Making joomla components using two tables - joomla

I know how to make a simple joomla component using one table. I can display all the records from that table as well as add, edit and delete records. I want to know how can i do it using two tables.
Khubruy Mehta

You have to use two models, it can be a good start point:


How to add toggle for tables in PowerBI Desktop

I am trying to create a graph with the data from a web query. I have 2 different scenario added as different tables. I want to create a toggle for the tables (15_3 Millions and 20_3 Millions). How will I achieve this?
You should try using a slicer. I use one when I need to show just one location.

create views in filemaker

I am trying to make something like this in Filemaker Database views.
The database will contain employees and projects. There need to be two combined views. One displaying the list of employees and which projects they are on in which week and by which percentage. The other one displaying the list of projects and which employees are on it in which week by which percentage. For each employee and each project there need to be a sum of percentages for all assigned projects / employees.
I have made three tables in my database:
Now I want to create these views. Can anybody tell me how to do this from scratch?
Thanks in advance.
FileMaker is not a good tool for creating cross-tab reports, as it has no native functionality to build these. It has to be done manually. Do a search on cross tab reporting in FileMaker and you will get some ideas.
Traditionally you need relationships and fields to hold and display your data.
On the top of my head, in this case I would probably use merge variables for displaying progress and other calculated data to avoid having fields for all those weeks. A script would gather the data using ExecuteSQL and calculate the variables. The whole thing could even be generated in HTML and displayed in a web viewer.
This way you should get away without too many relationships and fields.
If you want a simpler, but more cluttered solution, you could go with regular fields for all 53 weeks and use a sub summary report. Each field could be set up with ExecuteSQL if possible, to avoid having a relationship for each period.

Model with multiple tables

We run two websites, A and B. Each website has its own table, _a_ and _b_ which have exactly the same structure. Yes, I know it's silly, we'll be rewriting them over the course of this year and next.
Using Laravel I need to create a model that will hold both tables content. I don't need any kind of UPDATE or INSERT functionality, I just need to SELECT and use with to access other model information.
Is this possible with Laravel 4.1? I can individually model each table, but that would make it difficult in the future.
I was able to fix this by making using the Repository pattern and merging the results of each model into the get and all functions.

mutual exclusion in joomla

I created an extension for joomla using:
I just covered that if two users are logged on to the site will fit together perform two records in the database and then this statement will return in both cases the same value.
in php you can solve this problem with the transactions.
In joomla how do I solve this problem?
If you have a table you are working with that extends JTable then make sure that you included the check out functionality that is optionally a part of that. THis must means adding a couple of fields like what is in the content table. This will prevent two people from editing the same row at the same time which creates a race condition in which one of the other will lose their data.
Please note that both php and joomla functions to return the last insert id rely on the mysql implementation, and mysql returns the last id inserted on the currently open connection so concurrency is not an issue
#iacoposk8 Your are right it might possible that in very rear case. Such time try to add current logged in user id in your sql query or any where so that it doesn't make any confict. I hope you get it what i want to say. Thanks

How to process 1 form across 2 controllers/models in MVC (CFWheels)?

I'm an old CFML developer, new to CF on Wheels and MVC programming in general. I'm picking it up pretty quickly, but one thing that isn't evident to me is how one can offer a form to optionally update multiple db table records (models). I'd specifically like to set up a tabbed form for User info and User Profile info, where the former is required and the latter is not. This data is stored in two different one-to-one tables. What's the setup I need in order to call two "new" or "edit" views, run 2 "create" or "update" procedures, affecting two different tables. Or am I thinking about this all wrong.
Update: Adding some more info on what I'm trying to do. To keep it simple, I'll stick to 2 tabs and 2 tables, though I'm really looking at at least 3 in this instance.
So I've got a Users table and a UserProfiles table, and I've got models named User.cfc and UserProfile.cfc that are related 1-to-1, with UserProfile dependent on User. Pretty standard stuff. For each I've got controllers: Users.cfc and UserProfiles.cfc, each of those containing actions. add, edit, create, update, doing the obvious stuff (add and edit display forms). I have partials that display the add/edit form fields for each, so that's already prepared. Now, I want to create what is effectively a single add/edit form that can update both tables at the same time. The tabs don't really matter; effectively it could all be on one page.
So conceptually I'm doing something like:
<button type="submit" class="btn">#operation#</button>
Do I need to create a separate controller action that basically combines the create and update actions for two different controllers?
Thanks in advance from a pleased and eager CFWheels newbie...
If all of the data is related through hasMany or hasOne associations, I'd recommend looking at nested properties.
If you're a newbie though, you may want to refrain from this until you've got something simpler worked out.
I guess you are talking about two models representing these two tables, possibly associated using hasOne. Models allow you to validate data, this makes controller much simpler. This way you could create two forms under two tabs, and keep record's primary key as hidden field. Controller could run the validation and re-display the forms (partials may help)... Hold on, I am just going through the reference.
I realize this answer is pretty generic, as well as your question. I suggest you to go ahead and try something, see how it works.
After that update your question with code samples and ask if you have some specific problems. For example, validation and displaying errors in CFWheels may be a bit tricky.
