Outlook 365 update breaks custom task pane - outlook

We have Outlook add-in that uses VSTO and custom task panes using:
Latest Outlook updates seem to break custom task panes UI with top position:
First this issue was reported by one of our clients which used "Try it now" feature of Outlook to see new features. But now it bug slipped to the final release.
We have made a workaround to just add margin for our control and spaces in task pane title, but maybe there is a better way? Pane still look out of place in the new Outlook UI (no rounded corners and so on).
Maybe there is a better way to fix this or some info when this issue will be resolved?
Outlook version is: Microsoft Outlook for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2207 Build 16.0.15427.20182) 64-bit


VSTO Outlook: Change border and header background color of custom task pane

I have an VSTO Outlook Add-in. I have put a custom task pane at the top. This custom task pane contains an WPF user control.Now I am trying to change the background color of the header (title bar) and borders of the custom task pane (I am not referring to the background of the WPF user control). Is it possible? If so how?
No, it is not. The Office extensibility model doesn't provide anything for that out of the box. You may try using the Windows API functions for that, at lease you can inject your own form. Such forms MS calls Adjucent Outlook windows. Note, you need to have a deep understanding of Windows API to move that way, see SetWindowsHookEx.
Also you may take a look at Add-in Express based form regions and views, see How to add a custom header to your Outlook form or task pane: C# and VB.NET for more information.

Outlook web addin issues

I am developing an Outlook Web Addin using Fabric UI.I have run into couple of issues which are given as follows:
The following is my outlook web addin screen shot:
Issue #1 : I do not have access to addin title "My Test Outlook Web Addin" from within my code. I want to change the CSS properties of the title but I do not seem to have access. This title is defined in an XML file.
Issue #2: I have "Save" and "Cancel" buttons. In their call backs I need to perform some task and close the addin dialog. But I am not able to close the addin dialog. I can close the addin by clicking 'X' icon on the top, but not from within my code.
Issue #3, How to get file types icon with plane JS? (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric#/styles/web/file-type-icons)
I am not using React or AngularJS. I am using Core fabric UI with plane JS.
Any help on these issues and on how to control properties of outlook web addin is highly appreciated.
For Issue #1: It is currently not possible to change the styling of the title bar. We track Outlook add-in feature requests on our user-voice page. Please add your request there. Feature requests on user-voice are considered when we go through our planning process.
For Issue #2: You can use the closeContainer API to close the add-in task pane.

Can I add a button to my add-in next to Send/Discard buttons?

I am writing an Outlook Add-In (Web version, Desktop) and so far I was able to add a link to my app in the contextual menu (see screenshot below - highlighted in yellow). This work well, but it is almost impossible to find the add-in and this is resulting in a ton of customer support calls. I was wondering if there is a way to add the button next to "Send", "Discard", or after the "Elipsis" buttons. This way the add-in would be more visible.
I was thinking about directly modifying the DOM if it is not possible, but I would prefer to not do that.
You can add a button there neither from a web based JS addin nor from a COM based addin for the desktop version of Outlook.

Outlook Add-in: Does Outlook Horizontal Add-in View Exist?

I’m a developer working on an add-in for Microsoft Outlook. We are running into a UI bug with certain window sizes. We are having problems resolving this, because we are supporting a horizontal add-in view that we encountered on Outlook on the web in 2016 (please see links below for examples). We haven’t been able to find this view/layout anywhere over many Outlook platforms. Is it safe for us to assume that the horizontal read view has been completely replaced by the add-in commands version that opens the taskpane on the side?
Example One
Example Two
#K. Yu, horizontal add-ins are no longer supported, so use Add-In commands or Contextual Add-ins, depending on what suits your needs.
Check out this blogpost with more information.

Vertical pane icon in Outlook Web App (OWA) is no more showing

I am developing an outlook add-in targeting OWA, Outlook 2016 for Mac & Windows. Few month back when I started and testing the application, the small icon to activate the add-in was showing. But the icon is no more showing with same manifest and all setting same. Please refer the screenshot.
Is this part of any update from Microsoft? How I can fix it?
Thank you in advance.
OWA uses the IconUrl in the section above version overrides because it uses the addin icon while Outlook desktop clients use the individual control icon. It looks like you found this but I just wanted to add this answer so it is more visible.
An additional note here, <IconUrl .../> should be above <HighResolutionIconUrl ../> element otherwise manifest does not pass the validation.
