Enumerate all partial orders - algorithm

How to efficiently enumerate all partial orders on a finite set?
I want to check whether a partial order with specified properties exists. To check this I am going with brute force to enumerate all possible partial orders on small finite sets.

They will have to be really small finite sets for your project to be practical.
The number of labelled posets with n labelled elements is Sloane sequence A001035, whose values are known up to n=18:
0 1
1 1
2 3
3 19
4 219
5 4231
6 130023
7 6129859
8 431723379
9 44511042511
10 6611065248783
11 1396281677105899
12 414864951055853499
13 171850728381587059351
14 98484324257128207032183
15 77567171020440688353049939
16 83480529785490157813844256579
17 122152541250295322862941281269151
18 241939392597201176602897820148085023
Sequence A000112 is the number of unlabelled posets; unsurprisingly, the numbers are smaller but still rapidly grow out of reach. They seem to be known only up to n=16; p16 is 4483130665195087.
There is an algorithm in a paper by Gunnar Brinkman and Brendan McKay, listed in the references on the OEIS A000112 page, linked above. The work was done in 2002, using about 200 workstations, and counting the 4483130665195087 unlabelled posets of size 16 took about 30 machine-years (the reference machine is a 1 GHz Pentium III). Today, it could be done faster but then the value of p17 is presumably about two decimal orders of magnitude bigger.


How many blocks in this cache?

Using the sequence of references from Exercise 5.2, show the final cache contents for a three-way set associative cache with two-word blocks and a total size of 24 words.
Here is the problem, how many "blocks" in this cache.
I think a block has 2 words, so there should be 12 blocks, and in three-way, one way contains 4 blocks.
But the solution says there are 24/3=8 blocks per way.
Am I wrong? Or solution was not correct?
Here is the problem, how many "blocks" in this cache.
24 words / 2 words-per-block = 12 blocks.
Blocks per way
One way of one set is one cache line, aka 1 block, which we're told is 2 words for this cache. One of the 3 ways across all sets is 24 words / 3 ways = 8 words = 4 blocks. You're correct.
That's an odd way to describe the total number of sets, but it is the same thing. You could also calculate it as 12 blocks / 3 blocks-per-set = 4 sets. Each way is by definition 1 block, so 3-way set associative means 3 blocks / set. So 24 words / (2 words/block * 3 blocks/set) = 24/6 blocks/set = 4 blocks/set.
What textbook is this? It's not CS:APP 3e global edition, is it? The practice problems in that edition of the textbook were replaced by incompetent people hired by the publisher, see CS:APP example uses idivq with two operands?
8 words per way (size of each set) is the distance between word addresses that index the same set, so accesses that far apart will alias each other and potentially generate a lot more conflict misses.

How to get powerset from a set with 3600 elements using as little memory as possible

I have been looking for a language and code to help me calculate all possible subsets of a set of 3600 elements. At first my search started with python, then I went through JavaScript and then came to Perl. I know using Perl to calculate all subsets as shown in https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Power_set having 16GB of ram there is a significant memory consumption, but I'm not sure if anything better than perl or this script bellow:
use ntheory "forcomb";
my #S = qw/1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30/;
forcomb { print "[#S[#_]] " } scalar(#S);
print "\n";
There is no calculator that can handle so much elements in memory.
The number of possible subset starting from a set of 3600 elements is 2^3600.
This number is very big. Consider that
2^10 is close to 1.000
2^20 is close to 1.000.000
2^30 is close to
Basically every 10 you add three zeros, so with 2^3600 you have a number with 1200 zeros of different combinations, which is an unimaginable big number.
You can't solve this problem also saving the data to disk and using all the existing computers on the earth.
With all the computers existing on the earth (a number close to, so 2^31 computers) and imagine a disk space of a terabyte for each of them (2^40 bytes) you can imagine storing information for a set of 71 elements (71 not 3600) using a single byte to store each number and without considering the extra space to store the set information... take your consideration based on that.
You can eventually imagine giving a sort order to all the possible subsets and coding an algorithm that gives you the nth subset based on that sort. This can be done because you don't need to calculate and store all possible subsets, but calculate just one using some rule. If you are interested we can try to evaluate such solution
For a set s (with size |s|), the size of its power set P(s) is |P(s)| = 2^|s|.
Never-mind the memory. You'd need 2^3600 iterations to calculate each value.
This is totally computationally intractable in this universe.
Take Java (or another compiled language like Pascal with some bit support).
It has BitSet, so 3600 elements are represented with approximately 3600/8 = 450 bytes. All possibilities would be 23600: to much to iterate. One could iterate with a BigInteger, every ith bit representing an element.
Simple iterating with a BigInteger upto 23600 - 1 should make it your (descendants') life's work. Be aware that this kind of problem is something for quantum computing.
But I assume you have a very smart algorithm pruning most possibilities.
It would be nice to have dependencies like in sudoku. Then maybe a logic language or some rule engine might do.
Should 3600 be the seconds in an hour which you have to combine, please consider spending that hour otherwise. 😉

Greedy Algorithm Optimization

Consider a DVR recorder that has the duty to record television programs.
Each program has a starting time and ending time.
The DVR has the following restrictions:
It may only record up to two items at once.
If it chooses to record an item, it must record it from start to end.
Given the the number of television programs and their starting/ending times, what is the maximum number of programs the DVR can record?
For example: Consider 6 programs:
They are written in the form:
a b c. a is the program number, b is starting time, and c is ending time
1 0 3
2 6 7
3 3 10
4 1 5
5 2 8
6 1 9
The optimal way to record is have programs 1 and 3 recorded back to back, and programs 2 and 4 recorded back to back. 2 and 4 will be recording alongside 1 and 3.
This means the max number of programs is 4.
What is an efficient algorithm to find the max number of programs that can be recorded?
This is a classic example for a greedy algorithm.
You create an array with tuples for each program in the input.
Now you sort this array by the end times and start going from the left to the right. If you can take the very next program (you are recording at most one program already), you increment the result counter and remember the end-time. For another program again fill the available slot if possible, if not, you can't record it and can discard it.
This way you will get the maximum number of programs that can be recorded in O(nlogn) time.

Find minimum number of moves for Tower of London task

I am looking for a solution for a task similar to the Tower of Hanoi task, however this is different from Hanoi as the disks are not constrained by size. The Tower of London task I am creating has 8 disks, instead of the traditional 3 or 5 (as shown in the Wikipedia link). I am using PEBL software that is "programmed primarily in C++ (although you do not need to know C++ to use PEBL), but also uses flex and bison (GNU versions of lex and yacc) to handle parsing."
Here is a video of what the task looks like in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiBJ94HRpeM&noredirect=1
*Each disk is a number. e.g., blue disk=1, red disk = 2, etc.
1 \
2 ----\
3 ----/ 3 1
4 5 / 2 4 5
========= =========
The left side consists of the disks you have to move, to match the right side. There are 3 columns.
So if I am making it with 8 disks, I would create a trial to look like this:
1 \
2 ----\ 7 8
6 3 8 ----/ 3 6 1
7 4 5 / 2 4 5
========= =========
How do I figure out what is the minimum amount of moves needed for the left to look like the right? I don't need to use PEBL to code this, but I need to know since I am calculating how close to the minimum a person would get for each trial.
The principle is easy and its called breadth first search:
Each state has a certain number of successor states (defined by the moves possible).
You start out with a set of states that contains the initial state and step number 0.
If the end state is in the set of states, return the step number.
Increment the step number.
Rebuild the set of states by replacing the current states with each of their successor states.
Go to 2
So, in each step, compute the successor states of your currently available states and look if you reached the target state.
BUT, be warned, this can take a while and eat up a lot of memory!
You can optimize a bit in our case, since you can leave out the predecessor state.
Still, you will have 5 possible moves in most states. Which means you will have 5^N states to consider after N steps.
For example, your second example will need 10 moves, if I don't err. This will give you about 10 million states. Most contemporary computers will not be able to search beyond depth 15.
I think that an algorithm to find a solution would be easy and fast, but we have no proof this solution would be the shortest one.

Scheduling Algorithm with contiguous breaks

I'm lost here. Here's the problem and I think it's NP-hard. A center is staffed with a finite number of workers with the following conditions:
There are 3 shifts per day with 2 people in each shift
Each employee works for 5 days straight and then 2 days off with only one shift per day
So the problem is: how many workers do we need if the center remains active every day and a feasible schedule?
Thanks for all the great answers. The closest I've come to (with a randomized brute-force algorithm) is the following:
X 3 0
1 0 3
2 3 1
2 1 3
0 1 2
0 2 1
3 0 2
I've simplified the problem into batches of 2 people (0-3 represent 4 batches) in the hopes of getting a feasible solution. X refers to a shift which has not been assigned (which was not the initial goal but it looks like there may not be an alternative).
The constraints cannot be respected exactly as expressed in the question.
That's because the numbers don't add up (or rather "divide up").
Consequently, the problem should be reworded to require
exactly 3 shifts per day
exactly 2 workers per shift
workers work a maximum of 5 consecutive days
workers rest a minimum of 2 consecutive days
With the introduction of the minimum and maximum qualifiers, the minimum number of workers required is 9 (again assuming no part-time worker).
Note that although 9 appears to be a absolute minimum, given the need to cover 42 shifts per week (3 * 2 * 7) with workers who can cover a maximum of 5 shifts per week (5 work days 2 rest days = a week), there is no assurance that 9 would be sufficient given the consecutive work and/or rest day requirements.
This is how I figure...
8 workers isn't enough, and the following 9 workers line-up, is an example of such a schedule.
To make things easy, I assigned all workers except for worker #1 and #9, to an optimal schedule of exactly a 5 days-on and 2 days-off schedule; #1 and #9 work less. Of course many other arrangements would work (maybe this is what the OP sensed when he hinted at an NP-complete problem). Also, the schedule is such that each week's schedule is exactly the same for everyone, but that could also be changed (maybe introducing some fairness, by having all workers have a lighter week every once in a while, but this BTW can lead to some difficulties of respecting the requirement of 5 maximum work days).
The sample schedule shows two consecutive weeks to help see the consecutive work or rest days, but as said, all weeks are the same for every one.
Max Conseq Ws Min Conseq Rs
Nb of Ws 6666666 6666666
The tally at the bottom shows exactly 6 workers per day (respecting the need to cover 3 shifts with 2 workers each), the max and min columns on the right show that the maximum consecutive work and minimum consecutive rest requirements are respected.
3 shifts per day * 2 people per shift * (7 days per week / 5 working days per person) = 8.4 people (9 if part time is not an option).
3 shifts x 7 days = 21
this does not divide evenly by 5 nor 2 - so your constraints will not allow a complete filling of the slots.
OK - even though you have an answer, let me take a shot.
Let's take the general problem: 7 days x 3 shifts = 21 different shifts to fill
There are 7 possible employee schedules expressed as days on (1) & days off (0)
We want to minimize the number of scheduled employees that matches the number of required hours.
I have a matrix of number of employees of each type per shift and that number is an integer variable. My optimization model is:
Min (number of employees)
Subject to: sum of (# of emp sched * employee schedule) = staff required for each shift
number of employees scheduled is integer
You can change the = sign in the first constraint to a >=. Then you'll get a feasible solution with extra staff. You can solve this in Excel with the basic SOLVER addin.
Let's say I need four employees for each day on a shift but I'm willing to tolerate extra staff.
A solution using the schedules above is:
Number of staff by schedule type: 0,2,0,2,0,2,0
Schedule types 0011111,1001111,1100111,1110011,1111001,1111100,0111110
(In other words 2 with schedules 1001111, 2 with schedules 1111001, and 2 more with schedules 1111100)
This results in one day (Monday) with two extra staff and 4 employees on all the other days.
Of course, this isn't a unique solution. There are at least 6 other solutions with two extra staff members. Constraint programming would be a better and much faster approach since there will often be many feasible schedules.
