D3 force fundamentals? - d3.js

I'm struggling to understand the impact of alphaDecay and velocityDecay and I wouldn't be comfortable trying to explain the concept of alpha and strength in the context of D3. From my experience level, the source of the force module is too short-and-sweet and I did not find yet a "D3.force for Dummies" to put me up to speed.
From my tests, I've never associated any significant graph behavior change with different alphaDecay values and I've only seen the impact of velocityDecay at extreme setting (near 0 or 1). link.strength() is also still a mystery.
I'm also really never really sure of when or why I should call simulation.restart().
This all leads to me not being able to have a strategy to come up with a satisfying graph. I feel like I'm always on the edge of a graph that's to explosive or just inert.
I've toyed with this interesting tool and read most of this, but it doesn't really go around alpha,link.strength, and other things I've mentioned.
How do you understand these values and how do you configure them?

So specifically what they do is documented on the tick documentation. It says this:
Increments the current alpha by (alphaTarget - alpha) × alphaDecay; then invokes each registered force, passing the new alpha; then decrements each node’s velocity by velocity × velocityDecay; lastly increments each node’s position by velocity.
I would describe them in this way:
alpha I think of as the temperature of the system, which decays over a period of time which I'll use to explain. When the temperature hits 0 (alphaTarget) it automatically stops everything from moving, because it assumes there's no energy left. So the simulation stops.
The duration that the system has energy depends on 3 things, the current alpha, the alphaTarget which is when we should stop and alphaDecay which is the speed at which we lose heat from the system. The larger this is, the quicker the force will come to a stop.
Velocity is the speed of the individual items within the force. So after each tick we get an update and the velocity is decreased by the velocityDecay ratio. So I treat velocityDecay as Friction. The higher the friction, the quicker that individual node will come to a stop.
Typically you call simulation.restart() off the back of some user action (a node being removed, a link being added etc).


FlowField Pathfinding on Large RTS Maps

When building a large map RTS game, my team are experiencing some performance issues regarding pathfinding.
A* is obviously inefficient due to not only janky path finding, but processing costs for large groups of units moving at the same time.
After research, the obvious solution would be to use FlowField pathfinding, the industry standard for RTS games as it stands.
The issue we are now having after creating the base algorithm is that the map is quite large requiring a grid of around 766 x 485. This creates a noticeable processing freeze or lag when computing the flowfield for the units to follow.
Has anybody experienced this before or have any solutions on how to make the flowfields more efficient? I have tried the following:
Adding flowfields to a list when it is created and referencing later (Works once it has been created, but obviously lags on creation.)
Processing flowfields before the game is started and referencing the list (Due to the sheer amount of cells, this simply doesn't work.)
Creating a grid based upon the distance between the furthest selected unit and the destination point (Works for short distances, not if moving from one end of the map to the other).
I was thinking about maybe splitting up the map into multiple flowfields, but I'm trying to work out how I would make them move from field to field.
Any advice on this?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe this is a bit late answer. Since you have mentioned that this is a large RTS game, then the computation should not be limited to one CPU core. There are a few advice for you to use flowfield more efficiently.
Use multithreads to compute new flow fields for each unit moving command
Group units, so that all units in same command group share the same flowfield
Partition the flowfield grids, so you only have to update any partition that had modification in path (new building/ moving units)
Pre baked flowfields grid slot cost:you prebake basic costs of the grids(based on environments or other static values that won't change during the game).
Divide, e.g. you have 766 x 485 map, set it as 800 * 500, divide it into 100 * 80 * 50 partitions as stated in advice 3.
You have a grid of 10 * 10 = 100 slots, create a directed graph (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory) using the a initial flowfield map (without considering any game units), and use A* algorihtm to search the flowfield grid before the game begins, so that you know all the connections between partitions.
For each new flowfield, Build flowfield only with partitions marked by a simple A* search in the graph. And then use alternative route if one node of the route given by A* is totally blocked from reaching the next one (mark the node as blocked and do A* again in this graph)
6.Cache, save flowfield result from step.5 for further usage (same unit spawning from home and going to the enemy base. Same partition routes. Invalidate cache if there is any change in the path, and only invalidate the cache of the changed partition first, check if this partition still connects to other sides, then only minor change will be made within the partition only)
Runtime late updating the units' command. If the map is large enough. Move the units immediately to the next partition without using the flowfield, (use A* first to search the 10*10 graph to get the next partition). And during this time of movement, in the background, build the flowfield using previous step 1-6. (in fact you only need few milliseconds to do the calculation if optimized properly, then the units changes their route accordingly. Most of the time there is no difference and player won't notice a thing. In the worst case, where we finally have to search all patitions to get the only possible route, it is only the first time there will be any delay, and the cache will minimise the time since it is the only way and the cache will be used repeatitively)
Re-do the build process above every once per few seconds for each command group (in the background), just in case anything changes in the middle of the way.
I could get this working with much larger random map (2000*2000) with no fps drop at all.
Hope this helps anyone in the future.

How to find out where in the image a subnet oversize exception occurs?

I am trying to link coordinates I extracted from some image time series with a custom coordinate finding algorithm. In the second step there is a problem:
trackpy.linking.utils.SubnetOversizeException: Subnetwork contains 35 points
I interpret this the way that there are too many possible connections to be made between coordinates in a certain area between images 1 and 2 (starting at 0), is this correct?
If yes, how can I find out where this error occurs in the image? I looked through the code and I'm pretty sure the info is somewhere in the trackpy.linking.subnet.Subnets.compute() method:
for i, p in enumerate(dest_hash.points):
for j in range(nn[i]):
wp = source_hash.points[inds[i, j]]
wp.forward_cands.append((p, dists[i, j]))
assign_subnet(wp, p, self.subnets)
I assume that wp is the "starting point", but after wp.forward_cands.append() is called, I can only find one point in wp.forward_cands, not 35. Maybe I got it all wrong.. any help appreciated!
The limit is there to prevent run-away processes (better to exit than to run forever). It may not be blowing up on the step you are checking, but some later one.
Without more code it is hard to tell exactly what you are doing, but I suggest turning down both the maximum displacement, turning down the memory, and if possible getting data at a higher frame rate.
If you are in a situation where you are getting large sub-networks I am not sure that you should trust the linking as it means the particles are moving a significant fraction of their average spacing per time step which means you are going to miss-link
T1 ...A....B....
T2 .....BA......
where each row is a timestep. The algorithm will pick to link the particles in a way that minimizes total displacement which, in this case, swaps their true identities and will bias your data towards lower than real displacements.

FMOD frequency analysis/normalisation

I am using the FMOD library to apply FFT to an audio stream, providing me with a constantly updating fixed number of frequency bins. Each bin represents an equal frequency range, with a value between 0 and 1 to represent the intensity of this range from the processed audio. FMOD documentation states that these values can be represented in decibels, where val is the value between 0 and 1:
Decibels = 10.0f * (float)log10(val) * 2.0f
I am attempting to make an automated strobe-like beat detecting visualisation. So far, I test at a constant interval to see whether a particular frequency bin's intensity value surpasses a specified boundary - if this is the case, the strobe flashes. Although a pretty crude way of doing this, it works fairly effectively for my requirements.
However, this specified boundary only works effectively when the system/music player's volumes are maximum. When I reduce either volume, the strobe sensitivity is reduced and becomes either very inaccurate or stops flashing completely. I assume that I need to normalise the data in some way so analysis is performed independent of volume, though by scaling the data by 1/value of largest bin the largest value is always maxed out. This surpasses the specified boundary permanently, causing the strobe to flash indefinitely. I can't think how else this can be achieved and have been on a mental block for days - any help or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Normalise over a a longer scale. You'll need something like an envelope follower with a long release time.
If you search for 'compressor' source code, or automatic gain control something will definitely turn up.
But broadly in pseudo C++, and working on your incoming audio (the time-domain signal before the FFT):
auto instant_level = std::abs(signal);
peak_level *= 0.99f;
peak_level = peak_level > instant_level ? peak_level : instant_level;
Now peak_level decays slowly over time. And you can use this to calculate a gain factor to normalize your incoming audio. Adjust the 0.99f as required for a sensible decay time and for the correct sample rate.
There's also a Signal Processing stack exchange site where you'll get quicker answers to these kinds of questions (although occasionally with an almost incomprehensible piece of algebra attached :) )

How to run MCTS on a highly non-deterministic system?

I'm trying to implement a MCTS algorithm for the AI of a small game. The game is a rpg-simulation. The AI should decides what moves to play in battle. It's a turn base battle (FF6-7 style). There is no movement involved.
I won't go into details but we can safely assume that we know with certainty what move will chose the player in any given situation when it is its turn to play.
Games end-up when one party has no unit alive (4v4). It can take any number of turn (may also never end). There is a lot of RNG element in the damage computation & skill processing (attacks can hit/miss, crit or not, there is a lots of procs going on that can "proc" or not, buffs can have % value to happens ect...).
Units have around 6 skills each to give an idea of the branching factor.
I've build-up a preliminary version of the MCTS that gives poor results for now. I'm having trouble with a few things :
One of my main issue is how to handle the non-deterministic states of my moves. I've read a few papers about this but I'm still in the dark.
Some suggest determinizing the game information and run a MCTS tree on that, repeat the process N times to cover a broad range of possible game states and use that information to take your final decision. In the end, it does multiply by a huge factor our computing time since we have to compute N times a MCTS tree instead of one. I cannot rely on that since over the course of a fight I've got thousands of RNG element : 2^1000 MCTS tree to compute where i already struggle with one is not an option :)
I had the idea of adding X children for the same move but it does not seems to be leading to a good answer either. It smooth the RNG curve a bit but can shift it in the opposite direction if the value of X is too big/small compared to the percentage of a particular RNG. And since I got multiple RNG par move (hit change, crit chance, percentage to proc something etc...) I cannot find a decent value of X that satisfies every cases. More of a badband-aid than anythign else.
Likewise adding 1 node per RNG tuple {hit or miss ,crit or not,proc1 or not,proc2 or not,etc...} for each move should cover every possible situations but has some heavy drawbacks : with 5 RNG mecanisms only that means 2^5 node to consider for each move, it is way too much to compute. If we manage to create them all, we could assign them a probability ( linked to the probability of each RNG element in the node's tuple) and use that probability during our selection phase. This should work overall but be really hard on the cpu :/
I also cannot "merge" them in one single node since I've got no way of averaging the player/monsters stat's value accuractely based on two different game state and averaging the move's result during the move processing itself is doable but requieres a lot of simplifcation that are a pain to code and will hurt our accuracy really fast anyway.
Do you have any ideas how to approach this problem ?
Some other aspects of the algorithm are eluding me:
I cannot do a full playout untill a end state because A) It would take a lot of my computing time and B) Some battle may never ends (by design). I've got 2 solutions (that i can mix)
- Do a random playout for X turns
- Use an evaluation function to try and score the situation.
Even if I consider only health point to evaluate I'm failing to find a good evaluation function to return a reliable value for a given situation (between 1-4 units for the player and the same for the monsters ; I know their hp current/max value). What bothers me is that the fights can vary greatly in length / disparity of powers. That means that sometimes a 0.01% change in Hp matters (for a long game vs a boss for example) and sometimes it is just insignificant (when the player farm a low lvl zone compared to him).
The disparity of power and Hp variance between fights means that my Biais parameter in the UCB selection process is hard to fix. i'm currently using something very low, like 0.03. Anything > 0.1 and the exploration factor is so high that my tree is constructed depth by depth :/
For now I'm also using a biaised way to choose move during my simulation phase : it select the move that the player would choose in the situation and random ones for the AI, leading to a simulation biaised in favor of the player. I've tried using a pure random one for both, but it seems to give worse results. Do you think having a biaised simulation phase works against the purpose of the alogorithm? I'm inclined to think it would just give a pessimistic view to the AI and would not impact the end result too much. Maybe I'm wrong thought.
Any help is welcome :)
I think this question is way too broad for StackOverflow, but I'll give you some thoughts:
Using stochastic or probability in tree searches is usually called expectimax searches. You can find a good summary and pseudo-code for Expectimax Approximation with Monte-Carlo Tree Search in chapter 4, but I would recommend using a normal minimax tree search with the expectimax extension. There are a few modifications like Star1, Star2 and Star2.5 for a better runtime (similiar to alpha-beta pruning).
It boils down to not only having decision nodes, but also chance nodes. The probability of each possible outcome should be known and the expected value of each node is multiplied with its probability to know its real expected value.
2^5 nodes per move is high, but not impossibly high, especially for low number of moves and a shallow search. Even a 1-3 depth search shoulld give you some results. In my tetris AI, there are ~30 different possible moves to consider and I calculate the result of three following pieces (for each possible) to select my move. This is done in 2 seconds. I'm sure you have much more time for calculation since you're waiting for user input.
If you know what move the player is obvious, shouldn't it also obvious for your AI?
You don't need to consider a single value (hp), you can have several factors that are weighted different to calculate the expected value. If I come back to my tetris AI, there are 7 factors (bumpiness, highest piece, number of holes, ...) that are calculated, weighted and added together. To get the weights, you could use different methods, I used a genetic algorithm to find the combination of weights that resulted in most lines cleared.

What bizarre averaging algorithm is my bike computer using?

My bike computer can show me various figures such as distance travelled, time elapsed, max speed, average speed, current speed etc. I usually have it set to display the current and average speeds.
You can reset the distance and time (both together) at any point; the max and average speeds are calculated since the last reset. The distance is taken from the wheel sensor (you have to calibrate it initially to tell it the circumference of your wheel) and the time is from its own real-time clock.
Now, quite often while I am cycling along, I will be going at well above the displayed average speed and yet the average speed shown will go down. As a concrete example, this evening I was cycling home and my current speed was holding steady at 19.5 mph; my average was showing 12.6 mph and as I looked at it, it clicked downwards to 12.5.
What I'm trying to work out is what kind of bizarre averaging algorithm it is using that can give this effect. I can't believe it's doing any kind of fancy stuff other than total distance / total time. I guess it must be some sort of rounding / boundary condition but I can't work out what. Any suggestions?
[I asked this around the office at work but nobody had any ideas other than that I should stop worrying about these sorts of details! Hey, I have to think about something when I'm cycling, it's 9 miles each way...]
I'm going to guess that it has a history of a certain number of data points and displays the average over them. As time goes on the older points are pushed off.
If you were going faster at the point far enough back to be the end of the history pushing off a point will lower your average.
It's not a running average, it's supposed to be the average for the whole trip, right? At least that's what I always assumed mine was doing.
I've noticed that effect too. My theory is that both the clock and the distance counter it uses for the average have a fairly low resolution, so sometimes the clock counter ticks up while the distance counter stays steady, and you get the dip. For Example:
dist time spd
8.5 40.1 12.72
8.5 40.2 12.69
If they are using an integer processor and fixed point, truncation would make the drop appear even larger
It's really a motivational technique.
It probably uses something similar to the Remaining time estimation algorithm.
It's timing between rotations of the wheel but it can easily miss a pass of the magnet over the sensor because of a bump in the road or noise.
So you measure a speed half the correct value for that one data point, it then does a running average so that bad point pollutes the speed for the next few revolutions.
The system needs to sample at some (probably constant) rate.
In order to compute a moving average it only stores at most N datapoints.
So in order to update the average it must drop one of its stored points to get a new average, and if the dropped point was faster than your current speed, the moving average would drop.
