VS ReportViewer - Multiple 1xN relationship - visual-studio

I'm learning how to work on ReportView.
How to proceed when I have a table with multiple 1xN relationship ?
I don't want to show the value that is stored on the DataSet field, I want to resolve it to another table.
I know I could do it from Join command on the DataSet, but I have lots of 1xN fields, so I think it isn't practical, the SQL command would be huge and complex.
Thought about using an pre-processed List of object as DataSource. Don't know if its the right way..
Any help would be appreciate.


How to avoid circular dependency error in multiple calculated columns when deleting all data in data model?

I have a data model in Power pivot with three tables, tTasks, tCaseworks and tCaseworkStatus. I am attempting to create two calculated columns in tCaseworks which from the two data tables. All three tables are linked through the common field casework_id (see illustration below).
The data model is regularly updated with new data. The way I am doing this is as follows:
All three tables are sourced from three corresponding tables in my Excel workbook.
A VBA script deletes all records in the three Excel tables and then refreshes the data model (sidenote: because the data model demands lookup tables to not be empty the VBA code adds one row per table before refreshing).
New data is then added to the excel tables and the data model is refreshed.
This process works perfectly.
The problem arises when I am adding calculated columns to tCaseworks and then attempting to update the data as described above. I have added two calculated columns; has_task and status_now. I am using the following DAX code:
has_task =
IF (
tTasks[casework_id]; tCaseworks[casework_id]
status_now =
VAR TableX = RELATEDTABLE(tCaseworkStatus)
VAR ResultX = IF(
"Find no status"))))
Both of these calculated columns work as expected as long as I do not delete the data in the model (I do have one hickup with both columns as described in this separated problem, but I think that is unrelated).
When the data has been deleted and I refresh the model I get the following error message:
"We cannot get the data from the data model. This is the error message we got: A circular dependency was discovered: 'tCaseworks'[status_now],'tCaseworks'[status_now],'tCaseworks'[has_task],'tCaseworks'[has_task],'tCaseworks'[status_now]."
What is creating this dependency and how can I avoid it?
My attempted solutions:
The problem only arise when there are two of these calculated columns. Any one of these two works perfectly without the other upon refreshing. I know that calculated columns are prone to circular problems, but unfortunately I need to use columns and not measures. I suspect that perhaps my choice in formula is creating the problem, most likely the contains-function. However, I don't know about any alternative ways of building the formulas I need. Any suggestions?
I originally only posted a portion of my data model as I wanted the question to be as concise as possible but I guess it might have been confusing. The whole model concerns five objects from a case handling system: Claims, Cases, Caseworks, Tasks and Action Points. These objects are hierarchical, one claim can have one or more cases, but one case can only have one claim. Similarly, a case can have several caseworks, a casework can have several tasks, a task can have several action points. Additionally, the latter four can have a status attribute which is changed regularly.
I attempted to organize my data model in such a way that I had a lookup table for each object with unique values. I have many attributes for each object in my data that I did not include in the example above, and my goal was to add useful attributes through calculated columns in these tables. The data tables with the changes were intented to provide insight to the lookup tables.
I think your relationship model is a bit unusual. DAX works best when using something like dimensional fact model
I would consider the tCaseworkStatus a fact table since its like a log of the changes to your data. tTasks is a dimension, since it just add an extra dimension to your data.
The tCaseworks is not necessary since it doesn't hold any actual data (only calculated data).
if you want your current model to work, it might fix your problem if you just delete the relationship between tTasks and tCaseworks, and add a new between tTasks and tCaseworksStatus
it just occurred to me that the reason you have it like this, is that you may have a many-to-many relationship between tTasks and tCaseworksStatus. if that is the case you might have to create a proper many-to-many table. which is kind of what your tCaseworks is, but you cant have a relationship to the same key like you currently have.
the solution seemed to be that somehow the Relatedtable function in conjunction with the relationship model was causing the error. using Lookupvalue instead seems to to have fixed the issue.

create views in filemaker

I am trying to make something like this in Filemaker Database views.
The database will contain employees and projects. There need to be two combined views. One displaying the list of employees and which projects they are on in which week and by which percentage. The other one displaying the list of projects and which employees are on it in which week by which percentage. For each employee and each project there need to be a sum of percentages for all assigned projects / employees.
I have made three tables in my database:
Now I want to create these views. Can anybody tell me how to do this from scratch?
Thanks in advance.
FileMaker is not a good tool for creating cross-tab reports, as it has no native functionality to build these. It has to be done manually. Do a search on cross tab reporting in FileMaker and you will get some ideas.
Traditionally you need relationships and fields to hold and display your data.
On the top of my head, in this case I would probably use merge variables for displaying progress and other calculated data to avoid having fields for all those weeks. A script would gather the data using ExecuteSQL and calculate the variables. The whole thing could even be generated in HTML and displayed in a web viewer.
This way you should get away without too many relationships and fields.
If you want a simpler, but more cluttered solution, you could go with regular fields for all 53 weeks and use a sub summary report. Each field could be set up with ExecuteSQL if possible, to avoid having a relationship for each period.

Parse Database query

I am an Parse newbie,
I have one class and one row.
Within that row I want to be able to have like a drop down, so it only has about 5 choices. I want these choices to be in another table. This other table is to have the choices and also images.
Images and other tables are easy. I just want a link between the two tables and hopefully some sort of drop down which reads the results from the other table.
Hope anyone can help me.

database driven form controls

How to do databse driveen jsp page,
Suppose i have 5 text fields,if user wants to put one of the form field as select box.JSp should identify and return the select box if it define in db as select box.
I dont know how to achieve this,can anyone suggest this.
Raju komaturi
There are multiple tasks if you want to do this completely. The world at large has not gone this way and so there are not many tools (if any) for this. But basically here are the main ideas.
1) You want a "data dictionary", a collection of meta-data that tells you what the types and sizes of each column are, and the primary and foreign keys are.
2) For your example of "knowing" that a field should be a drop-down, this almost always means that column value is a foreign key to another table. Your code detects this and builds a listbox out of the values in the parent table.
3) You can go so far as to create a complete form generator for simple tables, where all of the HTML is generated, but you always need a way to override this for the more complex forms. If you do this, your data dictionary should also have column descriptions or captions.
There are many many more ideas, but this is the starting point for what you describe.

Making joomla components using two tables

I know how to make a simple joomla component using one table. I can display all the records from that table as well as add, edit and delete records. I want to know how can i do it using two tables.
Khubruy Mehta
You have to use two models, it can be a good start point:
