I put the Pyro4 configuration as this in the starting part of my code:
Pyro4.config.THREADPOOL_SIZE = 1
Pyro4.config.THREADPOOL_SIZE_MIN = 1
I check if I tried to run two client code at the same time, it will say ' rejected: no free workers, increase server threadpool size'. It looks like the setting is working, but when I open the console to check the pyro configuration using "python -m Pyro4.configuration", it returns:
Does someone know why?
When you run python -m Pyro4.configuration, it will simply print the default settings (influenced only by any environment variables you may have set). I'm not sure why you think that this should know about the settings you added in your own code.
I'm wondering if anyone has more details on how to schedule Joomla to be set to "Offline/Maintenance Mode" at a specific date and time. I found this post here on stack overflow and I'm wondering if anyone has been successful in either (1) implementing a custom plugin to add this functionality, or (2) via a script that sets the site into offline/maintenance mode and perhaps a cronjob to run the script at specific time or if (3) maybe there is an extension that already exists that simply adds this offline/maintenance mode scheduling feature.
Based on the previous post I linked to above I'm not sure if a plugin would work or how best to go about the script and cronjob technique. From my understanding based on the responses in the post, it sounded like the script and cronjob would be the only way to accomplish this. If someone can let me know if they were successful implementing this and how that would be great or any suggestions or direction on how to go about it would be helpful.
Using a plugin for such little would not worth it in my opinion.
I would rather use a little script like:
// Make sure this is only called through command line
if (php_sapi_name() !== "cli") die('Only command line');
// Replace by your joomla configuration file path
$configuration_file_path = '/var/www/joomla/configuration.php';
if (!empty($argv[1])) {
$offline = 1;
} else {
$offline = 0;
// Retrieve configuration file content
$configuration_content = file_get_contents($configuration_file_path);
// Replace the offline line by the calculated value
$configuration_content = preg_replace('/(.*)public \$offline =(.*)/m', '$1public $offline = \'' . $offline . '\';' , $configuration_content);
// Write back the configuration file
file_put_contents($configuration_file_path, $configuration_content);
This script can be called through the command line:
php offline.php 1 #to enable offline status
php offline.php 0 #to disable offline status
If you need to run it through a cronjob by editing /etc/crontab or add it in your hosting settings:
# Offline at 4AM each day
0 4 * * * www-data php /path/of/your/script/offline.php 1 >> /dev/null 2>&1
# Online at 4:05AM each day
5 4 * * * www-data php /path/of/your/script/offline.php 0 >> /dev/null 2>&1
I am using a cluster (similar to slurm but using condor) and I wanted to run my code using VS code (its debugger specially) and it's remote sync extension.
I tried running it using my debugger in VS code but it didn't quite work as expected.
First I logged in to the cluster using VS code and remote sync as usual and that works just fine. Then I go ahead an get an interactive job with the command:
condor_submit -i request_cpus=4 request_gpus=1
then that successfully gives a node/gpu to use.
Once I have that I try to run the debugger but somehow it logs me out from the remote session (and it looks like it goes to the head node from the print statements). That's NOT what I want. I want to run my job in the interactive session in the node/gpu I was allocated. Why is VS code running it in the wrong place? How can I run it in the right place?
Some of the output from the integrated terminal:
source /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/activate
/home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/python /home/miranda9/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.2.60897-dev/pythonFiles/lib/python/new_ptvsd/wheels/ptvsd/launcher /home/miranda9/automl-meta-learning/automl/automl/meta_optimizers/differentiable_SGD.py
conda activate base
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ source /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/activate
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ /home/miranda9/miniconda3/envs/automl-meta-learning/bin/python /home/miranda9/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2020.2.60897-dev/pythonFiles/lib/python/new_ptvsd/wheels/ptvsd/launcher /home/miranda9/automl-meta-learning/automl/automl/meta_optimizers/differentiable_SGD.py
--> main in differentiable SGD
hello world torch_utils!
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
Files already downloaded and verified
-> initialization of DiMO done!
---> i = 0, iteration/it 1 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.43514633178711
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.43514633178711
[e=0,it=1], train_loss: 2.304989814758301, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 1, iteration/it 2 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.470401763916016
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.470401763916016
[e=0,it=2], train_loss: 2.3068909645080566, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 2, iteration/it 3 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.548133850097656
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.548133850097656
[e=0,it=3], train_loss: 2.3019633293151855, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 0, iteration/it 1 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.65604019165039
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.65604019165039
[e=1,it=1], train_loss: 2.308889150619507, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 1, iteration/it 2 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.441967010498047
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.441967010498047
[e=1,it=2], train_loss: 2.300947666168213, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
---> i = 2, iteration/it 3 about to start
lp_norms(mdl) = 18.545459747314453
lp_norms(meta_optimized mdl) = 18.545459747314453
[e=1,it=3], train_loss: 2.30662202835083, train error: -1, test loss: -1, test error: -1
-> DiMO done training!
--> Done with Main
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ conda activate base
(automl-meta-learning) miranda9~/automl-meta-learning $ hostname vision-sched.cs.illinois.edu
Doesn't even run without debugging mode
The problem is more serious than I thought. I can't run the debugger in the interactive session but I can't even "Run Without Debugging" without it switching to the Python Debug Console on it's own. So that means I have to run things manually with python main.py but that won't allow me to use the variable pane...which is a big loss!
What I am doing is switching my terminal to the conoder_ssh_to_job and then clicking the button Run Without Debugging (or ^F5 or Control + fn + f5) and although I made sure to be on the interactive session at the bottom in my integrated window it goes by itself to the Python Debugger window/pane which is not connected to the interactive session I requested from my cluster...
gitissue: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/1722
quora: https://qr.ae/TqCiu8
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/vscode/comments/f1giwi/how_to_run_code_in_a_debugging_session_from_vs/
You can try reversing the order of operations; first submitting the job, obtaining the name of the compute node allocated to you, then instructing VSCode to connect to the compute node rather than the login node.
So first would be
condor_submit -i request_cpus=4 request_gpus=1
and noting the name of the compute node. Assuming node001 in the following.
Then, open VSCode on your laptop, click on the Remote Development extension icon and choose "Remote SSH: Connect to Host...". Choose "+ Add new SSH host...". In the "Enter SSH command" box, add the following:
ssh -J vision-sched.cs.illinois.edu miranda9#node001
The VSCode will ask you which SSH configuration file it should update. Make sure to review that configuration: specify the SSH keys if needed, the user name, etc. Also make sure you have the vision-sched.cs.illinois.edu correctly configured in that file.
Then you can choose that host to connect to. VSCode will then execute on the compute node, and will be disconnected when the allocation finishes.
I stumbled upon a related issue recently (I wanted to use VsCode interactive Python capabilities on a compute node) and the above weren't working but this solved it:
ssh to the remote cluster ssh cluster
inside the remote cluster, add my public key to the authorized keys, so typically append the content of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (local machine) to .ssh/authorized_keys (remote cluster)
allocate some resources inside the cluster (this particular cluster uses slurm and not condor so in this case I use something like srun --pty bash)
get the name of the compute node, typically visible in the command line as username#nodename). For argument's sake, let's imagine I get a generic name like node001
for simplicity on my local machine, modify the ~/.ssh/config file and edit it as:
Host cluster
# stuff written
Host node*
HostName %h
ProxyJump cluster
Now I'm able to ssh to it from my local machine (as long as the compute node is running) with ssh node001.
In VsCode this boils down to
CTRL+P > Remote-SSH: Connect to Host...
type in the name of the node, here node001
you get connected to the node, now every interactive python you run (including jupyter and jupytext) will have access to your allocated resources
I don't know how generic this solution is, I hope it'll help at least somebody !
Here is a simpler workaround:
on the remote server create a file named bash somewhere for example /home/myuser/pathto/bash
make it executable using chmod +x bash
write salloc [your desired options for the interactive job] in the bash file
In vscode Settings search for Automation Shell: Linux and click on the "Edit in settings.js"
change the line to "terminal.integrated.automationShell.linux": "/home/myuser/pathto/bash" and save it (use the absolute path. for example ~/pathto/bash didn't work for me)
Done :)
now every time you run the debugger it will first ask for the interactive job and the debugger will run on it. but take in to consider that this is also applied to tasks you run in tasks.json.
also you can use srun instead of salloc. for example srun --pty -t 2:00:00 --mem=8G bash
I want to use Cloudera's MapReduceIndexerTool to understand how morphlines work. I created a basic morphline that just reads lines from the input file and I tried to run that tool using that command:
hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/contrib/mr/search-mr-*-job.jar org.apache.solr.hadoop.MapReduceIndexerTool \
--morphline-file morphline.conf \
--output-dir hdfs:///hostname/dir/ \
--dry-run true
Hadoop is installed on the same machine where I run this command.
The error I'm getting is the following:
net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParserException: Cannot write parent of file: hdfs:/hostname/dir
at org.apache.solr.hadoop.PathArgumentType.verifyCanWriteParent(PathArgumentType.java:200)
The /dir directory has 777 permissions on it, so it is definitely allowed to write into it. I don't know what I should do to allow it to write into that output directory.
I'm new to HDFS and I don't know how I should approach this problem. Logs don't offer me any info about that.
What I tried until now (with no result):
created a hierarchy of 2 directories (/dir/dir2) and put 777 permissions on both of them
changed the output-dir schema from hdfs:///... to hdfs://... because all the examples in the --help menu are built that way, but this leads to an invalid schema error
Thank you.
It states 'cannot write parent of file'. And the parent in your case is /. Take a look into the source:
private void verifyCanWriteParent(ArgumentParser parser, Path file) throws ArgumentParserException, IOException {
Path parent = file.getParent();
if (parent == null || !fs.exists(parent) || !fs.getFileStatus(parent).getPermission().getUserAction().implies(FsAction.WRITE)) {
throw new ArgumentParserException("Cannot write parent of file: " + file, parser);
In the message printed is file, in your case hdfs:/hostname/dir, so file.getParent() will be /.
Additionally you can try the permissions with hadoop fs command, for example you can try to create a zero length file in the path:
hadoop fs -touchz /test-file
I solved that problem after days of working on it.
The problem is with that line --output-dir hdfs:///hostname/dir/.
First of all, there are not 3 slashes at the beginning as I put in my continuous trying to make this work, there are only 2 (as in any valid HDFS URI). Actually I put 3 slashes because otherwise, the tool throws an invalid schema exception! You can easily see in this code that the schema check is done before the verifyCanWriteParent check.
I tried to get the hostname by simply running the hostname command on the Cent OS machine that I was running the tool on. This was the main issue. I analyzed the /etc/hosts file and I saw that there are 2 hostnames for the same local IP. I took the second one and it worked. (I also attached the port to the hostname, so the final format is the following: --output-dir hdfs://correct_hostname:8020/path/to/file/from/hdfs
This error is very confusing because everywhere you look for the namenode hostname, you will see the same thing that the hostname command returns. Moreover, the errors are not structured in a way that you can diagnose the problem and take a logical path to solve it.
Additional information regarding this tool and debugging it
If you want to see the actual code that runs behind it, check the cloudera version that you are running and select the same branch on the official repository. The master is not up to date.
If you want to just run this tool to play with the morphline (by using the --dry-run option) without connecting to Solr and playing with it, you can't. You have to specify a Zookeeper endpoint and a Solr collection or a solr config directory, which involves additional work to research on. This is something that can be improved to this tool.
You don't need to run the tool with -u hdfs, it works with a regular user.
Okay, hopefully I can explain this correctly as I have no idea what's causing this or how to resolve this.
For some reason bash commands (on a CentOS 6.x server) are displaying more information than "normally" and that causes issues with certain scripts. I have no clue if there is a name for this, but hopefully someone knows a solution for this.
First example.
Correct / good server:
[root#goodserver ~]# vzctl enter 3567
entered into CT 3567
[root#example /]#
(this is the correct behaviour)
Incorrect / bad server:
[root#badserver /]# vzctl enter 3127
Entering CT
entered into CT 3127
Open /dev/pts/0
[root#example /]#
With the "bad" server it will display more information as usual, like:
Entering CT
Open /dev/pts/0
It's like it parsing extra information on what it's doing.
Ofcourse the above is purely something cosmetic, however with several bash scripts we use, these issues are really issues.
A part of the script we use, uses the following command (there are more, but this is mainly a example of what's wrong):
DOMAIN=`vzctl exec $VEID 'hostname -d'`
The result of the above information is parsed in /etc/named.conf.
On the GOOD server it would be added in the named.conf like this:
zone "example.com" {
type master;
file "example.com";
allow-transfer {;;
The above is correct.
On the BAD server it would be added in the named.conf like this:
zone "Executing command: hostname -d
example.com" {
type master;
file "Executing command: hostname -d
allow-transfer {;;
So it's add stuff of the action it does, in this example "Executing command: hostname -d"
Another example here when I run the command on a good server and on the bad server.
Bad server:
[root#bad-server /]# DOMAIN=`vzctl exec 3333 'hostname -d'`
[root#bad-server /]# echo $DOMAIN
Executing command: hostname -d example.com
Good server:
[root#good-server ~]# DOMAIN=`vzctl exec 4444 'hostname -d'`
[root#good-server ~]# echo $DOMAIN
My knowledge is limited, but I have tried several things checking rsyslog and the grub.conf, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.
I have no clue why it's displaying the extra information.
Probably it's something simple / stupid, but I have been trying to solve this for hours now and I really have no clue...
So any help is really appreciated.
Added information:
Both servers use: kernel.printk = 7 4 1 7
(I don't know if that's useful)
Well (thanks to Aaron for pointing me in the right direction) I finally found the little culprit which was causing all the issues I experienced with this script (which worked for every other server, so no need to change that obviously).
The issues were caused by the VERBOSE leven set in vz.conf (located in /etc/vz/ directory). There is an option in there called "VERBOSE" and in my case it was set to 3.
According to OpenVZ's website it does the following:
Increments logging level up from the default. Can be used multiple times.
Default value is set to the value of VERBOSE parameter in the global
configuration file vz.conf(5), or to 0 if not set by VERBOSE parameter.
After I changed VERBOSE=3 to VERBOSE=0 my script worked fine once again (as it did for every other server). :-)
So a big shoutout to Aaron for pointing me in the right direction. The answer is easy when you know where to look!
Sorry to say, but I am kinda disappointed by ndim's reaction. This is the 2nd time he was very unhelpful and rude in his response after that. He clearly didn't read the issue I posted correctly. Oh well.
I would make sure to properly parse the output of the command. In this case, we are only interested in lines of the form
entered into CT 12345
One way of doing this would be to pipe everything through sed and having sed print only the number when the line looks as above (untested, and I always forget which braces/brackets/parens need a backslash in front of them):
whateverthecommand | sed -n 's/^entered into CT ([0-9]{1,})$/\1/p'
I need to recover the content of the show log module of Omnet++/Tkenv into a file, I added in the omnetpp.ini:
cmdenv-express-mode = false
cmdenv-output-file = log.txt
but I have two types of problems:
1) after the simulation, I did not find the "log.txt" If I do not create it
2) and when I created it before launching the simulation under ../omnetpp-4.6/log.txt also I find it empty
I used EV << to display the content of variables that I used, I need to resolve this problem in order to analyze the traffic so how can I do that please?
You have to start your simulation in Cmdenv mode. To do that go to Run | Run Configurations | select your configuration, then select Command line as User interface. The log file is created in simulations directory by default.