Anyway to iterate quickly over a collection of UDTs? - vb6

Let's say I have a collection of UDTs. I populate it as below:
public type udtEmp
Id as long
Name as string
end type
dim col as new Collection
dim empRec as udtEmp, empDummy as udtEmp
for n = 1 to 100000
empRec = empDummy ' reset record
emp.Id = n
emp.Name = "Name " & n
col.add emp, cstr(emp.Id)
Now I want to loop through it. I am using a Long data type as the index to .Item()
dim n as long
For n = 1 To 100000
emp = col.Item(n)
The code above works, but it's really slow - takes 10,000 milliseconds to iterate. If I accessed the collection via a key, its much faster - 78 milliseconds.
For n = 1 To 100000
emp = col.Item(cstr(n))
The problem is that when I iterate over collection, I don't have the keys. If I had a collection of objects instead of UDTs, I could do for each obj in col, but with UDTs, it won't let me iterate in that manner.
One of my thoughts was to have a secondary collection of indexes and keys to point to the main collection, but I am trying not to complicate the code unless I absolutely have to.
So what are my options?

the elegance of the code or the performance of it is a serious decision you have to make. the choice should be based on the impact of the results. for each is elegant but slow and goes with objects and classes. but if the speed is a mater then use UDT and arrays.
in your case, i think an array of UDT is best suited for your situation. and to gain more speed , try to access arrays using SAFE_ARRAY (that you can google for it), the result is much impressive.

You can use a user typed class collection. It'll provide the for-each iteration ability with great performance.
Easiest way to make that happen is through the Class Builder Utility ( You might need to first run the Add-in Manager and load the Class Builder Utility. (I think that there were install options regarding these features when you installed vb6/vs6? So if you don't see the Class Builder Utility in the Add-in manager it's could be due to that).
To match your udt sample, using the Class Builder Utility, first add a class (eg: Employee), with two properties (eg: EmpId and EmpName, long and string types respectively). Then add a collection (eg: Employees) based on the Employee class. Save it to the project (that will create two new class modules) and close the Utility.
Now you can create the new Employees collection, load it up, and iterate through it via index, key or for-each. (note: don't use a pure number for the key - requesting an item by a key that is a pure number, even as a string, will be interpreted as an index request, it'll be slow and you probably won't get the desired item)
Also - once the new classes have been created, you can add customized properties and methods to them to handle whatever kinds of fancy stuff you may have requirements for.
Dim i As Long
Dim Emp As Employee
Dim colEmp As New Employees
Dim name As String
' Loading
For i = 1 To 100000
colEmp.Add i, "name" & CStr(i), "key" & CStr(i)
Next i
' iterate with index
For i = 1 To 100000
Set Emp = colEmp(i)
name = Emp.EmpName
Next i
' iterate with key
For i = 1 To 100000
Set Emp = colEmp("key" & i)
name = Emp.EmpName
Next i
'iterate with for-each
For Each Emp In colEmp
name = Emp.EmpName
Next Emp
On my system for the above code:
Loading time: 1 second
Index time: 20 seconds
Key time: 0.29 seconds
For-each time: 0.031 seconds


Dynamics crm + Plugin code to store sum formula across a entity collection

I have the below requirement to be implemented in a plugin code on an Entity say 'Entity A'-
Below is the data in 'Entity A'
Record 1 with field values
Price = 100
Quantity = 4
Record 2 with field values
Price = 200
Quantity = 2
I need to do 2 things
Add the values of the fields and update it in a new record
Store the Addition Formula in a different config entity
Example shown below -
Record 3
Price Value = 300
Formula Value = 100 + 200
Quantity Value = 6
Formula Value = 4 + 2
Entity A has a button named "Perform Addition" and once clicked this will trigger the plugin code.
Below is the code that i have tried -
AttributeList is the list of fields i need to perform sum on. All fields are decimal
Entity EntityA = new EntityA();
EntityA.Id = new Guid({"Guid String"});
var sourceEntityDataList = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml)).Entities;
foreach (var value in AttributeList)
EntityA[value]= sourceEntityDataList.Sum(e => e.Contains(value) ? e.GetAttributeValue<Decimal>(value) : 0);
I would like to know if there is a way through linq I can store the formula without looping?
and if not how can I achieve this?
Any help would be appreciated.
Here are some thoughts:
It's interesting that you're calculating values from multiple records and populating the result onto a sibling record rather than a parent record. This is different than a typical "rollup" calculation.
Dynamics uses the SQL sequential GUID generator to generate its ids. If you're generating GUIDs outside of Dynamics, you might want to look into leveraging the same logic.
Here's an example of how you might refactor your code with LINQ:
var target = new Entity("entitya", new Guid("guid"));
var entities = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml)).Entities.ToList();
attributes.ForEach(a => target[a] = entities.Sum(e => e.GetAttributeValue<Decimal>(a));
The GetAttributeValue<Decimal>() method defaults to 0, so we can skip the Contains call.
As far as storing the formula on a config entities goes, if you're looking for the capability to store and use any formula, you'll need a full expression parser, along the lines of this calculator example.
Whether you'll be able to do the Reflection required in a sandboxed plugin is another question.
If, however, you have a few set formulas, you can code them all into the plugin and determine which to use at runtime based on the entities' properties and/or config data.

Why is my nested Lua table printing out of order?

Beginner Lua quesiton - I'm just learning lua, and I wrote some code, a nested table to create something like a table with rows and columns.
However, when I iterate through the table using pairs(), it doesn't output in the same order I put it in. I put it in a Serial, Service Days, Connected, and it's coming out as Service Days, Serial, Connected. I am at a loss to figuring out why. I intentionally created the three rows different ways, since I'm just learning and trying to get comfortable with the different ways of dealing with Lua tables...
The code:
myTable = {}
myTable["headerRow"] = {
Serial = "Serial",
ServDays = "Service Days",
Connected = "Connected" }
myTable[1] = {
Serial = "B9FX",
ServDays = 7,
Connected = true }
myTable[2] = {}
myTable[2]["Serial"] = "2SHA"
myTable[2]["ServDays"] = 3
myTable[2]["Connected"] = true
for k, v in pairs(myTable) do
for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do
io.write("\n") --End the row
The result:
c:\lua>lua53 primer.lua
Service Days,Serial,Connected,
pairs uses the next function. Hence the order of traversal in a generic for loop using the pairs iterator is unspecified.
From the Lua reference manual:
The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, even
for numeric indices. (To traverse a table in numerical order, use a
numerical for.)
The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign
any value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify
existing fields. In particular, you may clear existing fields.
If you do something like this:
myTable[2] = {}
myTable[2]["Serial"] = "2SHA"
myTable[2]["ServDays"] = 3
myTable[2]["Connected"] = true
Lua will not remember in which order you asigned values to table keys. It will only map keys to values.

Linq Query Where Contains

I'm attempting to make a linq where contains query quicker.
The data set contains 256,999 clients. The Ids is just a simple list of GUID'S and this would could only contain 3 records.
The below query can take up to a min to return the 3 records. This is because the logic will go through the 256,999 record to see if any of the 256,999 records are within the List of 3 records.
returnItems = context.ExecuteQuery<DataClass.SelectClientsGridView>(sql).Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ClientId)).ToList();
I would like to and get the query to check if the three records are within the pot of 256,999. So in a way this should be much quicker.
I don't want to do a loop as the 3 records could be far more (thousands). The more loops the more hits to the db.
I don't want to grap all the db records (256,999) and then do the query as it would take nearly the same amount of time.
If I grap just the Ids for all the 256,999 from the DB it would take a second. This is where the Ids come from. (A filtered, small and simple list)
Any Ideas?
You've said "I don't want to grab all the db records (256,999) and then do the query as it would take nearly the same amount of time," but also "If I grab just the Ids for all the 256,999 from the DB it would take a second." So does this really take "just as long"?
returnItems = context.ExecuteQuery<DataClass.SelectClientsGridView>(sql).Select(x => x.ClientId).ToList().Where(x => ids.Contains(x)).ToList();
Unfortunately, even if this is fast, it's not an answer, as you'll still need effectively the original query to actually extract the full records for the Ids matched :-(
So, adding an index is likely your best option.
The reason the Id query is quicker is due to one field being returned and its only a single table query.
The main query contains sub queries (below). So I get the Ids from a quick and easy query, then use the Ids to get the more details information.
SELECT Clients.Id as ClientId, Clients.ClientRef as ClientRef, Clients.Title + ' ' + Clients.Forename + ' ' + Clients.Surname as FullName,
[Address1] ,[Address2],[Address3],[Town],[County],[Postcode],
Clients.Consent AS Consent,
CONVERT(nvarchar(10), Clients.Dob, 103) as FormatedDOB,
CASE WHEN Clients.IsMale = 1 THEN 'Male' WHEN Clients.IsMale = 0 THEN 'Female' END As Gender,
Convert(nvarchar(10), Max(Assessments.TestDate),103) as LastVisit, ";
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.Submitted)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS Submitted,
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.GPSubmit)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS GPSubmit,
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.QualForPay)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS QualForPay,
Clients.UserIds AS LinkedUsers
FROM Clients
Left JOIN Assessments ON Clients.Id = Assessments.ClientId
Left JOIN Layouts ON Layouts.Id = Assessments.LayoutId
GROUP BY Clients.Id, Clients.ClientRef, Clients.Title, Clients.Forename, Clients.Surname, [Address1] ,[Address2],[Address3],[Town],[County],[Postcode],Clients.Consent, Clients.Dob, Clients.IsMale,Clients.UserIds";//,Layouts.LayoutName, Layouts.SubmissionProcess
ORDER BY ClientRef
I was hoping there was an easier way to do the Contain element. As the pool of Ids would be smaller than the main pool.
A way I've speeded it up for now is. I've done a Stinrg.Join to the list of Ids and added them as a WHERE within the main SQL. This has reduced the time down to a seconds or so now.

Tables got over-written

I want to loop thru a dbf and create word table for each record meeting the condition, and I got a one-page report with only the last rec in a single table. Look like all records are written to the same table. I tried to use n = n + 1 to place the variable as an element to the table
oTable = oDoc.tables[n]
But seems it only support numerical rather than variable ?
You have to add each table as you go, making sure to leave space in between them (because Word likes to combine tables).
You'll need something like this inside your loop:
* Assumes you start with oDoc pointing to the document,
* oRange set to an empty range at the beginning of the area where you want to add the tables,
* and that nRows and nCols give you the size of the table.
oTable = oDoc.Tables.Add(m.oRange, m.nRows, m.nCols)
oRange = oTable.Range()
After this code, you can use oTable to add the data you want to add. Then, on the next time through the loop, you're ready to add another table below the one you just filled.

GridView (RadGrid) and Custom Paging

Ok, so I'm trying to get my custom paging going on the Telerik RadGrid (similar to the asp:Gridview), but I'm still hitting a wall. (the first part of my question was answered here)
So I have implemented the suggestion. I use the following Stored Proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[bt_HealthMonitor_GetAll]
#StartRowIndex int,
#MaximumRows int
Row_Number() Over(Order By [ID]) As RowNum
From dbo.[bt_HealthMonitor] t
As DerivedTableName
Where RowNum Between #StartRowIndex And (#StartRowIndex + #MaximumRows)
Order By [ID] Desc
Then another stored procedure to get the record count
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[bt_HealthMonitor_GetRecordCount]
return (Select Count(ID) As TotalRecords From bt_HealthMonitor)
And I'm using LINQ to SQL to bind to my RadGrid
Protected Sub RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs)
Dim startRowIndex As Integer = (RadGrid1.CurrentPageIndex * RadGrid1.PageSize)
Dim maximumRows As Integer = RadGrid1.PageSize
Dim HealthMonitorDC As New DAL.HealthMonitorDataContext
Dim r = HealthMonitorDC.bt_HealthMonitor_GetAll(startRowIndex, maximumRows)
RadGrid1.DataSource = r
End Sub
Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit
Dim HealthMonitorDC As New DAL.HealthMonitorDataContext
Dim count = HealthMonitorDC.bt_HealthMonitor_GetRecordCount()
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.VirtualItemCount = count.ReturnValue
RadGrid1.VirtualItemCount = count.ReturnValue
End Sub
But the problem I'm experiencing is that the grid only grabs the first 10 rows (as expected) but I need to get it so that it will recognize that there are 200 rows in the table so that the paging icons show up.
If I use the dropdownlist to display 50 records, then 50 show up, but still no paging icons to get me to the next 50.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to tell the grid how many records there are in total. This is done by setting the grid's VirtualItemCount property (you will have to query the total number of records).
For details, have a look at the documentation page or refer to the online demo for custom paging.
Martin is correct regarding VirtualItemCount. The easiest place to implement this is in the NeedDataSource event.
Remember that you'll need to put some logic in there to account for fewer records on the last page. That means that if you have 14 records with 5 per page, you want to make sure your logic only tries to retrieve 4 records on the last call.
Here's how I did it (using a generic list):
If gridRecords.Count < (grid.pagesize * (grid.pageIndex + 1)) Then
gridRecords.GetRange(grid.pageIndex * grid.pagesize, gridRecords.Count - (grid.pagesize * grid.pageIndex))
gridRecords.GetRange(grid.pageIndex * grid.pagesize, grid.pagesize)
End If
Obviously, you'll want to do this as part of your data access call if you're only retrieving the records from the database as you go.
You can implement also using the ObjectDataSource.
i.e using RadGrid with ObjectDataSource with CustomPaging i.e Paging logic needs to implemented on your own.
Also ObjectDataSource has two methods
1. SelectMethod (Where you can specify the method which returns the data)
2. SelectCountMethod (Where you can specify the method which returns the total Count)
