Restrict access to Laravel login page with certificate - laravel

I have an api project written using laravel which uses passport to generate api tokens. These tokens are used to distinguish who is hitting my routes so that the appropriate data is returned. All of this is working currently.
Both the token generation screens and api routes are contained within the same project. So hitting:
Brings you to the login screen. Once you log in, you generate a token and then use that token in subsequent requests to the api routes. The token is included when making requests for:
Toward the end of the project a requirement has come up to increase the security of the login page. I would like to generate a client certificate that I provide to my users that is necessary for accessing the login page.
How would I do this without affecting how I have the api routes setup? In other words, I am looking to have a workflow for users like this:
import certificate into browser
Now that certificate is installed, user can access login page
login, generate token
use token to make programmtic calls to api routes. These calls should not require the landing page certificate.
Is this possible? Or will adding the client certificate for logins affect the api routes as well?
Thanks for any advice.

You could wrap your routes which require a certificate around a middleware. This middleware should to check if the certificate is installed otherwise redirect them to the pages accordingly.
Checkout the docs

You can also use gates and policies for certain actions:
Lets say a user can update a post, but cant delete it. Those policies are helpfull for it


Secured web application with API backend in Laravel

I've created a web application that uses the built-in authentication method for the web, once the user is authenticated he/she is presented with a dashboard page. At this moment Ajax calls to an API need to be made to fetch data for the logged-in user. What would be the correct approach to this to make it is secure?
As a next step, I would like to be able to use the API "stand-alone" as well, so a 3rd party could access the dataset through the API as well.
Right now I am looking into Laravel Passport as well as Spatie Permission package to help me with access control.
If you are using ajax calls in same domain it won't be problem with built-in authentication to give access to authorized users only, because tokens & sessions are accessible for laravel and you can get authenticated users by default.
If you want to make external api as well the best approach will be to use Laravel Passport and pass token in Authorization header as usual.
Hope this helps you

How to hide or remove ajax api calls from Network section of a browser?

I am working on a website which is developed in react js and I am fetching all data through the API calls. That API calls are visible in the network section of a browser and that API call contains JWT token in the header part of all API call, So it can cause security issue due to that anyone can do that API call with the same header and same URL through other platforms like postman n all.
So my question is that how can I control that no one else is able to access it or how can I hide that API calls from the network section of the browser?
Is there any other solution to solve this security issue?
You have to assign a token to each user. The token will be given to the user upon authentication.
You have to manage access to the page based on the userId and token.
Yo should not use generic tokens for all the users.
Destroy the token upon user logout.
If the user see the token on the network they can only have access to the portion that he is suppose to have access.
This is how I do it, hope it helps.

API Security for a Laravel+Nuxt.js project

I have a website which is based on a Laravel backend api and a Nuxt.js frontend app.
The laravel app is served at Till now the api was open, meaning everyone can make a get request. There are almost no post requests.
I know need to implement a login mechanism for the users (Usual login+register and facebook login).
My question is about how would I go to make this process secure. Do I need Laravel Passport (or other similar mechanism)?
My thought is that, say I have an endpoint (POST), I do not want anyone to be able to just make a post request and create an account. I need to have some sort of security like a csrf token. I know I can use CORS but that doesn't really provide much of security in this case.
You can use jwt like this or laravel passport.

Laravel API Auth with Passport and React

I have a Laravel 5.5 Application that's using the session based auth out of the box. On some of these pages I have react components that need to get/post data from/to an API.
What is the best practice for handling this? Do I simply hide the API endpoints behind the auth? This would work but should I be using Laravel Passport for this instead?
I've had a play with Passport and it seems that this would work but I don't need users to be able to create clients and grant 3rd party applications permission etc. There is just the first party react app consuming the data from inside the laravel application (view).
From my initial experimenting with it, it seems I'd need to have the login call made first to receive an access token to then make further calls. As the user will already be authenticated in the session is there an easier way?
I'm not sure if Passport is intended to be used for this purpose or not. I'd rather take the time to get it right now as I'd like to get the foundations right now if the app scales.
You can proxy authentication with Passport. Using the password grant type users would still log in with their username/password, then behind the scenes make an internal request to Passport to obtain an access token.
Restrict what routes are available when registering in a service provider by passing in:
Passport::routes(function ($router) {
That limits access to personal tokens and refresh tokens only. A client will be created when you run php artisan passport:install.
Setup a middleware to merge the password grant client id and secret in with the request, then make a call to the authorization endpoint. Then it's just a matter of returning the encrypted token and observing the Authorization header for requests to your api.

How to protect ajax requests in Laravel?

I use ajax to store, update and delete resources associated with authenticated user. Routes for these actions use web middleware so cookies, session etc are available. Project is based on Laravel framework.
Is it necessary to protect those routes from unauthorized access in any additional way? I've read about API tokens that one could use, but I am not sure if it is necessary.
I will be grateful for any insights on ajax security or how ajax requests work in general, as it is a little over my head at this moment.
I would say no additional work is necessary assuming you have appropriate checks in place such as a user can't delete another user's entities, etc...
AJAX requests are really just like the user browsing to different pages except it's javascript making requests on their behalf. Since everything is already behind the web middleware, there should be no need for additional authentication since your users have technically already logged in.
Look for JSON Web Tokens
What is JSON Web Token?
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a
compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information
between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and
trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a
secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using
and this article:
Authenticate users in Node using JWT and Laravel
