Can Kibana be synced to Elastic App Search? - elasticsearch

So I have Kibana set up with my data in it. About 3 indices.
Recently I've deployed Elastic Enterprise Search And im testing out Elastic App Search, but I have no data in it.
My question therefore is, can I somehow migrate or sync my data inside Kibana into Elastic App Search?

Sorry, migration of Elasticsearch indices to Elastic App Search is not available as of now.
Even though it looks like Kibana is holding the data, but actually Elasticsearch is the datastore behind it. App Search is a layer on top of Elasticsearch which manages the indexes, schema, documents etc.
If you're directly ingesting data into Elasticsearch, at this moment it is not possible to automatically migrate to Elastic App Search.


Elastic Search Vs Django elastic Search

I just started learning Elastic Search and doing so I came across Django Elastic Search . SO my question is that whether they both are same or different. Also if you can give a little detail about both . Thnaku
Elasticsearch is an search engine buit on top of Apache Lucene, it allows you to index and search for data using REST and JSON, you can read more about it in the official site.
Django Elasticsearch is a django package to integrate with elasticsearch, it is a client built on top of the official elasticsearch python client, it allows you to integrate your application with elasticsearch, you can read more about it here.
To resume, Django Elasticsearch is a client to integrate Django applications with Elasticsearch.

Can you hook an existing Elasticsearch index to Elastic App search

I want to integrate App Search in my project. App search runs fine out of the box. But I have an application that is running on Elasticsearch, I was wondering if I could use this existing index as a backend for App search? If No, is it because documents are indexed differently for App Search engine compared to Elasticsearch? Also, why can't I access App search documents on my elasticsearch cluster (localhost:9200)?

Where the elasticsearch data is stored?

I've installed filebeat in a server, collecting all the logs from all the containers i have. With filebeat i indicate to which elasticsearch and kibana hosts he must send them (both, elasticsearch and kibana are running as a service in another server). So now all the logs appear in kibana. My question is, all those logs that appear there, are stored somewhere? In elasticsearch or in kibana?
Thank you in advance
All the data is stored inside Elasticsearch.
Kibana is a visualization engine on top of Elasticsearch. Kibana itself also stores its configuration data inside an internal Elasticsearch index called .kibana.
Whatever you can see from Kibana always comes from Elasticsearch.
You can learn more about Elasticsearch here and Kibana here.

How to index Azure storage data to elastic cloud

I am new to elastic search. I have data stored in Azure storage and I want to index it using elasticsearch. I have created a cluster at Do I need to create a service which will index the data in elastic cloud and then users can use/search this data using elastic search? How to index the data to elastic cloud using MVC?
Please suggest.
One way to approach this would be to write a console application that
pulls data from Azure storage using the Storage client in the WindowsAzure.Storage nuget package or similar
transforms data into documents according to your domain needs
bulk indexes documents into Elasticsearch in Elastic Cloud using the .NET Elasticsearch client NEST
If data will be updated in Azure storage and will need to be frequently indexed into Elasticsearch, consider making the console application an Azure Web Job.
Another approach would be to use Logstash in conjunction with the input plugin for Azure Storage blobs.

How to reset replication stream between couchbase and elasticsearch

I have a couchbase cluster setup as the primary source for data. From this a subset of data is synced to a elasticsearch cluster via the Couchbase Transport Plugin for ElasticSearch( which sets up an XDCR stream from couchbase to elasticsearch.
Due to some issues with the elasticsearch cluster all data needs to be synced again from couchbase to elasticsearch. I have tried recreating XDCR but that does not seem to help as it only copies a very small subset of documents. Is there a way by which this can be achieved?
Additional details
Couchbase version: 3.1.0
Number of couchbase documents: 50K+
Documents synced to elasticsearch: around 700 (expected 20K+)
If a document in couchbase is modified it is successfully synced to elasticsearch
The issue you're experiencing is likely in one of the following: XDCR, the Couchbase Transport Plugin for Elasticsearch, or Elasticsearch itself.
Start by checking for XDCR errors. You can find your XDCR logs using these instructions. Be aware that the Transport Plugin uses XDCR v1 and almost everything else in Couchbase uses v2.
Consult the advice in troubleshooting the Couchbase Transport Plugin for Elasticsearch. Instructions should work for you even though they are from the 4.0 docs.
Pay attention to how your documents are being mapped to Elasticsearch. You mention that you're expecting only a subset of documents to be synced to Elasticsearch, so it's possible that you have lost a setting or misconfigured something. You can enable logging and observe a small set of test data. At TRACE level, you should be able to see each document that is inspected.
If all of that fails, make sure the basics are working by indexing the beer sample dataset, following the directions in the Couchbase docs. ES is probably not the issue, but test with a fresh ES instance will rule out problems on that side.
