How to make self hosted prebid server work with AMP? - self-hosting

The github repo does not mention any thing on how to use the self hosted server work with AMP . They have given an endpoint to access after storing the request in the server:
/openrtb2/amp?tag_id={ID} //id is the file name of request stored.
I do get the empty targeting response(since server is on local setup).But how will this data reach the amp page? where should this endpoint be requested?
I read in AMP docs that user generated js doesn't work in AMP. I also setup rtc config on amp ad tag and adding vendor as per vendor config(callout-vendor.js)which sends request to the bidder's prebid server url. For example:
If i add appnexus in rtc-config vendors, the request is getting sent to:{id of tag}
How do i make the request to go to self hosted prebid server url

ok, figured this thing out..
Doc reference:
So, first we make an amp-ad tag wherein we have rtc-config attribute. Since, we are using our own server, we'll need to add it in url property as mentioned in that example in doc.
<amp-ad width="320" height="50"
The targeting data returned by server will be fetched by amp-ad tag and will be appended to adserver request.
Additionally, we can make a pull request to amphtml repo on github to add our server url in callout-vendor.js file
file reference:
Then, the amp-ad tag will look like this:
<amp-ad width="320" height="50"
rtc-config={"vendors": {"serverAliasAsSetInCalloutVendorFile": {"MACRO1": "MacroValue"}}>


Full Media URL in Strapi

The Strapi API responds the media URLs as something like "url:'/uploads/thumbnail.png'".
I would like to get the complete URL that links to my file as value for "url". For example: "url:''"
The documentation also shows the full URL as response. How can I achieve this?
The full URLs come from using an upload provider such as AWS-S3 or Cloudinary. The local provider doesn't support full URLs at the moment.
There are some potentials reasons why you shouldn’t store a full URL, and respond with a full URL. I won’t dive into those reasons.
I suggest creating the entire request/response, or creating a middleware component to intercept the response.
Then you can modify the original url value with the site’s URL. Looping through the results with something like:
const serverHost = strapi.config.get('', 'defaultValueIfUndefined');
url = serverHost + url;
See the following docs for more details:

Resource maps Show to /:id instead of /:id/show

Don't know why this is happening, but when click on show button, the server will receive a GET request of url /:id instead of /:id/show. The REST client is jsonServerRestClient. I use Resource component as the document describes. like:
<Resource list={MyList} edit={MyEdit} show={MyShow} />
If you look at the docs of jsonServerRestClient
You will note that the GET_ONE rest type will generate /:id url to the server only. Show is not a rest type.

Swagger page being redirected from https to http

AWS Elastic Load Balancer listening through HTTPS (443) using SSL and redirecting requests to EC2 instances through HTTP (80), with IIS hosting a .net webapi application, using swashbuckle to describe the API methods.
Home page of the API ( has a link to Swagger documentation which can bee read as when you hove over on the link.
If I click on the link it redirects the request on the browser to which displays a Page Not Found error
but if I type directly in the browser URL then it loads Swagger page, but then, when expanding the methods an click on "Try it out", the Request URL starts with "http" again.
This configuration is only for Stage and Production environments. Lower environments don't use the load balancer and just use http.
Any ideas on how to stop https being redirected to http? And how make swagger to display Request URLs using https?
Thank you
I'm using a custom index.html file
Seems is a known issue for Swashbuckle. Quote:
"By default, the service root url is inferred from the request used to access the docs. However, there may be situations (e.g. proxy and load-balanced environments) where this does not resolve correctly. You can workaround this by providing your own code to determine the root URL."
What I did was provide the root url and/or scheme to use based on the environment
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.RootUrl(req => GetRootUrlFromAppConfig(req));
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
public static string[] GetEnvironmentScheme()
public static string GetRootUrlFromAppConfig(HttpRequestMessage request)
The way I would probably do it is having a main file, and generating during the build of your application a different swagger file based on the environnement parameters for schemes and hosts.
That way, you have to manage only one swagger file accross your environments, and you only have to manage a few extra environnement properties, host and schemes (if you don't already have them)
Since I don't know about swashbuckle, I cannot answer for sure at your first question (the redirect)

How can I rewrite URLs in the Zeus web server for Mobile useragent?

I need to redirect anyone with a mobile user agent to a file called mobile.php.
My web hosting provider, Net Registry uses the Zeus web server.
Here's the script I've written from my research
# get the document root
map path into SCRATCH:DOCROOT from /
match IN:User-Agent into $ with iPad|iPod|iPhone|Android|s+Mobile
if matched then
set OUT:Location = /mobile.php
I used the instructions on my host's site.
I pasted that into their console and it has worked to do redirects. Net registry have some odd console thing that you submit and it takes 10 minutes to update the zeus server config (annoying as hell).
Anyway my issue is that it redirects me to the wrong location:
So if you visit the site, with a user agent string that contains ipad|ipod|android|\s+mobile then you will trigger it ()
It takes me here:,%20catalog/index.php
I can't work out how to fix that, or why that happens because at the moment this file exists:
as does this one: Contents of this file are:
<?php header("Location: catalog/index.php");
Any ideas on how I can make this work more like an apache .htaccess url Rewrite?
the official Zeus documentation
Fixed it by changing
set OUT:Location = /mobile.php
set URL = /mobile.php
From the manual...
Using Request Rewrite Scripts
To use the request rewriting functionality, create a script in the Zeus Request
Rewrite Scripting Language. The script contains instructions telling the
Virtual Server how to change the URL or headers of requests that match specified criteria.
The Virtual Server compiles the script, and (if the rewrite functionality is
enabled) uses it every time it receives a request. It runs the commands in the
script, changing the URL if it matches the specified criteria. Once the script is
finished, the Virtual Server continues processing the resulting URL.Zeus Web Server 4.3 User Guide
142 Configuring URL Handling
When changing the URL, the rewrite functionality can only change the local
part of it, that is, the part of the URL after the host name. For example, if a
user requests, the rewrite
functionality can only make changes to /sales/uk.html. This means that
you cannot use the rewrite functionality to change the request to refer to a
file on another Virtual Server.
For example, the following script illustrates how to change requests for any
HTML files in the /sales directory so that the user receives them from the
/newsales directory instead:
match URL into $ with ^/sales/(.).html
if matched set URL=/newsales/$1.html
The rewrite functionality can also change the HTTP headers that were received
with a request, and create new HTTP headers to be returned to the user. For
example, the following script changes the HTTP host header, so that a request
for is redirected to the Subserver
match URL into $ with ^/([^/]+)/(.)$
if matched then
set IN:Host = www.$
set URL = /$2

Spring MVC -> dependent on URL display welcome page

I have a Spring MVC application (version 3.0.5.RELEASE) and I have this in my mvc-config.xml:
<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="welcome"/>
So requests to "/" are forwarded to the welcome view welcome.jsp.
This means in my case, calling the URL will forward to the welcome.jsp. It's fine, but I have to extend it. Besides the URL, I have the URL With this URL, the whole application should be the same, except the welcome page.
Calling, I want to have the welcome-test.jsp page instead of the welcome.jsp.
So, how can I do this? I have to know from which subomain (myproject-test or myproject-anothertest) the user calls the site and then show him welcome.jsp or welcome-test.jsp.
Does anyone know how this can be done?
Thank you in advance & Best Regards, Tim.
The tag <mvc:view-controller> maps to ParameterizableViewController
You could inherit your own controller class from its parent, AbstractController, and use the request parameter in method handleRequestInternal to deduce which hostname is being used to access your page, then use the appropriate view.
HTTP request header Host contains (if using HTTP/1.1) the "virtual" server name that is being used to access your page. Older HTTP/1.0 protocol does not have the Host header, and some proxies map traffic to HTTP/1.0, in that case you will not be able to distinguish between the traffic using different names.
In JSP, you could use <%=request.getServerName()%> to access the Host header value. See doc for getServerName.
