How to sync data from mongodb to elastic6.4 using logstash - elasticsearch

with large volume of mongodb data need to synchronize with elastic
I tried mono-connector and it is not currently supported by MongoDB, Inc and not support elastic 6.*
Please help me to implement Logstash to sync ElasticSearch with my MongoDB
Will this work with elastic 6.4?


Can Kibana be synced to Elastic App Search?

So I have Kibana set up with my data in it. About 3 indices.
Recently I've deployed Elastic Enterprise Search And im testing out Elastic App Search, but I have no data in it.
My question therefore is, can I somehow migrate or sync my data inside Kibana into Elastic App Search?
Sorry, migration of Elasticsearch indices to Elastic App Search is not available as of now.
Even though it looks like Kibana is holding the data, but actually Elasticsearch is the datastore behind it. App Search is a layer on top of Elasticsearch which manages the indexes, schema, documents etc.
If you're directly ingesting data into Elasticsearch, at this moment it is not possible to automatically migrate to Elastic App Search.

How to generate huge random data and populate Elastic search running on K8S cluster?

I've K8S cluster up and running. There is Elastic search and Kibana deployed on the K8S cluster.
I need to populate ES with almost 25 t0 50GB of random data to Elastic search for testing. Any easy way to achieve this. I'm a newbie to ES and K8S. Any inputs or pointers will be of great help.
You can use Logstash for ingesting data to the elasticsearch. Logstash supports various input plugins from elasticsearch log4j to S3. You can try ingesting data from any one of the sources that logstash supports as input plugin.

Logstash use in kibana

Can logstash be used to upload data from the file into kibana?
I have this kind of data.
You need to move/index the data to elasticsearch.
You can use filebeat/logstash and migrate the data to elasticsearch.
Once the data migration/indexing is done, then you can connect kibana to elasticsearch.
In the kibana you need to mention the elasticsearch entry.
Once done you could be able to design report/dashboards in kibana.

How to load data from Cassandra into ELK

I have installed Cassandra 3.11.3 in my ubuntu virtual machine. I have also installed the ELK(elasticsearch, logstash, kibana).
What is the way using which I can visualize the Cassandra data into Kibana using the ELK. Please let me know the detail configurations that i will need to do in order to get data from Cassandra database into the Kibana dashboard.
I did the similar thing using Kafka, where I used below structure:
Cassandra -> Confluent Kafka -> Elastic search.
Its pretty easy to do as connectors are provided by Confluent.
But if you only need to visualize the data , you can try Banana which gels well with Cassandra.
Note: Banana is forked version of Kibana.

How to reset replication stream between couchbase and elasticsearch

I have a couchbase cluster setup as the primary source for data. From this a subset of data is synced to a elasticsearch cluster via the Couchbase Transport Plugin for ElasticSearch( which sets up an XDCR stream from couchbase to elasticsearch.
Due to some issues with the elasticsearch cluster all data needs to be synced again from couchbase to elasticsearch. I have tried recreating XDCR but that does not seem to help as it only copies a very small subset of documents. Is there a way by which this can be achieved?
Additional details
Couchbase version: 3.1.0
Number of couchbase documents: 50K+
Documents synced to elasticsearch: around 700 (expected 20K+)
If a document in couchbase is modified it is successfully synced to elasticsearch
The issue you're experiencing is likely in one of the following: XDCR, the Couchbase Transport Plugin for Elasticsearch, or Elasticsearch itself.
Start by checking for XDCR errors. You can find your XDCR logs using these instructions. Be aware that the Transport Plugin uses XDCR v1 and almost everything else in Couchbase uses v2.
Consult the advice in troubleshooting the Couchbase Transport Plugin for Elasticsearch. Instructions should work for you even though they are from the 4.0 docs.
Pay attention to how your documents are being mapped to Elasticsearch. You mention that you're expecting only a subset of documents to be synced to Elasticsearch, so it's possible that you have lost a setting or misconfigured something. You can enable logging and observe a small set of test data. At TRACE level, you should be able to see each document that is inspected.
If all of that fails, make sure the basics are working by indexing the beer sample dataset, following the directions in the Couchbase docs. ES is probably not the issue, but test with a fresh ES instance will rule out problems on that side.
