I am planning to develop code for measure Web page loading time using HtmlUnit
Below is my code
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME);
final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("http://www.gmail.com/");
long time = page.getWebResponse().getLoadTime();
long loadEventEnd = Long.parseLong(page.executeJavaScript("window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd").getJavaScriptResult().toString());
long navigationStart = Long.parseLong(page.executeJavaScript("window.performance.timing.navigationStart").getJavaScriptResult().toString());
long timejs = loadEventEnd-navigationStart;
System.out.println("Html Unit Time : " + time + " JS Time : "+timejs);
when i execute the code each every time i got same result in the "timejs"
(i am comparing both times as a test)
i am stuck in here, please help me
The timing API is more or less a mock at the moment (version 2.32).
Have a look at the code.
As always patches are welcome.
We are trying to follow this blog and understand deferredresult . https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-async-non-blocking-microservices-using-spring-patnaik/
In the blog, the person has given a normal blocking and non blocking code. I have copied it here.
The person ran jmeter to concurrently test 1000 threads for 5 minutes. He mentioned that latency and tps were different for non blocking with the code. When I try to see it using jmeter with same details, i see the same latency for both non blocking and blocking.
I have already tried decreasing and increasing the times etc.
public SpringBootAppController() {
timer = new Timer();
ses = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10);
public String blockingProcessing(#RequestParam(value="processingtime") long processingtime) throws InterruptedException
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//add more processing later
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeTaken = endTime-startTime;
return "SUCCESS. Blocking process completed in " + timeTaken + " Ms";
public DeferredResult<String> nonBlockingProcessing(#RequestParam(value="processingtime") long processingtime) throws InterruptedException
DeferredResult<String> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<String>();
NewProcess j = new NewProcess(deferredResult, processingtime);
ses.schedule(j,processingtime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return deferredResult;
Another class.
public NewProcess(DeferredResult<String> deferredresult, long processingtime)
this.deferredresult = deferredresult;
this.processingtime = processingtime;
public void run()
String result = "SUCCESS non blocking process completed in " + processingtime + " Ms";
Expected is difference and better performance for non blocking compared to blocking.
As always, AEM has brought new challenges to my life. This time, I'm experiencing an issue where an EventListener that listens for ReplicationEvents is working sometimes, and normally just the first few times after the service is restarted. After that, it stops running entirely.
The first line of the listener is a log line. If it was running, it would be clear. Here's a simplified example of the listener:
#Component(immediate = true, metatype = false)
#Service(value = EventHandler.class)
name="event.topics", value = ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC
public class MyActivityReplicationListener implements EventHandler {
private SlingRepository repository;
private OnboardingInterface onboardingService;
private QueryInterface queryInterface;
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private Session session;
public void handleEvent(Event ev) {
log.info(String.format("Starting %s", this.getClass()));
// Business logic
log.info(String.format("Finished %s", this.getClass()));
Now before you panic that I haven't included the business logic, see my answer below. The main point of interest is that the business logic could take a few seconds.
While crawling through the second page of Google search to find an answer, I came across this article. A German article explaining that EventListeners that take more than 5 seconds to finish are sort of silently quarantined by AEM with no output.
It just so happens that this task might take longer than 5 seconds, as it's working off data that was originally quite small, but has grown (and this is in line with other symptoms).
I put a change in that makes the listener much more like the one in that article - that is, it uses an EventConsumer to asynchronously process the ReplicationEvent using a pub/sub model. Here's a simplified version of the new model (for AEM 6.3):
#Component(immediate = true, property = {
EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC + "=" + ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC,
JobConsumer.PROPERTY_TOPICS + "=" + AsyncReplicationListener.JOB_TOPIC
public class AsyncReplicationListener implements EventHandler, JobConsumer {
private static final String PROPERTY_EVENT = "event";
static final String JOB_TOPIC = ReplicationEvent.EVENT_TOPIC;
private JobManager jobManager;
public JobConsumer.JobResult process (Job job) {
try {
ReplicationEvent event = (ReplicationEvent)job.getProperty(PROPERTY_EVENT);
// Slow business logic (>5 seconds)
} catch (Exception e) {
return JobResult.FAILED;
return JobResult.OK ;
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
final Map <String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>();
payload.put(PROPERTY_EVENT, ReplicationEvent.fromEvent(event));
final Job addJobResult = jobManager.addJob(JOB_TOPIC , payload);
You can see here that the EventListener passes off the ReplicationEvent wrapped up in a Job, which is then handled by the JobConsumer, which according to this magic article, is not subject to the 5 second rule.
Here is some official documentation on this time limit. Once I had the "5 seconds" key, I was able to a bit more information, here and here, that talk about the 5 second limit as well. The first article uses a similar method to the above, and the second article shows a way to turn off these time limits.
The time limits can be disabled entirely (or increased) in the configMgr by setting the Timeout property to zero in the Apache Felix Event Admin Implementation configuration.
I just started using IronRuby. This is my test class:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var path = #"C:\Users\frays\Desktop\test.rb";
var engine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
var scope = engine.Runtime.CreateScope();
scope.SetVariable("sendNext", new Action<string>(SendNext));
engine.ExecuteFile(path, scope);
private static void SendNext(string text)
And this is my test script:
sendNext 'heyyy'
However, when trying to run the program it throws an exception saying wrong number of arguments (1 for 0), even though the method definitely takes a string as an argument.
This says that it is not possible Calling IronRuby from C# with a delegate but you can just call the invoke method.
sendNext.Invoke( 'heyyy')
Can anyone tell why this didn't work? The code works great when I run it from my unit tests. Security gets setup perfectly and our service works great just like I expect.
However, when I deployed it to our application server (weblogic), my service fails every time because my tokens are not getting setup. I got it working by setting up the tokens every time my send(final ServiceAPInvoice invoice) method gets called.
My question is why does the tokens not get setup by my constructor when this is deployed in our Weblogic environment? What causes this issue? OAuthSecurityContextHolder is a static class. Is that playing into my issue? Will I still run into issues if I setup the tokens each time my send method is called? I haven't noticed any issues yet but have not done any load testing
I am using Spring's OAuthRestTemplate (1.0) and I have non-expiring tokens that I need to setup.
Here is where the magic happens. I had to rename the code slightly to make it generic so hopefully I don't have any typos:
public class ServiceRestTemplate {
private final OAuthRestTemplate serviceOAuthRestTemplate;
private final String apUri;
private final String arUri;
private final String tokenValue;
private final String tokenSecret;
public ServiceRestTemplate(final OAuthRestTemplate serviceOAuthRestTemplate,
final String apUri,
final String arUri,
final String tokenValue,
final String tokenSecret) {
this.serviceOAuthRestTemplate = serviceOAuthRestTemplate;
this.apUri = apUri;
this.arUri = arUri;
this.tokenSecret = tokenSecret;
this.tokenValue = tokenValue;
setContext(tokenValue, tokenSecret); // I expected this to be enough to setup my tokens 1 time
private void setContext(final String tokenValue, final String tokenSecret) {
final OAuthConsumerToken accessToken = new OAuthConsumerToken();
final OAuthSecurityContextImpl securityContext = new OAuthSecurityContextImpl();
if (securityContext.getAccessTokens() == null) {
securityContext.setAccessTokens(new HashMap<String, OAuthConsumerToken>());
if (!securityContext.getAccessTokens().containsKey(accessToken.getResourceId())) {
securityContext.getAccessTokens().put(accessToken.getResourceId(), accessToken);
public ServiceWebResponse send(final ServiceAPInvoice invoice) {
setContext(this.tokenValue, this.tokenSecret); // This line of code is the workaround to fixed my issue.
final ServiceWebResponse serviceResponse = serviceOAuthRestTemplate.postForObject(apUri,
return serviceResponse;
hi im trying to test a proxy but if i set setConnectTimeout over 1500 it causes to programe to hang it just dies nothing gets printed my processor and memery arint doing much it just dies does anyone know of a solution for this the code is
HttpURLConnection inSite = (HttpURLConnection) site.openConnection(proxy);
inSite.setConnectTimeout(2000); //if set below 1500 its fine
this is a real prob as most proxies are too slow to respon in this time thanks
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
public void sixtymin() {
final Runnable logger= new Runnable() {//instansiation
public void run() {
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis());//code to execute
//You application logic as shown in the question
final ScheduledFuture<?> loggerHandle =
scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(logger, 0, 5, SECONDS );//action,delay before first run,delay between,unit
this was the solution the above code prints time every 5 secs so i used it to kill process ofter timeout