Outlook Add-in: Does Outlook Horizontal Add-in View Exist? - outlook

I’m a developer working on an add-in for Microsoft Outlook. We are running into a UI bug with certain window sizes. We are having problems resolving this, because we are supporting a horizontal add-in view that we encountered on Outlook on the web in 2016 (please see links below for examples). We haven’t been able to find this view/layout anywhere over many Outlook platforms. Is it safe for us to assume that the horizontal read view has been completely replaced by the add-in commands version that opens the taskpane on the side?
Example One
Example Two

#K. Yu, horizontal add-ins are no longer supported, so use Add-In commands or Contextual Add-ins, depending on what suits your needs.
Check out this blogpost with more information.


Outlook 365 update breaks custom task pane

We have Outlook add-in that uses VSTO and custom task panes using:
Latest Outlook updates seem to break custom task panes UI with top position:
First this issue was reported by one of our clients which used "Try it now" feature of Outlook to see new features. But now it bug slipped to the final release.
We have made a workaround to just add margin for our control and spaces in task pane title, but maybe there is a better way? Pane still look out of place in the new Outlook UI (no rounded corners and so on).
Maybe there is a better way to fix this or some info when this issue will be resolved?
Outlook version is: Microsoft Outlook for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2207 Build 16.0.15427.20182) 64-bit

Web addin dialog box in powerpoint: centering and inserting web browser emulation

Operation system: Windows 10
MS Office version: 2019 64-bit
I am trying to create an MS Office web add-in which allows me to place different html pages to different slides. While reading different parts of the MS documentation and web-searching, I could not understand how to:
Center the so-called Taskpane in the center of a slide after start
Insert a web object with an option to show some website content (including js) WITHOUT errors connected to MS Office safety
A good example is a Plotly D3.JS Charts. I try to do practically the same but with support of loading local html files.
UPD: I know about LiveWeb, LiveSlides and other solutions. However, they have their own security problems - I have to correct regit. Therefore, please, do not propose them.
The task pane in an Office Web Add-in always opens to the side of the Office application window. You cannot configure it to open in the center of the document. Also, you cannot have separate task panes for each slide.

Can I add a button to my add-in next to Send/Discard buttons?

I am writing an Outlook Add-In (Web version, Desktop) and so far I was able to add a link to my app in the contextual menu (see screenshot below - highlighted in yellow). This work well, but it is almost impossible to find the add-in and this is resulting in a ton of customer support calls. I was wondering if there is a way to add the button next to "Send", "Discard", or after the "Elipsis" buttons. This way the add-in would be more visible.
I was thinking about directly modifying the DOM if it is not possible, but I would prefer to not do that.
You can add a button there neither from a web based JS addin nor from a COM based addin for the desktop version of Outlook.

Sideloading Outlook 360 add-in on Outlook main window

I want to side load Outlook add-in to Outlook main window. Just like Nutshell add-in in below screen shot. I looked at the ExtensionPoint help, but there is no extension points available which can show add-in like below. Please let me know how I can achieve this.
MessageReadCommandSurface extension point will provide you with this view. As you may notice, to invoke the "Nutshell" add-on the app's icon is above "read message" view.

How i can add button to main menu not inside message

How to add button to main menu behind "Mark all as read"
instead of showing button inside email body read document but it doesn't help me to find solution,
You cannot get your add-in icon displayed in any place you like. The add-in controls are defined by manifest and displayed in predefined locations of particular client (Outlook Web, Outlook desktop for Windows or Mac, Mobile). Up to developers (Microsoft team) to define the place where the add-in controls will be displayed.
There are two places where add-ins may appear in the client interface. This depends on what type of add-in you have created. There are command add-in and contextual add-in. Both of them will appear somewhat in the space of the message view anyway. The following are examples of where they appear withing the interface ...
And for web view ...
To read more on Outlook add-ins Extension points got to Outlook Add-ins overview article.
Currently the feature you requested is not a part of the product. However, we track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.
