View full contents of a matrix in Euler Math Toolbox - matrix

How to display all the numbers from a given matrix in Euler Math Toolbox? It doesn't seem to show more than 8 columns at a time, which isn't enough as I frequently need to view more than that.
Output I'm getting as of now:

The documentation says:
Large matrices or vectors might not print in full size. To change this, toggle the behavior with:
largematrices on
largematrices off
or use the operator showlarge.
showlarge random(10,10)
showlarge (Basic Utilities)
The link in the above documentation link directs here:
function prefix showlarge (x$)
Prints large matrices in full.
By default EMT eclipses lines and rows of large matrices. This can be used to see the full matrix. If the parameter is a variable the variable name will be printed.
The default can be changed with largematrices on/off.
x=random(20,5); showlarge(x)
largematrices (Euler Core),
show (Maxima Documentation)


custom array printing in gdb

I know gdb has several means of exploring data, some of them quite convenient. However, I cannot combine them to get that I need/want. I would like to display some custom string based on the first n values of a big array starting at <PT_arr>, and the last m values of the same array at a distance (in this case) 4096. Looking something like this:
table beginning:
0x804cfe0 <PT_arr>: 0x00100300 0x00200300 0x00300300 0x00400300
table end:
0x804cfe0 <PT_arr+4064>: 0x00500300 0x00600300 0x00700300 0x00800300
printf let's me add custom text (like table beginning)
the examine x gives me that nice alignment, let's me read many elements and group them by byte, words, etc; and shows addresses at the left (which is ideal for my case).
x aligns the content of regions of memory in an easy to read manner with the size and unit parameters. (what I want)
display is constantly printing. (what I want).
The issue with display (manual), is that unlike examine x (manual) it doesn't have a size or unit parameter.
Is there a way to accomplish that?

Web2py Number Formatting for Thousands

I'm sort of new to Web2py. I have a system that's working just fine, but I want to make an improvement regarding visualization. There's a couple of fields that use numbers (defined as double in their respective define_table methods) to represent currency, but I want them to also show with a separator for thousands, such as 183,403,293.34. I checked some documentation, but I couldn't find a direct way to handle this form of customization, though I could be missing something.
Any suggestions regarding this? Cheers!
First, if representing currency, you should use the decimal field type rather than double (some calculations using double values may yield incorrect results due to the use of floating point representations internally). However, if using SQLite, there is no distinction between decimal and double, so in that case, you might want to multiply all values by 100 and instead store integers.
In any case, to display a given numeric value with thousands separators in Python, you can do:
For more details, see and
If you are using the values via web2py functionality that makes use of the field's represent function (e.g., the grid or the .render() method), you can define a custom represent function, such as:
Field('amount', 'decimal(12, 2)',
represent=lambda v, r: '{:,}'.format(v) if v is not None else '')
You could use the Python function of the locale module:
{{= locale.format ('%. 2f', your_value, grouping = True)}}

Extracting data from text file in AMPL without adding indexes

I'm new to AMPL and I have data in a text file in matrix form from which I need to use certain values. However, I don't know how to use the matrices directly without having to manually add column and row indexes to them. Is there a way around this?
So the data I need to use looks something like this, with hundreds of rows and columns (and several more matrices like this), and I would like to use it as a parameter with index i for rows and j for columns.
0.0 40.95 40.36 38.14 44.87 29.7 26.85 28.61 29.73 39.15 41.49 32.37 33.13 59.63 38.72 42.34 40.59 33.77 44.69 38.14 33.45 47.27 38.93 56.43 44.74 35.38 58.27 31.57 55.76 35.83 51.01 59.29 39.11 30.91 58.24 52.83 42.65 32.25 41.13 41.88 46.94 30.72 46.69 55.5 45.15 42.28 47.86 54.6 42.25 48.57 32.83 37.52 58.18 46.27 43.98 33.43 39.41 34.0 57.23 32.98 33.4 47.8 40.36 53.84 51.66 47.76 30.95 50.34 ...
I'm not aware of an easy way to do this. The closest thing is probably the table format given in section 9.3 of the AMPL Book. This avoids needing to give indices for every term individually, but it still requires explicitly stating row and column indices.
AMPL doesn't seem to do a lot with position-based input formats, probably because it defaults to treating index sets as unordered so the concept of "first row" etc. isn't meaningful.
If you really wanted to do it within AMPL, you could probably put together a work-around along these lines:
declare a single-index param with length equal to the total size of your matrix (e.g. if your matrix is 10 x 100, this param has length 1000)
edit the beginning and end of your "matrix" data file to turn it into appropriate format for a single-index parameter indexed from 1 to n
then define your matrix something like this:
param m{i in 1..nrows,j in 1..ncols} := x[j+i*(ncols-1)];
(not tested, I won't promise that I have rows and columns the right way around there!)
But you're probably better off editing the input file into one of the standard AMPL matrix formats. AMPL isn't really designed for data wrangling - you can do it in a pinch but if you're doing this kind of thing repeatedly it may be less trouble to code it in a general-purpose language e.g. Python.

Correlating multiple dynamic values

How can I get the value of important id and ValueType?
I have tried using web_save_param_regexp (but unfortunately I don't fully understand how the function works).
I have also tried using web_save_param (with the help of offset and length).
unfortunately once again I cannot get the accurate value some values change in length specially when the total amount values dynamically changes per run.
<important id=\"insertsomevalueshere\" record=\"1\" nucTotal=\"NUC609.40\"><total amount=\"68.75\" currency=\"USD\"/><total amount=\"609.40\" currency=\"USD\"/><out avgsomecost=\"540.65\" ValueType=\"insertsomevalueshere\" containsawesomeness=\"1\" Score=\"-97961\" somedatatype=\"1\" typeofData=\"VAL\" web=\"1\">
Put these lines of code before the line of code which does your web request:
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=importantid","Regexp=<important id=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=ValueType","Regexp= ValueType=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
You will then have two stored parameters 'importantid' and 'ValueType'
Dynamic number of elements to correlate? Your path for resubmission is through web_custom_request(). You will need to build the string you need dynamically with the name:value pairs for all of the data which needs to be included.
This path will place a premium on your string manipulation skills in the language of the tool. The default path is through C, but you have other language options if your skills are more refined in another language.

R: Which heatmap/image to get row-sorted plot without any dendrogram?

Which package is best for a heatmap/image with sorting on rows only, but don't show any dendrogram or other visual clutter (just a 2D colored grid with automatic named labels on both axes). I don't need fancy clustering beyond basic numeric sorting. The data is a 39x10 table of numerics in the range (0,0.21) which I want to visualize.
I searched SO (see this) and the R sites, and tried a few out. Check out R Graphical Manual to see an excellent searchable list of screenshots and corresponding packages.
The range of packages is confusing - which one is the preferred heatmap (like ggplot2 is for most other plotting)? Here is what I found out so far:
base::image - bad, no name labels on axes, no sorting/clustering
base::heatmap - options are far less intelligible than the following:
pheatmap::pheatmap - fantastic but can't seem to turn off the
dendrograms? (any hacks?)
ggplot2 people use geom_tile, as Andrie points out
gplots::heatmap.2 , ref - seems
to be favored by biotech people, but way overkill for my purposes. (no
relation to ggplot* or Prof Wickham)
plotrix::color2D.matplot also exists
base::heatmap is annoying, even with args heatmap(..., Colv=NA, keep.dendro=FALSE) it still plots the unwanted dendrogram on rows.
For now I'm going with pheatmap(..., cluster_cols=FALSE, cluster_rows=FALSE) and manually presorting my table, like this guy: Order of rows in heatmap?
Addendum: to display the value inside each cell, see: display a matrix, including the values, as a heatmap . I didn't need that but it's nice-to-have.
With pheatmap you can use options treeheight_row and treeheight_col and set these to 0.
just another option you have not mentioned...package bipartite as it is as simple as you say
