Visual Studio Load Test - visual-studio

I have a web application which I want to test with Visual Studio Load Test feature.
I could create a load test on my local machine successfully.
My application deployed to a Windows Server and I would like to test it using TFS.
Can I deploy load test with my web application as well?
I need a stress test so I would like to use load test for hours which is quite difficult using my local machine, but unfortunately I don't find any useful tutorial.
My expectation is that I can deploy my load tests, and I can run that without local machine and Visual Studio.


Run MSTest unit tests on a project when it needs to be running

I am looking to run some automated RestSharp API tests in Continuous integration.
Right now, the application API is running in it's own project, which is set as a Startup Project. The Web App is running in a separate project. And when they are both run manually from Visual Studio, the app's UI can be manually tested against the locally running API (That's just for reference, I only need the API project to run for my tests to work).
So right now, to run my automated API tests as I script them, I start the API project to get the API up and running locally, then open a new window of Visual Studio, and run my MSTests from there.
My question is, how do I get the API project up and running automatically, so the tests can be run against the API? Can I start tests, while the API project is actively running in Visual Studio?
Mainly, how can I run these API tests in Continuous Integration, if the API needs to be started up in a separate VS window every time?
Sorry for the fairly broad question, I am a test automation engineer, and not an API developer. A pointer in the right direction would be great.
You can deploy the Web API to IIS (or IIS Express). In that way, it would be running in the background rather than launched from Visual Studio. The CI tool would then update the deployment after it creates a new build, but before it runs the tests. I would start with the documentation for whatever CI/CD system you are using, but assuming you're using TFS, here is a reasonable starting point: There are links from that page for deployment and CI.

Desktop Application Load Testing with Visual Studio

We have a desktop application (Point Of Sale) which runs on stores which has more than 100+ cashier counters and connected to a local SQL server in the store. We would like to perform Load to determine application performance for various scenarios. I was looking for Visual Studio (2015/2017) based load testing and I don't any helpful documentation. It would be helpful if someone can share load testing procedure for desktop based application using Visual Studio.
JMeter is out of scope for us.

Visual Studio (2015) Debugging Integration Tests Runing in a DOCKER Container

I try to figure out how I can debug unit tests and integration tests in Visual Studio 2015 that be execute in a Docker container.
I've made an ASP.Net Core 1.1 app that is Dockerized and is connect to a Postgresql Database via the docker-compose.json file.
I wrote some unit and integration tests. The integration tests run tests against a database, so I've created a docker-compose.json to :
launch the database
compile code
launch tests with the command docker test test/path-to-the-test-project/project.json
I run the docker-compose by hand with powershell. Everything work well, but it's realy painfull to debug by reading thousand lines of log.
So, how can we execute the test suite in Visual Studio and debug the test code like we can debug code running in a Docker container (and use break point and other debug tools) ?
(Debuging an ASP.Net Core app in a Docker container was explained in the Microsoft documentation)
For now there isn't way to debug integrations test who are executed in a docker environment.
The way I found is to launch the Dockerized Database by hand and execute integrations tests in Visual Studio.
With that, I cant execute and debug tests. I can also execute OpenCover, and that's nice.

Start ASP.NET Development Server automatically in unit tests

In Visual Studio, if you begin debbuging on a webservice, the Development Server will start up for you.
I have a series of unit tests that rely on this server being here. How can I find out how this Development Server is invoked? I would like to start it up automatically.

I want to keep my source protected on my development machine, how would I deploy ASP.NET MVC to the server?

I'm not exactly sure what to do, normally I do a commit to SVN and Cruise Control does all this stuff on the server to pull from the repo and deploy everything.
However I am just playing around for fun with my personal VPS and want to know how I can from Visual Studio 2010 (web express) on my local machine just make some kind of installer or DLL or whatever and how to deploy it to my VPS of Windows Server 2008.
Do I upload via FTP and run something or place some files in a certain location and configure through IIS? Or is there some way Visual Studio can just interface with my server and impregnate it with my beautiful code?
From the description given, I'd recommend 2 options:
check whether your server installation currently supports one-click publishing. It's likely an IIS configuration task(s) and/or ensuring your server supports MSDeploy/WebDeploy. See "One-Click Publishing - What's New". Publish Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command to perform a Web Deploy of your solution.
setup an FTP server on your server. Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command with the FTP option to push your built solution.
Would this MSDN article help?
The thing is there's capabilities in Visual studio that can publish a web application on a web server.
But you can always do an xcopy deployment as well. And since you've obviously never deployed a web application yet maybe it would be good to learn something and actually deploy it manually.
