Trying to understand deferredresult performance improvement - spring

We are trying to follow this blog and understand deferredresult .
In the blog, the person has given a normal blocking and non blocking code. I have copied it here.
The person ran jmeter to concurrently test 1000 threads for 5 minutes. He mentioned that latency and tps were different for non blocking with the code. When I try to see it using jmeter with same details, i see the same latency for both non blocking and blocking.
I have already tried decreasing and increasing the times etc.
public SpringBootAppController() {
timer = new Timer();
ses = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10);
public String blockingProcessing(#RequestParam(value="processingtime") long processingtime) throws InterruptedException
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
//add more processing later
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeTaken = endTime-startTime;
return "SUCCESS. Blocking process completed in " + timeTaken + " Ms";
public DeferredResult<String> nonBlockingProcessing(#RequestParam(value="processingtime") long processingtime) throws InterruptedException
DeferredResult<String> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<String>();
NewProcess j = new NewProcess(deferredResult, processingtime);
ses.schedule(j,processingtime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return deferredResult;
Another class.
public NewProcess(DeferredResult<String> deferredresult, long processingtime)
this.deferredresult = deferredresult;
this.processingtime = processingtime;
public void run()
String result = "SUCCESS non blocking process completed in " + processingtime + " Ms";
Expected is difference and better performance for non blocking compared to blocking.


Performance Testing Java Http and Kafka is while loop slowing performance

I've set up a spring-reactive server and an use a while loop inside of a Scheduled job to make fire and forget requests from a httpClient (backend just returns the same simple string via tomcat) it is configured as follows:
public ConnectionProvider getConnectionProvider(){
int maxConnections = 20;
ConnectionProvider connProvider = ConnectionProvider
.maxIdleTime(Duration.of(20, ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
.maxLifeTime(Duration.of(1000, ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
return connProvider;
public HttpClient getHttpClient(){
return HttpClient
//.secure(sslContextSpec -> sslContextSpec.sslContext(webClientSslHelper.getSslContext()))
/*.tcpConfiguration(tcpClient -> {
LoopResources loop = LoopResources.create("webclient-event-loop",
selectorThreadCount, workerThreadCount, Boolean.TRUE);
return tcpClient
.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10000)
.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);*/
I've also created a job that uses #Autowired kafkaTemplate and makes a while loop that sends a short text string
For http / tomcat calls I am getting around 65 requests a second
For kafka I am maxing out around 50000 requests with a half second lag
Job to make calls
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 15000)
public void scheduleTaskUsingCronExpression() {
private void generateCalls() {
int i = 0;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while(i <= 5000){
String message = "Test Message sadg sad-";
kafkaTemplate.send(TOPIC, message + i);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println((endTime - startTime));
catch(Exception e){
Kakfa partition config
public KafkaAdmin kafkaAdmin() {
//String bootstrapAddress = "localhost:29092";
String bootstrapAddress = "localhost:9092";
Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
configs.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapAddress);
return new KafkaAdmin(configs);
public NewTopic testTopic() {
return new NewTopic("test-topic", 6, (short) 1);
Kafka consumer consuming messge
#KafkaListener(topics = "test-topic", groupId = "one", concurrency = "6" )
public void listenGroupFoo(String message) {
if(message.indexOf("-0") != -1){
startTime = new Date().getTime();
System.out.println("Starting Message in group foo: " + message);
else if(message.indexOf("-100000") != -1){
endTime = new Date().getTime();
System.out.println("Received Message in group foo: " + message);
System.out.println(endTime - startTime);
For hardware I have a 10900k with 64gb ram
5ghz clock speed
970 Evo single nvme disk
10 core 20 thread
All requests are from the same local server to the same local server
I can add more local servers for testing if needed
Is there a better way to organize / optimize the code to make a massive number of requests?
Multiple Threads?
Changing configurations of servers such as tomcat configs (receiving or sending side)?
Not use the kafkaTemplate that is autowired or creating multiple?
Modify Hardware to have multiple disks?
Improve server receiving http to allow more connections?
Not use a job to make the requests?
Anything else anyone can think of to help?

Spring kafka idlebetweenpolls is always triggering partition rebalance

I'm trying to use the idle between polls mentioned here to slow down the consumption rate, i also use the to double the idle between polls, but its always triggering partition rebalance, any idea what is the problem?
I have 5 hosts and i'm setting concurrency level to 1
[Edit 2]
I was setting the idle between polls to 5 min and to 10 min i also noticed this log "About to close the idle connection from 105 due to being idle for 540012 millis".
I decreased the idle between polls to 10 sec and the issue disappeared, any idea why?
private ConsumerFactory<String, GenericRecord> dlqConsumerFactory() {
Map<String, Object> configurationProperties = commonConfigs();
DlqConfiguration dlqConfiguration = kafkaProperties.getConsumer().getDlq();
final Integer idleBetweenPollInterval = dlqConfiguration.getIdleBetweenPollInterval()
final Integer maxPollInterval = idleBetweenPollInterval * 2; // two times the idleBetweenPoll, to prevent re-balancing"Setting max poll interval to {} for DLQ", maxPollInterval);
overrideIfRequired(DQL_CONSUMER_CONFIGURATION, configurationProperties, ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, maxPollInterval);
dlqConfiguration.getMaxPollRecords().ifPresent(maxPollRecords ->
overrideIfRequired(DQL_CONSUMER_CONFIGURATION, configurationProperties, ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, maxPollRecords)
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(configurationProperties);
<time to process last polled records> + <idle between polls> must be less than
There is logic in the container to make sure we never exceed the max poll interval:
idleBetweenPolls = Math.min(idleBetweenPolls,
this.maxPollInterval - (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastPoll)
- 5000); // NOSONAR - less by five seconds to avoid race condition with rebalance
I can't reproduce the issue with this...
public class So63411124Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
#KafkaListener(id = "so63411124", topics = "so63411124")
public void listen(String in) {
public ApplicationRunner runner(ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<?, ?> factory,
KafkaTemplate<String, String> template) {
return args -> {
while (true) {
template.send("so63411124", "foo");
public NewTopic topic() {
If you can provide a small example like this that exhibits the behavior you describe, I will take a look to see what's wrong.

How to using same TCP connection for http2.0 and async in okhttp3?

Move from
This is a problem with okhttp keepalived connections, I wonder how to deal with this issue.
OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.sslSocketFactory(factory, (X509TrustManager) TRUST_MANAGERS[0])
.hostnameVerifier((s, sslSession) -> true)
.protocols(Arrays.asList(Protocol.HTTP_2, Protocol.HTTP_1_1))
.connectionPool(new ConnectionPool(5, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
Request request = new Request.Builder()
int count = 2;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(count);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
httpClient.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-failed-" + e.getMessage());
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
private void finish() {
System.out.println("Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) );
Use LoggingEventListener if you want to see what is going on.
Generally when we first connect we can't know ahead of time that a single connection will be http/2 and able to serve both requests. So when the connection pool is empty, OkHttp will establish 2 connections, discover they are both http/2 and then disconnect one.
So likely both requests use a single connection, but you see two established.
You have a few options
1) Don't worry, let it create two connections temporarily, and OkHttp will close one as soon as it realises it has two HTTP/2 connections.
2) Use a warmup request to create the first request, then only create secondary requests to the same host once you have received a connectionAcquired event on that first request.
But I'd encourage you not to worry and just let OkHttp do it's thing.

How to limit the request/second with WebClient?

I'm using a WebClient object to send Http Post request to a server.
It's sending a huge amount of requests quite rapidly (there is about 4000 messages in a QueueChannel). The problem is... it seems the server can't respond fast enough... so I'm getting a lot of server error 500 and connexion closed prematurely.
Is there a way to limit the number of request per seconds ? Or limit the number of threads it's using ?
The Message endpoint processe message in a QueueChannel :
public class CustomServiceActivator {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
IHttpService httpService;
inputChannel = "outputFilterChannel",
outputChannel = "outputHttpServiceChannel",
poller = #Poller( fixedDelay = "1000" )
public void processMessage(Data data) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
The WebClient service class :
public class HttpService implements IHttpService {
private static final String URL = "";
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
WebClient webClient;
public void push(Data data) {
String body = constructString(data);
Mono<ResponseEntity<Response>> res =
.uri(URL + getLogType(data))
.flatMap(response -> response.toEntity(Response.class));
res.subscribe(new Consumer<ResponseEntity<Response>>() { ... });
Resilience4j has excellent support for non-blocking rate limiting with Project Reactor.
Required dependencies (beside Spring WebFlux):
import io.github.resilience4j.ratelimiter.RateLimiter;
import io.github.resilience4j.ratelimiter.RateLimiterConfig;
import io.github.resilience4j.reactor.ratelimiter.operator.RateLimiterOperator;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class WebClientRateLimit
private static final AtomicInteger COUNTER = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final WebClient webClient;
private final RateLimiter rateLimiter;
public WebClientRateLimit()
this.webClient = WebClient.create();
// enables 3 requests every 5 seconds
this.rateLimiter = RateLimiter.of("my-rate-limiter",
.timeoutDuration(Duration.ofMinutes(1)) // max wait time for a request, if reached then error
public Mono<?> call()
return webClient.get()
.doOnSubscribe(s -> System.out.println(COUNTER.incrementAndGet() + " - " +
+ " - call triggered"))
public static void main(String[] args)
WebClientRateLimit webClientRateLimit = new WebClientRateLimit();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Flux.range(1, 16)
.flatMap(x ->
System.out.println("Elapsed time in seconds: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000d);
Example output:
1 - 2020-11-30T15:44:01.575003200 - call triggered
2 - 2020-11-30T15:44:01.821134 - call triggered
3 - 2020-11-30T15:44:01.823133100 - call triggered
4 - 2020-11-30T15:44:04.462353900 - call triggered
5 - 2020-11-30T15:44:04.462353900 - call triggered
6 - 2020-11-30T15:44:04.470399200 - call triggered
7 - 2020-11-30T15:44:09.461199100 - call triggered
8 - 2020-11-30T15:44:09.463157 - call triggered
9 - 2020-11-30T15:44:09.463157 - call triggered
11 - 2020-11-30T15:44:14.461447700 - call triggered
10 - 2020-11-30T15:44:14.461447700 - call triggered
12 - 2020-11-30T15:44:14.461447700 - call triggered
13 - 2020-11-30T15:44:19.462098200 - call triggered
14 - 2020-11-30T15:44:19.462098200 - call triggered
15 - 2020-11-30T15:44:19.468059700 - call triggered
16 - 2020-11-30T15:44:24.462615 - call triggered
Elapsed time in seconds: 25.096
Question Limiting rate of requests with Reactor provides two answrers (one in comment)
zipWith another flux that acts as rate limiter
.zipWith(Flux.interval(Duration.of(1, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)))
just delay each web request
use delayElements function
edit: answer below is valid for blocking RestTemplate but do not really fit well into reactive pattern.
WebClient does not have ability to limit request, but you could easily add this feature using composition.
You may throttle your client externally using RateLimiter from Guava/
In this tutorial you will find how to use Rate limiter in blocking way, or with timeouts.
I would decorate all calls that need to be throttled in separate class that
limits number of calls per second
performs actual web call using WebClient
I hope I'm not late for the party. Anyway, limiting the rate of the request is just one of the problem I faced a week ago as I was creating a crawler. Here are the issues:
I have to do a recursive, paginated sequential request. Pagination parameters are included in the API that I'm calling for.
Once a response is received, pause for 1 second before doing the next request.
For certain errors encountered, do a retry
On retry, pause for certain seconds
Here's the solution:
private Flux<HostListResponse> sequentialCrawl() {
AtomicLong pageNo = new AtomicLong(2);
// Solution for #1 - Flux.expand
return getHosts(1)
.doOnRequest(value ->"Start crawling."))
.expand(hostListResponse -> {
final long totalPages = hostListResponse.getData().getTotalPages();
long currPageNo = pageNo.getAndIncrement();
if (currPageNo <= totalPages) {"Crawling page " + currPageNo + " of " + totalPages);
// Solution for #2
return Mono.just(1).delayElement(Duration.ofSeconds(1)).then(
return Flux.empty();
.doOnComplete(() ->"End of crawling."));
private Mono<HostListResponse> getHosts(long pageNo) {
final String uri = hostListUrl + pageNo;"Crawling " + uri);
return webClient.get()
// Solution for #3
.retryWhen(companion -> companion
.zipWith(Flux.range(1, RETRY + 1), (error, index) -> {
String message = "Failed to crawl uri: " + error.getMessage();
if (index <= RETRY && (error instanceof RequestIntervalTooShortException
|| error instanceof ConnectTimeoutException
|| "Connection reset by peer".equals(error.getMessage())
)) { + ". Retries count: " + index);
return Tuples.of(error, index);
} else {
throw Exceptions.propagate(error); //terminate the source with the 4th `onError`
.map(tuple -> {
// Solution for #4
Throwable e = tuple.getT1();
int delaySeconds = tuple.getT2();
// TODO: Adjust these values according to your needs
if (e instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) {
delaySeconds = delaySeconds * 5;
} else if ("Connection reset by peer".equals(e.getMessage())) {
// The API that this app is calling will sometimes think that the requests are SPAM. So let's rest longer before retrying the request.
delaySeconds = delaySeconds * 10;
}"Will retry crawling after " + delaySeconds + " seconds to " + uri + ".");
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofSeconds(delaySeconds));
.doOnNext(s -> LOGGER.warn("Request is too short - " + uri + ". Retried at " +
.flatMap(clientResponse -> clientResponse.toEntity(String.class))
.map(responseEntity -> {
HttpStatus statusCode = responseEntity.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) {
Throwable exception;
// Convert json string to Java POJO
HostListResponse response = toHostListResponse(uri, statusCode, responseEntity.getBody());
// The API that I'm calling will return error code of 06 if request interval is too short
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST && "06".equals(response.getError().getCode())) {
exception = new RequestIntervalTooShortException(uri);
} else {
exception = new IllegalStateException("Request to " + uri + " failed. Reason: " + responseEntity.getBody());
throw Exceptions.propagate(exception);
} else {
return toHostListResponse(uri, statusCode, responseEntity.getBody());
I use this to limit the number of active requests:
public DemoClass(WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {
AtomicInteger activeRequest = new AtomicInteger();
this.webClient = webClientBuilder
(request, next) -> Mono.just(next)
.flatMap(a -> {
if (activeRequest.intValue() < 3) {
.doOnNext(b -> activeRequest.decrementAndGet());
return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Too many requests"));
.randomBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(300), Duration.ofMillis(1000))
public Mono<String> call() {
return webClient.get()
We can customize ConnectionBuilder to rate limit the active connections on WebClient.
Need to add pendingAquiredMaxCount for number of waiting requests on queue as the default queue size is always 2 * maxConnections.
This rate limits the webclient to serve the requests at a time.
ConnectionProvider provider = ConnectionProvider.builder('builder').maxConnections(maxConnections).pendingAcquireMaxCount(maxPendingRequests).build()
TcpClient tcpClient = TcpClient
WebClient client = WebClient.builder()
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(HttpClient.from(tcpClient)))

CloseableHttpClient.execute freezes once every few weeks despite timeouts

We have a groovy singleton that uses PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(httpclient:4.3.6) with a pool size of 200 to handle very high concurrent connections to a search service and processes the xml response.
Despite having specified timeouts, it freezes about once a month but runs perfectly fine the rest of the time.
The groovy singleton below. The method retrieveInputFromURL seems to block on client.execute(get);
class StreamManagerUtil {
// Instantiate once and cache for lifetime of Signleton class
private static PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
private static CloseableHttpClient client;
private static final IdleConnectionMonitorThread staleMonitor = new IdleConnectionMonitorThread(connManager);
private int warningLimit;
private int readTimeout;
private int connectionTimeout;
private int connectionFetchTimeout;
private int poolSize;
private int routeSize;
PropertyManager propertyManager = PropertyManagerFactory.getInstance().getPropertyManager("")
StreamManagerUtil() {
// Initialize all instance variables in singleton from properties file
readTimeout = 6
connectionTimeout = 6
connectionFetchTimeout =6
// Pooling
poolSize = 200
routeSize = 50
// Connection pool size and number of routes to cache
// ConnectTimeout : time to establish connection with GSA
// ConnectionRequestTimeout : time to get connection from pool
// SocketTimeout : waiting for packets form GSA
RequestConfig config = RequestConfig.custom()
.setConnectTimeout(connectionTimeout * 1000)
.setConnectionRequestTimeout(connectionFetchTimeout * 1000)
.setSocketTimeout(readTimeout * 1000).build();
// Keep alive for 5 seconds if server does not have keep alive header
ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy myStrategy = new ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy() {
public long getKeepAliveDuration(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) {
HeaderElementIterator it = new BasicHeaderElementIterator
while (it.hasNext()) {
HeaderElement he = it.nextElement();
String param = he.getName();
String value = he.getValue();
if (value != null && param.equalsIgnoreCase
("timeout")) {
return Long.parseLong(value) * 1000;
return 5 * 1000;
// Close all connection older than 5 seconds. Run as separate thread.
client = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultRequestConfig(config).setKeepAliveStrategy(myStrategy).setConnectionManager(connManager).build();
private retrieveInputFromURL (String categoryUrl, String xForwFor, boolean isXml) throws Exception {
URL url = new URL( categoryUrl );
GPathResult searchResponse = null
InputStream inputStream = null
HttpResponse response;
HttpGet get;
try {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
get = new HttpGet(categoryUrl);
response = client.execute(get);
int resCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (xForwFor != null) {
get.setHeader("X-Forwarded-For", xForwFor)
if (resCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
if (isXml) {
} else {
StringBuffer buffer = buildStringFromResponse(response)
return buffer.toString();
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
finally {
// Release connection back to pool
if (response != null) {
private extractXmlString(HttpResponse response) {
InputStream inputStream = response.getEntity().getContent()
XmlSlurper slurper = new XmlSlurper()
slurper.setFeature("", false)
slurper.setFeature("", false)
slurper.setFeature("", false)
slurper.setFeature("", false)
return slurper.parse(inputStream)
private StringBuffer buildStringFromResponse(HttpResponse response) {
StringBuffer buffer= new StringBuffer();
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()));
String line = "";
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
return buffer
public class IdleConnectionMonitorThread extends Thread {
private final HttpClientConnectionManager connMgr;
private volatile boolean shutdown;
public IdleConnectionMonitorThread
(PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connMgr) {
this.connMgr = connMgr;
public void run() {
try {
while (!shutdown) {
synchronized (this) {
connMgr.closeIdleConnections(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Ignore
public void shutdown() {
shutdown = true;
synchronized (this) {
I also found found this in the log leading me to believe it happened on waiting for response data Read timed out at Method) at at at
Findings thus far:
We are using java 1.8u25. There is an open issue on a similar scenario
HttpClient had a similar report but this was fixed in
the 4.3.6 version we are using
Can this be a synchronisation issue? From my understanding even though the singleton is accessed by multiple threads, the only shared data is the cached CloseableHttpClient
Is there anything else fundamentally wrong with this code,approach that may be causing this behaviour?
I do not see anything obviously wrong with your code. I would strongly recommend setting SO_TIMEOUT parameter on the connection manager, though, to make sure it applies to all new socket at the creation time, not at the time of request execution.
I would also help to know what exactly 'freezing' means. Are worker threads getting blocked waiting to acquire connections from the pool or waiting for response data?
Please also note that worker threads can appear 'frozen' if the server keeps on sending bits of chunk coded data. As usual a wire / context log of the client session would help a lot
