Calculating Version QR Codes - bit

How many total bits are sorted in the grid of a Version 4 QR code?
All I could find is that Version 4 is 33 rows by 33 columns. Please help, thank you!

Assuming in "33 rows by 33 columns' you mean that there are 33 pixels in both directions, you would simply multiple those two numbers together, and then multiply the result by 8 (as there are 8 bits in a byte, and one byte per pixel).
As such, you're probably looking for 33 * 33 * 8.
That would be 8712 bits.


How to get powerset from a set with 3600 elements using as little memory as possible

I have been looking for a language and code to help me calculate all possible subsets of a set of 3600 elements. At first my search started with python, then I went through JavaScript and then came to Perl. I know using Perl to calculate all subsets as shown in having 16GB of ram there is a significant memory consumption, but I'm not sure if anything better than perl or this script bellow:
use ntheory "forcomb";
my #S = qw/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30/;
forcomb { print "[#S[#_]] " } scalar(#S);
print "\n";
There is no calculator that can handle so much elements in memory.
The number of possible subset starting from a set of 3600 elements is 2^3600.
This number is very big. Consider that
2^10 is close to 1.000
2^20 is close to 1.000.000
2^30 is close to
Basically every 10 you add three zeros, so with 2^3600 you have a number with 1200 zeros of different combinations, which is an unimaginable big number.
You can't solve this problem also saving the data to disk and using all the existing computers on the earth.
With all the computers existing on the earth (a number close to, so 2^31 computers) and imagine a disk space of a terabyte for each of them (2^40 bytes) you can imagine storing information for a set of 71 elements (71 not 3600) using a single byte to store each number and without considering the extra space to store the set information... take your consideration based on that.
You can eventually imagine giving a sort order to all the possible subsets and coding an algorithm that gives you the nth subset based on that sort. This can be done because you don't need to calculate and store all possible subsets, but calculate just one using some rule. If you are interested we can try to evaluate such solution
For a set s (with size |s|), the size of its power set P(s) is |P(s)| = 2^|s|.
Never-mind the memory. You'd need 2^3600 iterations to calculate each value.
This is totally computationally intractable in this universe.
Take Java (or another compiled language like Pascal with some bit support).
It has BitSet, so 3600 elements are represented with approximately 3600/8 = 450 bytes. All possibilities would be 23600: to much to iterate. One could iterate with a BigInteger, every ith bit representing an element.
Simple iterating with a BigInteger upto 23600 - 1 should make it your (descendants') life's work. Be aware that this kind of problem is something for quantum computing.
But I assume you have a very smart algorithm pruning most possibilities.
It would be nice to have dependencies like in sudoku. Then maybe a logic language or some rule engine might do.
Should 3600 be the seconds in an hour which you have to combine, please consider spending that hour otherwise. 😉

Why doesn't Javers report the correct row(s) that was added when comparing two objects?

When comparing two objects of the same size, Javers compares 1-to-1. However, if a new change is added such as new row to one of the objects, the comparison reports changes that are NOT changes. Is it possible to have Javers ignore the addition/deletion for the sake of just comparing like objects?
Basically the indices get out of sync.
Row Name Age Phone(Cell/Work)
1 Jo 20 123
2 Sam 25 133
3 Rick 30 152
4 Rick 30 145
New List
Row Name Age Phone(Cell/Work)
1 Jo 20 123
2 Sam 25 133
3 Bill 30 170
4 Rick 30 152
5 Rick 30 145
Because Bill is added the new comparison result will say that Rows 4,5 have changed when they actually didn't.
I'm guessing that your 'rows' are objects representing rows in an excel table and that you have mapped them as ValueObjects and put them into some list.
Since ValueObjects don't have its own identity, it's unclear, even for a human, what was the actual change. Take a look at your row 4:
Row Name Age Phone(Cell/Work)
4 Rick 30 145
4 Rick 30 152
Did you changed Phone at row 4 from 145 to 152? Or maybe you inserted a new data to row 4? How can we know?
We can't. By default, JaVers chooses the simplest answer, so reports value change at index 4.
If you don't care aboute the indices, you can change the list comparision algorithm from Simple to Levenshtein distance. See
SIMPLE algorithm generates changes for shifted elements (in case when elements are inserted or removed in the middle of a list). On the contrary, Levenshtein algorithm calculates short and clear change list even in case when elements are shifted. It doesn’t care about index changes for shifted elements.
But, I'm not sure if Levenshtein is implemented for ValueObjects, if it is not implemented yet, it's a feature request to javers-core.

Can Any of You Draw the Interleaved 2 of 5 Barcode Type for the Following Number?

I'd doing some tests with the barcode generator I made and when I input some bill barcode numbers for simulating, it draws fine but just in the beginning of the barcode. the sequence of black and white stripes just match with the ones shown in the beginning of the printed bill. in some bills it keeps matching till some pairs of numbers ahead, then it looses matching. that's why I'd like some of you to draw a barcode of interleaved 2 of 5 type regarding the following binary number, so I can compare with mine: 10100100011001000110110001001000000110111100000011. this sequence is the decimal number 3419157411. or separated by pairs.
34 = 1010010001
19 = 1001000110
15 = 1100010010
74 = 0000011011
11 = 1100000011
thanks in advance.
I got "101011101110100010100011101000101000111011100010100010111010101000111011100011100010101011100011101"
You can use my Int 2of5 generator. Set the width to at least 8 and make sure to select Interleaved 2 of 5 from the dropdown.
If you want to check your barcode against an existing barcode generator, try bwip-js at It has on online generator that supports several variations of 2 of 5 code, including interleaved. (Disclosure: I am the author of bwip-js.)

Enumerate all partial orders

How to efficiently enumerate all partial orders on a finite set?
I want to check whether a partial order with specified properties exists. To check this I am going with brute force to enumerate all possible partial orders on small finite sets.
They will have to be really small finite sets for your project to be practical.
The number of labelled posets with n labelled elements is Sloane sequence A001035, whose values are known up to n=18:
0 1
1 1
2 3
3 19
4 219
5 4231
6 130023
7 6129859
8 431723379
9 44511042511
10 6611065248783
11 1396281677105899
12 414864951055853499
13 171850728381587059351
14 98484324257128207032183
15 77567171020440688353049939
16 83480529785490157813844256579
17 122152541250295322862941281269151
18 241939392597201176602897820148085023
Sequence A000112 is the number of unlabelled posets; unsurprisingly, the numbers are smaller but still rapidly grow out of reach. They seem to be known only up to n=16; p16 is 4483130665195087.
There is an algorithm in a paper by Gunnar Brinkman and Brendan McKay, listed in the references on the OEIS A000112 page, linked above. The work was done in 2002, using about 200 workstations, and counting the 4483130665195087 unlabelled posets of size 16 took about 30 machine-years (the reference machine is a 1 GHz Pentium III). Today, it could be done faster but then the value of p17 is presumably about two decimal orders of magnitude bigger.

Connect Four Hash Function: Map close elements to close hash keys

I'm writing a Connect Four game engine. Currently I'm using Zobrist hashing to generate hash keys for different Connect Four board positions (In order not to do the same thing twice, evaluated board positions are stored in a hash table). The board positions evaluated (nodes in a minimax tree), are always close to each other. Unfortunately close board positions are mapped to uniformly distributed hash-keys leading to a lot of cpu cache misses.
Is it possible to build a hash function which maps close board positions to close hash keys?
A board position for one player is represented by a bitboard of following structure:
. . . . . . . TOP
5 12 19 26 33 40 47
4 11 18 25 32 39 46
3 10 17 24 31 38 45
2 9 16 23 30 37 44
1 8 15 22 29 36 43
0 7 14 21 28 35 42
I don't know if it is even possible.
Thanks for your help!
I don't think this is possible. A good hash key (like zobrist hashing is for board games) will most likely have pseudo random properties to achieve a uniform distribution of keys in the transposition table. Having the keys of "close" positions close to each other in table contradicts this.
Consider this: Even if you map your board positions one to one to a table with (2^7-1)^7 positions, you will not be able to map "close" board positions to close memory locations: If a piece at a low index changes, positions will be near, but the higher the piece index gets the position differences double each time, and the high ones will be many terabyte apart ;-)
As an author of a chess engine I know this problem. AFAIK nobody solved this problem yet, and everybody uses zobrist hashing, maybe with some minor modifications.
Anyway, good luck solving Connect-4... I know it has been done before, but it is more satisfactory to do it self ;-)
Here is how to modify your presumably nearly uniformly random hash function to bias it in a way that similiar board positions are somewhat likely to occur at nearby hashes.
Let hash(gamestate) be your existing function. We'll create a newhash(gamestate) that uses hash for the random behavior, but has a reasonably high probability of generating hashes that are near each other for closely related game states.
Let the 'color' of a board state be the next player to move. If want to find the hash key for the white player, use newhash(board) = hash(board). If you want to find the hash for a black position, find the black piece with maximal number according to your order, say, at position i. Remove piece i from the game state and call the modified state probableparent Then use newhash(board) = hash(probableparent) + i. If you order the positions by likely order of placement (higher things come later as a first order criteria, maybe the middle locations come earlier as a second criteria? I don't really know good strategy for connect4), then it's somewhat likely that on the white turn before the black turn was at probableparent, and hence nicely in your cache and hence i is near by. Also, the 8 possible black moves will likely share the same prev_board state and hence have near by hash locations.
You can extend this idea to roll back more than one ply at a time. Say if current turn % 3 == 2, removing the maximal two moves at board positions i and j , and then use newhash(board) = hash(board-two-removals-ago) + i*48 + j.
