How to compile bootstrap-material-design sass files with gulp? - sass

I have been struggling with gulp to compile scss files into css.
I havn't used gulp and sass very much and the docs of this particular framework are not helpful on this matter.
My gulpfile looks like this
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var scssFile='assets/scss/bootstrap-material-design.scss';
gulp.task('sass', function () {
return gulp.src(scssFile)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
I did npm install gulp gulp-sass --save-dev to install libraries.
And I copied the content of this folder into a folder named "scss"
Now running gulp sass gives me this error:
[13:54:37] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/imb4/gulpfile.js
[13:54:37] Starting 'sass'...
Error in plugin "sass"
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ~bootstrap/scss/functions.
on line 56 of assets/scss/_variables.scss
from line 2 of assets/scss/_core.scss
from line 3 of assets/scss/bootstrap-material-design.scss
>> #import "~bootstrap/scss/functions"; // from bootstrap node_module
[13:54:37] Finished 'sass' after 50 ms
Is this because I copied the wrong scss folder ?
Do I need to npm install bootstrap-material-design#4.1.1?
(I did try that, but I can't require() it because it needs jQuery or something.)
Do I need to reference the scss files that are in the node_modules?
The error says it needs a bootstrap folder, do I need to download bootstrap scss files manually and copy them in the folder? Do I have to do npm install bootstrap?
It's probably a stupid question, but I'm already stuck on this for hours now.

Clone the folder in the link as is to your assets/scss
Your gulpfile should call your main entry sass file style.scss - in your case "bootstrap-material-design.scss"
this sass file contains only one import - #import "core";
_core imports _variables.scss, _mixins.scss etc...
your _variables.scss file has
#import "~bootstrap/scss/functions"; // from bootstrap node_module
#import "~bootstrap/scss/variables"; // from bootstrap node_module
So its looking for a node_modules/bootstrap folder,
npm install bootstrap
will add it.
when you run your gulp task and the sass starts compiling it needs the full bootstrap files located in node_modules/bootstrap/scss/ folder to compile correctly.
your "bootstrap-material-design.scss" will first import _core, _core will then import _variables, _variables imports a few custom files from another variables folder within the scss directory before looking at your node_modules folder (on line 56) with #import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";
your gulp task will pick up your sass files references (anything with an underscore is compiled at build time) - That spits out a plain css file where ever you set the destination to be eg "assets/css/style.css" which is the file you should reference in your html after build.
if this is still not happening for you you may just have a simple path issue to resolve. bootstrap versions can differ on sass fodler structure so double check your path in node_modules/bootstrap/scss/ actually has a functions folder.
If it does try #import "./node_modules/bootstrap/functions";
If it does not then you may need to check your version of bootstrap.
Eg - with bootstrap 4.1.1 they are imports not folders
#import '~bootstrap/scss/_functions';
#import '~bootstrap/scss/_variables';


Laravel-mix installed but css and js files in the public folder has no content

I am trying to install the laravel-mix. I am having a hard time in installing laravel-mix. I already installed it but the files for css and js do not contain anything.
You need to have some sort of code in app.scss so that it compiles to app.css. After you write your stylesheets in apps.scss, run npm run dev to have it compile to app.css, and use {{mix('dir/to/app.css'}} in your <script> header.

How to Compile Bootstrap Theme Scss Files in Laravel

I have bit knowledge about how to compile scss file using npm run dev.
But now I have Bootstrap html theme folder where all assets files are included like scss and css . i am confused that is i have to #import all bootstrap theme folder scss files name in laravel app.scss file for compile or just copy Bootstrap theme folder scss files and paste on laravel assets/scss folder and run command npm run dev. please help thanks
In your resources/sass/app.scss file or any other file you want to have the theme files included, add the following line of code
#import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
This line of code includes all bootstrap scss files that can be found in the node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap folder. If you have a custom directory for your scss files you can include them like this
#import 'custom_folder/bootstrap-saa/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
Do not forget to add the entry into your webpack.mix.js file in your root folder.
mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

How to use scss files in Laravel

I have downloaded a free HTML theme.
If I open index.html file of the theme in the browser it works perfectly.
However, now I need to integrate this theme in my Laravel Application. If I inspect element in the index.html file loaded in the browser, I can see that some .scss files are getting called.
The scss folder is present in the theme folder but I really don't know how to include this into my project
You can think of SASS as high level css which provides you with more features like making variable and easier css syntax etc ... but since browsers doesn't understands SASS you have to compile SASS into CSS there are multiple ways to do that.
First if your theme folder already has complied SASS (CSS Folder) you can use it if not and want to integrate with Laravel please follow these steps
Copy everything in your SASS Folder and place it in "/resources/assets/sass" so
they can be found by Laravel to be compiled
now you have to compile SASS into css you can use gulp manually or make use of
Laravel mix which is already implemented for you by Laravel
Laravel Ships with packages.json file you will find that in your app root
directory so before being able to compile SASS you have to run npm install in
your root directory (make sure that you have npm and node installed)
after running npm install now you can run either one of these to compile any
sass files you have in "resources/assets/sass"
npm run dev //this will compile one time only
npm run watch //this will automatically watch for any changes and compile
Now your sass files should have been compiled to css you can find the compiled css files in your "public/css" folder.
Hopefully you found this helpful you can read more about this in Laravel docs frontend section specifically Laravel Mix here
Laravel has a file called webpack.mix.js where you edit all frontend assets compilation by calling the mix.js/sass with the respective arguments. It is located at the root of the project.
1- In the resources folders create a new folder and call it scss with a app.scss file. The complete tree will be scss/app.scss
2- Go to the webpack.mix.js and add a new line: mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');. The first argument of the method is the source file, and the second is the destination folder.
3- In the app.scss file import all the theme scss files using #import 'file/source';
4- Open terminal/cmd in your Laravel project folder and Run npm run dev/watch to compiled your scss file, and at end your css file result will be located in public/css/app.css.
5- Import the app.css into your Html head section and reload the page. If the styles do not work, press ctrl + f5 to clean browser cache.
The latest version of Laravel utilizes a tool called Vite as a replacement for Laravel Mix.
In order to use Sass with Vite, make sure that Vite and Sass are installed run npm install and npm add -D sass
Make sure you have a sass or scss folder in your projects resources directory, and an scss file inside like app.scss
Make sure that you have configured vite.config.js (which can be found in a new Laravel projects root directory) to include an entry point for sass like so, utilizing the correct path and name for the folder you made:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
input: ['resources/scss/app.scss', 'resources/js/app.js'],
refresh: true,
And in your Blade files add the following, again making sure to use the correct path for the folder you made:
#vite(['resources/scss/app.scss', 'resources/js/app.js'])
Then you can build your sass using Vite by running npm run build

Bourbon with webpack: WebStorm complains about not resolving bourbon in IDE

I have managed to configure and get working bourbon with webpack. I just included the following on sass loader
&includePaths[]=' + bbPath
In a SCSS file I just do
#import "bourbon";
I now its working because I am calling mixins via scss files and I see the output, also webpack doesn't complain.
Problem is that in WebStorm IDE it states that the above #import line that bourbon cannot be resolved.
I tried doing
#import "~bourbon";
which makes WebStorm happy but the webpack fails with
Module build failed:
var path = require('path');
Invalid CSS after "v": expected 1 selector or at-rule, was "var path = require("
in /Users/test/node_modules/bourbon/index.js (line 1, column 1)
maybe the fault here is WebStorm, is there some way to force WebStorm to understand that the #import bourbon is valid ?
I believe you can control the path of all scss files by telling Webstorm of the Root Resource Path.
WebStorm File Menu --> Preferences --> Directories --> Right click on your node_modules directory and check Resource Root option.
Once this is set then WebStorm IDE will know of your import #'bla-bla' files.

sass #import "compass/reset" error

I'd like to use Sass with Compass on my static HTML project, but following the instructions does not work. This is what I did:
$ gem install compass
$ cd <myproject>
$ compass install compass .
which was following by awaiting:
directory ./sass/
directory ./stylesheets/
create ./sass/screen.scss
create ./sass/print.scss
create ./sass/ie.scss
create ./stylesheets/screen.css
create ./stylesheets/ie.css
create ./stylesheets/print.css
But when I start watching scss sass --watch sass:stylesheets, I get an error:
error sass/screen.scss (Line 6: File to import not found or unreadable: compass/reset.
This msg coherent with #import "compass/reset";
What do I have to do on my Ubuntu to see that compass imports?
Use compass watch instead of sass --watch sass:stylesheets. If you're using compass, you don't need to bother with sass command. Just use the compass command.
if you really wanted to use sass command i use this code. Considering that you are in your sass directory running the following command.
sass --watch style.scss:../stylesheets/
That simply means that I have created a new file called style.scss and imported the following files within my style.scss. So sass would only watch a single file. In the above command we wishes to have the generated style.css to be in the stylesheet directory.
again its sass --watch style.scss:/path-to-output-directory/
#import "ie";
#import "print";
#import "screen";
so in this process sass is only watching single file style.scss for any changes within sass directory files.
I hope this explains well.
