How to create multiple json files from multiple cucumber tests - spring-boot

The below cucumber runner class generates a JSON file. This JSON is then used to generate a cucumber report.
I have since added a new .feature file to my resources.
Both sets of tests in the feature files pass, but the problem is that a second JSON file is not being generated, so my second set of results are not being recorded.
plugin = {"progress",
glue = {"com.commercial.tests"},
features = {"src/test/resources/templates"},
tags = {"#BR000, #BR002a, #BR002b, #BR003, #BR004, #BR004b, #BR005, #BR006, #BR007, #BR008", "not #wip"}
public class QARunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Above, I specify to create cucumber.json, but how do I specify a second json file for the second .feature?

Problem solved: The above code works, the 1 json file creates 2 results (1 per feature file).
So there is no need to add a second JSON file in the annotation at the top of the class.


Get CSV Set Config Variable inside custom sampler plugin

I wrote a custom sampler in JMeter that takes a sql query and returns the response. I currently have a the CSV Data Set Config setup that takes a CSV file of sample users that I want to query in my custom sampler.
Here is my sampler and tree of files on JMeter.
I configured my jmeter test like this post stated here.
In my Sampler code, I'm extracting the inputs of the text area like this:
public class CosmosDBSampler extends AbstractSampler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CosmosDBSampler.class);
private static final String COSMOS_QUERY = "Cosmos.cosmosQuerys";
public void setCosmosQuery(String query) {
setProperty(COSMOS_QUERY, query);
public String getCosmosQuery() {
return getPropertyAsString(COSMOS_QUERY, "");
public SampleResult sample(Entry entry) {
SampleResult result = new SampleResult();
boolean isOK = false;
result.setSampleLabel("Cosmos Sampler");
try {
// Cosmos Service constructor for entering config and query
CosmosService cosmosService = new CosmosService( getCosmosQuery());
// Kick off Query
JsonNode response = cosmosService.ReadCosmos();
// set response
result.setResponseData(response.toString(), null);
isOK = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.debug("", ex);
return result;
When the ${variable} gets executed, the error response is due to the db not being able to read $. It's not converting the variable to a string when executing the query.
Do I need to specify in the code that it should take a variable somewhere or is my configuration on JMeter need modifications? Let me know if I can give anymore information that would help. Thank you.
First of all double check that your ${name/firstName} variable has anticipated value using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination as if it doesn't - there is no sense in further analysis of your code.
If it does - make sure you're following steps from How to write a plugin for JMeter chapter, i.e. your Sampler GUI class should extend AbstractSamplerGui, your Sampler should extend AbstractSampler, you call JMeterGUIComponent.modifyTestElement() function, etc.
Your 5 lines of code are not sufficient for identifying the potential implementation or configuration problems.

groovy/SoapUi Call a static function from another script

I am trying to write a groovy script which will contain functions that are common to the SoapUI test Suite. Specifically I want to write a script that will contain all the logs that are output from the test suite.
GroovyScript1 will call a function in the GroovyScripts.groovy file. All is present in a SoapUI test suite.
I have not found any helpful advice on how to perform this task.
To specify again, I want to call a function contained in another Groovy Script.
Yes You can do this by following steps,
In your "GroovyScripts.groovy" file add below code,
class GLF
def log
def context
def testRunner
def GLF(logIn, contextIn, testRunnerIn)
this.log = logIn
this.context = contextIn
this.testRunner = testRunnerIn
//Till abobe line you must keep same code except class name
public String returnVal()
return 'Himanshu'
context.setProperty("Rt", new GLF(log, context, testRunner))
============================ END GroovyScripts.groovy ==========
Now in your "GroovyScript1" file you should use below code,
lib = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["GroovyLibraryFunction"].testCases["TestCase 1"].testSteps["EndpointVerification"], context)
def RT = context.Rt
def PT = RT.returnVal() PT
This way you can achive your target.

Skip single file from Minifying?

I'm trying to use ASP.Nets BundleTable to optomize some javascript files, but have run into a problem where a specific addon (jQuery-Timepicker) fails to work when the code has been minified. See here.
Bundle code is currently similar to:
// Add our commonBundle
var commonBundle= new Bundle("~/CommonJS" + culture.ToString());
// JQuery and related entries.
commonBundle.Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js"); // This is the one that does not work when bundled
// JS Transformer
commonBundle.Transforms.Add(new JsMinify());
If I remove the jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js file, then include it separate in my webpage, then it works properly. (Otherwise I get the Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function error).
I'm wondering if I can somehow setup my bundling code to skip minifying this one file (but still have it included in the bundle)? I've been looking around but have not come up with any solutions for doing so.
So the issue is that all the files are bundled together, and then the entire bundle is minimized. As a result you aren't going to easily be able to skip minification of just one file. Probably the best way to do this would be to create a new Transform that appended the contents of this file you want unminified. Then you would append this Transform to your registered ScriptBundle:
commonBundle.Transforms.Add(new AppendFileTransform(""~/Scripts/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js""));
AppendFileTransform would simply append the contents of the file to the bundled response. You would no longer include the timepicker in the bundle explicitly, but instead this transform would be including it, and this would effectively give you the behavior you are looking since the JsMinify transform would run first and minify the bundle, and then you would add the file you want at the end unminified.
This can be solved better from the other direction - instead of trying to not minify a single file, add transforms for individual items instead.
First - create a class that implements IItemTransform and uses the same code to minify the given input:
public class JsItemMinify : System.Web.Optimization.IItemTransform
public string Process(string includedVirtualPath, string input)
var min = new Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier();
var result = min.MinifyJavaScript(input);
if (min.ErrorList.Count > 0)
return "/*minification failed*/" + input;
return result;
Second - add this item transform to the individual files and remove the bundle transform:
var commonBundle= new Bundle("~/CommonJS");
// the first two includes will be minified
commonBundle.Include("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.js", new JsItemMinify());
commonBundle.Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.22.js", new JsItemMinify());
// this one will not
// Remove the default JsMinify bundle transform
You cannot setup Bundle to skip minifying certain files and to minify rest of the files.
You could implement your own Bundle or Transform by overriding Bundle.ApplyTransform or JsMinify.Process methods, but you would need to take care not to break change-tracking of files, key generation, cache invalidation, etc... (or doing some ugly hack). It's not worth the effort.
I would keep separate js file, as you already mentioned.
This is just complete example based on Hao Kung's answer
var myBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/myBundle").Include(
myBundle.Transforms.Add(new AppendFileTransform("~/Scripts/excludedFile.min.js"));
And here is example implementation of the AppendFileTransform:
public class AppendFileTransform : IBundleTransform
private readonly string _filePath;
public AppendFileTransform(string filePath)
_filePath = filePath;
public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse response)
response.Content += File.ReadAllText(context.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(_filePath));

testng specify different Users

I am running our automated tests using TestNG. The reason we picked TestNG is because we can send variables inputs into the test methods example public void testXX( String userId ) and the userId can change for each test.
The code below shows three different userIds I can use to execute my tests. So my exact same test will run three times for each of the three different users. This feature is awesome and really enables me to have multiple tests under different scenarios because each of our users carry different profiles.
// All valid Pricing Leads
#DataProvider(name = "userIds")
public Object[][] createPricingLeadUsersParameters() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "TestUser001" },
{ "TestUser002" },
{ "TestUser003" }
#Test( dataProvider = "userIds" )
public void createGroup( String userIds) {
The problem I am having right now is during certain conditions I can only have one userId used or else all of my tests will fail. I would like to keep my exact same test but only pass in on userId not the three shown above. It there a way to configure TestNG to make this variable on the command line so at times I would use the three defined, but under another condition it would only be one of the three or a new userId?
Sure, there are plenty of ways to do this. How about passing a system property when you run TestNG?
java -Dfoo=bar org.testng.TestNG...
and then your data provider can test the value of foo with System.getProperty() and adjust what it returns accordingly.

Duplicate the behaviour of a data driven test

Right now, if you have a test that looks like this:
public void TestSomething()
string data = TestContext.DataRow["ColumnHeader"].ToString();
do something with the data
You'll get as many tests runs as you have data values when you execute this test.
What I'd like to do is duplicate this kind of behaviour in code while still having a datasource. For instance: let's say that I want to run this test against multiple deployed versions of a web service (this is a functional test, so nothing is being mocked - ie. it could very well be a codedui test against a web site deployed to multiple hosts).
public void TestSomething()
var svc = helper.GetService(/* external file - NOT a datasource */);
string data = TestContext.DataRow["ColumnHeader"].ToString();
do something with the data
Now, if I have 2 deployment locations listed in the external file, and 2 values in the datasource for the testmethod, I should get 4 tests.
You might be asking why I don't just add the values to the datasource. The data in the external file will be pulled in via the deployment items in the .testsettings for the test run, because they can and will be defined differently for each person running the tests and I don't want to force a rebuild of the test code in order to run the tests, or explode the number of data files for tests. Each test might/should be able to specify which locations it would like to test against (the types are known at compile-time, not the physical locations).
Likewise, creating a test for each deployment location isn't possible because the deployment locations can and will be dynamic in location, and in quantity.
Can anyone point me to some info that might help me solve this problem of mine?
UPDATE! This works for Visual Studio 2010 but does not seem to work on 2012 and 2013.
I had a similar problem where I had a bunch of files I wanted to use as test data in a data driven test. I solved it by generating a CSV file before executing the data driven test. The generation occurs in a static method decorated with the ClassInitialize attribute.
I guess you could basically do something similar and merge your current data source with your "external file" and output a new CSV data source that your data driven test use.
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
const string NameColumn = "NAME";
const string BaseResourceName = "MyAssembly.UnitTests.Regression.Source";
public static void Initialize(TestContext context)
var path = Path.Combine(context.TestDeploymentDir, "TestCases.csv");
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path, false))
// Write column headers
string[] resourceNames = typeof(RegressionTests).Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
foreach (string resourceName in resourceNames)
if (resourceName.StartsWith(BaseResourceName))
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "|DataDirectory|\\TestCases.csv", "TestCases#csv", DataAccessMethod.Random)]
public void RegressionTest()
var resourceName = TestContext.DataRow[NameColumn].ToString();
// Get testdata from resource and perform test.
