read -p inside the function in bash script - bash

I am trying to write the function including read -p, however, for some reason the read -p always show first before other command, although other commands are before read -p. Here is my code:
function try {
echo "$temp"
while [[ $temp -gt 0 ]]
read -p "what num do you want?" num
echo "$num"
temp=$((temp - num))
echo $temp
echo "$run"
As the above code, I expected to see value of temp before statement "what num do you want?". However, here what I got:
what num do you want?5
what num do you want?5
Can anyone help me to solve my problem. Thanks in advance

Duplicate each line in your function which contains echo and append >&2 to the new lines to redirect stdout to stderr.


Bash Script stuck looping

I'm trying to write a script that runs another script which fails rarely until it fails.
Here is the script that fails rarely:
n=$(( RANDOM % 100 ))
if (( n == 42 )) ; then
echo "$n Something went wrong"
>&2 echo "The error was using magic numbers"
exit 1
echo "$n Everything went according to plan"
Here is the script that should run the previous script until it fails:
while (( $found == 0 )); do
output=(bash $script_path)
if (( $output == 42 Something went wrong )); then
if (( $found == 1 )); then
echo "Number 42 was found after $counter tries"
when I try running the second script I get stuck in an infinite loop saying there is a syntax error on line 11 and that something is wrong with 42 Something went wrong. I've tried with "42 Something went wrong" aswell and still stuck in a loop.
The form (( )) is arithemetic only, so you cannot test a string inside.
To test a string, you have to use the [[ ]] version:
[[ $output == "42 Something went wrong" ]] && echo ok
You can use the program execution as the test for a while/until/if (etc.)
Assuming your script returns a valid 0 error code on success, and nonzero on any other circumstance, then -
$: cat tst
trap 'rm -fr $tmp' EXIT
while /tmp/missing/ >$tmp; do let ++ctr; done
grep -q "^42 Something went wrong" $tmp &&
echo "Number 42 was found after $ctr tries"
In use:
$: ./tst
The error was using magic numbers
Number 42 was found after 229 tries
here are 3 steps to move forward.
add a return value at the end of the first script
exit 0
make your first script has executable rights
$ chmod a+x /tmp/missing/
instead of while loop you may use until, which would run until it returns success i.e. 0
until /tmp/missing/; do ((counter++)) done
for other if statements please use square brackets [ single or double [[.

How to use a for loop to create folders in bash

I want to create a directory in which there is a bunch of text files using a for loop. Here is my code:
echo "enter the nums: "
read num1 num2
for (( counter=0; counter<$num2; counter++ ))
if [ $num1 -lt 10 ] && [ $num2 -lt 10 ];
mkdir $num1 && touch $num1/$num1$num2.txt
echo "$num1""$num2" > $num1/$num1$num2.txt
echo "you weren't supposed to do that"
What I want to happen if for example the user entered: "2 9"
Make a directory called 2
In it make text files called 290.txt, 291.txt, 292.txt... up till 299.txt.
Instead, what happens right now is it makes the directory and gives an error that the directory already exists. I don't know the next step, please help.
The biggest problem here is that you're doing things inside the loop that really only should be done once. Specifically, the error you're getting is because it tries to create the directory every time through the loop, but you can only create it once. Also, if the user enters too large a number, it'll print multiple error messages (e.g. if num2 is entered as 500, it'll print 500 error messages). You need to do both the error check and creating the directory once, before the loop.
A second problem is that you don't add $counter to the filename, so if the user enters "2 9", it'll create a file named 29.txt nine times.
You also have some more minor issues: in general, error messages should be printed to standard error instead of standard output (you can redirect them with >&2), and if there's an error the script should exit with a nonzero status. Also, you should (almost always) put double-quotes around variable references, to avoid weird results if the variables are blank or contain whitespace or some other things. You also don't need to touch files before writing into them (using > somefile will create the file if it doesn't exist).
With these things fixed (and some stylistic tweaks), here's what I get:
echo "enter the nums: "
read num1 num2
if ! [ "$num1" -lt 10 ] || ! [ "$num2" -lt 10 ]; then
echo "you weren't supposed to do that" >&2 # message send to stderr
exit 1 # exit with error status
mkdir "$num1" || exit $? # if mkdir fails, exit with its error status
for (( counter=0; counter<$num2; counter++ )); do
echo "${num1}${num2}" > "${num1}/${num1}${num2}${counter}.txt"
BTW, the ! [ "$num1" -lt 10 ] tests may look a little weird; why not just use [ "$num" -ge 10 ]? I did it that way in case $num1 and/or $num2 isn't a valid number, in which case both -lt and -ge tests would fail; using a negated test makes that an error rather than a success.
I'm not fluent in bash or anything, but it looks like mkdir $num1 is called on every loop. Find out first if the directory exists.
Here you are! change the if and for statement parent and child:
echo "enter the nums: "
read num1 num2
if [ $num1 -lt 10 ] && [ $num2 -lt 10 ]; then
mkdir $num1
for i in $(seq 0 $num2); do
touch $num1/$num1$num2$i.txt
echo "$num1""$num2""$i" > $num1/$num1$num2$i.txt
echo "you weren't supposed to do that"

expr and if in bash

What's wrong with this code? If I input the number 25, it output failed instead of lol. Am I missing something?
read -p "Enter number : " num
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
echo "lol"
echo "failed"
The code
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
actually does not do want you think. It will run expr $num > 5, so evaluate parameter and redirect the out to a file named 5 ("put 25 in a file named 5") and if will evaluate the return code of the previous expression.
If the code if meant to check evaluate if a number is bigger than 5, replace
if [ `expr $num > 5` ]
[ "$num" -gt 5 ]
-gt stands for greater than
#babtistemm's answer gives you the suggested solution but in case you insist on using (the bit oldish) expr for some reason:
read -p "Enter number : " num
if expr "$num" '>' 5 >/dev/null
echo "lol"
echo "failed"
You need to quote > so that the shell does not interpret it as redirecting the stdout. You could also use \>.
It is good practice to add double quotes to $num as well, so that expr will interpret it as one expression, thus limiting the chances of a very bad bug or a malicious user hacking your program. (Best would be to do a sanity-check on $num before using it, e.g. checking if it is an integer.)
This solution necessitates calling a new process, expr, which costs a lot more resource from the OS than using the test shell command only.
If you omit the >/dev/null, you will also get a 0 or 1 printed (meaning false or true), the stdout of expr. But independently of that, expr sets its exit status, $? according to the result of the expression, which is tested then by the if. (A side remark: if you try to echo $? after calling expr, it may come at a surprise first that $? = 0 means true/success as exit status, and $? != 0 means false by convention.)
you can use an arithmetic expression in bash:
if (( num > 5 )); then ...
In the manual, see
Same in a short line:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
(( num > 5 )) && echo lol || echo fail
could be condensed:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num;((num>5))&&echo lol||echo fail
This syntaxe will work if first command success!
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
((num > 5)) && {
echo lol
} || echo fail
Could output:
bash: /bin/wrongcommand: No such file or directory
But no fail because of : (is an alias for true) will alway success.
You could of course group command for fail:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num
((num > 5)) && {
echo lol
} || {
echo fail
other command
Could be written:
read -p 'Enter a number: ' num;((num>5))&&{ echo lol;/bin/wrongcommand;:;}||{ echo fail;other command;}
You could group commands between {  and ;} (care about the space after first {!)
Enter a number: 4
bash: other: command not found
Enter a number: 7
bash: /bin/wrongcommand: No such file or directory

How can I read user input in a Bash script? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I read user input into a variable in Bash?
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Using Bash, I tried to read input from the user like this:
function read_from_user {
cat | echo
echo 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ?'
if [[ ${var} == yes ]]; then
mkdir new.folder
echo 'var is: ${var}'
But it's not working, var is empty, even though the user input is not empty.
How can I read user input from my Bash script?
You should use read:
echo 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ?'
read var
if [[ "$var" == "yes" ]]; then
mkdir new.folder
echo "var is: $var"
If you really want to use cat, you could do this, as cat without any argument reads from stdin:
echo 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ?'
if [[ "$var" == "yes" ]]; then
mkdir new.folder
echo "var is: $var"
However, you would have to use CTRL + D to send on EOF to your program after typing your input. Otherwise cat will wait for more. read is a cleaner way to ask a user for input.
Your code is almost correct, you just need to change your function to read user input into a variable call var. Also you need to change your code in two place. One in the function and one at the place where you are calling your function. I have modified your code like below:-
function read_from_user {
read -r var #here you are reading user input to variable `var`
echo 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ?'
read_from_user #here you are calling the function to read user input
if [[ ${var} == yes ]]; then
mkdir new.folder
echo "var is: ${var}"
Also always compare two string like if [[ "${var}" == "yes" ]]; but still your above if condition will also work perfectly.
Also best way to do it like below where you don't need a separate echo statement and input will be read at the end out output message:-
function read_from_user {
read -p 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ? ' var
#echo 'Do you want to create the folder "new.folder" ?'
if [[ "${var}" == "yes" ]]; then
mkdir new.folder
echo "var is: ${var}"

Nested while loop not working in Bash

Beginner here so bear with me. I am trying to compare homework submissions from a solution file and a student submission file. The contents of each file have three problems, one per line:
problem 1 code
problem 2 code
problem 3 code
I want to compare each line in the solution with the corresponding line in the students submission. I am using a for loop to run through each student file and a nested while loop to run through each line of the solution file and student file. For some reason the script is completely ignoring the while loop. I have put echoes between each line to see where the problem is(the echo $solution and echo $submission is just to check to see if the path is correct):
for submission in /home/myfolder/submissions/*
echo 1
solution=$(echo /home/myfolder/hwsolution/*)
echo 2
echo $solution
echo $submission
while read sans <&1 && read sol <&2
echo 3
echo Student awnser is: $sans
echo Solution is: $sol
echo 4
done 1<$(echo $submission) 2<$(echo $(echo $solution))
echo 5
When I run it I get:
It's not ignoring the while loop -- you're redirecting the file descriptors used for stdout and stderr, so echo can't write to the console within it.
for submission in /home/myfolder/submissions/*; do
solutions=( /home/myfolder/hwsolution/* )
if (( ${#solutions[#]} == 1 )) && [[ -e ${solutions[0]} ]]; then
echo "Multiple solution files found; don't know which to use" >&2
printf ' - %q\n' "${solutions[#]}" >&2
while read sans <&3 && read sol <&4; do
echo "Student awnser is: $sans"
echo "Solution is: $sol"
done 3<"$submission" 4<"$solution"
The most immediate change is that we're redirecting FD3 and FD4, not FD1 and FD2.
