Ajax data not being sent to controller function (CodeIgniter) - ajax

I have an anchor tag and would like its data-id to be sent to a function in the controller which would in turn retrieved data from the database through the model.
However the data is not getting past the controller. The ajax response is showing that the data was sent but controller shows otherwise.
Here is my ajax code:
var sub_item_id = $(this).data("id");
url:"<?php echo base_url();?>Designs/business_cards",
error: function(error){
throw new Error('Did not work');
I had set datatype:"json" but the data was not being sent so I removed the datatype and it worked,the ajax part that is.Or atleast the response showed that data was sent.
My controller code is:
function business_cards(){
$id = $this->input->post('sub_item_id');
$data['quantity'] = $this->subproduct_model->get_quantities($id);
My model code is:
public function get_quantities($sub_item_id){
$query = $this->db->get('sub_products');
return $query->result_array();
HTML Code which includes the anchor tag
<?php foreach ($results as $object):?>
View Prices
<?php endforeach?>
The data-id is displaying the correct value as per the iteration.
When I check the result array of the model code it is an empty array showing that the $sub_item_id was not passed in the controller. What could be the problem?

I just copied your code and I was able to get the value in the controller.
In your controller function do var_dump($id). Then in your developer tools (F12) check the console. Since you have console.log(data) that var_dump should be in the console. It won't show on the screen.
Some other things to check:
Does your db have records with that ID? Could your db result array be empty because it actually should be?
Are you sure that the data-id actually has a value when you click the tag?

it is not passed to the controller because you forgot to put a parameter inside the function of your controller.
Note: you cannot use input post because you're not using form.
function business_cards($id){ //put a parameter here, serve as container of your passed variable from **ajax**
//$id = $this->input->post('sub_item_id');
$data['quantity'] = $this->subproduct_model->get_quantities($id); //pass the id to your model
change your ajax code to this..
var sub_item_id = $(this).data("id");
url:"<?php echo base_url('Designs/business_cards/"+sub_item_id+"');?>", //pass the id here
error: function(error){
throw new Error('Did not work');


Print fetched data with ajax in codeigniter

I am trying to make chat room with ajax. Till now I am able to store data in db without page load. And also able to fetch data and display onscreen using ajax. Here is what I did with ajax
var chatmsg = $("#chatmsg").val(); //chat message from input field
var chatroomid = $("#chatroomid").val(); //hidden input field
url: baseurl+'User_dash/chatmessage', //An function in ctroller which contains only insert query
type: 'post',
data: {chatmsg:chatmsg, chatroomid:chatroomid},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (argument) {
$("#chatting").append(" <li id='"+getvalue+"'>"+argument['msg']+"</li>."); //Here I am printing chat message which resently submitted in database
error: function (hrx, ajaxOption, errorThrow) {
return false;
This method with ajax is working fine. But issue I faced here is that, this display chat message only to current user. Not to other side of user whome message is being sent via chat.
To solve this issue I come up with one idea which doesn't seems to be working as I planed. Here it is how I modified my previous ajax code..
var chatmsg = $("#chatmsg").val();
url: baseurl+'User_dash/chat', //controller function which contains insert query, after that select query to fetch chat data from db and store in view
type: 'post',
data: {chatmsg:chatmsg},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (argument) {
//Not doing anything here this time
error: function (hrx, ajaxOption, errorThrow) {
return false;
In updated version of script I thought If I will call a controller function which is storing data in view (chat page) then It will run query and print data without page load.
But with this method, I am getting chat onscreen only after page load, although it is getting submit in db with ajax fine.
Here is controller code for my second method with ajax if needed
public function chat(){
$chatdata = array('CHAT_ROOM'=>$_POST['chatroomid'],
$this->db->insert('tbl_chat', $chatdata); //inserting data
$data['chatroom'] = $this->db->where('CHAT_ROOM', 1)->get('tbl_chat')->result_array(); //fetching data from db
$this->load->view('userDash/chat', $data);
How do I achieve to run insert and then select query and print data on screen without page load?
Where I am getting wrong?
I solved my issue earlier, What I did was, just added this jquery script which keep refreshing (every second) a certain div inside page in which I have put query to fetch chat from db and printing them.
$("#chatting").load(location.href + " #chatting");
}, 1000);

How to pass variables from Controller to View without refreshing the Web Page in Laravel?

Whenever there is a call to Controller inside View, I want the Controller to return some variables to the View and do not refresh the View.
Already know:
return view("webpage" , compact('variable1', 'variable2') );
What I expect to achieve:
return compact('variable1', 'variable2');
This will not return the Webpage but only some of the variables.
Thinking it from a complete different perspective, The question maybe rephrased as such
Is there a way to manipulate REQUEST variables of a web page from the controller? This way, i would be able to get new variables from the Controller without the web page being Refreshed.
With out much to work with, here is an example:
Ajax call:
url: '/your/route/',
type: 'GET',
data: {getVariable: formInputValue},
.done(function (data) {
.fail(function () {
Controller Function:
public function getVariable(Request $request){
$resault = $request->getVariable;
return response()->json($results);
Update: as per comments on this answer try this and see if it works for you.
In your controller where you fetch records instead of using a ->get();
change it to paginate(5); this will return 5 records per page. and on your view at the bottom of your </table> add {{ $variable->links() }}

How to assign div value to php variable using Jquery Ajax call

I have a href tag, in that i wrote onclick func,
<?php the_post_thumbnail('portfolio_thumbs'); ?>
in the onclick() function the code is,
<script type="text/javascript">
function doThumb(temp)
var tempThmb = temp;
return tempThmb;
the returned value, im printing it in an empty div.
<div id="selectedResult" name="selectedResult"></div>';
Now my issue is, im getting the result in the empty div, but i have to pass the value of the div to $my_postid.
$my_postid = "Should pass the value here";//This is page id or post id
$content_post = get_post($my_postid);
How can i achieve this do i have to use ajax jquery, kindly help me....
This is not possible in the way you are doing. PHP is server side language and javascript is client side. One way to do this is to send an ajax request at onclick event of your image. And send the id in ajax request. The ajax will get the post on the base of that id and will return you. Then you can show that post content any where.
update after receiving code of questioner
You don't need to do initial operation in your function. Just change it as below.
function doThumb(temp) {
var $mainCats=temp;
alert ($mainCats);
$.ajax ( {
url:"<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
data:'action=my_special_ajax_callc&main_catidc=' + $mainCats,
onsuccess : function(data) {
} );

How do I Get a URI segment from the CodeIgniter view where an Ajax request is made?

I'm using jQuery to call a method of my "volunteer" CodeIgniter controller from a view called "edit" that takes a single parameter, "id"
The URI of the view is:
I make the call of my update() method like so:
$.post('volunteer/update', function(data) {
All the method does right now is echo a URI segment:
public function update(){
echo $this->uri->segment(2, 0);
What is want is a segment of the URI of the view where update() is called (the "edit" view). Instead, I get a segment of the URI of update(). How can I get a segment of the edit view's URI so that I can use it within the update() method?
You could fetch the referrer URL by using
and than parse it manually to get your segment.
It's not 100% secure, as it can be overriden (its set as an header by the server).
Se more details on this older post
You'll need to pass in the segment value in the POST data of the AJAX call.
Your options are:
1) You can parse the URL w/ JavaScript to determine what the value of the segment is, for example:
var postData;
// assign whatever other data you're passing in
postData.lastSegment = window.location.href.substr(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
$.post('volunteer/update', postData, function(data) {
2) You can use PHP to pre-populate a JavaScript variable in the view that you can then use in the POST
var postData;
// assign whatever other data you're passing in
postData.lastSegment = <?php echo $this->uri->segment(2, 0); ?>;
$.post('volunteer/update', postData, function(data) {
And finally in the update() controller, you can pull out the data out of the POST with $this->input->post() or out of $_POST.

PHP function not returning any data to JQuery ajax method

I am using jquery's ajax method to post some data to the server and get back the response. Though the server side php code is returning a json encoded string/array, the response is coming back as null.
Could someone point out the mistake that I am making. Below if my jquery ajax method using which I am hitting the postData.php page.
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
The content in postData.php is pretty straight forward as I am still developing it.
$data = array();
//inside postData.php
return json_encode($data);
It should return a json string, but it is returning null. I also tried echoing a string just after $data array declaration, it does echo it in the firebug, but the response is when I do a console.log on the success callback, it comes back as null.
For getting the result back in your ajax function, you must echo it, not return, like:
$data = array();
echo json_encode($data);
Is that all that is in postData.php? You need to write it out to the buffer (echo json_encode($data);) at some point.
Like morgar pointed it out, you should echo the data back and not use return.
$data = array();
echo json_encode($data); //echo instead of return
At the same time, in your ajax on success function, you should access the response like an array.
console.log(response); //--> would return an error
**Should Be**
console.log(response[0]); //--> read the returned first array element
