Laravel Client Credentials Check in api.php - laravel

So I'm creating a laravel app where part of the front end lives on a cold fusion site and the people interacting with my API are not "users", just people signing up for seminars/consultations. My question is I've been able to grant tokens using the grant_type client credentials and in the web.php file with ->middleware('client') attached to the route (or a route group for multiple routes) it works just fine. However I've been told to move them into my api.php file and everything. I cannot seem to get it to work. In postman all I get for a response is to be brought back to the login page because I am not a logged in user. Any ideas?

in api file every middleware that wants to check credential use authorizing it means you should use laravel passport for


How to protect laravel api route from outside access but allow unrestricted access if request comes from frontend?

I'm building the backend with laravel and then using Vue as front-end. Data is accessed over api calls using axios. Now I have this relatively simple task but I can't seem to find the proper solution. I want one of the routes to be easily consumable by Vue compoenents without the need to log in, however I don't want that route to be publicly available for anyone to use.
Things I have tried:
Using passport to protect my routes and then use passport's CreateFreshApiToken middleware. Protection works fine, unauthorized users are not able to access the routes, however I don't get laravel_token in my cookies and therefore I can't get access to that route if I'm not logged in.
Use passport's client credentials grant access. Works fine and the way I want it to work but doesn't really make sense because if I hardcode the client_secret - anyone can access it and then use it to access protected routes. If I make a proxy-like solution, to call a controller method, which would issue a valid token and thus not exposing client_secret to front-end but then anyone could just call that route which issues the token and it would be pointless once again.
Apparently the answer is pretty simple and I was overcomplicating things. I don't know if this is the right/elegant way to do this but basically. If you don't need your api to be accessible from other applications (which I didn't) we can just put routes in web.php instead of api.php. This will ensure that web middleware is used and so it will use the basic csrf token validation, which is totally sufficient for protection against outside requests. You can also leave the route in api.php and just use web middleware on that route. The outcome is exactly what I needed - application is getting data over a route without any need to login AND that route is not available over postman or anything else.

Best Way To Integrate Server Side Laravel Login VueJS SPA

How can I authenticate a user with sanctum when the whole login process happens server side? The question I am asking is kind of hard to phrase so I will explain my situation.
I have a Vue SPA for my front end and a Laravel app as a backend api (they run on the same domain). Normally, to authenticate with the laravel api using sanctum, you would send the credentials in a post request, and if the login was successful, you would get the session information returned. However, I want to use steam login for authentication. I already have to whole process on the backend figured out in terms of actually logging in, however I am unsure how to pass the session data back to the SPA. Currently I have a link on my site that takes the user to the login endpoint on the api, and that endpoint will have them authenticate with steam, so the entire login process is handled on the backend. Now I just need to figure out how to send the session data back to the SPA. I guess it world be similar to using sanctum with socialite.
So far I've tried usisng Sanctums Mobile Aplication Authentication. I did this by having the user log in into the laravel app using steam, then once authenticated, a access token for their account would be created, and they would get redirected back to the Vue apps call back file, with the token as a part of the query string. Then the token would be stored and . This worked, however it presented some security issues.
The token was passed back in the url, so anyone could screenshot it and use it
Anyone who obtained the token by some other method could use it.
Here is the code for what I tried:
So in summary, I want the entire login process to take place on the server, but somehow at the same time authenticate the SPA. If you have any ideas on how I can make this work, please let me know. If you have any questions just leave a comment. Thanks in advance.

Issue understanding Laravel 6.0 Passport with Password Grant Tokens flow

I'm having issues understanding the whole process of authenticating a client to consume my API built on Laravel. Some things just don't click for me right now.
I'm trying to implement an API and an OAuth server both on Laravel. The API will be consumed by a native mobile app that is trusted. The flow that makes more sense to me is "Password grand token" as described in the Laravel's Passport docs:
As i understand the implementation:
User installs my mobile app.
Upon installation, he's prompted with the "enter username/password" to continue to use the app
Upon hitting submit, i make a POST request to my Laravel oAuth server implementation on "/oauth/token" with "grant_type", "client_id", "username", "password", "scope". I'm leaving out the "client_secret" because i understand that it's not a good idea to store the secret on the client device.
The server then checks the already created( `php artisan passport:client --password` ) "client_id", "username", "password" and "response_type"
If all matches, it generates a token, and responds with "acces_token" & "refresh_token"
I can make now make calls to my API's endpoints "/api/whatever/method_name"
My issue is at point 4. I can only issue the access token if the user already exists in my database, but i'm assuming it's the first time the user uses my app. postman_response
Do i also need an "authentification" step, in witch the user sends username/password and the OAuth server prompts the "authorize app" to use your data, and at this point to save the user in the database and only then proceed?
Usually you have an register route, that is without authorization else you have no entry into the application. Imagine your routes file.
Route::middleware('auth:api')->group(function () {
Route::post('/todos', 'TodoController#index');
// Without auth
Route::post('/register', 'RegisterController#register');
For hiding credentials, it is often easier to do a proxy approach, so you backend can hold client_id and client_secret, since it will always be the same (unless you are building an oauth server).
Route::post('/login', 'LoginController#login');
Which will receive username and password, internally call oauth/token and add client_id and client_secret in the process and return the token. To save some calls through the signup, you can do the same approach after you have registered, get the oauth token, with the credentials you have at registrering and return the token imediatly.
I would recommend the following:
In log in method, check if user exists.
If exists, do log him in.
else, first register him up, and then log him in
lastly, return access token

Laravel 5.4: how to protect api routes

I have a react app that fetch datas from laravel api defined like so in routes/api.php:
// this is default route provided by laravel out of the box
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
// ItemController provides an index methods that list items with json
Route::resource('items', 'Api\ItemController', array('except' => array('create','edit')));
// this is to store new users
Route::resource('users', 'Api\UserController', array('only' => array('store')));
for example returns the data as intended but it's really insecure since anyone could access it through postman.
How to make those routes only accessible inside the app?
As I'm new to it I don't understand if I need to set up api_token and how?
Do I need to setup Passport?
Is is related to auth:api middleware?
It may sounds really basic but any help or tutorial suggestions would be greatly appreciated
End up with a classic session auth. Moved routes inside web.php. Pass csrf token in ajax request. Actually i didn't need a RESTful API. You only need token auth when your API is stateless.
As you are using Laravel 5.4 you can use Passport, but I haven't implemented yet, but i implemented lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel for one of my laravel projects and it was developed in Laravel 5.1
Here is the link to github repository
Here is the link to the documentation Exrensive Documentation
Just add the package to the composer json and run composer update,the package will get installed to your application , once installed add the providers array class and aliases array class as mentioned in the Laravel 5 installation part of the documentation,
you have to do a small tweak in order to work perfectly cut csrf from $middleware array and paste it into $routeMiddleware array and again run php artisan vendor:publish after publishing the migrations will be created and run the migration php artisan migrate
if you only want to secure api routes for each client like ios, android and web you can implement Client Credentials Grant, or if you need to every user with oauth the you can implement Authorization Server with the Password Grant or some other.,
Never use the client id or other credentials, generating access token in the form, but add it some where in helper and attach it in the request to the api,
Hope this answer helps you.
You could use JWT it's pretty easy to get it to work. You basically generate a token by requesting Username/Password and passing that token in every request that requires authentication, your URL would look like without a proper token, he doesn't have access do this endpoint.
As for
How to make those routes only accessible inside the app?
If you mean only your app can use these requests, you can't. Basically the API doesn't know who is sending these requests, he can only check if what you are giving is correct and proceed with it if everything is in order. I'd suggest you to have a look at this question

Restrict access to Laravel login page with certificate

I have an api project written using laravel which uses passport to generate api tokens. These tokens are used to distinguish who is hitting my routes so that the appropriate data is returned. All of this is working currently.
Both the token generation screens and api routes are contained within the same project. So hitting:
Brings you to the login screen. Once you log in, you generate a token and then use that token in subsequent requests to the api routes. The token is included when making requests for:
Toward the end of the project a requirement has come up to increase the security of the login page. I would like to generate a client certificate that I provide to my users that is necessary for accessing the login page.
How would I do this without affecting how I have the api routes setup? In other words, I am looking to have a workflow for users like this:
import certificate into browser
Now that certificate is installed, user can access login page
login, generate token
use token to make programmtic calls to api routes. These calls should not require the landing page certificate.
Is this possible? Or will adding the client certificate for logins affect the api routes as well?
Thanks for any advice.
You could wrap your routes which require a certificate around a middleware. This middleware should to check if the certificate is installed otherwise redirect them to the pages accordingly.
Checkout the docs
You can also use gates and policies for certain actions:
Lets say a user can update a post, but cant delete it. Those policies are helpfull for it
