expr and if in bash - bash

What's wrong with this code? If I input the number 25, it output failed instead of lol. Am I missing something?
read -p "Enter number : " num
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
echo "lol"
echo "failed"

The code
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
actually does not do want you think. It will run expr $num > 5, so evaluate parameter and redirect the out to a file named 5 ("put 25 in a file named 5") and if will evaluate the return code of the previous expression.
If the code if meant to check evaluate if a number is bigger than 5, replace
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
[ "$num" -gt 5 ]
-gt stands for greater than

#babtistemm's answer gives you the suggested solution but in case you insist on using (the bit oldish) expr for some reason:
read -p "Enter number : " num
if expr "$num" '>' 5 >/dev/null
echo "lol"
echo "failed"
You need to quote > so that the shell does not interpret it as redirecting the stdout. You could also use \>.
It is good practice to add double quotes to $num as well, so that expr will interpret it as one expression, thus limiting the chances of a very bad bug or a malicious user hacking your program. (Best would be to do a sanity-check on $num before using it, e.g. checking if it is an integer.)
This solution necessitates calling a new process, expr, which costs a lot more resource from the OS than using the test shell command only.
If you omit the >/dev/null, you will also get a 0 or 1 printed (meaning false or true), the stdout of expr. But independently of that, expr sets its exit status, $? according to the result of the expression, which is tested then by the if. (A side remark: if you try to echo $? after calling expr, it may come at a surprise first that $? = 0 means true/success as exit status, and $? != 0 means false by convention.)

you can use an arithmetic expression in bash:
if (( num > 5 )); then ...
In the manual, see https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Conditional-Constructs

Same in a short line:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
(( num > 5 )) && echo lol || echo fail
could be condensed:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num;((num>5))&&echo lol||echo fail
This syntaxe will work if first command success!
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
((num > 5)) && {
echo lol
} || echo fail
Could output:
bash: /bin/wrongcommand: No such file or directory
But no fail because of : (is an alias for true) will alway success.
You could of course group command for fail:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
((num > 5)) && {
echo lol
} || {
echo fail
other command
Could be written:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num;((num>5))&&{ echo lol;/bin/wrongcommand;:;}||{ echo fail;other command;}
You could group commands between {  and ;} (care about the space after first {!)
Enter a number: 4
bash: other: command not found
Enter a number: 7
bash: /bin/wrongcommand: No such file or directory


Bash Script stuck looping

I'm trying to write a script that runs another script which fails rarely until it fails.
Here is the script that fails rarely:
n=$(( RANDOM % 100 ))
if (( n == 42 )) ; then
echo "$n Something went wrong"
>&2 echo "The error was using magic numbers"
exit 1
echo "$n Everything went according to plan"
Here is the script that should run the previous script until it fails:
while (( $found == 0 )); do
output=(bash $script_path)
if (( $output == 42 Something went wrong )); then
if (( $found == 1 )); then
echo "Number 42 was found after $counter tries"
when I try running the second script I get stuck in an infinite loop saying there is a syntax error on line 11 and that something is wrong with 42 Something went wrong. I've tried with "42 Something went wrong" aswell and still stuck in a loop.
The form (( )) is arithemetic only, so you cannot test a string inside.
To test a string, you have to use the [[ ]] version:
[[ $output == "42 Something went wrong" ]] && echo ok
You can use the program execution as the test for a while/until/if (etc.)
Assuming your script returns a valid 0 error code on success, and nonzero on any other circumstance, then -
$: cat tst
trap 'rm -fr $tmp' EXIT
while /tmp/missing/l2q3.sh >$tmp; do let ++ctr; done
grep -q "^42 Something went wrong" $tmp &&
echo "Number 42 was found after $ctr tries"
In use:
$: ./tst
The error was using magic numbers
Number 42 was found after 229 tries
here are 3 steps to move forward.
add a return value at the end of the first script
exit 0
make your first script has executable rights
$ chmod a+x /tmp/missing/12q3.sh
instead of while loop you may use until, which would run until it returns success i.e. 0
until /tmp/missing/l2q3.sh; do ((counter++)) done
for other if statements please use square brackets [ single or double [[.

decrement the variable value by 1 in shell

what is the correct syntax to decrement/decrease the variable value by 1 in while loop using /bin/sh and not using /bin/bash script
I used following but does not work
((a=a-1)) // not working
((a--)) // not working
while [ $a == [] ] && [ "$i" -le 15 ]
echo " Waiting ."
sleep 60s
b=`expr $b- 1`
a=`some command`
still getting following error
sh: was: unknown operand /bin/sh: exit: line 186: Illegal number: -1
Arithmetic substitution is spelled $(( )) and expands to the result. If you just need the side effect (e.g. increment), use it in a null command:
: $((--a))
echo $a
Note that shell arithmetic is integer only.
$ a=15
$ a=`expr $a - 1`
$ echo $a

read -p inside the function in bash script

I am trying to write the function including read -p, however, for some reason the read -p always show first before other command, although other commands are before read -p. Here is my code:
function try {
echo "$temp"
while [[ $temp -gt 0 ]]
read -p "what num do you want?" num
echo "$num"
temp=$((temp - num))
echo $temp
echo "$run"
As the above code, I expected to see value of temp before statement "what num do you want?". However, here what I got:
what num do you want?5
what num do you want?5
Can anyone help me to solve my problem. Thanks in advance
Duplicate each line in your function which contains echo and append >&2 to the new lines to redirect stdout to stderr.

Absolute value of a number

I want to take the absolute of a number by the following code in bash:
echo "Enter the first file name: "
read first
echo "Enter the second file name: "
read second
s1=$(stat --format=%s "$first")
s2=$(stat -c '%s' "$second")
res= expr $s2 - $s1
if [ "$res" -lt 0 ]
res=$res \* -1
echo $res
Now the problem I am facing is in the if statement, no matter what I changes it always goes in the if, I tried to put [[ ]] around the statement but nothing.
Here is the error:
./p6.sh: line 13: [: : integer expression expected
You might just take ${var#-}.
${var#Pattern} Remove from $var the shortest part of $Pattern that matches the front end of $var. tdlp
s2=5; s1=4
echo $s3
echo ${s3#-}
$ s2=5 s1=4
$ echo $s2 $s1
5 4
$ res= expr $s2 - $s1
$ echo $res
What's actually happening on the fourth line is that res is being set to nothing and exported for the expr command. Thus, when you run [ "$res" -lt 0 ] res is expanding to nothing and you see the error.
You could just use an arithmetic expression:
$ (( res=s2-s1 ))
$ echo $res
Arithmetic context guarantees the result will be an integer, so even if all your terms are undefined to begin with, you will get an integer result (namely zero).
$ (( res = whoknows - whocares )); echo $res
Alternatively, you can tell the shell that res is an integer by declaring it as such:
$ declare -i res
$ res=s2-s1
The interesting thing here is that the right hand side of an assignment is treated in arithmetic context, so you don't need the $ for the expansions.
I know this thread is WAY old at this point, but I wanted to share a function I wrote that could help with this:
abs() {
[[ $[ $# ] -lt 0 ]] && echo "$[ ($#) * -1 ]" || echo "$[ $# ]"
This will take any mathematical/numeric expression as an argument and return the absolute value. For instance: abs -4 => 4 or abs 5-8 => 3
A workaround: try to eliminate the minus sign.
with sed
x=$( sed "s/-//" <<< $x )
echo $x
Checking the first character with parameter expansion
[[ ${x:0:1} = '-' ]] && x=${x:1} || :
echo $x
This syntax is a ternary opeartor. The colon ':' is the do-nothing instruction.
or substitute the '-' sign with nothing (again parameter expansion)
echo ${x/-/}
Personally, scripting bash appears easier to me when I think string-first.
I translated this solution to bash. I like it more than the accepted string manipulation method or other conditionals because it keeps the abs() process inside the mathematical section
abs_x=$(( x * ((x>0) - (x<0)) ))
abs_x= -3 * (0-1) = 3
abs_x= 4 * (1-0) = 4
For the purist, assuming bash and a relatively recent one (I tested on 4.2 and 5.1):
abs() {
declare -i _value
(( _value < 0 )) && _value=$(( _value * -1 ))
printf "%d\n" $_value
If you don't care about the math and only the result matters, you may use
echo $res | awk -F- '{print $NF}'
The simplest solution:
Deletes only one / occurrence if - is at the first # character.

If statement in shell

I'm making a script that executes a file a certain amount of times, then if the file executes properly, it generates another file, and this last file I need to store it in a directory. Example: I execute it like this: ./shell 5 DIR
Then, the crpit shell executes another file called simulation 5 times and it creates a directory and an output file for each time the file simulation was executed correctly.
The thing is, I have to put an if statement for the parameters they send when they execute the file, and I don't know how to, here's the code I have:
if [ $# == 3 || $# == 2 ]; then
while [ $c -le $0 ]
./simula cont RES
e = $?
if[ e == 0 ]; then
if[ $# == 3 ]; then
chmod RES $2
mkdir $1$c
mv RES $1$c/.
(( c++ ))
(( i++ ))
(( cont++ ))
echo Shan generat $c simulacions correctes.
echo Hi ha hagut $i simulacions erronies.
echo Nombre de parametres incorrecte: $#.
So I must have either 2 or 3 paremeters when executing the file called shell, and thats why i have that if in the second line of code, however it keeps giving me an error:
./shell: line 12: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
./shell: line 12: ` if[ e == 0 ]; then'
I'm new to scripts and I have no idea what am I doing wrong, any clues?
Spacing is very important in shell scripts, it's not like programming languages where
if(x>y) and if ( x > y ) are the same thing.
In particular, if and [ are two different commands:
if[ e == 0 ] needs to be if [ e == 0 ]
More precisely, if is a shell keyword as are then, else, and fi
[ is either a shell builtin or an external program (or both) depending on your shell and is an alias for test. You can find out more with the which and type commands.
$ type [
[ is a shell builtin
$ which [
$ type fi
fi is a shell keyword
$ which fi
Does it works if you try if [ $e == 0 ]; instead of if[ e == 0 ];
When assigning variables, Bash doesn't allow leaving spaces in between the = sign like is common practice in other languages.
There must be a space separating reserved words like if.
So if [ $# == 3 ] is valid where if[ $# == 3 ] is not.
In Bash, it's important to use $ in front of variable names when you're calling the variable after it's been assigned.
So [ e == 0 ] would test to see if the literal string e is the same as the string 0. To test if the string assigned to variable e is the same as the string 0, use [ $e == 0 ] .
When testing integers, you can use -eq instead of ==. See man test for more information.
Also, $0 expands to the name of the script file, so you're while loop will never end if the script name is not 0 as the script name will not change while your script is running.
