as in this section here they gave the mitigation by encoding the input as url encoding, is there any way to bypass such mitigation ??
If correct URL encoding is applied and only the needed fields are considered and validated there is no method of bypassing such a mitigation using HTTP parameter pollution.
[The HPP vulnerability is based on the fact that proper URL parameter validation and verification is not implemented and that the backend accepts and uses any input if applicable, instead of filtering and accepting only specific inputs needed from a request and ignoring the rest]
How can i validate Authorization header, and check if it is uuid version 4 or not in nestjs?
I cannot use #Headers(new ParseUUIDPipe()) token: string.
Headers are not available to be used with pipes. The reason being is that there could be an unknown number of headers and that possibly lead to a problem with validation. If you need to validate a single header, I'd suggest using either a guard or a n interceptor, depending on if you want to return a BadRequestException or an UnauthorizedException
I have a question about the light-rest-4j URL validation, for example, if I have a POST request path /party, if I type the path as /party11, I will get error: No handler defined for path /party11, but if I put /party?qqqq, It will pass through, and system treat it as /party should we add validation for this? Our QA team creates this as a defect, in case user input it by mistake, they expect to have error message return.
The light-rest-4j framework validates the request/response based on the OpenAPI specification during the runtime; however, it only validates based on the spec — nothing more and nothing less. In most cases, the spec will define the type of headers, query parameters, path parameters, and cookies, as well as if they are required. We make sure these are validated as defined. For anything that is not defined in the spec, we are doing nothing. For example, an extra query parameter or an extra header in the request will be ignored as they are not defined in the spec. We cannot do any negative validation as we don't know if any client will add additional headers or query parameters for tracing, auditing, etc. A request that comes from one client might be different than another one comes from the same client through a gateway or proxy.
The AntiForgeryToken is used to prevent CSRF attacks, however the links on MSDN don't give me much insight to what exactly the AntiForgeryToken does, or how it works, or why things are done the way they are.
From what I gather, it creates a hash inside a web page and a cookie. One or both of them use the hashed IPrincipal.Name, and use symmetric encryption.
Can anyone shed light as to:
How the AntiForgeryToken works internally
What should it be used to protect
What should it NOT be used to protect
What is the reasoning behind the implementation choices for #1 above?
is the implementation safe from "DoubleSubmit" cookies and other common vulnerability
Are there implementation issues if the user opens multiple tabs
What makes MSFT's implementation different from the one available at SANS
Okay, here is my best shot.
1) Internally, mvc uses RNG crypto methods to create a 128 bit string to act as the XSRF token. This string is stored in a cookie as well as in a hidden field somewhere on the form. The cookie name seems to be in the form of __RequestVerificationToken + a base 64 encoded version of the application path(server side). The html part of this uses the AntiForgeryDataSerializer to serialize the following pieces of data
- salt
- value(the token string)
- the ticks of the creation date
- the username (seems like Context.User)
The validate method basically deserializes the values out of the cookie and that of the form and compares them based on the values (salt/value/ticks/username).
2/3) I would think this discussion is more for when to use XSRF tokens and when not to. In my mind, you should use this on every form (I mean why not). The only thing I can think of that this doesn't protect is if you have actually hit the form in question or not. Knowing the base64 encoding of the app name will allow the attacker to be able to view the cookie during the XSRF attack. Maybe my interpretation of that is incorrect.
4) Not sure exactly what you are looking for here? I guess I would have built a mechanism where I would try and store the XSRF token in the session (if one was already available) and if not, then try the cookie approach. As for type of crypto used, I found this SO artcile.
Pros and cons of RNGCryptoServiceProvider
I made a Spring REST application where you can perform CRUD operations based on HTTP methods of POST, PUT, GET, DELETE. I have the typical URI template of
http://host/root/{id}/{name}/{address} and etc.
We have a client who is accessing this REST service. Apparently they are sending parameters for multi-word name and address in the following form:
They are using the HTML encoding scheme based on application/x-www-form-urlencoded type. According to the article in Wikipedia
The application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The encoding used by default is based
on a very early version of the general
URI percent-encoding rules, with a
number of modifications such as
newline normalization and replacing
spaces with "+" instead of "%20". -
However it appears the standard URL encoding scheme is to use %20 in replacing spaces in URI templates. Which one is correct?
My Spring REST automatically converts %20 to spaces. It's interpreted correctly. I'm using Spring 3.0.4. When + is met by my REST service, it's accepted as is. Of course when I put validation to exclude +, it is indeed excluded as expected.
Am I within standards or are there such double standards? Or is the client using an ancient scheme?
The point is that application/x-www-form-urlencoded can be used only in request parameters, whereas percent encoding is also supported in a path.
is fine and will be properly decoded by Spring MVC, but
is wrong and Spring MVC doesn't decode it, because the following form should be used instead:
I am using jQuery to call PHP files via the $.get method
function fetchDepartment(company_id)
$.get("ajax/fetchDepartment.php?sec=departments&company_id="+company_id, function(data){
What I am thinking is can I secure the filename even further?
Currently I have a global access check within the .php file that check if the user is logged in, if he can access this data etc.
But I am wondering if there are further steps I can take so a user couldn't see this filename, or what other steps you recommend to take.
Encoded requests
You could make the request details effectively invisible to the casual miscreant by encoding almost all of the URL and then decoding the request details server-side.
The request details would include the action you wish to perform plus the parameters relevant to that action.
All requests would be sent to a single URL, where a server-side process would decode the request details and perform the relevant action as required.
Example Original URL:
Request details:
Encoded request details (encoded using base64):
Encoded URL:
I don't believe there is native functionality to encode to base64 in JavaScript, but it's far from impossible to find a suitable method or to write your own.
With obfuscated/minified client-side JavaScript it would be quite tricky for someone to determine how to make a request 'by hand'.
Hide implementation details
There are a number of practices you can follow to make your application less susceptible to attack through URL misuse.
Let's start with a URL of: ajax/fetchDepartment.php?sec=departments&company_id=99
There's no need to reveal what server-side technology you're using (PHP) nor, through the query string (sec, company_id), what the query string values actually mean.
Masking the server-side technology
Assuming you have index.php defined as a default, the following URLs are equivalent:
The third URL does not reveal the server-side technology you're using. This limits the range of possible attacks. It also makes it easier for you to switch over to a different server-side technology without changing your URLs.
Hiding the meaning of request parameters
The latter URL still conveys enough information to perform the request without revealing what the information means.
Whilst someone could still change the values, they won't know what they're changing. This will make it more difficult for an attacker to evaluate and understand the result of any URL changes they make.
Pretty much the only way you can obscure the URL for a certain piece of information from the user is by not loading it in through http. Maybe you can load a set of data on the calling page, or another page with a more generic url.