Render Permissions To HTML In Controller Laravel - laravel

I have some html code in my controller for datatable actions (View , Edit & Delete)
So im busy working on permissions on a blade level. but now i'm struggling to render the same permissions to the HTML code that's in my controller.
I'm using this syntax on my blades
#if(Auth::user()->can('Add New Client'))
<li>Add New Client</li>
And in my controller i have this code with renders action icons on my datatables
$nestedData['action'] = " <a href='{$show}' title='View more' class='btn btn-xs btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-eye'></i> View</a>
<a href='{$edit}' title='Edit details' class='btn btn-xs btn-success'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit</a>";
So just like i did on the blade level i also want to have a permission on the datatable buttons (show & edit) to say
#if(Auth::user()->can('Edit Client'))
<a href='{$edit}' title='Edit details' class='btn btn-xs btn-success'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit</a>"
But when i put this code on the HTML in controller the code gets displayed on the form. I'm pretty new to laravel so any help will be highly appreciated.

#if(Auth::user()->can('Edit Client'))
<a href='{$edit}' title='Edit details' class='btn btn-xs btn-success'><i class='fa fa- pencil'></i> Edit</a>"#endif
I am not sure why you are using this code in conttroller. please use a template and add this code on it.
in the controller you don't need to use #


laravel - I try to delete row out of a table from the database with a href icon

So what I'm trying to do is delete a row from my database table with a icon button (href)
<span title="Delete Task"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></span>
Here is my controller
public function destroy($idtask) {
DB::delete('delete from tasks where idtask = ?',[$idtask]);
return redirect('/todo/notstarted');
and here is my routing:
so my button is on page /todo/notstarted , when i click it it goes to /todo/notstarted/delete/1 like I want but it shows the laravel 404|Not Found page. Normally the redirect in my controller should work but for some reason it broke.
here is a picture of my folder structure of my views:
enter image description here
Hopefully someone can help!
the problem is your anchor tag's href
you should use laravel url() helper.
like the code below :
<a href="{{url('notstarted/delete/',$task->idtask)}}" style="color: #8B0000">
<span title="Delete Task"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></span>

Thymeleaf th:onclick event - calling confirm function

I am new to Thymeleaf. Recently I stumbled in the following situation. Here is a piece of my Thymeleaf html page:
<!-- an delete button link -->
<a th:href="#{/employees/delete(employeeId=${tempEmployee.emplId},firstName=${tempEmployee.firstName},lastName=${tempEmployee.lastName})}"
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm py-1 "
th:onclick="if(!(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this employee ?') )) return false" >
This code works fine as intended. However I want to add employee name as part of the confirmation. Here is the code:
<!-- an delete button link -->
<a th:href="#{/employees/delete(employeeId=${tempEmployee.emplId},firstName=${tempEmployee.firstName},lastName=${tempEmployee.lastName})}"
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm py-1 "
th:onclick="if(!(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this employee ' + '\'+${tempEmployee.firstName}+\'' +'?' ) )) return false" >
Unfortunately the result is:
Are you sure you want to delete this employee
Looks like Thymeleaf does not recognize ${tempEmployee.firstName}. It has no problem with it in th:href tag but does not like it in th:onclick.
I would appreciate if somebody can turn me into the right direction.
Not sure exactly what the problem is (though it may be related to onclick vs th:onclick. Regardless, I think a format more like this will work (with some added benefits like no JavaScript injection).
<!-- an delete button link -->
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm py-1 "
th:data-confirm-delete="|Are you sure you want to delete this employee ${tempEmployee.firstName}?|"
onclick="if (!confirm(this.getAttribute('data-confirm-delete'))) return false"
(Notice I'm using onlick and not th:onclick.
Instead of this line in above code ---onclick="if (!confirm(this.getAttribute('data-confirm-delete'))) return false">
You can write as:
onclick="return confirm(this.getAttribute('data-confirm-delete'))"

Refresh view content when there is change in database laravel

I am using laravel queue to upload a csv file. And, I have used a column completed on the database table.
So, by default the value of this column will be 0 and as soon as the job is completed this column's value will be updated to 1 for that particular row.
Similarly, during uploading phase, this value will be 2 and if some error occured during upload or if some row can't be imported then the value will be 3
On front end, I have a simple button like:
#if($r->completed == 1)
<a class="btn btn-xs btn-primary d-inline-block" href="{{url('/?property='.$r->id)}}">Property</a>
#elseif($r->completed == 2)
<a class="btn btn-xs btn-warning d-inline-block" href="#">Pending</a>
#elseif($r->completed == 3)
<a class="btn btn-xs btn-secondary d-inline-block" href="{{route('property.create',$r->id)}}">Par. Completed</a>
<a class="btn btn-xs btn-secondary d-inline-block" href="{{route('property.create',$r->id)}}">Property</a>
Yeah, its working totally fine. Here, we need to refresh to check the recent status. However, my requirement is to update the status without refreshing the page.
After some searching, I find that sending ajax request on certain interval might be an option. However, it don't seems ideal, so I don't want to go with that.
Is there any better option available? Currently, I am using jquery/javascript (not any js framework like vue,react).

Laravel: How to create link buttons on a view dynamically?

I'm making a College Administration website where a professor can log in.
I have a dashboard, where my dynamically generated button should be placed: (right now it just has dummy buttons!)
Generated by this view file, which I will have to modify soon:
<div class="container d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="grid2">
SUBCODE 1</button>
SUBCODE 2</button>
SUBCODE 3</button>
Tables in the Database:
the table iamarks contains the data (student info, and marks) that is to be displayed after /subcode/{subcode} narrows it down to records of just the students that are in the class assigned to current logged-in professor.
classroom_mappers is a table used to map a professor to a classroom with a subject. It makes sure that one classroom only has one professor for a particular subject.
the routes currently in my web.php:
route::get('/ia', 'IAController#show')->middleware('auth');
Route::get('/subcode/{subcode}', 'IAController#showTable')->middleware('auth');
...and these are the methods inside my controller:
//shows buttons to the user:
public function show(){
$subcodes = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]])
return view('ia',compact('subcodes'));
//when user clicks a button, subcode is to be generated and a table is to be shown:
//it works, I tried it by manually typing in subcode value in URL.
public function showTable($subcode){
$sem = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$division = DB::table('classroom_mappers')
->where([['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID],
$data = DB::table('iamarks')
return view('subcode',compact('data'));
My Problem:
To be able to generate the {subcode} in the URL dynamically, I want to create buttons in the dashboard using the data $subcodes. The controller hands over the $subcodes (an array of subject codes which belong to logged in professor) which are to be made into buttons from the show() method.
The buttons should have the name {subcode} and when clicked, should append the same subject code in the URL as {subcode}.
How do I make use of $subcodes and make the buttons dynamically?
How do I make sure the buttons made for one user are not visible to another user?
I managed to find the solution, thanks to Air Petr.
Apparently, you can't nest blade syntax like {{some_stuff {{ more_stuff }} }} and it generates a wrong php code. I modified the solution by Air Petr to:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="<?php echo e(url('/subcode/'.$subcode->subcode));?>">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">
echo e($subcode->subcode);
It generates the buttons perfectly. The buttons for one user are not visible to another, since I'm using PID constraint in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]).
Pass the passcodes array to view:
$subcodes = []; // Array retrieved from DB
return view('subcode', compact('subcodes'));
And in subcode.blade.php, loop through each subcode:
<div class="grid2">
#foreach($subcodes as $subcode)
<a href="{{ url('/subcode/' . $subcode->subcode) }}">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-custom-outline-primary btn-custom">SUBCODE {{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
You can loop your codes to create buttons. Something like this (it's for "blade" template engine):
<div class="grid2">
#foreach ($subcodes as $subcode)
{{ $subcode->subcode }}</button>
Since you're using PID constrain in a query (['PID','=', auth()->user()->PID]), you'll get buttons for that specific PID. So there's no problem.

Codeigniter redirect design fail

So i have and action button of edit and the fields to be edited on the same page using php. my problem is when i reload the edit button it will come back to the same page and add an additional url data.
function view_branch()
on top is my original method which views my html page view_branch
on the bottom is the button that reloads the page go to controller and finds the edit_branch method
$row[] = '<td class="w3-row" >
<form method="post" class="w3-half"
action="edit_branch/'.$foo->BranchId.'" id="Edit">
<button class="btn btn-default">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>
so this button will go to my controller with the method name edit_branch that holds
public function edit_branch()
what will happen is that it creates another url that would cause and error
two url edit_branch
You could construct the url differently using site_url(). Try this:
$row[] = '<td class="w3-row" >
<form method="post"
action="' . site_url('admin_dashboard/edit_branch/'.$foo->BranchId) . '"
Note: make sure the URL Helper is loaded before using the site_url() function
