IBM Notes FTSearch: searching multi-value number fields - full-text-search

Is it possible to do a full-text search in Notes (LotusScript or Java, or simply in the search bar) using a number field containing multiple values? E.g.
field xyz > 1000 and field xyz < 2000
so that any of the available values is used for the test?
What we see here is that documents with multiple values in the field xyz are just excluded from the results. Only documents with a single value field xyz are shown.
Can it be done, or is it just impossible?
Thanks for your help.

I don't think full-text search will work in your situation. Maybe you can try ordinary search and put results in a folder.
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim query As String
Set db = s.Currentdatabase
query = { Field1 > 1000 & Field1 < 2000 }
Set collection = db.Search(query, Nothing, 0)
MsgBox "Documents found: " & collection.Count
Call collection.PutAllInFolder( "MyFolderWithResults" )
Instead of putting collection in a folder you can also perform full-text search on the resulting collection collection.FTSearch.


Formatting an individual column in Access "Table/Query" listbox

I have listbox with 1 columns populated with an Oracle based ADODB Recordset using
strsql = "SELECT '£' || expected_cost as ""Cost"""
lstComm.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Set lstComm.
Recordset = rs
The query returns £1.58, but the listbox displays #1.58.
If I use
strsql = "trim(TO_CHAR(round(expected_cost,2), 'L9999999999999.99')) as ""Cost"""
The query returns £1.58, but the listbox displays $1.58.
Is there a way to populate the column as UK currency, whilst keeping the RowSourceType as "Table/Query"?
Simple answer: Yes.
The easiest (and best) way to accomplish this is to use a Currency format type. From there you just change the Format field from Currency to £#,##0.00;(£#,##0.00)

Anyway to iterate quickly over a collection of UDTs?

Let's say I have a collection of UDTs. I populate it as below:
public type udtEmp
Id as long
Name as string
end type
dim col as new Collection
dim empRec as udtEmp, empDummy as udtEmp
for n = 1 to 100000
empRec = empDummy ' reset record
emp.Id = n
emp.Name = "Name " & n
col.add emp, cstr(emp.Id)
Now I want to loop through it. I am using a Long data type as the index to .Item()
dim n as long
For n = 1 To 100000
emp = col.Item(n)
The code above works, but it's really slow - takes 10,000 milliseconds to iterate. If I accessed the collection via a key, its much faster - 78 milliseconds.
For n = 1 To 100000
emp = col.Item(cstr(n))
The problem is that when I iterate over collection, I don't have the keys. If I had a collection of objects instead of UDTs, I could do for each obj in col, but with UDTs, it won't let me iterate in that manner.
One of my thoughts was to have a secondary collection of indexes and keys to point to the main collection, but I am trying not to complicate the code unless I absolutely have to.
So what are my options?
the elegance of the code or the performance of it is a serious decision you have to make. the choice should be based on the impact of the results. for each is elegant but slow and goes with objects and classes. but if the speed is a mater then use UDT and arrays.
in your case, i think an array of UDT is best suited for your situation. and to gain more speed , try to access arrays using SAFE_ARRAY (that you can google for it), the result is much impressive.
You can use a user typed class collection. It'll provide the for-each iteration ability with great performance.
Easiest way to make that happen is through the Class Builder Utility ( You might need to first run the Add-in Manager and load the Class Builder Utility. (I think that there were install options regarding these features when you installed vb6/vs6? So if you don't see the Class Builder Utility in the Add-in manager it's could be due to that).
To match your udt sample, using the Class Builder Utility, first add a class (eg: Employee), with two properties (eg: EmpId and EmpName, long and string types respectively). Then add a collection (eg: Employees) based on the Employee class. Save it to the project (that will create two new class modules) and close the Utility.
Now you can create the new Employees collection, load it up, and iterate through it via index, key or for-each. (note: don't use a pure number for the key - requesting an item by a key that is a pure number, even as a string, will be interpreted as an index request, it'll be slow and you probably won't get the desired item)
Also - once the new classes have been created, you can add customized properties and methods to them to handle whatever kinds of fancy stuff you may have requirements for.
Dim i As Long
Dim Emp As Employee
Dim colEmp As New Employees
Dim name As String
' Loading
For i = 1 To 100000
colEmp.Add i, "name" & CStr(i), "key" & CStr(i)
Next i
' iterate with index
For i = 1 To 100000
Set Emp = colEmp(i)
name = Emp.EmpName
Next i
' iterate with key
For i = 1 To 100000
Set Emp = colEmp("key" & i)
name = Emp.EmpName
Next i
'iterate with for-each
For Each Emp In colEmp
name = Emp.EmpName
Next Emp
On my system for the above code:
Loading time: 1 second
Index time: 20 seconds
Key time: 0.29 seconds
For-each time: 0.031 seconds

Filter in OpenOffice Calc

I have a spreadsheet with info from a giveaway campaign in which I get paid per new Twitter follow my client receives through my campaign. Unfortunately the application I use does not track new followers vs existing ones because they offer an entry for new and existing followers for the "Follow on Twitter for 1 Entry". Because I also offer other means to gain entries I need to export the data and filter the results to show only those who've gained an entry on the Twitter Follow and then filter out those who are new vs existing by means of a separate application.
There should be a separate column for each data type; name,email,action, etc. The action column is where I would expect to find the "Follow On Twitter" but the file is very disorganized and the action can be found in many different columns. Therefore I need a way to show only the rows in which there is a field with "Follow on Twitter". I am at a loss to try and figure out how to do this.
The following macro will search for "Follow On Twitter" in each cell. For each row, if a match is found, the row will be shown, else it will be hidden. You will have to adjust the macro to match your sheet's total number of rows/columns.
Sub Dummy()
Dim ActiveSheet As Object
ActiveSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
Dim r,c As Integer
For r = 0 To 25
Dim found As Boolean
found = False
For c = 0 to 10
Dim cell As Object
cell = ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition(c, r)
If cell.String = "Follow On Twitter" Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next c
Dim row As Object
row = ActiveSheet.getRows.getByIndex(r)
row.IsVisible = found
Next r
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Access word documents header containing a table with vbscript

I need to read the pure text values from cells of a table located in the page header of a word document using vbscript.
All i could achieve until now is to read some kind of text from the header by this:
wscript.echo WordApp.ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.FormattedText.Text
But how can i gain access to the table object and read each cell value?
Tables in Word documents can be enumerated via the Tables collection.
For Each tbl In WordApp.ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.Tables
For i = 1 To tbl.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To tbl.Columns.Count
WScript.Echo tbl.Cell(i, j).Value

How to get sets of Records in VB6?

Hey guys, just want to ask you a simple question that I know you're familiar with... I am using VB6, I just want to get sets of records from my database. What I mean is that I have UserID and with a part of code provided below, it only gets a single set of record. Like for instance, the value of UserID is A12, and so, all sets of records with the UserID of A12 must display in Textboxes respectively with the aid of datPayroll.Recordset.MoveNext.
With datPayroll
.RecordSource = "select * from tblpayroll where empid like '" & UserID & "'"
Me.txtRegularHours.Text = .Recordset.Fields!reghours
End With
-datPayroll : DataControl
-txtRegularHours : Textbox
-UserID : Variable
You probably want to look at MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc. and also EOF
Here is a link or two to get you started:
MoveFirst, MoveNext
You need to check that you have some data in your Recordset using EOF, then MoveFirst to move to the first record, and loop through using MoveNext.
