroups(); // pull all the groups
synchronizeAllUsers(); // pull all the users
synchronizeAllUserGroupMaps(); // add the mapping table
return "true";
This references that same synchronizeAllGroups from above. But when I am useing DataSourceTransactionManager I do not get that detached entity error.
What I do get instead, is that the primaryGroupRepository.save(primaryUserGroups ); call does not generate any insert or update statement - when running a JUnit test that calls the controller directly. So when synchronizeAllUserGroupMaps gets called, primaryUserRepository.findAll() returns 0 rows, and same with primaryGroupRepository
That is to say - it works when I run this test case:
#SpringBootTest(classes=app.DApplication.class, properties={"spring.profiles.active=local,embedded"})
public class MockTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void shouldSync() throws Exception {
But it does not do any inserts or updates when I run this test case:
#SpringBootTest(classes=app.DApplication.class, properties={"spring.profiles.active=local,embedded"}, webEnvironment=WebEnvironment.MOCK)
public class ControllerTest {
#Autowired AdminController adminController;
public void shouldSync() throws Exception {
String o = adminController.synchronizesecondary();
Here are the two configuration classes
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = app.primary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class )
transactionManagerRef = "dataSourceTransactionManager",
entityManagerFactoryRef = "primaryEntityManagerFactory",
basePackageClasses = { app.primary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class }
public class PrimaryConfig {
#Bean(name = "primaryDataSourceProperties")
public DataSourceProperties primaryDataSourceProperties() {
return new DataSourceProperties();
#Bean(name = "primaryDataSource")
public DataSource primaryDataSourceEmbedded() {
return primaryDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean primaryEntityManagerFactory(
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
#Qualifier("primaryDataSource") DataSource primaryDataSource) {
return builder
public DataSourceTransactionManager dataSourceTransactionManager( #Qualifier("primaryDataSource") DataSource primaryDataSource) {
DataSourceTransactionManager txm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(primaryDataSource);
return txm;
And Secondary:
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses=app.secondary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class ) /* scan secondary as secondary database */
transactionManagerRef = "secondaryTransactionManager",
entityManagerFactoryRef = "secondaryEntityManagerFactory",
public class SecondaryConfig {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecondaryConfig.class);
#Bean(name = "secondaryDataSourceProperties")
public DataSourceProperties secondaryDataSourceProperties() {
return new DataSourceProperties();
#Bean(name = "secondaryDataSource")
public DataSource secondaryDataSourceEmbedded() {
return secondaryDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean secondaryEntityManagerFactory(
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
#Qualifier("secondaryDataSource") DataSource secondaryDataSource) {
return builder
public DataSourceTransactionManager secondaryTransactionManager( #Qualifier("secondaryDataSource") DataSource secondaryDataSource) {
DataSourceTransactionManager txm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(secondaryDataSource);
return txm;
In my real application, the secondary data source - since it is read-only - is used during real run time, and during the unit test I am writing.
I have been having trouble getting spring to initialize both data sources, so I have not attached a complete example.
thanks for any insight people an give me.
Edit: I have read some things that say to use Jta Transaction Manager when using multiple databases, and I have tried that. I get an error when it tries to run the transaction on my second read-only database when I go to commit to the first database
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: prepared transactions are disabled
Hint: Set max_prepared_transactions to a nonzero value.
In my case, I cannot set that, because the database is a read-only datbase provided by a vendor, we cannot change anything, and I really sho9udn't be trying to include this database as part of transactions, I just want to be able to call both databases in one service call.


Aspect does not triggered

I am trying to implement read-only data source in my application.
According to the following repo implementation, this aspect method should be called when a transaction happens but it never triggers this method(This line never printed to the console - System.out.println("Aspect executed");
public class TransactionReadonlyAspect {
public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional transactional) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Aspect executed");
try {
if (transactional.readOnly()) {
return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();
} finally {
And also in the following class it initializes the default datasource no matter what,
How can I make this works or what are the other confihgurations I need to add ?
package com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.conf;
import com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.context.DatabaseEnvironment;
import com.programmingsharing.demoreadwriterouting.datasource.MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class DataSourceConfiguration {
private String mstUrl;
private String mstUsername;
private String mstPassword;
private String slaveUrl;
private String slaveUsername;
private String slavePassword;
public DataSource dataSource(){
MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource masterSlaveRoutingDataSource = new MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource();
Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();
targetDataSources.put(DatabaseEnvironment.UPDATABLE, masterDataSource());
targetDataSources.put(DatabaseEnvironment.READONLY, slaveDataSource());
// Set as all transaction point to master
return masterSlaveRoutingDataSource;
public DataSource slaveDataSource() {
HikariDataSource hikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource();
return hikariDataSource;
public DataSource masterDataSource() {
HikariDataSource hikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource();
return hikariDataSource;
context is always printed null
CONTEXT.get() : null
public class DatabaseContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseEnvironment> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
public static void set(DatabaseEnvironment databaseEnvironment) {
public static DatabaseEnvironment getEnvironment() {
System.out.println("CONTEXT.get() : " + CONTEXT.get());
return CONTEXT.get();
public static void reset() {
Also this is always null, none of the environment variables doe not set
DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment() : null
public class MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
System.out.println("DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment() : " + DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment());
return DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment();
That obviously not the answer to your Q, however I would discourage you from using that datasource routing "solution" you are referring to.
The problem is from spring-tx perspective transaction is read-only if and only if the outermost transaction definition is readonly, please check some examples of execution stacks below:
// current tx is read-only regardless readonly=false definition
// current tx is not read-only regardless readonly=true definition
"AspectJ" solution does not take into account that spring-tx convention and thus it is basically wrong.
Technically, we may determine whether transaction is read-only or not via calling TransactionSynchronizationManager#isCurrentTransactionReadOnly method, unfortunately that won't help us much because spring-tx may acquire resources (jdbc connection) before marking transaction as read-only, this problem was mentioned by Vlad Mihalcea in Read-write and read-only transaction routing with Spring:
Not only that the hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit allows you to make better use of database connections, but it’s the only way we can make this example work since, without this configuration, the connection is acquired prior to calling the determineCurrentLookupKey method TransactionRoutingDataSource.
There are two options:
if you are using Hibernate - just follow Vlad's recommendations
if you are not using Hibernate you need to take into account that you need to control outermost transaction definitions only - just place there your own annotations/aspects and do not depend on spring-tx stuff.

Why is exception in Spring Batch AsycItemProcessor caught by SkipListener's onSkipInWrite method?

I'm writing a Spring Boot application that starts up, gathers and converts millions of database entries into a new streamlined JSON format, and then sends them all to a GCP PubSub topic. I'm attempting to use Spring Batch for this, but I'm running into trouble implementing fault tolerance for my process. The database is rife with data quality issues, and sometimes my conversions to JSON will fail. When failures occur, I don't want the job to immediately quit, I want it to continue processing as many records as it can and, before completion, to report which exact records failed so that I, and or my team, can examine these problematic database entries.
To achieve this, I've attempted to use Spring Batch's SkipListener interface. But I'm also using an AsyncItemProcessor and an AsyncItemWriter in my process, and even though the exceptions are occurring during the processing, the SkipListener's onSkipInWrite() method is catching them - rather than the onSkipInProcess() method. And unfortunately, the onSkipInWrite() method doesn't have access to the original database entity, so I can't store its ID in my list of problematic DB entries.
Have I misconfigured something? Is there any other way to gain access to the objects from the reader that failed the processing step of an AsynItemProcessor?
Here's what I've tried...
I have a singleton Spring Component where I store how many DB entries I've successfully processed along with up to 20 problematic database entries.
#Getter //lombok
public class ProcessStatus {
private int processed;
private int failureCount;
private final List<UnexpectedFailure> unexpectedFailures = new ArrayList<>();
public void incrementProgress { processed++; }
public void logUnexpectedFailure(UnexpectedFailure failure) {
public static class UnexpectedFailure {
private Throwable error;
private DBProjection dbData;
I have a Spring batch Skip Listener that's supposed to catch failures and update my status component accordingly:
public class ConversionSkipListener implements SkipListener<DBProjection, Future<JsonMessage>> {
private ProcessStatus processStatus;
public void onSkipInRead(Throwable error) {}
public void onSkipInProcess(DBProjection dbData, Throwable error) {
processStatus.logUnexpectedFailure(new ProcessStatus.UnexpectedFailure(error, dbData));
public void onSkipInWrite(Future<JsonMessage> messageFuture, Throwable error) {
//This is getting called instead!! Even though the exception happened during processing :(
//But I have no access to the original DBProjection data here, and messageFuture.get() gives me null.
And then I've configured my job like this:
public class ConversionBatchJobConfig {
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private TaskExecutor processThreadPool;
public SimpleCompletionPolicy processChunkSize(#Value("${commit.chunk.size:100}") Integer chunkSize) {
return new SimpleCompletionPolicy(chunkSize);
public ItemStreamReader<DbProjection> dbReader(
MyDomainRepository myDomainRepository,
#Value("#{jobParameters[pageSize]}") Integer pageSize,
#Value("#{jobParameters[limit]}") Integer limit) {
RepositoryItemReader<DbProjection> myDomainRepositoryReader = new RepositoryItemReader<>();
myDomainRepositoryReader.setMethodName("findActiveDbDomains"); //A native query
myDomainRepositoryReader.setArguments(new ArrayList<Object>() {{
myDomainRepositoryReader.setSort(new HashMap<String, Sort.Direction>() {{
put("update_date", Sort.Direction.ASC);
// myDomainRepositoryReader.setSaveState(false); <== haven't figured out what this does yet
return myDomainRepositoryReader;
public ItemProcessor<DbProjection, JsonMessage> dataConverter(DataRetrievalSerivice dataRetrievalService) {
//Sometimes throws exceptions when DB data is exceptionally weird, bad, or missing
return new DbProjectionToJsonMessageConverter(dataRetrievalService);
public AsyncItemProcessor<DbProjection, JsonMessage> asyncDataConverter(
ItemProcessor<DbProjection, JsonMessage> dataConverter) throws Exception {
AsyncItemProcessor<DbProjection, JsonMessage> asyncDataConverter = new AsyncItemProcessor<>();
return asyncDataConverter;
public ItemWriter<JsonMessage> jsonPublisher(GcpPubsubPublisherService publisherService) {
return new JsonMessageWriter(publisherService);
public AsyncItemWriter<JsonMessage> asyncJsonPublisher(ItemWriter<JsonMessage> jsonPublisher) throws Exception {
AsyncItemWriter<JsonMessage> asyncJsonPublisher = new AsyncItemWriter<>();
return asyncJsonPublisher;
public Step conversionProcess(SimpleCompletionPolicy processChunkSize,
ItemStreamReader<DbProjection> dbReader,
AsyncItemProcessor<DbProjection, JsonMessage> asyncDataConverter,
AsyncItemWriter<JsonMessage> asyncJsonPublisher,
ProcessStatus processStatus,
#Value("${conversion.failure.limit:20}") int maximumFailures) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("conversionProcess")
.<DbProjection, Future<JsonMessage>>chunk(processChunkSize)
.skipPolicy(new MyCustomConversionSkipPolicy(maximumFailures))
// ^ for now this returns true for everything until 20 failures
.listener(new ConversionSkipListener(processStatus))
public Job conversionJob(Step conversionProcess) {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("conversionJob")
This is because the future wrapped by the AsyncItemProcessor is only unwrapped in the AsyncItemWriter, so any exception that might occur at that time is seen as a write exception instead of a processing exception. That's why onSkipInWrite is called instead of onSkipInProcess.
This is actually a known limitation of this pattern which is documented in the Javadoc of the AsyncItemProcessor, here is an excerpt:
Because the Future is typically unwrapped in the ItemWriter,
there are lifecycle and stats limitations (since the framework doesn't know
what the result of the processor is).
While not an exhaustive list, things like StepExecution.filterCount will not
reflect the number of filtered items and
itemProcessListener.onProcessError(Object, Exception) will not be called.
The Javadoc states that the list is not exhaustive, and the side-effect regarding the SkipListener that you are experiencing is one these limitations.

Spring Cloud - HystrixCommand - How to properly enable with shared libraries

Using Springboot 1.5.x, Spring Cloud, and JAX-RS:
I could use a second pair of eyes since it is not clear to me whether the Spring configured, Javanica HystrixCommand works for all use cases or whether I may have an error in my code. Below is an approximation of what I'm doing, the code below will not actually compile.
From below WebService lives in a library with separate package path to the main application(s). Meanwhile MyWebService lives in the application that is in the same context path as the Springboot application. Also MyWebService is functional, no issues there. This just has to do with the visibility of HystrixCommand annotation in regards to Springboot based configuration.
At runtime, what I notice is that when a code like the one below runs, I do see "commandKey=A" in my response. This one I did not quite expect since it's still running while the data is obtained. And since we log the HystrixRequestLog, I also see this command key in my logs.
But all the other Command keys are not visible at all, regardless of where I place them in the file. If I remove CommandKey-A then no commands are visible whatsoever.
// Example WebService that we use as a shared component for performing a backend call that is the same across different resources
#Accessors(fluent = true)
public abstract class WebService {
private final #Nonnull Supplier<X> backendFactory;
private #Nonnull Supplier<BackendComponent> backendComponentSupplier = () -> new BackendComponent();
public Response mainCall() {
Object obj = new Object();
try {
} catch (Exception commandException) {
// do nothing (for this example)
// get the hystrix request information so that we can determine what was executed
Optional<Collection<HystrixInvokableInfo<?>>> executedCommands = hystrixExecutedCommands();
// set the hystrix data, viewable in the response
obj.setData("hystrix", executedCommands.orElse(Collections.emptyList()));
if(hasError(obj)) {
return Response.serverError()
return Response.ok()
private void otherCommandMethod() {
Optional<Collection<HystrixInvokableInfo<?>>> hystrixExecutedCommands() {
Optional<HystrixRequestLog> hystrixRequest = Optional
// get the hystrix executed commands
Optional<Collection<HystrixInvokableInfo<?>>> executedCommands = Optional.empty();
if (hystrixRequest.isPresent()) {
executedCommands = Optional.of(hystrixRequest.get()
return executedCommands;
public class BackendComponent implements ObservableCommand<Void> {
public Observable<Void> observe() {
// make some backend call
return backendFactory.get()
// then later this component gets configured in the specific applications with sample configuraiton that looks like this:
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class MyWebService extends WebService {
public MyWebService(Supplier<X> backendSupplier) {
There is an issue with mainCall() calling otherCommandMethod(). Methods with #HystrixCommand can not be called from within the same class.
As discussed in the answers to this question this is a limitation of Spring's AOP.

Testing that delete is correctly rolled back with DataIntegrityViolationException junit, spring, #Transactional

I have a category -> subCategory -> products hierarchy in my application. If a subcategory has no products, you are allowed to delete it. If a subCategory has products, the DAO throws a DataIntegrityViolationException and the transaction should be rolled back.
In my tests, I have:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestTransactionManagement.class})
public class BusinessSubCategoryCRUDTest {
public void setCRUD(BusinessSubCategoryCRUD crud) {
this.crud = crud;
// #Transactional
public void testDeleteBusinessSubCategoryInUseCanNotBeDeleted() {
final long id = 1;
BusinessSubCategory subCategoryBeforeDelete =
final int numCategoriesBeforeDelete =
try {
new BusinessSubCategory(id, ""));
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
BusinessSubCategory subCategoryAfterDeleteFails =
// THIS next assertion is the source of my angst.
// At this point the the links to the categories will have been
// been deleted, an exception will have been thrown but the
// Transaction is not yet rolled back if the test case (or test
// class) is marked with #Transactional
However, if I uncomment the #Transactional above #Test, it fails. I think the DAO is using the transaction from the #Test and so the transaction doesn't roll back until AFTER I check to be sure the transaction has been rolled back.
#Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation =
public boolean deleteBusinessSubCategory(
BusinessSubCategory businessSubCategory) {
BeanPropertySqlParameterSource paramMap = new
return 0 != namedJdbcTemplate.update(
So, how do I have the DAO code still inherit the transaction from the context it is running in (in production it inherits the transaction from the service it is running in) but still be able to test it. I want to put #Transactional on the entire test class, but that then leaves my test either failing or incomplete.
For completeness, here is my configuration class for the test.
public class TestTransactionManagement {
public EmbeddedDatabase getDataSource() {
EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
EmbeddedDatabase db = builder
.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.HSQL) //.H2 or .DERBY
return db;
public DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(getDataSource());
public BusinessSubCategoryCRUD getCRUD() {
return new BusinessSubCategoryCRUD(getDataSource());
The "solution" or workaround was to reset the database before each test. Then there was no need for an #Transactional on the test, the rollback could be tested, and the test suite ran slighly slower due to the additional database setup.
public void setUp() {
Connection conn = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(dataSource);
conn, new ClassPathResource("sql/create-test-data.sql"));
DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(conn, dataSource);

Spring Boot Actuator Health Indicator

We have been using Spring Boot for several projects now, We are using the latest version 1.2.3. We are incorporating Actuator. So far things are working well except we are finding that the /health indicator [default] is showing that the service is down. This is not true. These services are that implement with datasources. It may call other SOAP or Rest services. What is the health service looking at to measure whether a service is down?
As #derFuerst said the DataSourceHealthIndicator has the default query to check whether the DB is up or not.
If you want to use this the proper vendor specific query you should write your own health indicator in your configuration class, like this in case of Oracle data source:
#Autowired(required = false)
private DataSource dataSource;
public DataSourceHealthIndicator dataSourceHealthIndicator() {
return new DataSourceHealthIndicator(dataSource, "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");
The DataSourceHealthIndicator is used to check availablity. The default query is SELECT 1, but there are some product specific queries, too.
You can write your own HealthIndicator. Either you implement the interface or extend the AbstractHealthIndicator.
To disable the default db-health-check put this line into your application properties management.health.db.enabled=false.
Hope that helps
The above comment helpedme to init my research but for me it was not enough :
public DataSourceHealthIndicator dataSourceHealthIndicator() {
return new DataSourceHealthIndicator(dataSource, "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");
Here is the configuration that helped me to make it run: Define HealthIndicator #Bean like the follow and provide the required query :
public HealthIndicator dbHealthIndicator() {
return new DataSourceHealthIndicator(dataSource, "SELECT 1 FROM DUMMY");
If no Query is providen the SELECT 1 will be used . As #derFuerst said will be used , Here is the defailt implementation of DataSourceHealthIndicator :
public DataSourceHealthIndicator(DataSource dataSource, String query) {
super("DataSource health check failed");
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.query = query;
this.jdbcTemplate = dataSource != null ? new JdbcTemplate(dataSource) : null;
protected String getValidationQuery(String product) {
String query = this.query;
if (!StringUtils.hasText(query)) {
DatabaseDriver specific = DatabaseDriver.fromProductName(product);
query = specific.getValidationQuery();
if (!StringUtils.hasText(query)) {
query = "SELECT 1";
return query;
Hi everyone I'm a beginner to health check using actuator. I used the below solution and it worked,
#Autowired(required = false)
private DataSource dataSource;
public DataSourceHealthIndicator dataSourceHealthIndicator() {
return new DataSourceHealthIndicator(dataSource, "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");
But can anyone please let me know how validation query is working even though there isn't a table named Dual. Also as per my understanding when we request "/actuator/health", all implementations of HealthIndicator are called automatically and health check methods are executed. Kindly correct me if I'm wrong
